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Insectes Sociaux







в Анекдотах

в Афоризмах
в Поэзии, Прозе
Статистика посещений
ИТОГИ †2010

Бегунки пустынь





Все рода: A-Z















Авторы родов


Полукочевые муравьи - Cerapachyinae (4)

Рабочие Cerapachys foveolatus Radchenko (1-3) и Simopone oculata Radchenko (4-6)
Radchenko, 1993)

Кочевой синдром  Состав и признаки  Литература

Страница обновлена 05.01.2010

       Полукочевые муравьи Старого Света из подсемейства Cerapachyinae длиной около 5-7 мм, узкие, цилиндрические (черные, коричневые), гнездятся в почве, время от времени перемещаются с места на место, перенося своих личинок и известны как охотники на других муравьев (а рода Acanthostichus и Cylindromyrmex охотники на термитов). 5 родов, около 220 видов (Acanthostichus, Cylindromyrmex, Cerapachys, Simopone, Sphinctomyrmex). Найдено 5 ископаемых видов (Cerapachys, Acanthostichus, Cylindromyrmex). Вместе с другими кочевыми муравьями (Aenictinae, Dorylinae, Ecitoninae, Cerapachyinae и др.) образуют сборную группу Dorylomorphs (Bolton, 1994, 1995; с дополнениями).
В 2012 году было описано ещё 32 новых вида (22 из рода Simopone) и выделено 2 новых рода Vicinopone gen. n. (1 вид, Афротропика) и Tanipone gen. n. (эндемик Мадагаскара, 10 видов) обзор здесь >>> (Bolton & Fisher, 2012).



Таксономия Cerapachyinae

  • Рабочие муравьи подсемейства Cerapachyinae могут быть идентифицированы по структуре пигидиума (последний видимый сегмент брюшка): it is flattened and armed with a pair of distally converging rows of teeth or spines. Кроме того, лобные валики редуцированы и поэтому места прикрепления антенн открыты и находятся близко к переднему краю головы; наличник редуцирован; the pronotum is fused immovably to the mesonotum (with one exception); the propodeal spiracle is small, circular and located low on the side of the propodeum; and abdominal spiracles 5-7 are visible under normal distension of the segments.
  • Стебелёк 1-члениковый (петиоль), но первый брюшной сегмент имеет резкую перетяжку с другими сегментами и поэтому напоминает постпетиоль. Усики 11-12 члениковые.
  • Тело узкое цилиндрическое, ноги короткие с толстыми бедрами.
  • Мирмекофаги, питающиеся расплодом (иногда и имаго) других муравьев.
  • род Acanthostichus (Неотропика, юг Неарктики)
  • род Cylindromyrmex (Неотропика)
  • род Cerapachys (Пантропический)
  • род Simopone (Афротропика, Мадагаскар, Индо-Меланезия)
  • род Sphinctomyrmex (Афротропика, Индомалайя, Австралия и юго-восток Бразилии)
  • род Tanipone Bolton & Fisher, 2012 (эндемик Мадагаскара, 10 видов)
  • род Vicinopone Bolton & Fisher, 2012 (1 вид, Афротропика)
  • Cerapachysii Forel, 1893a: 162. Type-genus: Cerapachys.
  • Cerapachyinae as family: Bernard, 1951: 1046 [Cerapachyidae]; Bernard, 1953b: 215 [Cerapachyidae].
  • Cerapachyinae as junior synonym of Ponerinae: Brown, 1975: 14; Snelling, 1981: 387; Holldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10.
  • Cerapachyinae as group of Dorylinae: Emery, 1901a: 36 [Cerapachinae].
  • Cerapachyinae as subfamily of Formicidae: Wheeler, W.M. 1902d: 185; Wheeler, W.M. 1920: 53; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 51, 632; Donisthorpe, 1922: xlv; Borgmeier, 1923: 50; Clark, 1924b: 76; Clark, 1934c: 49; Donisthorpe, 1943f: 620; Creighton, 1950a: 56; Clark, 1951: 15 (in key); Chapman & Capco, 1951: 17; Smith, M.R. 1951a: 781; Brown, 1954e: 26; Kusnezov, 1956: 11; Kusnezov, 1964: 48; Wheeler, G.C. & Wheeler, J. 1972a: 37; Kempf, 1972a: 263; Wheeler, G.C. & Wheeler, J. 1976b: 46; Smith, D.R. 1979: 1333; Wheeler, G.C. & Wheeler, J. 1985: 256; Ogata, 1987: 127; Bolton, 1990a: 66; Bolton, 1990c: 1356; Baroni Urbani, Bolton & Ward, 1992: 316; Jaffe, 1993: 9; Bolton, 1994: 18; Wu, J. & Wang, 1995: 47.
  • Cerapachyinae as dorylomorph subfamily of Formicidae: Bolton, 2003: 32, 137; Brady & Ward, 2005: 593.
  • Cerapachyinae as formicoid subfamily of Formicidae: Moreau, Bell, et al. 2006: 102.
  • Cerapachyinae as formicoid dorylomorph subfamily of Formicidae: Brady, Schultz, et al. 2006: 18173; Ward, 2007a: 555.
  • Трибы Cerapachyinae: Acanthostichini, Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini.




Подсемейство Cerapachyinae (5 родов)

Состав Cerapachyinae (по Bolton, 2003)
  • род Acanthostichus Mayr, 1887 (триба Acanthostichini, около 23 видов)
  • род Cylindromyrmex Mayr, 1870 (триба Cylindromyrmecini, около 13 видов)
  • род Cerapachys F. Smith, 1857 (триба Cerapachyini, 140 видов)
  • род Simopone Forel, 1891 (триба Cerapachyini, 16 видов)
  • род Sphinctomyrmex Mayr, 1866 (триба Cerapachyini, 23 видов)

Признаки Cerapachyinae (по Bolton, 2003)

  • Propodeal spiracle situated low down on the side of the sclerite and shifted posteriorly so that it is at or behind the midlength of the sclerite
  • Pygidium large, flattened dorsally; margins of flattened area armed laterally, posteriorly, or both with a series of short teeth or spines
Признаки Cerapachyini (по Bolton, 2003)
  • Gena outside antennal fossa usually carinate
Признаки Cylindromyrmex (по Bolton, 2003)
  • Well-developed antennal scrobes present
  • Sculpture longitudinally costate, strong and dense
Признаки Acanthostichus (по Bolton, 2003)
  • Helcium broad, in profile projecting from well above midheight on anterior face of abdominal segment III (first gastral)


Род Acanthostichus

Таксономия рода Acanthostichus (по Bolton, 2003)

  • Acanthostichus Mayr, 1887: 549. Type-species: Typhlopone serratula, by monotypy.
  • Acanthostichus in Ponerinae: Dalla Torre, 1893: 16.
  • Acanthostichus in Ponerinae, Cerapachyini: Forel, 1893a: 162; Forel, 1895b: 116; Wheeler, W.M. 1910g: 136 [subtribe Acanthostichini].
  • Acanthostichus in Dorylinae, Cerapachyini: Emery, 1895j: 765 [Cerapachyi].
  • Acanthostichus in Dorylinae, Acanthostichini: Emery, 1901a: 34.
  • Acanthostichus in Dorylidae, Acanthostichinae: Ashmead, 1905b: 382; Ashmead, 1906: 29.
  • Acanthostichus in Ponerinae, Acanthostichini: Emery, 1911d: 12; Forel, 1917: 239; Gallardo, 1918b: 7; Donisthorpe, 1943f: 619; Brown, 1975: 41; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 79; Holldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10.
  • Acanthostichus in Cerapachyinae, Acanthostichini: Wheeler, W.M. 1902d: 184; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 640; Kempf, 1972a: 10; Bolton, 1990a: 67; Bolton, 1990c: 1357; Jaffe, 1993: 9; Bolton, 1994: 19; Bolton, 2003: 137.

Синонимия рода Acanthostichus (по Bolton, 2003)
    =Ctenopyga Ashmead, 1906: 29. Type-species: Ctenopyga townsendi (junior synonym of Acanthostichus texanus), by original designation.
  • [Ctenopyga Ashmead, 1905b: 382 nomen nudum]
  • Ctenopyga in Dorylidae, Acanthostichinae: Ashmead, 1906: 29.
  • Ctenopyga in Ponerinae, Acanthostichini: Brown, 1975: 42; Holldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10.
  • Ctenopyga in Cerapachyinae, Acanthostichini: Bolton, 1990a: 67.
  • Ctenopyga as subgenus of Acanthostichus: Emery, 1911d: 13; Forel, 1917: 239; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 640; Creighton, 1950a: 58.
  • Ctenopyga as genus: Ashmead, 1906: 29; Brown, 1975: 42; Smith, D.R. 1979: 1333; Holldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10; Bolton, 1990a: 67; Bolton, 1990c: 1357.
  • Ctenopyga as junior synonym of Acanthostichus: Brown, 1973b: 179 [provisional]; Snelling, 1981: 389; Bolton, 1994: 19; MacKay, 1996: 132; Bolton, 2003: 138.

Род Cylindromyrmex

Таксономия рода Cylindromyrmex (по Bolton, 2003)

  • Cylindromyrmex Mayr, 1870b: 967. Type-species: Cylindromyrmex striatus, by monotypy.
  • Cylindromyrmex in Ponerinae: Dalla Torre, 1893: 16.
  • Cylindromyrmex in Ponerinae, Cerapachyini: Forel, 1893a: 162; Forel, 1895b: 116; Wheeler, W.M. 1910g: 137 [subtribe Cylindromyrmecini].
  • Cylindromyrmex in Ponerinae, Ectatommini: Emery, 1895j: 767.
  • Cylindromyrmex in Ponerinae, Ponerini: Forel, 1899c: 4.
  • Cylindromyrmex in Dorylinae, Cylindromyrmecini: Emery, 1901a: 34.
  • Cylindromyrmex in Pachycondylinae, Cylindromyrmecini: Ashmead, 1905b: 382.
  • Cylindromyrmex in Ponerinae, Cylindromyrmecini: Emery, 1911d: 14; Forel, 1917: 239; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 640; Wheeler, W.M. 1924a: 104; Brown, 1975: 36; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 79; Holldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10.
  • Cylindromyrmex in Cerapachyinae, Cylindromyrmecini: Wheeler, W.M. 1902d: 185; Donisthorpe, 1943f: 636; Kempf, 1972a: 91; Bolton, 1990a: 67; Bolton, 1990c: 1357; Jaffe, 1993: 9; Bolton, 1994: 19; all subsequent authors.
  • Cylindromyrmex as subgenus of Cerapachys: Forel, 1892l: 243.
  • Cylindromyrmex as genus: Mayr, 1870b: 967; Dalla Torre, 1893: 16; Wheeler, W.M. 1910g: 137; all subsequent authors.

Синонимия рода Cylindromyrmex (по Bolton, 2003)
    =Holcoponera Cameron, 1891: 92. Type-species: Holcoponera whymperi, by monotypy.
  • [Junior homonym of Holcoponera Mayr, 1887: 540 (Formicidae).]
  • Holcoponera Cameron as junior synonym of Cylindromyrmex: Forel, 1892f: 256; Dalla Torre, 1893: 16; Emery, 1911d: 14; all subsequent authors.
    =Hypocylindromyrmex Wheeler, W.M. 1924a: 106 [as subgenus of Cylindromyrmex]. Type-species: Cylindromyrmex longiceps, by original designation.
  • Hypocylindromyrmex as junior synonym of Cylindromyrmex: Brown, 1973b: 181 [provisional]; Brown, 1975: 36; all subsequent authors.
    =Metacylindromyrmex Wheeler, W.M. 1924a: 106 [as subgenus of Cylindromyrmex]. Type-species: Cylindromyrmex godmani, by original designation.
  • Metacylindromyrmex as junior synonym of Cylindromyrmex: Kempf, 1972a: 91; Brown, 1975: 36; all subsequent authors.

Род Cerapachys


Род Simopone

Таксономия рода Simopone (по Bolton, 2003)

  • Simopone Forel, 1891b: 139. Type-species: Simopone grandidieri, by monotypy.
  • Simopone in Ponerinae: Dalla Torre, 1893: 17.
  • Simopone in Dorylinae, Cerapachyini: Emery, 1895j: 765.
  • Simopone in Dorylinae, Cylindromyrmecini: Emery, 1901a: 34.
  • Simopone in Ponerinae, Leptogenyini: Ashmead, 1905b: 382.
  • Simopone in Ponerinae, Cylindromyrmecini: Emery, 1911d: 15; Arnold, 1915: 20; Forel, 1917: 239; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 640; Donisthorpe, 1943g: 726; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 25.
  • Simopone in Ponerinae, Cerapachyini: Forel, 1893a: 162; Wheeler, W.M. 1910g: 137 [subtribe Cylindromyrmecini]; Brown, 1975: 18; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 79; Holldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10.
  • Simopone in Cerapachyinae, Cerapachyini: Wheeler, W.M. 1902d: 185; Bolton, 1990a: 67; Bolton, 1990c: 1357; Bolton, 1994: 19; Bolton, 2003: 34.
  • Simopone as subgenus of Cerapachys: Forel, 1892l: 243.
  • Simopone as genus: Forel, 1891b: 139; Dalla Torre, 1893: 17; Ashmead, 1905b: 382; Wheeler, W.M. 1910g: 137; Emery, 1911d: 15; Donisthorpe, 1943g: 726; Brown, 1975: 35; all subsequent authors.

Род Sphinctomyrmex

Таксономия рода Sphinctomyrmex (по Bolton, 2003)

  • Sphinctomyrmex Mayr, 1866b: 895. Type-species: Sphinctomyrmex stali, by monotypy.
  • Sphinctomyrmex in Dorylidae: Mayr, 1866b: 895; Forel, 1878: 365 (footnote).
  • Sphinctomyrmex Ponerinae: Dalla Torre, 1893: 16.
  • Sphinctomyrmex in Dorylinae, Cerapachyini: Emery, 1895j: 765; Emery, 1901a: 34.
  • Sphinctomyrmex in Dorylinae, Dorylini: Ashmead, 1905b: 381; Ashmead, 1906: 27.
  • Sphinctomyrmex in Ponerinae, Cerapachyini: Forel, 1893a: 162; Forel, 1895b: 116; Forel, 1900d: 328; Wheeler, W.M. 1910g: 137; Emery, 1911d: 6; Forel, 1917: 239; Brown, 1975: 18; Snelling, 1981: 389; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 79; Holldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10.
  • Sphinctomyrmex in Cerapachyinae, Cerapachyini: Wheeler, 1902d: 185; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 638; Donisthorpe, 1943g: 727; Kempf, 1972a: 241; Bolton, 1990a: 67; Bolton, 1990c: 1357; Jaffe, 1993: 9; Bolton, 1994: 19; all subsequent authors.

Синонимия рода Sphinctomyrmex (по Bolton, 2003)
    =Eusphinctus Emery, 1893a: cclxxv. Type-species: Eusphinctus furcatus, by monotypy.
  • Eusphinctus in Cerapachyinae, Cerapachyini: Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 639; Donisthorpe, 1943f: 645.
  • Eusphinctus as subgenus of Sphinctomyrmex: Emery, 1895k: 456; Forel, 1900d: 328; Wheeler, W.M. 1910g: 137; Emery, 1911d: 7; Forel, 1917: 239.
  • Eusphinctus as genus: Wheeler, W.M. 1918a: 219; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 639.
  • Eusphinctus as junior synonym of Sphinctomyrmex: Brown, 1973b: 180 [provisional]; Brown, 1975: 31; all subsequent authors.
    =Nothosphinctus Wheeler, W.M. 1918a: 219 [as subgenus of Eusphinctus]. Type-species: Sphinctomyrmex froggatti, by subsequent designation of Donisthorpe, 1943f: 675.
  • Nothosphinctus as subgenus of Eusphinctus: Wheeler, W.M. 1918a: 219; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 639.
  • Nothosphinctus as junior synonym of Sphinctomyrmex: Brown, 1973b: 183 [provisional]; Brown, 1975: 31; all subsequent authors.
    =Zasphinctus Wheeler, W.M. 1918a: 219 [as subgenus of Eusphinctus]. Type-species: Sphinctomyrmex turneri, by monotypy.
  • Zasphinctus as subgenus of Eusphinctus: Wheeler, W.M. 1918a: 219; Wheeler, W.M. 1922a: 639.
  • Zasphinctus as junior synonym of Sphinctomyrmex: Brown, 1973b: 185 [provisional]; Brown, 1975: 31; all subsequent authors.
    =Aethiopopone Santschi, 1930a: 49. Type-species: Sphinctomyrmex rufiventris, by monotypy.
  • Aethiopopone in Cerapachyinae, Cerapachyini: Donisthorpe, 1943f: 620.
  • Aethiopopone as junior synonym of Sphinctomyrmex: Bolton, 1973a: 341; Brown, 1975: 31; all subsequent authors.



       Шон Брейди проанализировал так называемый "Army Ant Syndrome" или синдром муравьев-кочевников (Brady, 2003) и пришел к выводу, что эта группа представляет экстраординарный случай долгосрочного эволюционного стазиса в этих адаптациях (подробнее смотрите здесь >>>).

       Синдром муравьев-кочевников это целый комплекс поведенческих и репродуктивных черт (облигатная коллективная фуражировка, кочевка-nomadism, сильно специализированные королевы), позволивших этим организмам стать доминирующими охотниками не только среди общественных насекомых тропиков, но и среди хищников в целом.

  • КОЧЕВКА-NOMADISM. Все муравьи живут в муравейниках? Все, но не муравьи-кочевники, которые совершают регулярные передвижения с места на место и не имеют постоянных муравейников, а только временные стоянки-"бивуаки". И останавливаются к моменту начала очередного периода массовой яйцекладки своей королевы. А королевы у них не простые, а просто "золотые", в смысле суперпроизводительные "несушки".
  • ФУРАЖИРОВКА. Если, все другие муравьи начинают фуражировку одиночными разведчиками, и только затем у части видов могут производить массовую мобилизацию на источник корма, то муравьи-кочевники изначально проводят массовую фуражировку.
  • КОРОЛЕВЫ. Матки муравьев-кочевников обладают такими необычными для муравьев признаками как постоянная бескрылость и растяжимое огромное брюшко, увеличивающееся во время яйцекладки (dichthadiigyny). Это позволяет им откладывать огромное число яиц - до 3-4 млн. штук в месяц у некоторых видов.




  •   Имеют гаплоидный (самцы) или диплоидный хромосомный набор (самки)
    2n = 28 у Cerapachys biroi (Imai et al., 1984) - первые данные для всего подсемейства


    подробнее см. здесь >>> 

    по биологии, экологии и систематике кочевых муравьев

    Здесь я подобрал в базе Formis-2003 (где около 1000 ссылок содержат упоминание о кочевых муравьях, в том числе 667 - о роде Eciton и 302 - о роде Dorylus) главные работы по муравьям-кочевникам (=394 статей, монографий и книг), и пользуясь случаем, хочу выразить благодарность доктору Barry Bolton за присланные им несколько оттисков его статей о нескольких сложных в систематическом отношении группах муравьев. В список включены 20 диссертаций по кочевым муравьям.
           Полный список литературы см.здесь

    • Brown, W. L., Jr. 1975. Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. 5. Ponerinae, tribes Platythyreini, Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini, Acanthostichini, and Aenictogitini. Search Agriculture 5. Entomology (Ithaca) 15: 1-115.
      Первая полная ревизия этой группы муравьев, включая Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini, Acanthostichini

    • Bolton, B. (1990). Abdominal characters and status of the cerapachyine ants. Journal of Natural History 24: 53-68.

    • Borgmeier, T. (1923). "Catalogo systematico e synonymico das formigas do Brasil. 1 parte. Subfam. Dorylinae, Cerapachyinae, Ponerinae, Dolichoderinae." Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio J. 24: 33-103.

    • Buschinger, A., C. Peeters, et Crozier, R. H. (1990 ("1989")). "Life-pattern studies of an Australian Sphinctomyrmex (Formicidae: Ponerinae; Cerapachyini): functional polygyny, brood periodicity and raiding behavior." Psyche 96: 287-300.

    • de Andrade, M. L. (1998). "First description of fossil Acanthostichus from Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 71: 269-274.

    • De Andrade, M. L. (1998). "Fossil and extant species of Cylindromyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Rev. Suisse Zool. 105: 581-664.
      Установлено 10 современных и 2 ископаемых вида. Разбор синонимии. Lots of stuff was misidentified as C. striatus. H. whymperi = C. whymperi. C. schmidti (in part), C. striatus v. tibialis, & C. williamsi are n.syn. of C. whymperi. Описаны новые для науки виды: C. antillanus sp.n., C. electrinus sp.n., C. escobari sp.n. Вымершие виды C. antillanus и C. electrinus обнаружены в Доминиканском янтаре. C. schmidti (in part) & C. parallelus are n.syn. of C. meinerti.

    • Holldobler, B. (1982). "Communication, raiding behavior and prey storage in Cerapachys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Psyche 89: 3-23.
      Исследована коммуникация и охотничье фуражировочное поведение путем рейдов. Raiding expeditions in Cerapachys turneri are organized by individual scout ants, that return to the colony after having discovered a nest of the prey species . The scout lays a chemical trail with secretions from the poison gland, which serve as recruitment and orientation signals for the nestmates. Circumstantial evidence suggests that in addition the scout releases a stimulating chemical recruitment signal from the pygidial gland. This occurs probably when the scouts move with their gaster held slightly upwards in a calling position. Wilson (1958) reports the field notes made by H. Potter on the cerapachyine species Phyracaces potteri, which contain the only available description of the early stages of a complete raid observed in the field. Before the raid started Potter noted a few workers moving rapidly about, 'each with its abdomen raised upwards'. These observations match closely my findings in the laboratory and lend further support to the hypothesis that in addition to the trails laid with poison gland secretions, anotherstimulating signal is discharged, presumably from the pygidial gland of the recruiting ants. Wilson (1958) observed groups of Phyracaces moving along a raiding trail laid down by a raiding party on the previous day. In this case no individual leadership was involved and the foragers seemed to emerge from the nest randomly without a special recruitment stimulation by scout ants. Obviously these ants were following an established foraging trail, leading to a previously raided Pheidole nest which appeared to be vacated this time. Small exploratory parties conducted brief excursions to the side, but in most cases they turned back to the main trail. No nest suitable for raiding was found during these explorations. These observations strongly suggest that chemical trails laid during raiding expeditions might still function as orientation cues one day later and that foraging parties can follow these established trails without the leadership of a recruiting scout ant. Indeed, my laboratory experiments with Cerapachys have demonstrated that artificial trails drawn with poison gland material are effective as orientation cues at least for several hours. Although the raiding cerapachyine ants are usually enourmously outnumbered by the worker force of the prey species, not one Cerapachys worker was lost during all the raiding experiments in the laboratory. As can be seen from Fig.2, Cerapachys and Sphinctomyrmex are excellently protected by a heavily sclerotized cuticle. The intersegmental joints, that is, the joints between head and thorax and between thorax, petiole and gaster, are covered by cuticular projections so that no intersegmental membrane is exposed, even if the ant is twisted and bent to an extreme degree. In addition, Cerapachys and probably all the other cerapachyine ants have a most powerful sting that immobilizes the opponents within seconds. Not only the adults of the raided colony, but also the captured larvae and pupae are stung by the raiders before they are retrieved to the Cerapachys nest. Observations and experiments demonstrated that the prey larvae are kept in a stage of metabolic stasis and can thereby be stored for a period of more than two months. This food storage system enables Cerapachys to adjust the raiding activities to food requirement and supply. From the laboratory experiments we can conclude that Cerapachys does not conduct daily or periodic raiding expeditions. The frequency of raiding expeditions depends on the food supply stored inside the Cerapachys nest. I was unable to demonstrate periodic nomadic behavior in cerapachys in the laboratory. I assume that nest emigrations might occur relatively frequently in this species, but that they do not follow a periodic pattern. instead, environmental factors such as food supply or physical conditions of the nest site are likely to play the important role in inducing a Cerapachys colony to emigrate.

    • Morgan E. David, Harald Jungnickel, Johan Billen, Fuminori Ito, Jan Bergmann, Bruno Gobin 2008. Contents of the exocrine glands of the ant subfamily Cerapachyinae. "Biochemical Systematics and Ecology", 2008, Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 260-265.
      Впервые исследована экзокринная биохимия муравьев подсемейства Cerapachyinae. Cerapachys, Cylindromyrmex whymperi. Обзор статьи >>>

    • Ravary, F. and P. Jaisson (2002). "The reproductive cycle of thelytokous colonies of Cerapachys biroi Forel (Formicidae, Cerapachyinae)." Insect. Soc. 49(2): 114-119.
      Репродуктивный цикл телитокических семей муравьев Cerapachys biroi исследован в лабораторных условиях. It included several stages, the duration of which was assessed by direct observation on experimental nests set up by fission of natural, queenless, colonies. The results show that two phases of adult activity alternated while cohorts of brood developed synchronously. During the statary phase, virgin workers laid diploid eggs simultaneously but no foraging activity was observed until the following phase which began after the callow workers of the previous brood cohort emerged and the eggs hatched. During this foraging phase, workers explored intensively for food while larvae matured synchronously. Biometrical measures allowed to determine that three larval instars occurred in this species. While larvae started pupation, workers stopped to forage and the next statary phase took place, during which a new cohort of eggs was laid and pupae matured. This repeated phasic reproductive cycle where adult activity and development of the brood are synchronised reminds that of true army ants (subfamily Ecitoninae), which brings new arguments in favour of a filiation between both groups.

    • Kutter, H. (1976). "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Simopone (Hym. Formicidae Subfam. Cerapachyinae resp. Ponerinae)." Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 49: 273-276.
      = Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Simopone Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Cerapachyinae, Ponerinae). A new species of the genus Simopone, S. annettae. from Cameroon is described. This is ihe first record of a winged female in the genus Simopone.

    • Kutter, H. (1977). "Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Simopone Forel." Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 50: 173-176.
      = Second contribution to the knowledge of the genus Simopone Forel (Hym. Formicidae, Subf. Cerapachyinae resp. Ponerinae). A new species of the genus Simopone, S. matthiasi. from Cameroon is described. This is the 4ih species of Simopone of which the female is known.

    • Taylor, R. W. (1965). "New Melanesian ants of the genera Simopone and Amblyopone (Hymenoptera-Formicidae) of zoogeographic significance." Breviora 221: 1-11.

    • Taylor, R. W. (1966 ("1965")). "Notes on the Indo-Australian ants of genus Simopone Forel (Hymenoptera-Formicidae)." Psyche 72: 287-290.

    • Wilson, E. O. (1958). "Observations on the behavior of the cerapachyine ants." Insect. Soc. 5: 129-140.

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