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Главная Школа В Муравейник №1CD Поэзия Афоризмы Анекдоты Новости


История мирмекологии
Новые виды (Sp.nov.): 1956 гг


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Здесь я собрал названия всех новых видов муравьёв, открытых и описанных в 1956 году и попытался проследить все основные мирмекологические новинки и события того года.  

       Всего в списке 14 новых таксонов муравьёв: 13 видов + 1 подвид. Это самый низкий показатель за весь 20-й век.   Ниже приводится список литературы 1956 года, практически полный.


       В этом году в Гарвардском университете была закончена одна из крупнейших и важнейших мирмекологических диссертаций: "Сравнительноморфологическое исследование провентрикулуса муравьев" - Eisner, T. O. M. "A comparative morphological study of the proventriculus of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)". (Ph.D. dissert., Harvard University. 1956)
Впервые в истории науки о муравьях было проведено подробное анатомическое исследование одного из важнеших внутренних органов и сделано это было на представителях различных таксономических групп. Провентрикулус играет большое значание в регуляции протока веществ из зобика муравьев в их желудок. Кроме того, он имеет большое систематическое и филогенетическое значение.

       Одновременно вышла важная для таксономии статья Уильяма Брауна и Эдварда Уильсона (Brown, W. L., Jr. and E. O. Wilson. "Character displacement". Syst. Zool. 1956. 5: 49-64).

       Необходимо отметить и выход первого определителя малоизученной до того фауны муравьев Аргентины, автором которого стал русский эмигрант Николай Кузнецов -
Kusnezov, N. "Claves para la identificacion de las hormigas de la fauna argentina
". [Ministerio de Agricultura y Granaderia, IDIA, Buenos Aires. 1956. 56 p.]

       Крупная работа была выполнена в Финляндии по изучению муравьев её горных и скалистых районов - Oinonen, E. A. "Kallioiden muurahaisista ja niiden osuudesta kallioiden metsittymiseen Etela-Suomessa". Acta Entomol. Fenn. 1956. 12: 1-212.

       Ещё одну интересную работу сделал крупнейший знаток личинок муравьев Джордж Уилер. Но не по личинкам, а по именам муравьев - Wheeler, G. C.(1956). "Myrmecological orthoepy and onomatology". (Grand Forks, North Dakota, published by the author, printed by University of North Dakota Press. - pp.1-22)
Впервые в одной работе были собраны все научные латинские названия муравьиных родовых таксонов (род, подрод). Приведено объяснение этих слов в переводе с латыни на английский, дается список корней, суффиксов и префиксов для составления новых научных названий и объяснения всех прошлых слов. Редчайшее издание, но чрезвычайно важное для любого систематика и таксономиста. В 1984 году эта работа будет переиздана.

       В 1956 году были описаны новые социальнопаразитические виды муравьев - Kyidris media Wilson & Brown, Kyidris yaleogyna Wilson & Brown, Plagiolepis grassei Le Masne.
       Защитили свои диссертации:

  1. Bausenwein, F. (1956). Untersuchungen uber sekretorische Drusen des Kopf- und Brustabschnittes in der Formica rufa-Gruppe, Diss. Wurzburg.
    Cited from: Gosswald, K., & W. Kloft, 1960, Neuere Untersuchungen uber die sozialen Wechselbeziehungen im Ameisenvolk, durchgefuhrt mit Radio-Isotopen, Zool. Beit. 5: 519-556.

  2. Borchert, H. F. (1956). The ant faunas of foothill canyons in the vicinity of Boulder, Colorado, Master's thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder.
    Cited from: Browne & Gregg, 1969, A study of the ecological distribution of ants in Gregory canyon, Boulder, Colorado, University of Colorado Studies, Series in Biology No. 30, 48 p

  3. Eisner, T. O. M. (1956). A comparative morphological study of the proventriculus of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Ph.D. dissert., Harvard University.
    *see: Eisner, T., 1957, A comparative morphological study of the proventriculus of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Univ. 116: 439-490

  4. Gorham, J. R. (1956). A preliminary study of the ants of Oxford, Ohio, and vicinity (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Thesis, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
    Cited from: Gorham, 1991, Arthropod pests of the food industry: A list and taxonomic bibliography, p. 651-741, In Gorham, J.R. (Ed.), Insect and Mite Pests in Food: An Illustrated Key. USDA, ARS, & USHHS, PHS, FDA., Washington, D.C. Agricultural Handbook 655, Vol. 1 & 2. (p. 721)



  1. Cardiocondyla provincialis Bernard
  2. Holcoponera acuta Brown (=Gnamptogenys acuta)
  3. Holcoponera mina Brown (=Gnamptogenys mina)
  4. Kyidris media Wilson & Brown (=Pyramica media)
  5. Kyidris yaleogyna Wilson & Brown (=Pyramica yaleogyna)
  6. Lasius (Chthonolasius) nevadensis Cole
  7. Leptothorax (Leptothorax) angustinodus Cole
  8. Leptothorax stenotyle Cole
  9. Meranoplus testudineus McAreavey
  10. Monomorium (Xeromyrmex) orangiae Arnold
  11. Plagiolepis grassei Le Masne
  12. Triglyphothrix furtiva Arnold
  13. Triglyphothrix longispinosa Arnold
  14. Veromessor stoddardi subsp. chicoensis Smith




Всего в 1956 году опубликовано более 167 статей о муравьях (по данным базы Formis-2003, которая может пополниться). 6 статей отмечено в русскоязычном "Справочнике мирмеколога" (Зрянин, 2004). Ниже приведен список некоторых статей, главным образом по фауне, экологии, систематике и с описанием вышеперечисленных видов. Указаны несколько PDF-копий статей.

  1. Арнольди К. В. Муравьи // БСЭ, 2-е изд. 1956. Т. 42. С. 562 – 563.

  2. Арнольди К. В. Очерк энтомофауны и характеристика энтомокомплексов лесной подстилки в районе Деркула // Тр. ин-та леса АН СССР. 1956. Т. 33. С. 279 – 342.

  3. Кауцис А. Р. Лесохозяйственное значение трофобиоза муравьев и тлей // Сборник трудов по защите растений АН Латв. ССР. Рига, 1956. С. 139 – 142.

  4. Мариковский П. И. Наблюдения над биологией муравья-древоточца C. herculeanus и лесного рыжего муравья Formica rufa, обитающих в горных лесах Киргизии // Тр. ин-та зоол. и паразитол. АН Кирг. ССР. 1956. Вып. 5. С. 89 – 103.

  5. Строков В. В. Рыжие лесные муравьи – защитники леса (Лесоводство и садоводство) // Охрана природы и озеленение. М.: ЦС ВООП и озеленения насел. пунктов. 1956. Вып. 5. С. 75 – 79.

  6. Строков В. В. Техника использования фауны для защиты леса. М.: Гослесбумиздат, 1956.

  7. Anon. (1956). "Opinion 424. Validation under the plenary powers of the specific name rufa Linnaeus, 1761, as published in the combination Formica rufa and designation under the same powers of the species so named to be the type species of the genus Formica Linnaeus 1758 (class Insecta, order Hymenoptera)." Opin. Declar. Int. Comm. Zool. Nomencl. 14: 215-242.

  8. Arnold, G. (1956). "New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 12." Occas. Pap. Natl. Mus. South. Rhod. B. Nat. Sci. 3: 52-77.
    Описаны новые виды: Monomorium (Xeromyrmex) orangiae, Triglyphothrix furtiva, T. longispinosa. PDF-копия статьи

  9. Bausenwein, F. (1956). Untersuchungen ьber sekretorische Drьsen des Kopf- und Brustabschnittes in der Formica rufa-Gruppe, Diss. Wurzburg.
    Cited from: Gusswald, K., & W. Kloft, 1960, Neuere Untersuchungen ьber die sozialen Wechselbeziehungen im Ameisenvolk, durchgefuhrt mit Radio-Isotopen, Zool. Beit. 5: 519-556.

  10. Bernard, F. (1956). "Remarques sur le peuplement des Baleares en fourmis." Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 47: 254-266.

  11. Bernard, F. (1956). "Revision des fourmis palearctiques du genre Cardiocondyla Emery." Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 47: 299-306.
    PDF-копия статьи

  12. Bernard, F. (1956). "Revision des Leptothorax (Hymenoptиres Formicidae) d'Europe occidentale, basee sur la biometrie et les genitalia males." Bull. Soc. Zool. France 81: 151-165.

  13. Borchert, H. F. (1956). The ant faunas of foothill canyons in the vicinity of Boulder, Colorado, Master's thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder.
    Cited from: Browne & Gregg, 1969, A study of the ecological distribution of ants in Gregory canyon, Boulder, Colorado, University of Colorado Studies, Series in Biology No. 30, 48 p

  14. Borgmeier, T. (1956). "Revision der ecitophilen Gattung Mimophites fauvel, nebst beschreibung einer neuen Gattung aus Bolivien (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)." Rev. Brasil. Biol. 16: 1-16.

  15. Borgmeier, T. (1956). "Ueber Rassen bei Eciton (Hym. Formicidae)." Rev. Brasil. Entomol. 4: 209-212.
    PDF-копия статьи

  16. Borgmeier, T. (1956). "Zur Kenntnis der myrmecophilen Phoridengattung "Pheidolomyia" Schmitz (Diptera, Phoridae)." Rev. Brasil. Biol. 16: 1-16.

  17. Brian, M. V. (1956). "Group form and causes of working inefficiency in the ant Myrmica rubra." Physiol. Zool. 29: 173-194.

  18. Brian, M. V. (1956). "Inefficiency in brood-rearing in the ant Myrmica rubra L." Insect. Soc. 3: 71-74.

  19. Brian, M. V. (1956). "The natural density of Myrmica rubra and associated ants in West Scotland." Insect. Soc. 3: 473-487.

  20. Brian, M. V. (1956). "Segregation of species of the ant genus Myrmica." J. Anim. Ecol. 25: 319-337.

  21. Brian, M. V. (1956). "Studies of caste differentiation in Myrmica rubra L. 4. Controlled larval nutrition." Insect. Soc. 3: 369-394.

  22. Brown, W. L., Jr. (1956). "John Clark." Entomol. News 67: 197-199.

  23. Brown, W. L., Jr. (1956). "Notes on the ant genus Holcoponera Mayr, with descriptions of two new species." Insect. Soc. 3: 489-497.
    PDF-копия статьи

  24. Brown, W. L., Jr. (1956). "[Review of: Borgmeier, T. 1955. Die Wanderameisen der neotropischen Region. Stud. Entomol. 3:1-720.]." Entomol. News 67: 165-167.

  25. Brown, W. L., Jr. (1956). "Some synonymies in the ant genus Camponotus." Psyche 63: 38-40.

  26. Brown, W. L., Jr. and E. O. Wilson (1956). "Character displacement." Syst. Zool. 5: 49-64.

  27. Cavill, G. W. K., D. L. Ford, et Locksley, H.D. (1956). "The chemistry of ants. I. Terpenoid constituents of some Australian Iridomyrmex species." Aust. J. Chem. 9: 288-293.

  28. Cavill, G. W. K., D. L. Ford, et Locksley, H.D. (1956). "Iridodial and iridolactone." Chem. Ind. (London) 1956: 465.

  29. Ceballos, G. (1956). Catalogo de los Himenopteros de Espana. Madrid, Instituto Espaсol de Entomologia. Ants pp. 295-321.

  30. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "In defense of the integrity of an ant." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 212-214.

  31. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "Leptothorax stenotyle (n. nov.) for Leptothorax angustinodus Cole." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 214.

  32. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "A new species of Leptothorax from Arizona (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 28-31.

  33. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "New synonymy in the genus Manica Jurine (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 260-262.

  34. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "Observations of some members of the genus Pheidole in the southwestern United States with synonymy (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 112-118.

  35. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "Studies of Nevada ants. II. A new species of Lasius (Chthonolasius) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 26-27.

  36. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "Studies of Nevada ants. III. The status of Formica nevadensis Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 256-257.

  37. Cole, A. C., Jr. (1956). "Studies of Nevada ants. IV. Descriptions of sexual castes of three members of the rufa group of the genus Formica L." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 31: 257-260.

  38. Collingwood, C. A. (1956). "Aberrations in British ants of the genus Formica." J. Soc. Br. Entomol. 5: 193-196.

  39. Collingwood, C. A. (1956). "Ant hunting in France." Entomologist 89: 106-108.

  40. Collingwood, C. A. (1956). "Distribution of ants allied to Formica fusca L. and F. rufa L. in Britain." Entomologist 89: 291-294.

  41. Collingwood, C. A. (1956). "Formica cunicularia Latr. (Hym., Formicidae) in the East Midlands." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 92: 336.

  42. Collingwood, C. A. (1956). "A rare parasitic ant (Hym., Formicidae) in France." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 92: 197.

  43. Collingwood, C. A. and J. E. Satchell (1956). "The ants of the South Lake District." J. Soc. Br. Entomol. 5: 159-164.

  44. Cooke, E. (1956). "Enemies of electric cables." Telcon House Magazine 32: 1-14.
    Cited from: Reddy, M.V., et al., 1984, On the damage of ants to plastic tubes and insect store boxes, Mater. Org. (Berlin) 19: 157-160. *[Ants damaging plastics & electrical cables.]

  45. Cotlow, L. (1956). Zanzabuku [Dangerous safari]. New York. 370 p., Rinehart & Co., Inc.
    *[Pygmies eat ant grubs. Describes, p. 118-119, several incidences of driver ant sieges, including the pygmies use of fire to prevent the ants from entering their camps. The sounds of the ants mandibles can be very loud.]

  46. Creighton, W. S. (1956). "Notes on Myrmecocystus lugubris Wheeler and its synonym, Myrmecocystus yuma Wheeler (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Am. Mus. Novit. 1807: 1-4.
    *[M. yuma synomized into M. lugubris. Revived from synonymy by Snelling in Hunt & Snelling, 1975.]

  47. Delye, G. (1956). "Ecologie de quelques fourmis dans les regions humides de l'Algerie (Camponotus alii For.; C. sylviaticus Ol.; Aphaenogaster testaceopilosa Lucas)." Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 47: 191-199.

  48. Dobrzanski, J. (1956). "Badania nad zmyslem czasu u mrуwek." Folia Biol. (Cracow) 4: 385-397
    Investigations on the sense of time in ants

  49. Douglas, A. (1956). "Supposedly parasitic Bulldog ant." West. Aust. Nat. 5: 120.

  50. Eisner, T. O. M. (1956). A comparative morphological study of the proventriculus of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Ph.D. dissert., Harvard University.
    *see: Eisner, T., 1957, A comparative morphological study of the proventriculus of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Univ. 116: 439-490

  51. El-Ziady, S. and J. S. Kennedy (1956). "Beneficial effects of the common garden ant, Lasius niger L., on the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli." Proc. R. Entomol. Soc. London Ser. A Gen. Entomol. 31: 61-65.

  52. Forbes, J. (1956). "A comparison of the male reproductive systems of two doryline ants. [Abstract]." Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 2(3): 14.

  53. Forbes, J. (1956). "Observations on the gastral digestive tract in the male carpenter ant, Camponotus pennsylvanicus DeGeer (Formicidae, Hymenoptera)." Insect. Soc. 3: 505-511.

  54. Forte, P. N. (1956). "Some observations on the Argentine ant campaign in Western Australia." J. Agr. West. Austr. 5: 619-625.
    = Department of Agriculture of Western Australia, Bulletin No. 2388, 8 p.

  55. Forte, P. N. and T. Greaves (1956). "The effectiveness of dieldrin for the control of the Argentine ant in Western Australia." J. Agr. West. Austr. 5: 85-96.
    = 1956, Bull. Dept. Agric. West. Australia, No. 2319, 10 p.

  56. Goodnight, C. J. and M. L. Goodnight (1956). "Some observations in a tropical rain forest in Chiapas, Mexico." Ecology 37: 139-150.
    Cited from: Wetterer, J.K. & Porter, S.D., 2003, The little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata: Distribution, impact, control, Sociobiology 42: 1-41.

  57. Gorham, J. R. (1956). A preliminary study of the ants of Oxford, Ohio, and vicinity (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Thesis, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
    Cited from: Gorham, 1991, Arthropod pests of the food industry: A list and taxonomic bibliography, p. 651-741, In Gorham, J.R. (Ed.), Insect and Mite Pests in Food: An Illustrated Key. USDA, ARS, & USHHS, PHS, FDA., Washington, D.C. Agricultural Handbook 655, Vol. 1 & 2. (p. 721)

  58. Gosswald, K. (1956). "Die im Mittleren Maьgebiet verbreiteten Ameisenarten." Nach. Naturw. Museums Stadt Aschaffeuburg 50: 13-20.

  59. Gosswald, K. and W. Kloft (1956). "Der Eichenwickler (Tortrix viridana L.) als Beute der Mittleren und kleinen roten Waldameise." Waldhygiene 1: 205-215.

  60. Gosswald, K. and W. Kloft (1956). "Untersuchungen uber die Verteilung von radioaktiv markiertem Futter im Volk der Kleinen Roten Waldameisen (Formica rufo-pratensis minor)." Waldhygiene 1: 200-202.

  61. Gregg, R. E. (1956). "An extension of range for the ant, Pheidole lamia Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomol. News 67: 37-39.

  62. Hanna, A. D., E. Judenko, et al. (1956). "The control of Crematogaster ants as a means of controlling the mealybugs transmitting the Swollen-Shoot virus disease of cacao in the Gold Coast." Bull. Entomol. Res. 47: 219-226.

  63. Hermann, F. J. and B. M. Leese (1956). "A grass (Munroa squarrosa) apparently cultivated by ants." Am. Midl. Nat. 56: 506-507.
    *[Each ant nest was encircled by a border of green grass on which the ants were tending aphids.]

  64. Holzel, E. (1956). "Neue Ameisenbeobachtungen in Karnten." Carinthia II 146: 68-77.

  65. Jeannel, R. (1956). "Les Pselaphides myrmecophiles de l'Afrique intertropicale." Rev. Fr. Entomol. 23: 197-215.

  66. Kannowski, P. B. (1956). "The ants of Ramsey County, North Dakota." Am. Midl. Nat. 56: 168-185.

  67. Kannowski, P. B. (1956). "Ecological distribution of certain bog ants of southeastern Michigan. [Abstract]." Proc. Entomol. Soc. Am. N. Cent. Br. 11: 54.

  68. Karpinski, J. J. (1956). "Mrуwki w biocenozie Bialowieskiego Parku Narodowego." Rocz. Nauk Lesn. 14: 201-221.

  69. Kempf, W. W. (1956). "A morphological study on the male genitalia of Paracryptocerus (P.) pusillus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Rev. Brasil. Entomol. 5: 101-110.

  70. Khan, M. Q. and A. S. Rao (1956). "The influence of the black ant (Camponotus compressus F.) on the incidence of two homopterous crop pests." Indian J. Entomol. 18: 199-200.

  71. King, R. L. and R. M. Sallee (1956). "On the half-life of nests of Formica obscuripes Forel." Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 63: 721-723.

  72. Kirkpatrick, T. W. (1956). Notes on minor insect pests of cacao in Trinidad, p. 62-71. In: A Report on Cacao Research. The Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, St. Augustine, Trinidad.
    Cited from: Delabie, J.H.C., Encarnasco, A.M.V. da, Cazorla, I.M., 1994, Relations between the Little Fire Ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, and its Associated Mealybug Planococcus citri in Brazilian Cocoa Farms, p. 91-103, In D.F. Williams (ed.), Exotic ants: Biology, impact, and control of introduced species, Westview Press, Boulder, CO. 332 p.

  73. Knechtel, W. K. (1956). "Contributii la studiul formicidelor din valea Prahovei." Bul. Stiint. Acad. Repub. Pop. Rom. Sect. Biol. Stiint. Agric. 8: 769-744.

  74. Kohriba, O. (1956). "Experiments and observations on the social parasitism of Lasius spathepus Wheeler upon Lasius niger [in Japanese]." Kontyu 24: 102-110.

  75. Konig, H. (1956). "Uber die Auswirkung kunstlicher Vermehrung der kleinen roten Waldameise im Staatlichen Porstamt Munster." Waldhygiene 1: 227-229.

  76. Kumerloeve, H. (1956). "Vogel- und Ameisenschutz gegen Massenvermehrungen des Kiefernspanners (Bupalus piniarius) im spaten 18. Jahrhundert." Waldhygiene 1: 164-166.

  77. Kusnezov, N. (1956). Claves para la identificacion de las hormigas de la fauna argentina, Ministerio de Agricultura y Granaderia, IDIA, Buenos Aires. 56 p.
    *[B. argentata mispelling of B. argentinus; Neivamyrmex pertii misspelled Neivamyrmex pertyi.]

  78. Kusnezov, N. (1956). "A comparative study of ants in desert regions of Central Asia and of South America." Am. Nat. 90: 349-360.

  79. Kusnezov, N. (1956). "Der Sexualdimorphismus bei den Ameisen." Z. Wiss. Zool. 159: 319-347.

  80. Kusnezov, N. (1956). "Sobre la "reversibilidad" en la evolucion organica." Dusenia 7: 325-328.

  81. Kutter, H. (1956). "Beitrage zur Biologie palaearktischer Coptoformica (Hym. Form.)." Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 29: 1-18.

  82. Lange, R. (1956). "Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Variabilitat bei Waldameisen (Formica rufa L.)." Z. Naturforsch. Sec. B Chem. Sci. 11: 538-543.

  83. Le Masne, G. (1956). "La signification des reproducteurs apteres chez la fourmi Ponera eduardi Forel." Insect. Soc. 3: 239-259.

  84. Le Masne, G. (1956). "Recherches sur les fourmis parasites. Le parasitisme social double." C. R. Sean. Acad. Sci. Paris 243: 1243-1246.

  85. Le Masne, G. (1956). "Recherches sur les fourmis parasites. Plagiolepis grassei et l'evolution des Plagiolepis parasites." C. R. Sean. Acad. Sci. Paris 243: 673-675.

  86. Lohrl, H. (1956). "Das Ameisenbad der Vogel." Kosmos 52: 271-274.

  87. Lucca, F. d. (1956). "O combate as formigas cortadeiras no municipio de Sao Paulo." O Biologico 22: 28-32.

  88. McAreavey, J. (1956). "A new species of the genus Meranoplus." Mem. Qld. Mus. 13: 148-150.

  89. Monastero, S. (1956). "I recenti progessi nella lotta contro la formica Argentina (Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr), con particlare riguardo all'uso del prodotti arganici di sintesi." Boll. Ist. Entomol. Agr. Osserv. Fitopatol. Palermo 2: 167-197.

  90. Oinonen, E. A. (1956). "Kallioiden muurahaisista ja niiden osuudesta kallioiden metsittymiseen Etela-Suomessa." Acta Entomol. Fenn. 12: 1-212.
    = On the ants of the rocks and their contribution to the afforestation of rocks in southern Finland.

  91. O'Rourke, F. J. (1956). "The medical and veterinary importance of the Formicidae." Insect. Soc. 3: 107-118.

  92. Otto, D. (1956). "Die Rote Waldameise." Urania (Leipzig) 19: 474-477.

  93. Pavan, M. (1956). "La lotta biologica con Formica rufa L. contro gli insetti dannosi alle foreste." Collana Verde 3: 1-24.

  94. Pavan, M. (1956). "Studi sui Formicidae, II: Sull'origine, significato biologico e isolamento della dendrolasina." La Ricerca Scientifica 26: 144-150.

  95. Perez, I. (1956). Los ixodidos y culicidos de Cuba, su historia natural y medica, Imprenta de la Universidad de La Habana. 579 p.
    Cited from: Castiсeiras, A., G. Jimeno, M. Lуpez, L. Sosa, 1987, Efecto de Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae (Fungi Imperfecti) y Pheidole megacephala (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) contra huevos de Boophilus microplus (Acarina: lxodidae), Rev. Salud Anim. 9: 288-293.

  96. Phillips, J. S. (1956). "Immature nutfall of coconuts in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate." Bull. Entomol. Res. 47: 575-596.

  97. Preuss, G. (1956). "Zum Vorkommen bemerkenswerter Ameisen in Schleswig-Holstein." Faun. Mitt. Norddtschl. 1(7): 9-12.

  98. Quilico, A., F. Piozzi, et al. (1956). "Sulla dendrolasina." La Ricerca Scientifica 26: 177-180.

  99. Rangel, J. F. and J. A. Guimares (1956). "Comparacao de tres formicidas no combate a formiga sauva." Bol. Campo 12: 11-17.

  100. Richards, O. W. (1956). Hymenoptera. Introduction and key to families. Handbooks for the identification of British Insects. London. 6(1): 1-94.

  101. Richards, O. W. (1956). "An interpretation of the ventral region of the hymenopterous thorax." Proc. R. Entomol. Soc. London Ser. A Gen. Entomol. 31: 99-104.
    Ants not mentioned, but of general interest to ant morphology

  102. Ronchetti, G. (1956). "Un alleato del bosco: la Formica rufa." Illus. Sci. 77: 1-8.

  103. Samsinak, K. (1956). "Einige interessante Ameisenarten aus dem Elbsandsteingebirge." Abh. Ber. Staatl. Mus. Tierkd. Dres. 23: 9-13.

  104. Samsinak, K. (1956). "Pripad phoresie u larev rodu Clytra Laich. (Col., Chrysom.)." Vestn. Cesk. Spol. Zool. 20: 375-376.
    Cited from: Wisniewski, J., 1965, Selected problems of the ecology of Arachnoidea accompanying ants Formica polyctena Forst. in their nests, Ekol. Pol. Ser. A 13: 365-375, Table 1 oversize.

  105. Schmutterer, H. (1956). "Saugschaden an Eichen und Buchen durch Lachniden in Abhangigkeit von Ameisen-Trophobiose." Z. Angew. Entomol. 39: 178-185.

  106. Schneirla, T. C. (1956). The army ants, Annu. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1955, p. 379-406.

  107. Schneirla, T. C. (1956). "A preliminary survey of colony division and related processes in two species of terrestrial army ants." Insect. Soc. 3: 49-69.

  108. Schutte, F. (1956). "Eichenwickler, Waldameisen und Vogel." Waldhygiene 1: 215-219.

  109. Scott, H. (1956). "Ants frequenting buds of peony and royal lily." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 92: 1-4.

  110. Silva, P. (1956). Problemas entomologicos do cacaueiro com referencia especial а Bahia. VI Reuniгo do Comite Tecnico Interamericaoa de Cacau, Bahia. Itabuna: 59-72.

  111. Simeone, J. B. (1956). "In vitro humidity requirements of the black carpenter ant." Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 2: 20.

  112. Sistrunk, T. W. (1956). "Bee defense against ants." Glean. Bee Cult. 84: 681.

  113. Smith, M. R. (1956). "A further contribution to the taxonomy and biology of the inquiline ant, Leptothorax diversipilosus Smith (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 58: 271-275.

  114. Smith, M. R. (1956). "A key to the workers of Veromessor Forel of the United States and the description of a new subspecies (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Pan Pac. Entomol. 32: 36-38.

  115. Smith, M. R. (1956). "A list of the species of Romblonella including two generic transfers (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 51: 18.

  116. Smith, M. R. (1956). "[Review of: Borgmeier, T. 1955. Die Wanderameisen der neotropischen Region. Stud. Entomol. 3:1-720.]." Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 58: 275-276.

  117. Soulie, J. (1956). "La nidification chez les especes fransaises du genre Cremastogaster Lund (Hymenoptera - Formicoidea)." Insect. Soc. 3: 93-105.

  118. Soulie, J. (1956). "Le declenchement et la rupture de l'etat d'hibernation chez Crematogaster scutellaris Ol. (Hymenoptera: Formicoidea)." Insect. Soc. 3: 431-438.

  119. Souza, P. H. d. (1956). "Ocorrencia de sauvas no Estado de Parana." Bol. Fitosannit. 6: 153-158.

  120. Srivastava, B. K. and H. R. Bryson (1956). "Insecticidal seed treatment for control of the thief ant." J. Econ. Entomol. 49: 329-333.

  121. Stumper, R. (1956). "Observations ethologiques sur la 'fourmi а miel' francaise Proformica nasuta Nyl." C. R. Acad. Sci. 243: 317-320.

  122. Stumper, R. (1956). "Sur les secretions attractives des fourmis femelles." C. R. Acad. Sci. 242: 2487-2489.

  123. Stumper, R. (1956). "Etudes myrmecologiques. LXXVII. Les secretions attractives des reines de fourmis." Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 29: 373-380.

  124. Talbot, M. (1956). "Flight activities of the ant Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) mariae Forel." Psyche 63: 134-139.

  125. Trave, R. and M. Pavan (1956). "Veleni degli insetti: principi estratti dalla formica Tapinoma nigerrimum Nyl." Chem. Ind. (Milano) 38: 1015-1019.

  126. Van Pelt, A. F. (1956). "The ecology of the ants of the Welaka Reserve, Florida (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Am. Midl. Nat. 56: 358-387.
    *[Part I. Describes the habitats where each species was collected, with relative abundance in each habitat.]

  127. Vinberg, G. G. (1956). "O zavisimosti intensivnosti obmena u clenistonogich ot veliciny tela." Ucen. Zap. Minisk 26: 243-254.
    Cited from: Horn-Mrozowska, E., 1976, Energy budget elements of an experimental nest of Formica pratensis Retzius 1783 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Pol. Ecol. Stud. 2: 55-98.
    Tetramorium caespitum, Europe, USSR, scientific, respiration, oxygen consumption

  128. Walsh, G. B. and F. C. Rimington (1956). Aculeata -- Ants, wasps and bees. Natural history of the Scarborough district. 2: 281-287.
    Cited from: Collingwood, C.A., & J. Hughes, 1987, Ant species in Yorkshire, Naturalist (Leeds) 112: 95-101.

  129. Weber, N. A. (1956). "Fungus-growing ants and their fungi: Trachymyrmex septentrionalis." Ecology 37: 150-161.

  130. Weber, N. A. (1956). "Fungus-growing ants and their fungi: Trachymyrmex septentrionalis seminole." Ecology 37: 197-199.

  131. Weber, N. A. (1956). "Treatment of substrate by fungus-growing ants." Anat. Rec. 125: 604-605.

  132. Wheeler, G. C. (1956). Myrmecological orthoepy and onomatology. Grand Forks, North Dakota, published by the author (printed by University of North Dakota Press).
    *[Gives the English meaning of generic & subgeneric names of ants. Lists words, suffixes, & prefixes used to construct names.]

  133. Wheeler, G. C. and J. Wheeler (1956). "The ant larvae of the subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 49: 374-398.
    *[P. triplarinus is a misidentification of P. mordax]

  134. Williams, G. C. (1956). "Records of an established infestation of Tapinoma melanocephalum F. (Hym., Formicidae) in Great Britain." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 92: 329-330.

  135. Wilson, E. O. (1956). "Feeding behavior in the ant Rhopalothrix biroi Szabу." Psyche 63: 21-23.

  136. Wilson, E. O. and W. L. Brown, Jr. (1956). "New parasitic ants of the genus Kyidris, with notes on ecology and behavior." Insect. Soc. 3: 439-454.
    PDF-копия статьи

  137. Wilson, E. O., T. Eisner, Wheeler, G.C., Wheeler, J. (1956). "Aneuretus simoni Emery, a major link in ant evolution." Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 115: 81-99.
    *[A. butteli is a n.syn. of A. simoni. Other ants named were present in various habitats with A. simoni.]

  138. Winston, P. W. (1956). "The acorn microsere, with special reference to arthropods." Ecology 37: 120-132.

  139. Yarrow, I. H. H. (1956). "Formica rufa L. (Hym., Formicidae) in Oxfordshire." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 92: 8.

  140. Yoshiyuki, B. (1956). "Aus dem Leben der Ameisen." Insect Ecol. 5(13): 174-179.
    [=On the life of ants]

  141. Zoebelein, G. (1956). "Der Honigtau als Nahrung der Insekten, Teil II." Z. Angew. Entomol. 39: 129-167.

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