Всего в списке более 50 новых видов и были восстановлены рода Nylanderia, gen. rev., Paraparatrechina, gen. rev. & stat. nov. (Lapolla, Brady & Shattuck, 2010). Список первоисточников см.ниже >>>.
- Aenictus jarujini sp. nov. (Jaitrong & Yamane, 2010)
- Asphinctopone pilosa sp. nov. (Hawkes, 2010)
- Azteca andreae Guerrero, Delabie & Dejean
- Azteca diabolica Guerrero, Delabie & Dejean
- Azteca laurae Guerrero, Delabie & Dejean
- Azteca linamariae Guerrero, Delabie & Dejean
- Azteca snellingi Guerrero, Delabie & Dejean
- Cataglyphis pubescens sp. nov. (Radchenko, 2010)
- Cataglyphis stigmatus sp. nov.
- Crematogaster mahery Blaimer (Blaimer, 2010)
- Crematogaster malala Blaimer
- Crematogaster sabatra Blaimer
- Crematogaster sisa Blaimer
- Eurhopalothrix elke Mezger & Pfeiffer
- Lasiomyrma wiwatwitayai sp. nov. (Jaitrong, 2010)
- Mycocepurus castrator Rabeling & Bacci
- Myrmicocrypta bucki Sosa-Calvo, J., Schultz, T. R.
- Myrmicocrypta camargoi Sosa-Calvo, J., Schultz, T. R.
- Myrmicocrypta erectapilosa Sosa-Calvo, J., Schultz, T. R.
Nylanderia, gen. rev. (Lapolla, Brady & Shattuck, 2010)
- Nylanderia vetula LaPolla & Dlussky, 2010
- Pachycondyla nakasujii Yashiro, Matsuura, Guinard, Terayama & Dunn
Paraparatrechina, gen. rev. & stat. nov. (Lapolla, Brady & Shattuck, 2010)
- Paraparatrechina brunnella LaPolla & Cheng
- Paraparatrechina concinnata LaPolla & Cheng
- Paraparatrechina gnoma LaPolla & Cheng
- Paraparatrechina myops LaPolla & Fisher
- Paraparatrechina ocellatula LaPolla & Fisher
- Paraparatrechina oreias LaPolla & Cheng
- Paraparatrechina splendida LaPolla & Cheng
- Paraparatrechina umbranatis LaPolla & Cheng
- Plagiolepis wheeleri Dlussky
- Plagiolepis paradoxa Dlussky
- Pyramica acarai Sosa-Calvo, Schultz & LaPolla
- Pyramica dahlanae Sosa-Calvo, Schultz & LaPolla
- Pyramica mariae Sosa-Calvo, Schultz & LaPolla
- Pyramica royi Sosa-Calvo, Schultz & LaPolla
- Pyramica waiwai Sosa-Calvo, Schultz & LaPolla
- Tapinoma schreiberi Hamm (Hamm, 2010)
- Temnothorax angulohumerus (Zhou & al, 2010)
- Temnothorax leyeensis Zhou & al
- Temnothorax maoerensis Zhou & al
- Temnothorax orchidus Zhou & al
- Temnothorax ruginosus Zhou & al
- Temnothorax shannxiensis Zhou & al
- Temnothorax striatus Zhou & al
- Temnothorax zhejiangensis Zhou & al
- Tetramorium bendai Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium boehmei Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium boltoni Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium intermedium Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium kakamega Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium mkomazi Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium philippwagneri Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium renae Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium robertsoni Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium rubrum Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium susannae Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium tanaense Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Tetramorium trirugosum Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters sp. n.
- Vombisidris philippina Zettel & Sorger
BONNIE B. BLAIMER. 2010. Taxonomy and Natural History of the Crematogaster (Decacrema)-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Madagascar. "Zootaxa", 2714: 1–39. (6 Dec. 2010).
Новые виды и биология муравьёв Crematogaster (Decacrema) Мадагаскара. Описаны 4 новых для науки вида: Crematogaster mahery sp. nov., C. malala sp. nov., C. sabatra sp. nov. and C. sisa sp. nov.
Dlussky G. M. 2010. Ants of the genus Plagiolepis Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Late Eocene ambers of Europe. Paleontological journal (Online) Y. 2010, vol. 44, No. 5, pages 546-555.
Род Plagiolepis Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) ревизован из позднего Эоцена: Балтийского янтаря, и других янтарей Европы (Bitterfeld, Rovno, Scandinavian). Описаны два новых вида, Plagiolepis wheeleri sp. nov. and P. paradoxa sp. nov.. A lectotype of Plagiolepis klinsmanni Mayr, 1868 and neotypes of P. kuenowi Mayr, 1868 and P. solitaria Mayr, 1868 are designated. Rhopalomyrmex pygmaeus Mayr, 1868 (= Plagiolepis balticus Dlussky, 1997) is recognized as a new synonym of P. kuenowi Mayr, 1868. A key for identification of the Late Eocene species of Plagiolepis from the European ambers is provided.
Fernandez, F. 2010. A new species of Carebara from the Phillipines with notes and comments on the systematics of the Carebara genus group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Caldasia 32(1): 191-203.
Francisco Hita GARCIA, GEORG FISCHER & MARCELL K. PETERS (Germany). 2010. Taxonomy of the Tetramorium weitzeckeri species group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Afrotropical zoogeographical region. "Zootaxa", 2704: 1–90 (3 Dec. 2010) 49 plates; 39 references.
Проведене ревизия таксономии муравьёв группы Tetramorium weitzeckeri species group Афротропики на основании морфологии и морфометрии рабочей касты. Выявлено 26 видов, из которых 12 описаны как новые для науки: Tetramorium bendai sp. n., Tetramorium boltoni sp. n., Tetramorium intermedium sp. n.,
Tetramorium kakamega sp. n., Tetramorium mkomazi sp. n., Tetramorium philippwagneri sp. n., Tetramorium renae. n., Tetramorium robertsoni sp. n., Tetramorium rubrum sp. n., Tetramorium susannae sp. n., Tetramorium tanaense sp. n., and Tetramorium trirugosum sp. n.. Вид Tetramorium akengense (Wheeler, W.M. 1922) восстановлен из синонимии, а таксоны Tetramorium tersum Santschi, Tetramorium (Xiphomyrmex) kivuense Stitz, и Xiphmyrmex kivuense st. atrinodis
Santschi синонимизированы с видом Tetramorium edouardi Forel. All other earlier synonymisations are confirmed here. The species group is redefined and subdivided into three species complexes which are defined and discussed:
the Tetramorium edouardi complex (9 species), the Tetramorium muralti complex (8 species), and the
Tetramorium weitzeckeri complex (9 species). An illustrated identification key to the Afrotropical species is presented, and for each species diagnosis, description, and taxonomic discussion are provided. Biogeography and important morphological characters of diagnostic value are discussed.
Guerrero, R. J., J. H. C. Delabie and A. Dejean. 2010. Taxonomic contribution to the aurita group of the ant genus Azteca (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 19(1): 51-65.
Hamm, C. A. 2010. Multivariate discrimination and description of a new species of Tapinoma from the Western United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103(1): 20-29.
JAITRONG, Weeyawat; YAMANE, Seiki. 2010. The army ant Aenictus silvestrii and its related species in Southeast Asia, with a description of a new species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Aenictinae). "Entomological Science", 2010, Volume 13, no 3, Pages 328-333.
LaPOLLA John S., Sean G. BRADY and Steven O. SHATTUCK. 2010. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Prenolepis genus-group of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Systematic Entomology. Volume 35, pp. 118–131.
Впервые проведена ревизия таксономии и филогении родовой группы муравьев муравьев Prenolepis genus-group: Euprenolepis, Paratrechina, Prenolepis и Pseudolasius, и восстановлены рода Nylanderia, gen. rev., Paraparatrechina, gen. rev. & stat. nov.
обзор здесь >>>
LaPolla, J. S., C. H. Cheng and B. L. Fisher. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy Regions. Zootaxa 2387: 1-27.
Mezger, D. and M. Pfeiffer. 2010. Eurhopalothrix elke, a new species from Borneo, and a key to the species of the E. platisquama group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 13: 133-139.
Rabeling, Ch. and M. Bacci. 2010. A new workerless inquiline in the Lower Attini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a discussion of social parasitism in fungus-growing ants. Systematic Entomology 35: 379-392.
Описан новый вид социальнопаразитических муравьёв Mycocepurus castrator Rabeling & Bacci.
Alexander RADCHENKO and Omid PAKNIA 2010. Two new species of the genus Cataglyphis Foerster, 1850 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Iran. Annales Zoologici. 2010,
(Warszawa), Volume 60 (1), Pages 69-76.
Описаны 2 новых вида муравьёв-бегунков рода Cataglyphis: Cataglyphis stigmatus sp. nov. (Иранское побережье Персидского залива) и C. pubescens sp. nov. (Центральный Иран).
обзор здесь >>>
Sosa-Calvo, J.; Schultz, T. R. 2010. Three Remarkable New Fungus-Growing Ant Species of the Genus Myrmicocrypta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), With a Reassessment of the Characters That Define the Genus and Its Position Within the Attini. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Volume 103, Number 2, March 2010, pp. 181-195 (15).
Описаны 3 новых вида муравьев-грибководов: Myrmicocrypta erectapilosa sp. nov., Myrmicocrypta bucki sp. nov., Myrmicocrypta camargoi sp. nov. из Бразилии и Перу.
Sosa-Calvo, J., T. R. Schultz and J. S. LaPolla. 2010. A review of the dacetine ants of Guyana (Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 19: 12-43.
Описаны 5 новых вида муравьев: Pyramica acarai Sosa-Calvo, Schultz & LaPolla, Pyramica dahlanae, Pyramica mariae, Pyramica royi, Pyramica waiwai из Гайаны.
Yashiro, T., K. Matsuura and B. Guinard. 2010. On the evolution of the species complex Pachycondyla chinensis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae), including the origin of its invasive form and description of a new species. Zootaxa 2685: 39-50.
Zettel, H. and D. M. Sorger. 2010. On the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Philippine Islands: IV. The genus Vombisidris Bolton 1991. Entomologica Austriaca 17: 37-44.
Shanyi Zhou, Jianhua Huang, Daojian Yu & Zhongjian Liu. 2010. Eight New Species and Three Newly Recorded Species of The Ant Genus Temnothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) From the Chinese Mainland, With a Key. "Sociobiology", 2010, Volume 56, no 1, Pages 7-26.
Из Китая описаны 8 новых для науки видов муравьёв рода Temnothorax.
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Количество видов
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Кто больше описал новых видов
и новых родов
Подсемейства (и крупнейшие рода) |
- Myrmicinae (5864) - Pheidole (1000), Strumigenys (500), Crematogaster (450), Tetramorium (420)
- Formicinae (2809) - Camponotus (1000), Cataglyphis (80), Polyrhachis (500), Formica (300), Lasius (100)
- Ponerinae (1365) - Leptogenys (200), Pachycondyla (200), Hypoponera (150)
- Dolichoderinae (663) - Dolichoderus (150), Azteca (70), Tapinoma (60)
- Ectatomminae (258) - Gnamptogenys (150), Rhytidoponera (100)
- Pseudomyrmicinae (250) - Pseudomyrmex (150), Tetraponera (100)
- Cerapachyinae (200) - Cerapachys (150), Simopone, Sphinctomyrmex
- Ecitoninae (152) - Neivamyrmex (130), Eciton
- Aenictinae (112) - Aenictus (112)
- Amblyoponinae (99) - Amblyopona (90), Adetomyrma (1)
- Myrmeciinae (90) - Myrmecia (89), Nothomyrmecia (1)
- Proceratiinae (64) - Proceratium
- Dorylinae (61) - Dorylus
- Leptanillinae (50)
- Heteroponerinae (21)
- Leptanilloidinae (7)
- Aenictogitoninae (7)
- Aneuretinae (6) - 1 современный вид Aneuretus simoni Emery 1893
- Agroecomyrmecinae (2) - 1 современный вид Tatuidris tatusia Brown & Kempf, 1968
- Paraponerinae (2) - 1 современный вид Paraponera clavata Fabricius 1775
- Apomyrminae (1) - Apomyrma stygia Brown, Gotwald & Levieux 1971
- Вымершие - Armaniinae, Brownimeciinae, Formiciinae, Sphecomyrminae
- Синонимизированные - Apomyrminae, Nothomyrmeciinae, Paleosminthurinae, Prionomyrmecinae
Трибы (и крупнейшие рода) (рода по алфавиту, по числу видов) |
- Camponotini (1500) - Camponotus (1000), Polyrhachis (500)
- Pheidolini (1300) - Pheidole (1000), Aphaenogaster (170), Messor (100)
- Ponerini (1000) - Leptogenys (200), Pachycondyla (200), Hypoponera (150), Anochetus (100)
- Solenopsidini (971) - Monomorium (360), Solenopsis (200), Carebara (=Oligomyrmex, 100)
- Dacetini (890) - Strumigenys (500), Pyramica (340),
- Dolichoderini (673) - Dolichoderus (150), Azteca (70), Tapinoma (60)
- Formicoxenini (651) - Leptothorax и Temnothorax = 350, Podomyrma (50), Cardiocondyla (50)
- Tetramoriini (460) - Tetramorium (420)
- Crematogastrini (450) - Crematogaster (450)
- Formicini (400) - Formica (300), Cataglyphis (65), Myrmecocystus (30)
- Plagiolepidini (300) - Lepisiota (=Acantholepis, 65), Acropyga (60), Plagiolepis (60)
- Lasiini (267) - Lasius (100), Paratrechina (100)
- Pseudomyrmecini (258) - Pseudomyrmex (150), Tetraponera (100)
- Myrmicini (253) - Myrmica (170), Pogonomyrmex (60)
- Ectatommini (251) - Gnamptogenys (150), Rhytidoponera (100)
- Attini (240) - Trachymyrmex (50), Cyphomyrmex (40), Acromyrmex (30), Apterostigma (30)
- Stenammini (228)
- Cephalotini (180)
- Cerapachyini (178)
- Iridomyrmecini (168)
- Ecitonini (150)
- Aenictini (112)
- Myrmecinini (108)
- Proceratiini (105)
- Amblyoponini (99)
- Myrmeciini (89)
- Basicerotini (67)
- Myrmicariini (67)
- Cataulacini (65)
- Dorylini (61)
- Meranoplini (60)
- Leptanillini (46)
- Platythyreini (38)
- Myrmoteratini (32)
- Melophorini (31)
- Adelomyrmecini (26)
- Acanthostichini (22)
- Heteroponerini (22)
- Blepharidattini (18)
- Metaponini (17)
- Probolomyrmecini (16)
- Oecophyllini (14)
- Myrmecorhynchini (13)
- Melissotarsini (11)
- Cylindromyrmecini (10)
- Paratopulini (10)
- Gesomyrmecini (8)
- Leptanilloidini (8)
- Thaumatomyrmecini (8)
- Aenictogitonini (7)
- Typhlomyrmecini (7)
- Aneuretini (6) - 1 современный вид Aneuretus simoni Emery 1893
- Anomalomyrmini (5)
- Lenomyrmecini (5)
- Cheliomyrmecini (4)
- Phalacromyrmecini (3)
- Stegomyrmecini (3)
- Notostigmatini (2)
- Agroecomyrmecini (2) - 1 современный вид Tatuidris tatusia Brown & Kempf, 1968
- Paraponerini (2) - 1 современный вид Paraponera clavata Fabricius 1775
- Prionomyrmecini (2) - 1 современный вид Nothomyrmecia macrops Clark 1934
- Ankylomyrmini (1) - Ankylomyrma coronacantha Bolton 1973
- Apomyrmini (1) - Apomyrma stygia Brown, Gotwald & Levieux 1971
- Gigantiopini (1) - Gigantiops destructor Fabricius 1804