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Все рода: A-Z

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Статьи о муравьях за 2001 год:

(Страница обновлена 16.09.2005)

2002 2003 2004 2005 

ANTS in SCIENCE (Всего статей = 366)
что на 69 больше, чем в базе Formis-2003 (297)
(бесплатные PDF-копии нескольких статей указаны ниже)

  1. Берман Д.И., Жигульская З.А. (2001). Биоразнообразие муравьев северо-востока Азии и северо-запада Америки в связи с историей плейстоценовой Беренгии // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.127-130

  2. Богатырев Н.Р., Богатырева О.А. (2001). Муравей в пространстве и времени: исследовательское оборудование // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.122-126

  3. Бондарь С.С. (2001). Муравьи низовий Днепра // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.151-153

  4. Брагина Т.М. (2001). Анализ фауны муравьев Наурзумского заповедника // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.131-133

  5. Брагина Т.М. (2001). Население муравьев мелколиственных островных лесов Тургайской ложбины в условиях сухой степи // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.134-136

  6. Бугрова Н.М., Пшеницына Л. Б. (2001). Особенности растительных группировок травостоя в зависимости от состояния гнезд Formica aquilonia // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.41-44

  7. Бугрова К.М. (2001). Влияние антропогенной трансформации среды на разнообразие экологических групп муравьев // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.154-157

  8. Гилев А.В. (2001). Популяционная структура северного лесного муравья Formica aquilonia на Среднем Урале // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.54-56.

  9. Голосова М.А., Штучный Н. А. (2001). Оптимальное пространственное расположение муравейников в лесных экосистемах // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.36-37

  10. [Горб Е.Б., Горб С.Н.] Gorb, E. B. and S. N. Gorb (2001). "Effect of parameters of myrmecochorous syndrome on rates of removal of Corydalis cava and Pulmonaria obscura by Formica polyctena ants. [in Russian]." Журнал общей биологии. 62: 132-140.
    Complex of adaptations of myrmecochorous plants to the ant dispersal composes so called myrmecochorous syndrome. To study the effect of some morphological and anatomical adaptations on diaspore attractiveness for ants, the field experiments with diaspores and their extracts were carried out. It was shown that chemical cues attracting ants are located in different parts of diaspores: in elaiosome only, C. cava, or in elaiosome, coverage of external layer of the fruit and in the fruit collar, P. obscura. Anatomy of adaptive structure of diaspores is also discussed together with the results of field experiments.

  11. Гороховская Е. (2001). Социология как источник метафор и идей для мирмекологии // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.104-106

  12. Горюнов Д.Н. (2001). Изменения структуры F. exsecta в течение сезона // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.57-60

  13. Гридина Т.И. (2001). Особенности поведения пауков и стафилинид при взаимодейстивии с муравьями Formica polyctena Forst // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.38-40

  14. Гридина Т.И. (2001). Анализ лесостепного и степного фаунистических комплексов Урала и прилегающих к нему территорий // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.137-140

  15. Длусский Г.М. (2001). Сезонная динамика развития семей Formica candida в изолированной болотной популяции // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.69-71

  16. Длусский Г.М., Захаров А.А., Сейма Ф.А. (2001). К столетию со дня рождения Константина Владимировича Арнольди (1901-1982) // "Муравьи и защита леса". Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума. Пермь, 2001. С. 3-7.

  17. Дорошева Е.А. (2001). Специфика влияния рыжих лесных муравьев на пространственное распространение жужелиц // Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". С. 8-10.

  18. Дорошева Е.А. (2001). Этологические аспекты взаимодействия рыжих лесных муравьев и жужелиц на индивидуальном уровне II Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". С. 113-116.

  19. Дьяченко Н.Г. (2001). Размеры, количество колонн и интенсивность движения в семьях рыжих лесных муравьев // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.72-75

  20. Дьяченко Н.Г. (2001). Сезонные и суточные биоритмы муравьев Formica s. str. в Беловежкой пуще // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.76-78

  21. Евстигнеев О.И., Рубашко Г.Е. (2001). Роль черного садового муравья (Lasius niger) в поддержании флористического разнообразия вейниковых полян. // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.11-15

  22. Ермаков А.И., Гилев А.В., Горбунов П.Ю. (2001). К фауне и экологии муравьев высокогорных эталонных природных комплексов Урала. Екатеринбург: Изд-во "Екатеринбург", 2001. С.96-98.

  23. Захаров А.А. (2001). Стратегия муравьев на ранних этапах развития семей // Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". С. 61-64.

  24. Захаров А.А. (2001). Размеры муравейников и специфика популяционных структур у рыжих лесных муравьев // Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". С. 65-68.

  25. Зрянин В.А., Артемьева О.А. (2001). Механический состав почвы в гнездовых холмиках Lasius niger и L. flavus // Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". С. 8-10.

  26. Карась А.Я., Удалова Г.П. (2001). Стратегия поведения муравьев-разведчиков Myrmica rubra в зависимости от уровня пищевой мотивации и качества подкрепления // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.107-109

  27. [Кипятков В.Е.] Kipyatkov, V., G. Elmes, Lopatina, E., Nielsen, M., Wardlaw, J. (2001). Physiological and ethological adaptation by Myrmica ants to short summers. Berlin, Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Meeting of the European Sections of IUSSI, 25-29 September 2001, Berlin, p. 111.

  28. [Кипятков В.Е.] Kipyatkov, V. E. (2001). "A distantly perceived primer pheromone controls diapause termination in the ant Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Журнал эволюционной биохимии и физиологии. 37(4): 405-416.
    Myrmica rubra worker ants kept at long (18–20 h) days (LD) during 2–3 weeks cause the diapause termination (reactivation) in larvae and queens even in short-day (12 h) conditions (SD). The experiments showed this effect is due to the distant influence of an activating chemical stimulus capable to spread from one laboratory nest with ants to another by means of diffusion through a double perforated partition or with an artificial air flow. Tactile contacts or food exchanges between workers were unnecessary for the transmission of this activating stimulus. Chemical nature of the activating stimulus was confirmed by the experiments in which reactivation was provoked by killed LD workers, which have been crushed in a mortar and added twice a day to a nest with diapause ants kept at SD. The discovered pheromone is the first distantly perceiving primer found in social insects. [Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fisiologii (St. Petersburg), 2001, vol. 37, No 4, pp. 306-314.]

  29. [Кипятков В.Е.] Kipyatkov, V. E. (2001). "A distantly perceived primer pheromone controls diapause termination in the ant Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). [In Russian with English summary]." Журнал эволюционной биохимии и физиологии. 37: 306-314.
    Myrmica rubra worker ants kept at long (18–20 h) days (LD) during 2–3 weeks cause the diapause termination (reactivation) in larvae and queens even in short-day (12 h) conditions (SD). The experiments showed this effect is due to the distant influence of an activating chemical stimulus capable to spread from one laboratory nest with ants to another by means of diffusion through a double perforated partition or with an artificial air flow. Tactile contacts or food exchanges between workers were unnecessary for the transmission of this activating stimulus. Chemical nature of the activating stimulus was confirmed by the experiments in which reactivation was provoked by killed LD workers, which have been crushed in a mortar and added twice a day to a nest with diapause ants kept at SD. The discovered pheromone is the first distantly perceiving primer found in social insects. [Translated into English in: Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 2001, vol. 37, No 4, pp. 405-416]

  30. [Кипятков В.Е.] Kipyatkov, V. E. (2001). "Seasonal life cycles and the forms of dormancy in ants (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea)." Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 65(2): 211-238.
    The forms of dormancy found in ants range from simple quiescence to profound diapause (see Table 1). Most tropical ants are homodynamic and have no developmental arrests: all ontogenetic stages from egg to pupa are present in their nests throughout the year. Some of them (quasi-heterodynamic species) have penetrated into the regions with warm temperate climates but did not evolve real diapause. The development of their brood ceases only at temperatures below the threshold of development (consecutive dormancy) and ants overwinter in a quiescent (cold coma) state suffering from more or less strong mortality. Most temperate ants, however, are true heterodynamic, i.e. they possess real winter diapause (prospective dormancy). In exogenous-heterodynamic species diapause in larvae and queens is facultativeand arises in direct response to falling temperatures in autumn, but diapause begins after some delay and when temperatures are still well above the threshold of development. The diapause in endogenous-heterodynamic species is obligatory at a colony level in a sense that it ensues sooner or later under any circumstances. Their intrinsic brood-rearing cycle is limited by an endogenous timer called a sand-glass device and is also controlled by environmental cues – temperature and photoperiod (in some species), which can only advance or delay the onset of diapause to some extent. Larval dormancy in these ants is facultative diapause induced by social influences of the nurse workers and temperature cues. Adult dormancy is obligate diapause characterized by inactive state of ovaries and also by inability of workers to maintain high growth rate and non-diapause development of larvae and normal egg production of queens. The adult and larval diapause in some endogenous-heterodynamic species is quite stable even at high temperatures and long days but in many others diapause can easily be terminated in such circumstances. In many ants, both endogenous- and exogenous- heterodynamic, the diapause larvae in the last instar continue to feed and to grow slowly and can attain significantly larger size before overwintering. The diapause completion in temperate ants is normally a result of cold reactivation, i.e. the winter exposure to low temperatures, which also leads to (1) the restoration of the colony's "spring physiology" and full capability to realize a new brood-rearing cycle, and (2) the changes of the norm of reaction to photoperiod (general loss of sensitivity in species that have photoperiodic responses) and temperature (ability to produce eggs and rear larvae without diapause at rather low temperatures that induce diapause in summer).

  31. [Кипятков В.Е., Лопатина Е.Б.] Kipyatkov, V. E. and E. B. Lopatina (2001). "Inadaptive photoperiodic responses in ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in boreal and subarctic regions. [In Russian with English summary]." Энтомологическое обозрение. 80(2): 277-287.
    Since photoperiodic cues are virtually absent in the arctic and the subarctic during most of summer season the possible effects of day-length on the development of insects living there have been studied on very few occasions. Nevertheless, such effects might exist, especially in species and populations from the extreme boreal and subarctic zones where the photoperiodic cues are more pronounced in summer. We have done experiments on Myrmica ants from boreal and subarctic regions. The colonies of M. rubra, M. ruginodisand M. scabrinodis were collected in June near St. Petersburg (59° 15' N) and on the Polar Circle (66° 33' N and 66° 15' N; only last two species). The cultures each consisting of 150 workers, one queen and 30–50 overwintered larvae were maintained at optimal temperature (22.5±1°C or 12-hours daily thermoperiod 15/25°C) and 23–24 h day-length until the middle of July when they were transferred to three photoperiodic regimes (under the same temperature): June Photoperiods (23–24 h), matching the situation in nature around the summer solstice, August Photoperiods (18, 17 or 16.5 h depending on the region), corresponding to natural conditions in the middle or at the end of August, and October Photoperiods (12 h) observed in late autumn. Photoperiods exerted a distinct effect upon the length of oviposition and the time of onset of diapause in queens of all three species. October day-lengths caused significantly earlier queen diapause induction and disappearance of eggs in comparison with June photoperiods. However, such short days cannot be really encountered by natural ant colonies during the queen diapause induction which takes place in August. This is why the effects of August day- lengths are of special interest. The mean period of oviposition under August photoperiods did not differ from that under October day-lengths for St. Petersburg population of M. rubra but appeared much longer both in boreal and subarctic populations of two other species in comparison with its possible duration in nature. E.g. when M. ruginodis cultures were kept at August photoperiods from 11 July or from 24 July (in another experiment) queens stopped laying and eggs disappeared on the average on 4 September in the cultures from subarctic and on 15 September in St. Petersburg cultures. However, according to phenological observations eggs in natural Myrmicanests disappear well before the end of August in the Polar Circle region and at the ever beginning of September in St. Petersburg. Thus, we question whether August photoperiods alone could induce diapause in real time in these populations of M. ruginodis and M. scabrinodis. We suppose, therefore, that queen diapause in subarctic and even extremely boreal populations of Myrmica ants arises mainly due to the influence of inferior temperature in August. From this we formulate a new hypothesis of "vestigial photoperiodic responses" in Myrmica populations inhabiting extremely boreal and subarctic regions. We suppose that these northern populations have originated from southern ancestors which possessed the photoperiodic control of seasonal cycle but in a new environment where days were excessively long during most of summer and not useful for control of the life cycle the photoperiodic responses have lost their former role and were replaced by a mixture of endogenous controls and induction by temperature cues. But the photoperiodic sensitivity still remains in the subarctic Myrmicapopulations in the form of redundant physiological reactions which can easily be observed in an experiment but play only a minor role in nature.

  32. Корзухин М.Д., Портер С.Д., Томпсон Л.С. (2001). Биогеографическая модель потенциального ареала Solenopsis invicta // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.158-160

  33. Красильников В.А. (2001). Обнаружение живых муравьев в плодах граната в Чувашской Республике: новый для местной фауны вид // Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". С. 147-148.

  34. Красильников В.А. (2001). К изучению фауны муравьев Алатырского участка ГПЗ "Присурский". // "Научные труды ГПЗ "Присурский". Чебоксары-Атрат , 2001 , том 7, с.73-75.

  35. Кузовкин Е.М. (2001). Мирмекофауна пастбищ неблагополучных по дик- роцелиозу разных климатических зон Украины // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.161-163

  36. Кудряшова К.В., Бобровская О.З., Кряквина А.В. (2001). К вопросу о влиянии лесных пожаров на мирмекофауну ленточных боров Алтайского края // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.164-166

  37. Lopatina, E. B. and V. E. Kipyatkov (2001). Changes of the reaction norm in response to temperature as an adaptation to boreal and subarctic climates in Myrmica ants. Berlin, Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Meeting of the European Sections of IUSSI, 25-29 September 2001, Berlin, p. 112.

  38. Малышев Д.С. (2001). Саморегуляция сообществ рыжих лесных муравь- ев в условиях деградации таежных лесов // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.173-175

  39. Марков В.А. (2001). Гнезда муравьев рода Formica и геопатогенные зоны // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.52-53

  40. Мерщиев А.В. (2001). Стимуляция образования развилок муравьинных дорог // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.83-86

  41. "Муравьи и защита леса: Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума. Пермь, 20-26 авг.2001". // Пермь, 2001. 193 с.

  42. Новгородова Т.А. (2001). Полевые экспериментальные исследования адаптации тли к взаимодействию с муравьями: сравнительный анализ мирмекофильных и немирмекофильных видов // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.19-22

  43. Новгородова Т.А. (2001). Симбиотические отношения муравьев Lasius fuliginosus с тлями Stomaphis quercus // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.23-25

  44. Новгородова ТА. (2001). Стратегии поведения, используемые муравьями разных видов на колониях тлей при сборе пади // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.110-112

  45. Омельченко Л.В. (2001). Муравьи Эдиганской котловины (Центральный Алтай) // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.141-143

  46. Пантелеева С.Н. (2001). Особенности состава добычи Myrmica rubra в разных местообитаниях // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.16-18

  47. Пантелеева С.Н., Резникова Ж.И. (2001). Экспериментальное исследо вание охотничьего поведения Myrmica rubra L. по отношению к ногохвосткам (Collembola) // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.26-29

  48. Перфильева К.С. (2001). Особенности крыловых признаков муравьев-кочевников и их значение для филогении // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.93-96

  49. Путянина Т.С. (2001). Предварительные данные о муравьях Даурского биосферного заповедника и заказника "Цасучейский бор" // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.144-146

  50. Резникова Ж.И. (2001). Индивидуализированные группировки у муравьев: гипотеза усложнения стратегий в пределах видовой специфики // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.100-103

  51. Резникова Ж. И. и др. (2001). Reznikova Z., Dorosheva H., Novgorodova Т., Panteleeva S., Slepzova E. (2001). Ants as "tutors" for invertebrates sharing their feeding territories. Proc. of the Berlin Meeting of the European Section of IUSSI, p. 169.

  52. Ромашкова О.П., Каленникова О.А., Одинец А.А., Дашев Г.Ц., Свирина Т.В. (2001). Препараты группы "Анфар" для уничтожения рыжих домовых муравьев // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.170-172

  53. Рыбалов Л.Б., Рыбалов Г.Л., Воробьева И.Г. (2001). Муравьи, медведи, жужелицы: некоторые аспекты взаимоотношений в енисейской тайге // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.49-51

  54. Саблин-Яворский А.Д. (2001). Инструментальный мониторинг двигательной активности в поселениях муравьев Myrmica rubra // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.97-99

  55. Сарапий М.И., Сигида С.И. (2001). Фауна муравьев Тебердинского запозаповедника // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.149-150

  56. Сейма Ф.А. (2001). Комплементарность сезонных циклов в ассоциациях таежных видов муравьев // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.87-89

  57. Слепцова Е.В. (2001). Зимнее население ногохвосток (Collembola) в гнездах Formica rufa. // Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, с. 30-32.

  58. Слепцова Е.В. (2001). Особенности распределения ногохвосток (Collembola) в гнездах Formica rufa, расположенных в разных биотопах. // Материалы XI Всероссийского мирмекологического симпозиума "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, с. 33-35. Сорокина С.В. (2001). Влияние угольной промышленности на поселения на муравьев г. Прокопьевска // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.167-169

  59. Успенский К. В. (2001). Результаты наблюдений за уникальным поселением малого лесного муравья (Formica polyctena) в Воронежской области // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.90-92

  60. Харькив В.А. (2001). Разделение функции в семьях факультативных рабовладельцев Formica sanguinea, использующих рабов F.fusca и F.cunicularia // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.79-82

  61. Федосеева Е.Б. (2001). Аберрации морфологических признаков в популяциях муравьев Formica // "Муравьи и защита леса". Пермь, 2001. С.117-121

  62. Федосеева Е.Б. (2001). Морфофункциональные аспекты топографии головной капсулы Aculeata (Hymenoptera) // Журнал Общей Биологии. Т. 62, № 2, С. 157–170.

  63. Abbaspour, K. C., R. Schulin, et al. (2001). "Estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic parameters using ant colony optimization." Adv. Water Resour. 24: 827-841.

  64. Abudulai, M., B. M. Shepard, et al. (2001). "Parasitism and predation on eggs of Leptoglossus phyllopus (L.) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in cowpea: impact of endosulfan sprays." J. Agric. Urban Entomol. 18: 105-115.

  65. Acosta, A. D., D. M. Esquivel, et al. (2001). "Seasonal patterns in the orientation system of the migratory ant Pachycondyla marginata." Naturwissenschaften 88: 343-346.
    Статистический анализ направлений маршрутов неотропическогомуравья охотника на термитов P. marginata в лесном заповеднике на юго-востоке Бразилии. Особенности перемещения колоний были сравнены между дождливыми+горячими (rainy/hot) и сухими+холодными (dry/cold) сезонами. Миграции во время dry/cold сезона явно были соориентированы на 13 градусов к magnetic North-South axis, в то время как миграции в rainy/hot сезоны не показывали такого предпочтения. Присутствие магнитных железных оксидов в голове и брюшке P. marginata согласуется с этими выводами.

  66. Albrecht, M. and N. J. Gotelli (2001). "Spatial and temporal niche partitioning in grassland ants." Oecologia 126: 134-141.

  67. Allen, C. R., E. A. Forys, et al. (2001). "Effects of fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on hatching turtles and prevalence of fire ants on sea turtle nesting beaches in Florida." Fla. Entomol. 84: 250-253.

  68. Allen, C. R., R. S. Lutz, et al. (2001). "The non-indigenous ant, Solenopsis invicta, reduces loggerhead shrike and native insect abundance." J. Agric. Urban Entomol. 18: 249-259.

  69. Alvarez, G., I. Armbrecht, Jimenez, E., Armbrecht, H., Ulloa-Chacon, P. (2001). "Ant-plant association in two Tococa species from a primary rain forest of Colombian Choco (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 585-602.

  70. Anderson, C. J. and J. A. MacMahon (2001). "Granivores, exclosures, and seed banks: harvester ants and rodents in sagebrush-steppe." J. Arid Environ. 49: 343-355.

  71. Anderson, G. J., G. Bernardello, Stuessy, T.F., Crawford, D.J. (2001). "Breeding system and pollination of selected plants endemic to Juan Fernandez Islands." Am. J. Bot. 88: 220-233.

  72. Anon. (2001). "Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): specific name conserved." Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 58: 156-157.
    Предложение мирмекологов Shattuck, S.O., Porter, S.D., & Wojcik, D.P., 1999, Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): proposed conservation of the specific name, Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 56: 27-30 данным решением поддержано.

  73. Anon. (2001). The statewide economic impact of the red imported fire ant in Texas, Texas Imported Fire Ant Research & Management Plan, Texas A&M University, 9 pp.

  74. Anon. (2001). "USDA, southern states to release fly against fire ants." AgVentures 4 (6): 23.

  75. Antonialli-Junior, W. F. and E. Giannotti (2001). "Nest architecture and population dynamics of the ponerine ant Ectatomma edentatum (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 475-486.

  76. Apple, J. L. and D. H. Feener, Jr. (2001). "Ant visitation of extrafloral nectaries of Passiflora: the effects of nectary attributes and ant behavior on patterns in facultative ant-plant mutualisms." Oecologia 127: 409-416.

  77. Arab, A. and F. H. Caetano (2001). "Functional ultrastructure of the midgut of the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima Forel 1904 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae)." Cytobios 105: 45-53.

  78. Armbrecht, I., E. Jimenez, et al. (2001). "An ant mosaic in the Colombian rain forests of Choco (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 37: 491-509.

  79. Armbrecht, I., I. Tischer, et al. (2001). "Nested subsets and partition patterns in ant assemblages (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Colombian dry forest fragments." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 77: 196-209.

  80. Astruc, C., C. Malosse, et al. (2001). "Lack of intraspecific aggression in the ant Tetramorium bicarinatum: a chemical hypothesis." J. Chem. Ecol. 27: 1229-1248.
    Tetramorium bicarinatum (Myrmicinae) распространен в тропиках и субтропиках в Африке, юго-восточной Азии и Южной Америке. У этого полигинного вида стерильные рабочие, практически отсутствует внутривидовая агрессивность, хотя очень агрессивны к другим видам (напрмер, Myrmica rubra). Исследования кутикулярных углеводородов проводились в Бразилии и Японии с помощью gas chromatography вместе с mass spectrometry. Результаты показали, что различные колонии T. bicarinatum обладают общим химическим профилем, главным образом составленным из неразветвленных алканов и алкенов, в то время как Myrmica rubra обладают более разветвленными (+метил) алканами. Предполагается, что метил-алкканы играют роль определения колониальной принадлежности.

  81. [Баканова Е., и др.] Bakanova, E., S. A. Roslavtseva, et Bakanova, N.I. (2001). "Hydromethylnon baits as means of cockroach and ant control. [Article in Russian]." Gig. Sanit. 2001 Jul-Aug (4): 60-64.

  82. Beekman, M., D. J. T. Sumpter, et Ratnieks, F.L.W. (2001). "Phase transition between disordered and ordered foraging in Pharaoh's ants." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98: 9703-9706.

  83. Bestelmeyer, B. T. and J. A. Wiens (2001). "Ant biodiversity in semiarid landscape mosaics: the consequences of grazing vs. natural heterogeneity." Ecol. Appl. 11: 1123-1140.

  84. Billick, I., D. C. Wiernasz, et Cole, B.J. (2001). "Recruitment in the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis: effects of experimental removal." Oecologia 129: 228-233.

  85. Bisch-Knaden, S. and R. Wehner (2001). "Egocentric information helps desert ants to navigate around familiar obstacles." J. Exper. Biol. 204: 4177-4184.

  86. Bishop, D. B. and C. M. Bristow (2001). "Effect of Allegheny mound ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) presence on homopteran and predator populations in Michigan jack pine forests." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94: 33-40.
    Formica exsectoides Forel, в лесах north-central Michigan использует мирмекофильных и немирмекофильных тлей и червецов. Это два облигатных мирмекофила: тля Cinara banksiana Pepper & Tissot , the soft scale Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell), чьи ареалы не превышают ареалы популяций муравья. Тля Cinara ontarioensis Bradley не столь мирмекофильна как предыдущие два вида, распространена неоднородно, часто вне зависимости от F. exsectoides. Наоборот, другой вид тлей Schizolachnus piniradiatae (Davidson) замещает эти виды в местах отсутствия F. exsectoides. Наблюдения показали, что F. exsectoides поедает вид S. piniradiatae.

  87. Blatrix, R. and P. Jaisson (2001). "Reproductive strategy of the ponerine ant Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 37: 147-161.

  88. Bluthgen, N., V. Schmit-Neuerburg, et al. (2001). "Ants as epiphyte gardeners: comparing the nutrient quality of ant and termite canopy substrates in a Venezuelan lowland rain forest." J. Trop. Ecol. 17: 887-894.

  89. Bluthgen, N. and J. Wesenberg (2001). "Ants induce domatia in a rain forest tree (Vochysia vismiaefolia)." Biotropica 33: 637-642.

  90. Bonneau F.(2001). "Insects Division du travail et reproduction chez la fourmi Rhytidoponera aurata". DEA Biologie du Comportement, Universite Paris Nord, 2001.

  91. Bot, A. N. M., C. R. Currie, Hart, A.G., Boomsma, J.J. (2001). "Waste management in leaf-cutting ants." Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 13: 225-237.

  92. Bot, A. N. M., S. A. Rehner, et Boomsma, J.J. (2001). "Partial incompatibility between ants and symbiotic fungi in two sympatric species of Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants." Evolution 55: 1980-1991.
    Муравьи-грибководы способны признать незнакомые грибы. Amplified fragment length polymorphism genotyping further shows that the two sympatric Acromyrmex species share each other's major lineages of cultivar, confirming that horizontal transfer does occasionally take place. Evidence is given that chemical substances produced by the fungus garden may mediate recognition of alien fungi by the ants. Incompatibility between ants and transplanted, genetically different cultivars is indeed due to active killing of the novel cultivar by the ants. This incompatibility disappears when ants are force-fed the novel cultivar for about a week, a result that is consistent with our hypothesis of recognition induced by the resident fungus and eventual replacement of incompatibility compounds during force-feeding.

  93. Boulay, R., L. M. Hooper-Bui, et al. (2001). "Oviposition and oogenesis in virgin fire ant females Solenopsis invicta are associated with a high level of dopamine in the brain." Physiol. Entomol. 26: 294-299.
    В попытке идентифицировать neural сигналы, которые инициируют репродуктивную систему, авторы измерили влияние на мозг биогенных аминов, взятых у маток. Dopamine in the brain of virgin females increased from 552 +/- 42 to 971 +/- 65 fMol/brain when reproduction and dealation were stimulated by 15 days of separation. Octopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine did not change significantly after the separation. Isolated virgin females fed with a tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor 3-iodo-L-tyrosine mixed in sucrose for 15 days laid significantly fewer eggs and had fewer chorionated oocytes in their ovarioles than females fed with sucrose only. Restoring dopamine biosynthesis by adding L-dopa to the food also restored oogenesis and oviposition. Dealation was not affected by 3-iodo- L-tyrosine or L-dopa.

  94. Boulay, R. and A. Lenoir (2001). "Social isolation of mature workers affects nestmate recognition in the ant Camponotus fellah." Behav. Process. 55: 67-73.

  95. Boyd, R. S. (2001). "Ecological benefits of myrmecochory for the endangered chaparral shrub Fremontodendron decumbens (Sterculiaceae)." Am. J. Bot. 88: 234-241.
    Растение Fremontodendron decumbens растет только в одном графстве в штате Калифорния (США). Предшествующие исследования показали, что elaiosome-bearing семена распространяются муравьями-жнецами Messor andrei. Проверено несколько гипотез относительно положительной роли муравьев в распространении растения F. decumbens: (1) Does ant-mediated seed dispersal facilitate seed escape from rodent predation?; (2) Does ant processing of seeds stimulate germination?; (3) are ant middens more suitable microsites for seed or seedling survival in unburned chaparral areas?; and (4) do survival benefits of dispersal occur post-fire in the form of differences in seedling survival probabilities and, if so, why?
           Результаты: (1) similar percentages of seeds placed on ant middens and under F. decumbens shrub canopies were destroyed by rodents, but seeds from which elaiosomes had been removed were more likely to escape rodent predation; (2) seeds processed by ants did not germinate more readily than seeds removed directly from shrub branches; (3) seedling predation was a major cause of mortality in unburned chaparral on both ant middens and under shrubs, and overall seedling survival did not differ between the two microsites; (4) post-burn seedling survival was significantly greater for seedling dispersed away from F. decumbens shrub canopies, because dispersed seedlings were both less likely to be killed by predators and more likely to be growing in a gap created by the fire-caused death of an established shrub. Автор заключает, что крупную экологическую выгоду растение F. decumbens получает от расселения муравьями особенно после пожарищ.

  96. Brandts, W. A., A. Longtin, et al. (2001). "Two-category model of task allocation with application to ant societies." Bull. Math. Biol. 63: 1125-1161.
    Во многих network моделях взаимодействия таких элементов, как клетки или насекомые, коэффициенты сцепления между единицами независимы от состояния единиц. Авторы проанализировали temporal behavior of units that can switch between 2 'category' states according to rules that involve category- dependent coupling coefficients. The behaviors of the category populations resulting from the asynchronous random updating of units are first classified according to the signs of the coupling coefficients using numerical simulations. They range from isolated fixed points to lines of fixed points and stochastic attractors. These behaviors are then explained analytically using iterated function systems and birth-death jump processes. The main inspiration for our work comes from studies of non-hierarchical task allocation in, e.g., harvester ant colonies where temporal fluctuations in the numbers of ants engaged in various tasks occur as circumstances require and depend on interactions between ants. We identify interaction types that produce quick recovery from perturbations to an asymptotic behavior whose characteristics are function of the coupling coefficients between ants as well as between ants and their environment. We also compute analytically the probability density of the population numbers, and show that perturbations in our model decay twice as fast as in a model with random switching dynamics. A subset of the interaction types between ants yields intrinsic stochastic asymptotic behaviors which could account for some of the experimentally observed fluctuations. Such noisy trajectories are shown to be random walks with state-dependent biases in the 'category population' phase space. With an external stimulus, the parameters of the category-switching rules become time-dependent. Depending on the growth rate of the stimulus in comparison to its population-dependent decay rate, the dynamics may qualitatively differ from the case without stimulus. Our simple 2-category model provides a framework for understanding the rich variety of behaviors in network dynamics with state-dependent coupling coefficients, and especially in task allocation processes with many tasks.

  97. Brandao, C. R. F., J. L. M. Diniz, et al. (2001). "The first case of intranidal phragmosis in ants. The ergatoid queen of Blepharidatta conops (Formicidae : Myrmicinae) blocks the entrance of the brood chamber." Insect. Soc. 48: 251-258.

  98. Brandao, C. R. F. and A. J. Mayhe-Nunes (2001). "A new fungus-growing ant genus, Mycetagroicus gen. n., with the description of three new species and comments on the monophyly of the Attini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 639-665.

  99. Brinkman, M. A. and W. A. Gardner (2001). "Use of diatomaceous earth and entomopathogen combinations against the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Fla. Entomol. 84: 740-741.

  100. Brinkman, M. A., W. A. Gardner, et al. (2001). "Effect of red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on Rhinocyllus conicus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a biological control agent of musk thistle." Environ. Entomol. 30: 612-616.
    Влияние красного огненного муравья Solenopsis invicta Buren на жука-долгоносика Rhinocyllus conicus Froelich in a musk thistle, Carduus nutans L., проведено в лабораторных и полевых исследованиях в штате Джорджия в 1999 и 2000 годах. In the laboratory, 30 thistle heads containing eggs and larvae were kept as controls and 30 heads were exposed to fire ant colonies. Foraging by fire ants for 72 h did not reduce the number of R. conicus eggs or larvae on musk thistle heads. Foraging by fire ant workers on musk thistle in pasture plots was nearly eliminated following treatment with Amdro bait (hydramethylnon). However, there were no noticeable differences in R. conicus egg, larva, or adult counts for thistle heads in treated and untreated plots. Результаты ппоказывают, что жук R. conicus был в значительной степени незатронут деятельностью красного огненного муравья.

  101. Brinkman, M. A., W. A. Gardner, et al. (2001). "Ground-dwelling ant species attracted to four food baits in Georgia." J. Entomol. Sci. 36: 461-463.

  102. Brouat, C., N. Garcia, et al. (2001). "Plant lock and ant key: pairwise coevolution of an exclusion filter in an ant-plant mutualism." Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B Biol. Sci. 268: 2131-2141.
    Мутуализм растений Leonardoxa и муравьев. We report on the strongest evidence yet for reciprocal adaptation of morphological characters in a species-specific ant-plant mutualism. The plant character is the prostoma, which is a small unlignified organ at the apex of the domatia in which symbiotic ants excavate an entrance hole. Each myrmecophyte in the genus Leonardoxa has evolved a prostoma with a different shape. By performing precise measurements on the prostomata of 3 related myrmecophytes, on their specific associated ants and on the entrance holes excavated by symbiotic ants at the prostomata, we showed that correspondence of the plant and ant traits forms a morphological and behavioral filter. We have strong evidence for coevolution between the dimensions and shape of the symbiotic ants and the prostoma in one of the three ant-Leonardoxa associations.

  103. Brown, S. G., Q. X. Wu, Kelsall, G.R., Heddle, R.J., Baldo, B.A. (2001). "Fatal anaphylaxis following jack jumper ant sting in southern Tasmania." Med. J. Aust. 175: 644-647.
    Главная причина анафилаксии на острове Тасмания - прыгающий "jack jumper " муравей-бульдог Myrmecia pilosula. Описано 4 смертельных случая, приписанные жалам этих муравьев в период между 1980 и 1999. Все жертвы были люди в 40-летнем возрасте или с существенным comorbidities; 2 жертвы использовали фермент angiotensin - энзимный ингибитор, который может увеличивать риск серьезного анафилактического шока. 3 жертвы знали, что обладают аллергией на ужаление муравьями, но только один нес с собой адреналин, который он так и не использовал. Другой верил, что он был защищен предыдущими попытками в hyposensitisation с целым извлечением органа муравья. Чтобы предотвратить смертельных случаи, надо быть осторожным тем, кто имеет известную аллергию, иметь адреналин для автоиньекции и развития эффективной hyposensitisation терапии.

  104. Bull, E. L., T. R. Torgersen, et al. (2001). "The importance of vegetation, insects, and neonate ungulates in black bear diet in northeastern Oregon." Northwest Sci. 75: 244-253.
    Из 434 пометов (экскрементов, scats), содержащих насекомых, 40% включали Camponotus, 45% включали Aphaenogaster, Lasius, или Tapinoma, и 36% включали Formica.

  105. Buschinger, A. (2001). "Appendages of unknown function in male pupae of some ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomol. Gen. 25: 97-101.

  106. Cahan, S. H. (2001). "Ecological variation across a transition in colony-founding behavior in the ant Messor pergandei." Oecologia 129: 629-635.

  107. Cai, Y. and G. Yu (2001). "The effects of Polyrhachis vicina on immunoregulation in mice. [in Chinese]." Zhong Yao Cai 24: 499-502.
    Polyrhachis vicina Roger оказывает иммуно-регуляторное действие на мышей.

  108. Calcaterra, L. A., J. A. Briano, et al. (2001). "Observations on the sexual castes of the fire ant parasite Solenopsis daguerrei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Fla. Entomol. 84: 446-448.

  109. Cammaerts, M. C. and R. Cammaerts (2001). "Marking of nest entrances and vicinity in two related Tetramorium ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 14: 247-269.

  110. Campbell, J. B. (2001). "Anti-quality effects of insects feeding on rangeland plants: a review." J. Range Manage. 54: 462-465.
    В числе прочих вредных организмов, рассматривается влияние муравьев-жнецов.

  111. Campos, R. B. F. and J. H. Schoereder (2001). "Dominance and resource temporal partitioning in pasture ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 539-550.

  112. Carcamo, H. A. and D. Parkinson (2001). "Localized acidification near sour gas processing plants: are forest floor macro-invertebrates affected?" Appl. Soil Ecol., Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 17: 199-213.

  113. Chapuisat, M. and R. H. Crozier (2001). "Low relatedness among cooperatively breeding workers of the greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica." J. Evol. Biol. 14: 564-573.
    Зеленоголовый муравей Rhytidoponera metallica has long been recognized as posing a potential challenge to kin selection theory, because it has large queenless colonies where apparently many of the morphological workers are mated and reproducing. However, this species has never been studied genetically and important elements of its breeding system and kin structure remain uncertain. We used microsatellite markers to measure the relatedness among nestmates, unravel the one-scale population genetic structure, and infer the breeding system of R. metallica. The genetic relatedness among worker nestmates is very low but signifcantly greater than zero ( r‹0.082 +/- 0.015), which demonstrates that nests contain many distantly related breeders. The inbreeding coeffcient is very close to and not significantly different from zero, indicating random mating and lack of microgeographic genetic differentiation. On average, closely located nests are not more similar genetically than distant nests, which is surprising, as new colonies form by budding and female dispersal is restricted. Lack of inbreeding and absence of population viscosity indicates high gene flow mediated by males. Overall, the genetic pattern detected in R. metallica suggests that a high number of moderately related workers mate with unrelated males from distant nests. This breeding system results in the lowest relatedness among nestmates reported for social insect species where breeders and helpers are not morphologically differentiated.

  114. Cheng, Y. D., C. H. Tseng, Wang, H.P., Liao, C.C. (2001). "Component analysis of black ant (Polyrhachis lamellidens) extracts from supercritical fluid extraction." J. Food Drug Anal. 9: 72-78.

  115. Cherry, R. (2001). "Interrelationship of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and southern chinch bugs (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) in Florida lawns." J. Entomol. Sci. 36: 411-415.

  116. Christian, C. (2001). "Consequences of a biological invasion reveal the importance of mutualism for plant communities." Nature 413: 635-639.
    Инвазия в Южно-Африканские shrublands Аргентинского муравья (Linepithema humile) привела к к изменению в составе растительного сообщества, вследствие непропорционального сокращения удельного веса растений с крупными семенами.

  117. Cole, B. J., K. Haight, et al. (2001). "Distribution of Myrmecocystus mexicanus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): association with Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94: 59-63.
    Колонии Myrmecocystus mexicanus Wesmael часто завязаны в своем расположении с крупными колониями жнецов Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Cresson). Они были чаще в 3 метрах от гнезд жнецов, и реже далее, чем в 10 метрах от них. В состав белковой диеты M. mexicanus в этих местах входили почти исключительно мертвые или умирающие рабочие муравьев-жнецов P. occidentalis.

  118. Collett, T. S., M. Collett, et Wehner, R. (2001). "The guidance of desert ants by extended landmarks." J. Exper. Biol. 204: 1635-1639.

  119. Consoli, F. L., C. T. Wuellner, Vinson, S.B., Gilbert, L.E. (2001). "Immature development of Pseudacteon tricuspis (Diptera: Phoridae), an endoparasitoid of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94: 97-109.
    Среди мнгочисленных методик и попыток контролировать численность огненных муравьев Solenopsis invicta Buren выделяется биометод и использование паразитоидов и паразитов. Среди паразитоидов этих муравьев рассматривается вид мух-форид Pseudacteon spp. (phorid flies). One of these species, Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, has been released in target areas for field assessments. However, there is not enough information about their biology or interactions with their hosts. Here we describe the parasitization and development of P. tricuspis in two sizes of ants. We also evaluated the behavioral response of these ants to the attack of this fly. We found no difference in the development of P. tricuspis when attacking small or large ants. The immatures showed similar developmental time and morphology in both groups of ants. The egg is laid in the thorax, and there are three instars before pupariation. The first instar develops in the thorax, and it remains inside its serosa after hatching. It molts into a second instar soon after leaving its serosa. Second and third instars develop in the head. Pupariation takes place inside the head of the host. Adults eclose approximately equal to 19 d after pupariation. We also discuss some of the possible physiological mechanisms involved in the host-parasitoid interactions, as well as in the interactions with conspecifics. The feasibility of developing in vitro rearing systems to culture this parasitoid is also addressed.

  120. Core, J. (2001). "Areawide pest management: an effective strategy for many pests." Agric. Res. 49 (11): 10.

  121. Costa, H. S., L. Greenberg, et al. (2001). "Monitoring the effects of granular insecticides for Argentine ant control in nursery settings." J. Agric. Urban Entomol.: 13-22.

  122. Crozier, R. H. and E. J. Fjerdingstad (2001). "Polyandry in social Hymenoptera — disunity in diversity?" Ann. Zool. Fennici 38: 267–285.
    Многократное спаривание самок распространено у многих видов социальных Hymenoptera despite its likely costs. Hypotheses to explain multiple mating include a need for more sperm than provided by a single male, the convergence of queen and worker sex-allocation optima and various genetic diversity hypotheses. For some species the sperm need hypothesis fails since queens retain only a single male’s worth of sperm. In other cases, sperm store does increase with the number of matings. Similarly for the sex-allocation and genetic diversity hypotheses, data from some species are in support, those from others are not. Comparative analysis reveals a negative correlation between level of genetic diversity (of which queen mate number is an important determinant) and parasite load; findings in the best-studied case are complex: monandry and higher levels of polyandry are each selectively favored over moderate polyandry. Out of 14 identifiable hypotheses five are judged most useful for future work. Unfortunately, the search for a simple unitary model to explain all cases seems futile. A model encompassing all of these factors is desirable for studies on single species, but would be complex. Comparative analyses remain desirable, but should encompass the likelihood that different factors predominate in different groups.

  123. Cruz Lopez, L., J. C. Rojas, et al. (2001). "Behavioral and chemical analysis of venom gland secretion of queens of the ant Solenopsis geminata." J. Chem. Ecol. 27: 2437-2445.
    Исследования в Y-tube olfactometer показал, что рабочие Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) привлекаются экстрактам ядовитой железы самок. Анализ с помощью Gas chromatography вместе с mass spectrometry отдельных желез самок S. geminata показал, что их секреты состоят главным образом из алкалоида 2-alkyl-6- methylpiperidine и малого количества delta-lactone и alpha-pyrone, которые ранее были идентифицированы как компоненты феромона самок Solenopsis invicta Buren. Однако, в дополнение отмечено небольшое количество смесей из sesquiterpenes и pentadecene. Возможная функция sesquiterpenoid обсуждается.

  124. Currie, C. R. (2001). "A community of ants, fungi, and bacteria: a multilateral approach to studying symbiosis." Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 55: 357-380.
    The ants carefully tend the fungus, which serves as their main food source, and traditionally are believed to be so successful at fungal cultivation that they are able to maintain the fungus free of microbial pathogens. This assumption is surprising in light of theories on the evolution of parasitism, especially for those species of ants that have been clonally propagating their cultivars for millions of years. Recent work has established that, as theoretically predicted, the gardens of fungus-growing ants are host to a specialized, virulent, and highly evolved fungal pathogen in the genus Escovopsis. In addition, the ants have evolved a mutualistic association with filamentous bacteria, actinomycetes, that produce antibiotics that suppress the growth of Escovopsis. The attine symbiosis appears to be a coevolutionary "arms race" between the garden parasite Escovopsis on the one hand and the ant-fungus-actinomycete tripartite mutualism on the other.

  125. Currie, C. R. (2001). "Prevalence and impact of a virulent parasite on a tripartite mutualism." Oecologia 128: 99-106.

  126. Currie, C. R. and A. E. Stuart (2001). "Weeding and grooming of pathogens in agriculture by ants." Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B Biol. Sci. 268: 1033-1039.

  127. Cuvillier-Hot, V., M. Cobb, et al. (2001). "Sex, age and ovarian activity affect cuticular hydrocarbons in Diacamma ceylonense, a queenless ant." J. Insect Physiol. 47: 485-493.
    У не имеющего настоящих маток (queenless ant) цейлонского муравья Diacamma ceylonense, состав кутикулярных углеводородов (C25-C35) рабочих особей из одной семьи варьирует в пропорциях в зависимости от их возраста и фертильности. Newly eclosed adults ('callows') initially have the same cuticular profile, but with time this changes to that typical of foragers. In contrast, workers that begin to produce eggs develop a different cuticular profile. Several substances (n-C29 and some methyl C25 and C27) discriminate these different social categories (callows, foragers and egg-layers). In Diacamma ceylonense, inter-colony variation of the cuticular hydrocarbons was much lower than intra-colony variation. We also found qualitative differences between the sexes, with males having a clearly different profile with much more alkanes. We discuss these results in the context of physiological models of the relation between ovarian activity and the synthesis of cuticular hydrocarbons. Variations in cuticular profile are a reliable reflection of ovarian activity, and could be used by ants as a fertility signal.

  128. Czechowski, W. (2001). "Mixed colony of Formica pratensis Retz. + Formica cinerea Mayr + Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and its presumed origin." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 51: 205-209.

  129. Darling, D. C., F. C. Schroeder, Meinwald, J., Eisner, M., Eisner, T. (2001). "Production of a cyanogenic secretion by a thyridid caterpillar (Calindoea trifascialis, Thyrididae, Lepidoptera)." Naturwissenschaften 88: 306-309.
    When disturbed the thyridid caterpillar, Calindoea trifascialis, emits a defensive secretion from two sac-like glands that open dorsolaterally on the first abdominal segment. The larva has two arm-like protuberances that project outward from the body just in front of the gland openings. These arms are wetted by secretion when the larva activates its glands, appear to function specifically for administration of the fluid. A primary component of the secretion in mandelonitrile, a cyanogenic compound, but the fluid also contains other potential deterrents, including benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, (E,E)-alpha-farnesene, and 3-methylbutyl-3-methylbutanoate. Tests done in the field in its native Vietnam, showed the secretion to be protective against ants.

  130. Davies, S. J., S. K. Lum, et al. (2001). "Evolution of myrmecophytism in western Malesian Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae)." Evolution 55: 1542-1559.
    Род растений Macaranga включает около 300 палеотропических древесных видов, из которых 26 видов обнаружены в Малайзии как мирмекофитные. Исследована эволюция мирмекофитизма по морфологическим и молекулярным признакам...
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  131. Davis, L. R., Jr., R. K. Vander Meer, et al. (2001). "Red imported fire ants expand their range across the West Indies." Fla. Entomol. 84: 735-736.
    Указаны места новых находок огненного муравья Solenopsis invicta на Багамских островах Bahama Islands (Abaco Island, Grand Bahama Island, Gorda Cay) и он впервые найден на British Virgin Islands (Guana Island); the United States Virgin Islands (St. Croix, 2 sites); the Turks and Caicos Islands (Providenciales, 7 sites), Antigua (4 sites); и на острове Тринидад.

  132. Dejean, A., J. Orivel, Corbara, B., Olmsted, I., Lachaud, J.P. (2001). "Nest site selection by two polistine wasps: the influence of Acacia-Pseudomyrmex associations against predation by army ants (Hymenoptera)." Sociobiology 37: 135-146.

  133. Dejean, A., P. J. Solano, Orivel, J., Belin-Depoux, M., Cerdan, P., Corbara, B. (2001). "The spread-eagling of prey by the obligate plant-ant Pheidole minutula (Myrmicinae): similarities with dominant arboreal ants." Sociobiology 38: 709-721.

  134. Delabie, J. H. C. (2001). "First record of the ant genus Probolomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Brazil." Rev. Biol. Trop. 49:: 397-398.
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  135. Delabie, J. H. C. (2001). "New range of the Brazilian endemic Platythyrea exigua (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Platythyreini)." Rev. Biol. Trop. 49: 1282.

  136. Delabie, J. H. C. (2001). "Trophobiosis between Formicidae and Hemiptera (Sternorrhyncha and Auchenorrhyncha): an overview." Neotropical Entomol. 30: 501-516.

  137. Delsinne, T., H. Jourdan, et al. (2001). "Premieres donnues sur la monopolisation de ressources par l'envahisseur Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) au sein d'une myrmecofaune de forкt suche no-caledonienne." Actes Coll. Insect. Soc. 14: 1-5.
    Муравей W. auropunctata больше привлекается к vegetal oil, чем к сахару.

  138. Denis D. (2001). "Comportement des ouvrieres vis-a-vis du couvain en cas de situation de crise : perte de la reine chez Odontomachus baurii et Pachycondyla goeldii", DEA Biologie du Comportement, Universite Paris Nord, 2001.

  139. Deslippe, R. J. and W. D. Melvin (2001). "Assessment of ant foraging on beehives in an apiary infested with Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Southwest. Entomol. 29: 215-219.

  140. Deyrup, M. and D. Lubertazzi (2001). "A new species of ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from north Florida." Entomol. News 112: 15-21.

  141. Diehl, E., A. M. de Araujjo, et al. (2001). "Genetic variability and social structure of Colonies in Acromyrmex heyeri and A. striatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Braz. J. Biol. 61: 667-678.

  142. Dillys R.(2001). "Mecanismes de formation d'une colonie sans reine chez la fourmi Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr", DEA Biologie du Comportement, Universite Paris Nord, 2001.

  143. Djieto Lordon, C., J. Orivel, et Dejean, A. (2001). "Predatory behavior of the African ponerine ant Platythyrea modesta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 303-315.

  144. Djieto Lordon, C., F. J. Richard, et al. (2001). "The predatory behavior of the dominant arboreal ant species Tetramorium aculeatum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 765-775.

  145. Dray, F. A., Jr., T. D. Center, et al. (2001). "Lessons from unsuccessful attempts to establish Spodoptera pectinicornis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a biological control agent of Waterlettuce." Biocontrol Sci. Tech. 11: 301-316.
    Поедание by boat-tailed grackles, огненными муравьями и пауками было важными факторами в ограничении численности бабочки совки Spodoptera pectinicornis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

  146. Dugas, D. P. (2001). "The influence of arroyo edges on Pogonomyrmex rugosus nest distribution in the Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico." J. Arid. Environ. 47: 153-159.

  147. Eck, G., B. Fiala, Linsenmair, K.E., bin Hashim, R., Proksch, P. (2001). "Trade-off between chemical and biotic antiherbivore defense in the South East Asian plant genus Macaranga." J. Chem. Ecol. 27: 1979-1996.

  148. Eguchi, K. (2001). "A taxonomic study on Asian Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): New synonymy, rank changes, lectotype designations and redescriptions." Ins. Kor. 18: 1-35.
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  149. Eguchi, K. (2001). "A revision of the Bornean species of the ant genus Pheidole (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae)." Tropics Monograph Series, 2: 1-154.

  150. Elmes, G. W., A. G. Radchenko, et Kim, B.J. (2001). "Two new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Korea." Korean J. Biol. Sci. 5: 107-112.
    Myrmica hyungokae, Myrmica korea, Myrmica lobicornis (Myrmica schencki gp.)

  151. Elmes, G. W., J. A. Thomas, Munguira, M.L., Fiedler, K. (2001). "Larvae of lycaenid butterflies that parasitize ant colonies provide exceptions to normal insect growth rules." Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 73: 259-278.

  152. Enan, E. (2001). "Insecticidal activity of essential oils: octopaminergic sites of action." Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C Toxicol. Pharmacol. 130: 325-337.

  153. Engel, V., M. K. Fischer, et al. (2001). "Interactions between extrafloral nectaries, aphids and ants: are there competition effects between plant and homopteran sugar sources?" Oecologia 129: 577-584.

  154. Erthal, M. J. and A. Tonhasca, Jr. (2001). "Attacobius attarum spiders (Corinnidae): myrmecophilous predators of immature forms of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens (Formicidae)." Biotropica 33: 374-376.

  155. Espadaler, X. and C. Gуmez (2001). "Formicine ants comply with the size-grain hypothesis." Funct. Ecol. 15: 136-139.
    Эта гипотеза (size-grain hypothesis) была подтверждена для подсемейства Formicinae. В ней было проверено 24 вида из 16 родов и доказано, что размер ног возрастает диспропорционально к массе тела, с увеличением общих размеров тела муравьев увеличивается относительная длина ног. Длина ног уменьшается в сравнении с размером головы у мелких муравьев. Однако, такие показатели, как ширина пронотума и длина головы жестко зависят от массы тела, по крайней мере в исследованном подсемействе Formicinae.
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  156. Espadaler, X. and A. Prince (2001). "Lasius platythorax Seifert, 1991 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Spain." Orsis 16: 189-192.
    Lasius platythorax найден в 5 местах, все они в северной половине Иберийского полуостровa. Сравнение с сиблинговым видом Lasius grandis.

  157. Espadaler, X. and C. Collingwod (2001 (2000)). "Transferred ants in the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Nouv. Rev. Ent. (N.S.) 17: 257-263.
    Обзор интродуцированных на Иберийский полуостров 11 видов муравьев. Leptothorax longispinosus впервые приводится для Европы; Paratrechina flavipes и Paratrechina jaegerskioeldi новые для Иберийского полуострова. Pheidole megacephala наоборот должен быть исключен из местной мирмекофауны.

  158. Espadaler, X. and S. Rey (2001). "Biological constraints and colony founding in the polygynous invasive ant Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insectes soc. 48: 159-164.
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  159. Espadaler, X. and X. Roig (2001 (2000)). "Ants from the Montnegre-Corredor Natural Park (NE Spain) with desription of the male Lasius cinereus Seifert (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Misc. Zool. 23: 45-53.
    Обзор мирмекофауны Природного парка около Барселоны, где найдено 50 видов муравьев. Виды Lasius lasioides (Emery) и Lasius cinereus Seifert впервые отмечены для Каталонии. Самцы последнего вида впервые описаны для науки. Их меньший размер отделяет их самцов Lasius grandis Forel. Голова и скапус пропорционально более длинные у L. cinereus. Присутствие инвазивного Аргентинского муравья (Linepithema humile Mayr) на одной из границ парка призывает к контролю возможного распространения этого муравья.

  160. Eubanks, M. D. (2001). "Estimates of the direct and indirect effects of red imported fire ants on biological control in field crops." Biol. control 21: 35-43.
    Красный огненный муравей (Red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, Hymenoptera, Formicidae), обычно рассматривается серьезным вредителем. Однако, рабочие S. invicta являются довольно важными хищниками, к сожалению, атакующими и многих полезных насекомых и членистоногих. Проведено исследование этого влияния на полях хлопка и сои. Densities of S. invicta workers were negatively associated with all 16 herbivore taxa sampled in cotton and 13 of the 16 herbivore taxa sampled in soybean. These data suggest that red imported fire ants are important predators of the major insect pests of these crops. The abundance of fire ants, however, was also negatively correlated with the densities of 22 of 24 natural enemy taxa in cotton and 14 of 16 natural enemy taxa in soybean. It appears that fire ants are significant intraguild predators of some of the most important biological control agents in these crops. These indirect interactions were often complex because fire ants not only suppressed populations of beneficial natural enemies (i.e., natural enemies that had negative impacts on pest populations), but also suppressed natural enemies that interfered with biological control (i.e., intraguild predators that had net positive effects on pest populations). Детальная экспериментальная работа необходима, чтобы определить, перевешивают ли выгоды от подавления вредителя огненными муравьями отрицательное воздействие муравьев на других естественных врагов.

  161. Faragalla, A. R. A. and K. M. Al-Ghamdi (2001). "Major species of the indigenous ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in three habitats in western Saudi Arabia." Sociobiology 37: 95-109.

  162. Farji Brener, A. G. (2001). "Why are leaf-cutting ants more common in early secondary forests than in old-growth tropical forests? An evaluation of the palatable forage hypothesis." Oikos 92: 169-177.

  163. Federle, W., E. L. Brainerd, McMahon, T.A., Holldobler, B. (2001). "Biomechanics of the movable pretarsal adhesive organ in ants and bees." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98: 6215-6220.
    Hymenoptera attach to smooth surfaces with a flexible pad, the arolium, between the claws. Here we investigate its movement in Asian weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) and honeybees (Apis mellifera). When ants run upside down on a smooth surface, the arolium is unfolded and folded back with each step. Its extension is strictly coupled with the retraction of the claws. Experimental pull on the claw-flexor tendon revealed that the claw-flexor muscle not only retracts the claws, but also moves the arolium. The elicited arolium movement comprises (i) about a 90 degrees rotation (extension) mediated by the interaction of the two rigid pretarsal sclerites arcus and manubrium and (ii) a lateral expansion and increase in volume. In severed legs of O. smaragdina ants, an increase in hemolymph pressure of 15 kPa was sufficient to inflate the arolium to its full size. Apart from being actively extended, an arolium in contact also can unfold passively when the leg is subject to a pull toward the body. We propose a combined mechanical-hydraulic model for arolium movement: (i) the arolium is engaged by the action of the unguitractor, which mechanically extends the arolium; (ii) compression of the arolium gland reservoir pumps liquid into the arolium; (iii) arolia partly in contact with the surface are unfolded passively when the legs are pulled toward the body; and (iv) the arolium deflates and moves back to its default position by elastic recoil of the cuticle.

  164. Ferguson, S. H. (2001). "Changes in trophic abundance of soil arthropods along a grass-shrub-forest gradient." Can. J. Zool. 79: 457-464.

  165. Fernandez, F. (2001). "Hormigas de Colombia. XI: Nueva especie de Lenomyrmex (Formicidae: Myrmicinae)." Rev. Colomb. Entomol. 27: 201-204.
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  166. Fernandez, F. (2001). "Revision de las hormigas Camponotus del subgenero Dendromyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Pap. Avulsos Zool. 42: 47-100.
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  167. Fischer, M. K. and A. W. Shingleton (2001). "Host of plant and ants influence of honeydew sugar composition of aphids." Funct. Ecol. 15: 544-550.

  168. Floren, A. and K. E. Linsenmair (2001). "The influence of anthropogenic disturbances on the structure of arboreal arthropod communities." Plant Ecol. 153: 153-167.
    In the framework of our research, aimed at understanding the processes structuring tropical arthropod communities, we investigated the changes occurring in tree crown communities of forests of different disturbance levels. These were a mixed dipterocarp primary lowland rain forest in Kinabalu National Park (in Sabah, Malaysia) and, some kilometres away, three forests of regeneration periods 5, 15, and 40 years following a clear-cut. These disturbed forest sites were adjacent to one another and merged into mature forest. From each forest at least ten individuals of one tree species were sampled using the fogging method. In the primary forest relative proportions of some arthropod taxa differed on the ordinal and familial level significantly within trees. The dominance of Formicidae was characteristic as was the almost complete lack of less mobile arthropods such as Lepidoptera larvae. In the five-year-old forest, differences in relative proportions among most taxa had almost disappeared. Formicidae abundances had declined drastically which coincided with an increase of Lepidoptera larvae. With progressing forest succession, arthropod communities increasingly converged on the pattern of primary forest, and total ant abundance as well as diversity increased significantly. Ant communities in the most disturbed forest were of low structural complexity, and to a large degree predictable in species arrangement, but became more and more unpredictable as the complexity of the forest increased. Several species of Coleoptera and non-formicine Hymenoptera occurred in high numbers in the youngest forest, contrasting with the mature forest where all species were typically rare. These changes may indicate a change in the structuring mechanisms from predominantly deterministic processes in disturbed forests to stochastic processes in mature forest. In the special issue: Tropical forest canopies: Ecology and management / edited by K.E. Linsenmair, A.J. Davis, B. Fiala, and M.R. Speight. Paper presented at aconference held December 12-16, 1998, Oxford University.

  169. Foitzik, S., C. J. Deheer, Hunjan, D.N., Herbers, J.M. (2001). "Coevolution in host-parasite systems: behavioural strategies of slave-making ants and their hosts." Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B Biol. Sci. 268: 1139-1146.

  170. Foitzik, S. and J. M. Herbers (2001). "Colony structure of a slavemaking ant. I. Intracolony relatedness, worker reproduction, and polydomy." Evolution 55: 307-315.

  171. Foitzik, S. and J. M. Herbers (2001). "Colony structure of a slavemaking ant. II. Frequency of slave raids and impact on the host population." Evolution 55: 316-323.

  172. Fourcassie V., Dahbi A., Cerda X.(2001). "Orientation and navigation during adult transport between nests in the ant Cataglyphis iberica", Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin meeting of the European sections of IUSSI, sept. 25-29, 2001.

  173. Forys, E. A., A. Quistorff, et al. (2001). "Potential fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) impact on the endangered Schaus Swallowtail (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)." Fla. Entomol. 84: 254-258.

  174. Fraser, A. M., A. H. Axen, et al. (2001). "Assessing the quality of different ant species as partners of a myrmecophilous butterfly." Oecologia 129: 452-460.

  175. Freitag, A., A. Guisan, et Cherix, D. (2001). "Application d'un echantillonnage aleatoire stratifie pour l'etude de la distribution des fourmis des bois." Actes Coll. Insect. Soc. 14: 27-31.

  176. French, K. and R. E. Major (2001). "Effect of an exotic Acacia (Fabaceae) on ant assemblages in South African fynbos." Austral Ecol. 26: 303-310.

  177. Garcia Cardenas, R., I. Armbrecht, et al. (2001). "Staphylinidae (Coleoptera): Composicion y myrmecofilia en bosques secos relictuales de Colombia." Folia Entomol. Mex. 40: 1-9.

  178. Gibernau, M. and A. Dejean (2001). "Ant protection of a Heteropteran trophobiont against a parasitoid wasp." Oecologia 126: 53-57.

  179. Giraud T., Blatrix R., Poteaux C., Solignac M., Jaisson P.(2001). "High genetic relatedness among nestmate queens in the polygynous ponerine ant Gnamptogenys striatula in Brazil", Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 2001.

  180. Glaser, F. (2001). "Die Ameisenfauna Nordtirols - eine vorlaufige Checkliste (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ber. Naturwiss.-Med. Verein Innsb. 88: 237-280.
    Предварительный список мирмекофауны Северного Тироля (Австрия) включает 80 видов, 4 подсемейства, 18 родов. 18 видов указаны впервые для региона. Статус 7 таксонов пока не ясен.

  181. Gobin, B., J. Billen, et Peeters, C. (2001). "Dominance interactions regulate mating in Gnamptogenys menadensis." Ethology 107: 495-508.
    У муравьев не имеющих настоящих маток (queenless ants), рабочие особи конкурируют за то чтобы быть репродуктивными. Число репродуктивных рабочих особей, их спаривание и яйцекладка регулируются. У вида Gnamptogenys menadensis, все спаренные рабочие репродуцируют яйцаe, и полевые наблюдения показали, что процесс спаривания не случаен. Авторы экспериментально удалили гамэргатов (n = 16 groups), чтобы индуцировать спаривание и смещение гамэргатов. Девственные рабочие участвовали в агонистических взаимодействиях, позволяя классифицировать их в две группы: доминанты выполняли антеннальный бокс (antennal boxing) и укусы (biting), тогда как субординантные рабочие этого не делали. Однако, несколько субординатов кооперировались для иммобилизации отдельных доминантных рабочих. Это эффективно уменьшало число доминантов, так как иммобилизированные доминанты становятся субординантными. Спустя 6 - 12 недель после удаления репродуктивных рабочих, между 1 и 8 доминантами (в пересчете на одну семью) начинали демонстрировать сексуальные позывы `sexual calling' вне гнездового входа. 16 (из 33) доминантов спаривались с самцами интродуцированными извне в 5 экспериментальных групп. Субординатные рабочие не спаривались. Вероятность спаривания, таким образом, регулируется взаимодействиями доминирования среди рабочих и начатого(введенного) иммобилизациями инициированными инфертильными рабочими у этого полигинного queenless муравья.

  182. Gobin, B., F. Ito, Billen, J., Peeters, C. (2001). Caste divergence in ants: the loss of mating ability in workers. Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Meeting of the European Sections of IUSSI. R. Menzel and R. E. Berlin, Free University of Berlin: 170.

  183. Gobin, B., O. Ruppell, Hartmann, A., Jungnickel, H., Morgan, E.D., Billen, J. (2001). "A new type of exocrine gland and its function in mass recruitment in the ant Cylindromyrmex whymperi (Formicidae, Cerapachyinae)." Naturwissenschaften 88: 395-399.
    Рабочие муравьи Cylindromyrmex whymperi используют массовую следовую мобилизацию с помощью следового феромона, вырабатываемого оиночной железой, расположенной между абдоминальными стернитами 6 и 7. Эта железа имеет неизвестную до сих пор структурную организацию. Upon leaving the secretory cell, the duct cell widens to form a sclerotized pearshaped reservoir chamber, lined with multiple duct cells. Каждая трубочка таким образом формирует миниатюрный резервуар для секретов каждой отдельной секреторной клетки, что впервые отмечено среди всех экзокринных желез у социальных перепончатокрылых насекомых Hymenoptera.

  184. Gold, C. S., J. E. Pena, et al. (2001). "Biology and integrated pest management for the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)." Integrat. Pest Manage. Rev. 6: 79-155.

  185. Goodisman, M. A. D. and R. H. Crozier (2001). "Clines maintained by overdominant selection in hybrid zones." Hereditas 134: 161-169.
    Hybrid zone models often consider environment-independent selection to operate against all hybrids. However, empirical studies suggest that hybrids may be as fit or fitter than the hybridizing parental taxa in some environments. In this study we develop a novel mathematical model to explore the effects of one form of hybrid superiority on the genetic structure of hybrid zones. Our primary goals were to investigate the allele frequency clines at a locus experiencing overdominant selection and at a linked neutral or underdominant locus. Our results indicate that overdominant selection results in flat equilibrium allele frequency clines throughout the hybrid zone and an excess of heterozygosity relative to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. However, the genetic clines at linked neutral or underdominant loci tend not to reflect this overdominance even when the loci are tightly linked. Overall, we conclude that overdominance is unlikely to be detected in genetic surveys unless many loci are assayed.

  186. Gopinath, A., R. Gadagkar, et al. (2001). "Identification of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the queenless, ponerine ant Diacamma ceylonense." Mol. Ecol. Notes 1: 126-127.

  187. Gordon, D. M., L. Moses, Falkovitz-Halpern, M., Wong, E.H. (2001). "Effect of weather on infestation of buildings by the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Am. Midl. Nat. 146: 321-328.

  188. Goropashnaya, A. V., P. Seppa, et Pamilo, P. (2001). "Social and genetic characteristics of geographically isolated populations in the ant Formica cinerea." Mol. Ecol. 10: 2807-2818.
    Серый лесной муравей F. cinerea на севере Европы имеет географически изолированные популяции, которые были проанализированы с использованием пяти microsatellite loci. The populations differ widely regarding the social organization of colonies. Based on genetic relatedness (r) among worker nest mates, the populations were classified as M type with monogynous (single queen) colonies (r > 0.59), as P type with polygynous colonial networks (r < 0.1), or as intermediate with weakly polygynous colonies (0.16 < r < 0.47). The social types showed weak geographical clustering, but the overall distribution indicated that the shift between the social types has occurred several times. The geographically isolated populations had slightly reduced levels of genetic diversity compared to populations from areas where the species is abundant and continuously distributed. Many of the isolated populations consisted of monogynous or weakly polygynous colonies, making their effective population sizes small, and some of them also showed weak bottleneck effects. The overall level of microsatellite diversity within populations was relatively high and differentiation among populations low, indicating recent connections. Isolation of populations may thus be a new phenomenon resulting from reduction of suitable habitats. At the local level, we obtained limited support from a group of nearby subpopulations in southern Finland to the hypothesis that the P type is connected to restricted dispersal. Other P type populations did not, however, show similar elevated levels of differentiation.

  189. Grey, E. J. (2001). "Ant behaviour part 2." Vic. Nat. 118: 100.

  190. Hammond, R. L., A. F. G. Bourke, et al. (2001). "Mating frequency and mating system of the polygynous ant, Leptothorax acervorum." Mol. Ecol. 10: 2719-2728.
    The mating system of a facultatively polygynous UK population of the ant Leptothorax acervorum using up to 6 microsatellite loci. We estimated mating frequency by genotyping 79 dealate colony queens and the contents of their sperm receptacles and by detailed genetic analysis of 11 monogynous and 9 polygynous colonies. Results indicated that 95% of queens were singly mated and 5% of queens were doubly mated. The corrected population mean mating frequency was 1.06. Parentage analysis of adults and brood in 17 colonies, 10 monogynous, 7 polygynous, showed that female offspring attributable to each of 31 queens were full sisters, confirming that queens typically mate once. Inbreeding coefficients, queen-mate relatedness of zero and the low incidence of diploid males provided evidence that L. acervorum sexuals mate entirely or almost entirely at random. Males mated to queens in the same polygynous colony were not related to one another. Our data also confirmed that polygynous colonies contain queens that are related on average and that their workers had a mixed maternity. We conclude that the mating system of L. acervorum involves queens that mate near nests with unrelated males and then seek readoption by those nests, and queens that mate in mating aggregations away from nests, also with unrelated males.

  191. Hare, J. F. and T. M. Alloway (2001). "Prudent Protomognathus and despotic Leptothorax duloticus: differential costs of ant slavery." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98: 12093-12096.
    The concept of ant slavery rests on the untested assumption that slave-making ants impose fitness costs on colonies of the species they raid. We tested that assumption by comparing the summertime seasonal productivity of Leptothorax spp. colonies in field exclosures without slavemakers, with a colony of the obligatory slave-making ant Protomognathus americanus, or with a colony of the obligatory slavemaker Leptothorax duloticus. Leptothorax longispinosus colonies placed in exclosures with P. americanus colonies did not differ significantly in any demographic attribute from colonies in exclosures without slavemakers. By contrast, Leptothorax curvispinosus colonies exposed to L. duloticus experienced significant reductions in dealate queens, workers, and larvae relative to control colonies exclosed without slavemakers. The pronounced difference in the impact of these slavemakers on their host-species populations correlates with differences in the behavior of the slavemakers observed in the laboratory and likely explains why P. americanus is more abundant than L. duloticus in nature. It seems that more advanced social parasites, like anatomical parasites, evolve to minimize their impact on their hosts, and thus can be regarded as "prudent social parasites."

  192. Hefetz, A., V. Soroker, Dahbi, A., Malherbe, M. C., Fresneau, D. (2001). "The front basitarsal brush in Pachycondyla apicalis and its role in hydrocarbon circulation." Chemoecology 11: 17-24.
    Опыты с временным обездвиживанием муравьев и исследование химического состава базитарзальных щеточек ног и постфарингеальной железы (postpharyngeal gland, PPG) рабочих Pachycondyla apicalis. В постфарингеальной железе обнаружены углеводороды alkanes, alkenes и alkadienes, с 5,9-pentacosadiene, 5,9-heptacosadiene и 5,9-nonacosadiene как основные компоненты, так же как и жирные кислоты. Имеется большое сходство между химсоставом PPG и кутикулярными углеводороды, однако в составе последних выше пропорции tricosane и pentacosane, но только остаточные следы жирных кислот. Эти муравьи имеют хорошо развитые кутикулярные волосковые щеточки (hair brush) на передних ногах, которые они часто пропускают через ротовые органы во время чистки. Так как эти щеточки имеют больше углеводородов, чем на средних и задних ногах, авторы выдвигают гипотезу, что они are involved in hydrocarbon circulation. We assessed the role of the front basitarsal brush in hydrocarbon circulation by isolating them from the buccal cavity, either by restraining the front legs or by blocking the mouth with glue. In both experiments, preventing contacts between the basitarsal brushes and the mouth for 24 hrs resulted in a considerable increase in hydrocarbon amounts in the brushes with a parallel decrease in the PPG. When the ants were kept alive for an additional 24 hrs after their legs were freed, hydrocarbon amounts in both the PPG and the front legs returned to normal. Analyses of crop content revealed the same hydrocarbons profile as in the PPG, but their amounts were very variable and there were no differences in amounts between the treatment and the control. We assume that part of the PPG hydrocarbons are cleared via the alimentary canal. Grooming behavior of ants restrained for 24 hrs and then freed was followed for four hours thereafter. There was a significant increase in total grooming during the first third and fourth hour, but not during the second. Grooming involving the front legs-mouth, and front legs-antennae, and the front and hind legs was especially intensive during the first hour. Grooming involving the hind legs - body was more intensive in the treated ants during the third hour following their release. We conclude that the front basitarsal brush is a site of hydrocarbon accumulation and that the PPG receives frequent charging during self-grooming.

  193. Heil, M., B. Fiala, Maschwitz, U., Linsenmair, K.E. (2001). "On benefits of indirect defence: short- and long-term studies of antiherbivore protection via mutualistic ants." Oecologia 126: 395-403.

  194. Heinze, J., A. Hartmann, et al. (2001). "Sex allocation in the facultatively polygynous ant, Leptothorax acervorum." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 50: 270-274.

  195. Heinze, J., B. Trunzer, Holldobler, B., Delabie, J.H.C (2001). "Reproductive skew and queen relatedness in an ant with primary polygyny." Insect. Soc. 48: 149-153.

  196. Herbers, J. M. and S. Foitzik (2001). "The ecology of slavemaking ants and their hosts in north temperate forests." Ecology 83: 148-163.

  197. Heterick, B. E. (2001). "Revision of the Australian ants of the genus Monomorium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Invertebr. Taxon. 15: 353-459.
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  198. Hooper-Bui, L. M. and M. K. Rust (2001). "An oral bioassay for the toxicity of hydramethylnon to individual workers and queens of Argentine ants, Linepithema humile." Pest Manag. Sci. 57: 1011-1016.
    We have developed an oral bioassay to determine the toxicity of hydramethylnon to individual workers and queens of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile. We fed seven concentrations of hydramethylnon in suspension to individual workers or queens, determined the amount of hydramethylnon ingested and evaluated the individual ants for mortality 14 days later. At concentrations > or = 0.37 g liter-1, the amount of liquid the queens ingested decreased dramatically, indicating that Argentine ant queens may detect hydramethylnon. Significantly larger volumes of the two highest concentrations of the hydramethylnon suspension were ingested by the workers, compared to the lower concentrations, suggesting that hydramethylnon may act as a feeding stimulant for the workers. Worker mortality was higher than queen mortality at the highest concentrations tested. The highest worker mortality resulted when the ants ingested 1.03 microgram of hydramethylnon per mg of ant tissue. At the highest concentration (1.0 g liter-1) tested, workers ingested almost 12 times as much active ingredient per mg of body weight as did queens, suggesting that, in order to increase mortality of queens, multiple feedings must occur.

  199. Hooper-Bui, L. M. and M. K. Rust (2001). "The sex ratios of alates of the southern fire ant, Solenopsis xyloni (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 37: 53-63.

  200. da Hora R.R., Feneron R., Fresneau D.(2001). "Insects Microgynes in the colonies of Ectatomma tuberculatum Ol. (Formicidae, Ponerinae): a case of queen dimorphism or social parasitism?", Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin meeting of the European sections of IUSSI, sept. 25-29, 2001.

  201. da Hora R.R., Feneron R., Valenzuela J., Favila M., Fresneau D.(2001). "Alternative reproductive strategies in the Ponerine ant Ectatomma tuberculatum (Olivier)", Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin meeting of the European sections of IUSSI, sept. 25-29, 2001.

  202. Hora, R. R. d., R. Feneron, Valenzuela, J., Favila, M.E., Fresneau, D. (2001). "Queen-size dimorphism in the ant Ectatomma tuberculatum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)." Sociobiology 38: 407-420.
    Queen dimorphism is known in different ant subfamilies and corresponds to the co-occurrence of several queen morphs within the same species. It is frequently associated with different colony-founding and dispersion strategies. We studied the queen-size dimorphism in the Ponerinae ant, Ectatomma tuberculatum from field colonies collected at Apazapan (Veracruz, Mexico). Microgynes were present in half the colonies collected and their production among the female sexuals prevailed over that of macrogynes. Colonies possessed one or several gynes, up to 8 for macrogynes and 11 for microgynes. From the data basis on nest excavation, worker size population was neither correlated with the number of dealate gynes nor with the number of microgynes, and it seemed that microgynes were as productive as macrogynes. Both gynes were morphologically similar but their distribution was clearly bimodal without overlapping, the microgynes being not completely separated from the workers. Microgynes fell on a continuous regression line with the macrogynes and represented the isometric reduction of normal queens. The ovarian morphology differed among the three female groups: macrogynes had the most numerous ovarioles on average but produced as many oocytes as microgynes. Contrary to the workers, all gynes possessed a developed spermatheca and had the potential ability to lay fertilized eggs. Such queen dimorphism was not previously observed in this species and only found in the Apazapan site. It may constitute an alternative reproductive strategy leading to a functional facultative polygyny, as already reported in E. ruidum (Schatz et al. 1996, Lachaud et al. 1999a, b), or a case of a social intraspecific parasitism. Further investigations are being conducted to better understand the reproductive biology of this species.

  203. Hossaert-McKey, M., J. Orivel, Labeyrie, E., Pascal, L., Delabie, J.H.C., Dejean, A. (2001). "Differential associations with ants of three co-occurring extrafloral nectary-bearing plants." Ecoscience 8: 325-335.

  204. Howard, R. W., G. Perez-Lachaud, et Lachaud, J.P. (2001). "Cuticular hydrocarbons of Kapala sulcifacies (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) and its host, the ponerine ant Ectatomma ruidum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94: 707-716.
    Cuticular hydrocarbons from the ponerine ant Ectatomma ruidum Roger and a highly integrated eucharitid myrmecophile, Kapala sulcifacies (Cameron) associated with it, have been characterized. Ninety hydrocarbons were identified from the ant, 55 hydrocarbons from the female wasp and 54 hydrocarbons from the male wasp. The wasps and ants share 40 hydrocarbons. These shared 40 hydrocarbons represent 92.6% of their hydrocarbon composition for female Kapala, 84.3% for male Kapala and 67.7% for the ants. The wasps have a carbon number range of C27 to C35; the ants have a range of C23 to C35. Both species possess n-alkanes, C27 to C33 for the wasps, C23 to C34 for the ants. Both species also possess major quantities of Z-7- and Z-9 alkenes: C29 to C33 for the wasps; C23 to C35 for the ants. The female wasps possess a low amount of a conjugated C31 diene (neither the ants nor the male wasps possess this hydrocarbon), and the ants, but not the wasps, contain low quantities of nonconjugated dienes (carbon numbers of C23 to C29) with double bonds at delta9, and delta14. Both wasps and ants share homologous series of 3-, 5-, 10-, 11-, 12-, 13-, 15- and 17-methyl branched alkanes. Ants and wasps also share a homologous series of 3,7-dimethyl alkanes. Other internally branched dimethyl alkanes are found in both ants and wasps, but only 11, 15-DiMeC29 is shared. Wasps have 7, 15- and 10, 14-dimethyl alkanes while the ants have 15, 19-dimethyl alkanes. Kapala sulcifacies and E. ruidum both possess hydrocarbons of the 5, X-, 11, X-, 12, X- and 13, X-DiMe series, but the compounds involved are not shared because they represent different compounds. Behavioral observations indicate that the ants accept the newly emerged adult parasitoids with no evidence of agonistic behavior for a period of time after adult eclosion. Nevertheless, the chemical deception is not completely efficient because young adult Kapala are soon ejected from the nest by transportation by their host. These transportations frequently occur after seizure at the base of the wasps' characteristic scutellar spines, such structures allowing for easy transportation without injury for the parasite. Moreover, if no method of escaping the colony is provided, the ants ultimately attack the parasitoids. The substantial chemical overlap of the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of the ants and wasps are discussed in the context of the social life of the colony.

  205. Hughes, W. O. H., P. E. Howse, Vilela, E.F., Goulson, D. (2001). "The response of grass-cutting ants to natural and synthetic versions of their alarm pheromone." Physiol. Entomol. 26: 165-172.
    Abstract The responses of the grass-cutting ants Atta bisphaerica (Forel) and Atta capiguara (Goncalves) to the main components of their alarm pheromones were examined in simple field bioassays. Both species react most strongly to 4-methyl-3-heptanone, which causes the full range of alarm behaviour and a large increase in the number of individuals near the sources. In later experiments with A. capiguara, this increase was found to be due primarily to attraction, with some arrestment also occurring. The ant response to 4-methyl-3-heptanone was compared with that to crushed heads and to that with whole ants with crushed heads. The pheromone 4-methyl-3-heptanone by itself stimulates the same level of attraction as crushed heads, but results in far less alarm behaviour and arrests fewer ants. Whole ants with crushed heads attract a greater number of ants than the other sources and also cause more alarm behaviour. Bodies alone attract ants, but do not result in alarm behaviour. The main component in both species is the same, supporting the view that alarm pheromones lack species specificity. However, it appears that other components may also be important either as synergists of the main compound, or by stimulating behaviours that would not be observed in its absence.

  206. Holldobler, B., E. D. Morgan, Oldham, N.J., Liebig, J. (2001). "Recruitment pheromone in the harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex." J. Insect Physiol. 47: 369-374.
    Workers of the harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex employ recruitment trail pheromones discharged from the poison gland. In P. barbatus, P. maricopa, P. occidentalis and P. rugosus we identified three pyrazines [2,5-dimethylpyrazine, trimethylpyrazine and 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine (EDMP)] as major compounds of the volatile part of the poison-gland secretions. Laboratory and field tests revealed EDMP to be the main recruitment pheromone.

  207. Ibarra-Nunez, G., J. A. Garcia, et al. (2001). "Prey analysis in the diet of some ponerinae ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and web-building spiders (Araneae) in coffee plantations in Chiapas, Mexico." Sociobiology 37: 723-755.

  208. Inui, Y., T. Itioka, Murase, K., Yamaoka, R., Itino, T. (2001). "Chemical recognition of partner plant species by foundress ant queens in Macaranga-Crematogaster myrmecophytism." J. Chem. Ecol. 27: 2029-2040.

  209. Jaffe, K., F. H. Caetano, Sanchez, P., Hernandez, J.V., Caraballo, L., Vitelli-Flores, J., Monsalve, W. Dorta, B., Rodriguez Lemoine, V. (2001). "Sensitivity of ant (Cephalotes) colonies and individuals to antibiotics implies feeding symbiosis with gut microorganisms." Can. J. Zool. 79: 1120-1124.

  210. Johnson, C. (2001). "Acropyga and Azteca ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with scale insects (Sternorhyncha: Coccoidea): 20 Million years of intimate symbiosis." Amer. Mus. Nov. 3335: 1-18.
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  211. Johnson, C. A., R. K. Vander Meer, et Lavine, B. (2001). "Changes in the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of the slave-maker ant queen, Polyergus breviceps Emery, after killing a Formica host queen (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Chem. Ecol. 27: 1787-1804.
    Queens of the slave-maker ant, Polyergus breviceps, take over nests of their Formica host species by fatally attacking the resident queen. As workers only begin grooming the P. breviceps queen once she has ceased her attack, we investigated whether a change in parasite queen chemistry may account for the change in worker behavior. Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of newly mated P. breviceps queens and of queens of their two Formica host species were found to be species-specific. Profiles of newly mated P. breviceps queens that had attacked a Formica queen, however, were virtually identical to the queen profile of the species killed. Mass spectral analysis revealed that the hydrocarbons on the cuticles of newly mated P. breviceps changed from primarily normal alkanes to methyl and di-methyl branched alkanes after attacks. The results suggest that cuticular compounds from the host queen were transferred to the parasite queen during their aggressive interaction.

  212. Johnson, R. A. (2001). "Biogeography and community structure of North American seed-harvester ants." Annu. Rev. Entomol. 46: 1-29.

  213. Jourdan, H., R. A. Sadlier, et al. (2001). "Little fire ant invasion (Wasmannia auropunctata) as a threat to New Caledonian lizards: evidence from a Sclerophyll Forest (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 283-301.

  214. Kaspari, M., J. Pickering, et al. (2001). "The reproductive flight phenology of a Neotropical ant assemblage." Ecol. Entomol. 26: 245-257.
    1. Alate flights reflect an ant colony's investment in sexual reproduction and dispersal yet little is known about community-wide patterns of alate phenology. Two Malaise traps (for 2 years) and two light traps (for 1 year) were used to explore the flight phenologies of 22 common Neotropical species from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. 2. The traps caught 23 182 individuals and 286 species/morphospecies. The two trap methods shared only 18 species. Samples also differed in sexual composition: light trap samples were 80% female, Malaise trap samples were 2.6% female. 3. Of 22 common species, all but one flew over half the year, with about half flying every month of the year. These data, combined with a literature review, suggest a latitudinal gradient in alate flight season: one north temperate assemblage (42 degrees N) averaged 1.6 lunar months per species. The ever-warm tropical year provides a larger flight window that allows a diversity of phenologies, from continuous to strongly pulsed. 4. Rainfall was correlated with alate flights in one-third of the species. Quantile regression suggested that high weekly rainfall was necessary but not sufficient to produce alate flights in about a quarter of the species. 5. By decreasing the number of nests releasing alates on a given day, long flight seasons may lower the probability of finding a mate. At the same time, long flight seasons may increase the opportunity of finding vacant nest sites. High population densities and high incidence of nest disturbance in this community may ameliorate the first cost while enhancing the second benefit.

  215. Kaspari, M. and S. P. Yanoviak (2001). "Bait use in tropical litter and canopy ants--evidence of differences in nutrient limitation." Biotropica 33: 207-211.

  216. Keller, L., C. Liautard, Reuter, M., Brown, W.D., Sundstrom, L., Chapuisat, M. (2001). "Sex ratio and Wolbachia infection in the ant Formica exsecta." Heredity 87: 227-233.
    Sex allocation data in social Hymenoptera provide some of the best tests of kin selection, parent-offspring conflict and sex ratio theories. However, these studies critically depend on controlling for confounding ecological factors and on identifying all parties that potentially manipulate colony sex ratio. It has been suggested that maternally inherited parasites may influence sex allocation in social Hymenoptera. If the parasites can influence sex allocation, infected colonies are predicted to invest more resources in females than non-infected colonies, because the parasites are transmitted through females but not males. Prime candidates for such sex ratio manipulation are Wolbachia, because these cytoplasmically transmitted bacteria have been shown to affect the sex ratio of host arthropods by cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, male-killing and feminization. In this study, we tested whether Wolbachia infection is associated with colony sex ratio in two populations of the ant Formica exsecta that have been the subject of extensive sex ratio studies. In these populations colonies specialize in the production of one sex or the other. We found that almost all F. exsecta colonies in both populations are infected with Wolbachia. However, in neither population did we find a significant association in the predicted direction between the prevalence of Wolbachia and colony sex ratio. In particular, colonies with a higher proportion of infected workers did not produce more females. Hence, we conclude that Wolbachia does not seem to alter the sex ratio of its hosts as a means to increase transmission rate in these two populations of ants.

  217. Kemp, S. F., R. D. deShazo, et al. (2001). "Expanding habitat of the imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta): a public health concern." J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 105: 683-691.
    *[Deaths from anaphylaxis to RIFA stings have been documented. The ants can decimate ground-nesting birds, turtles and frogs, and can damage farm, irrigation and electrical equipment.]

  218. Kenne, M., B. chatz, Feneron, R., Dejean, A. (2001). "Hunting efficacy of workers from incipient colonies in the myrmicine ant Myrmicaria opaciventris (Formicidae: Myrmicinae)." Sociobiology 37: 121-134.

  219. Kistner, D. H., R. H. L. Disney, et al. (2001). "Larval and pupal Bruchomylinae (Diptera, Phlebotomidae) from army ant colonies (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Sociobiology 37: 237-238.

  220. Kleineidam, C., R. Ernst, et al. (2001). "Wind-induced ventilation of the giant nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri." Naturwissenschaften 88: 301-305.

  221. Korzukhin, M. D., S. D. Porter, Thompson, L.C., Wiley, S. (2001). "Modeling temperature-dependent range limits for the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the United States." Environ. Entomol. 30: 645-655.
    We predict the future range of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren within the United States based on climate and its current extreme distributions. To reach that goal, a dynamic model of colony growth with two time steps per day was formulated that operates by colony area, S, and alate production, a. Colony growth rate depended on daily maximum and minimum soil temperatures. Temperature records at 4,537 meteorological stations within the current (near 1.5 million km2) and potential range of S. invicta were obtained from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. At each station, a colony was allowed to grow and lifetime female alate production was calculated. Estimated alate production was then examined at current extremes of the fire ant distribution at selected locations in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. Estimates from these locations were used to define four zones of colony proliferation success: certain, possible, undemonstrated, and improbable. An annual precipitation limit (510 mm) was selected to indicate regions where arid conditions may prohibit growth in areas without supplemental water sources. Results of the model predict that S. invicta will likely move 80-150 km north in Oklahoma and Arkansas. It will also likely continue expanding into portions of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware in the east and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada, and maybe even Washington and Utah in the west.

  222. Kotze, D. J. and M. J. Samways (2001). "No general edge effects for invertebrates at Afromontane forest/grassland ecotones." Biodivers. Conserv. 10: 443-466.

  223. [Красильников В.А.] Krasilnikov, V. (2001). "Study of ant fauna of the Alatyr sector of the Prisursky Reserve." [In Russian]. Scientific Works of Prisursky Reserve 7: 73-75.

  224. Kretzer, J. E. and J. F. J. Cully (2001). "Prairie dog effects on harvester ant species diversity and density." J. Range Manage. 54: 11-14.
    The purpose of this study was to determine if black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus Ord) influence harvester ant nest density and species composition within the shortgrass prairie biome of southwestern Kansas. Two treatments were established: areas colonized by prairie dogs and areas not colonized by prairie dogs. We recorded 183 harvester ant nests of 3 species. Harvester ant nest density did not differ significantly between prairie dog colonies (3.08 nests ha-1) and non-colonized shortgrass prairie sites (4.54 nests ha-1), but species composition did. Pogonomyrmex rugosus Emery was the most frequent species on prairie dog colonies where it accounted for 87% of ant nests present, as opposed to 33% on sites where prairie dogs were absent. Pogonomyrmex barbatus Smith was the most abundant species on non-colonized areas, making up 49% of the ant nests sampled. Pogonomyrmex occidentalis Cresson comprised 11% of ant nests sampled, and was nearly absent from prairie dog colonies (20 nests on non-colonized sites vs. 1 nest on prairie dog colonies). The average number of harvester ant species found per site was consistently greater on sites where prairie dogs were absent.

  225. Krieger, M. J. B. and K. G. Ross (2001). "Molecular evolutionary analyses of mariners and other transposable elements in fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Insect Molec. Biol. 12: 155 - 165.

  226. Kristiansen, S. M. and W. Amelung (2001). "Abandoned anthills of Formica polyctena and soil heterogeneity in a temperate deciduous forest: morphology and organic matter composition." Eur. J. Soil Sci. 52: 355-363.

  227. Kristiansen, S. M., W. Amelung, et al. (2001). "Phosphorus forms as affected by abandoned anthills (Formica polyctena Forster) in forest soils: sequential extraction and liquid-state 31P-NMR spectroscopy." J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci 164: 49-55.

  228. Krushelnycky, P. D., C. S. N. Hodges, et al. (2001). "Interaction between the Hawaiian Dark-rumped petrel and the Argentine ant in Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii." Stud. Avian Biol. 22: 243-246.

  229. Labeyrie, E., L. Pascal, Delabie, J., Orivel, J., Dejean, A., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2001). "Protection of Passiflora glandulosa (Passifloraceae) against herbivory: impact of ants exploiting extrafloral nectaries." Sociobiology 38: 317-321.

  230. Lacau S., Fresneau D., Delabie J., Jahyny B., Montreuil O., Villemant C.(2001). "Uma nova associacao entre as larvas mirmecofilas de duas especies de Lampyridae (Insecta : Coleoptera) e a formiga Typhlomyrmex rogenhoferi Mayr, 1862 (Formicidae, Ponerinae). [XV Encontro de mirmecologia, 22 a 25 de outubro de 2001 - Londrina, PR, Brasil]". // XV Encontro de mirmecologia, 22 a 25 de outubro de 2001 - Londrina, PR, Brasil, 2001.

  231. Laenen, B., N. D. Decker, et al. (2001). "An antidiuretic factor in the forest ant: purification and physiological effects on the Malpighian tubules." J. Insect Physiol. 47: 185-193.

  232. Lard, C. F., C. Hall, et al. (2001). The economic impact of the red imported fire ant on the homescape, landscape, and the urbanscape of selected metroplexes of Texas.

  233. Larsen, K. J., L. M. Staehle, et al. (2001). "Tending ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) regulate Dalbulus quinquenotatus (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) population dynamics." Environ. Entomol. 30: 757-762.
    Population dynamics of colonies of the mymecophilous leafhopper Dalbulus quinquenotatus DeLong & Nault were recorded in the laboratory in the presence and absence of the tending ant, Formica fusca (L.). These experiments used colonies of leafhoppers started with five male and five female adults on a single Tripsacum dactyloides L. plant. The first experiment consisted of eight leafhopper colonies, four with tending ants and four without. The second experiment used 16 leafhopper colonies, eight with tending ants and eight without, with four of each of these ant treatments also with Nabis americoferus Carayon predators. The numbers of young nymphs, older nymphs, and adult leafhoppers, along with host plant condition were recorded every 2-3 d for 62 d for both experiments. Nontended leafhopper colonies exploded and overwhelmed their host plants, killing them in an average of 39.0 d, resulting in the extirpation of those leafhopper colonies. Ants maintained leafhopper colonies by regulating population dynamics, with colonies of leafhoppers tended by ants being significantly smaller (P < 0.02) and developing from egg to adult significantly slower (P < 0.001) than colonies of nontended leafhoppers. Ant-tended leafhopper colonies did not overwhelm their host plants during either experiment, as the ants removed excess honeydew and leafhopper exuvia, thus maintaining a constant supply of honeydew. Ants were observed protecting leafhoppers from nabid predators, although this protection did not significantly influence leafhopper population size or length of egg to adult develop

  234. Lenoir, A., P. D'Ettorre, Errard, C., Hefetz, A. (2001). "Chemical ecology and social parasitism in ants." Annu. Rev. Entomol. 46: 573-599.

  235. Lenoir, A., A. Hefetz, Simon, T., Soroker, V. (2001). "Comparative dynamics of gestalt odour formation in two ant species Camponotus fellah and Aphaenogaster senilis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Physiol. Entomol. 26: 275-283.
    Ant colonies experience continuous shifts in worker populations, which may affect odour composition in the nest. A major question regarding the dynamics of gestalt formation is that of the speed at which the scent of a new individual will be incorporated into the gestalt. It is predicted from the gestalt model of colony odour that workers have to exchange recognition cues continuously to maintain themselves within the gestalt and become well integrated within their colony. Using radioactive tracers the rates of transfer were measured between a labelled donor ant and one or 10 recipient ants, as a close approximation to the within-nest situation. The labelled hydrocarbons were first transferred to a small number of individuals and progressively to all the individuals of the group so that the distribution of hydrocarbon transfer rate approached a normal distribution. Furthermore, in Camponotus fellah Dalla Torre, which performs trophallaxis, homogeneity was reached more rapidly than in Aphaenogaster senilis Mayr, which does not show this behaviour. In the latter species, the gestalt seems to be maintained mainly by allogrooming. These experiments were accompanied by behavioural observations to ascertain the respective importance of trophallaxis and allogrooming in the behavioural time-budget of the ants. In A. senilis, allogrooming was more frequent than in ants that trophallax, which corroborates the role of allogrooming in the establishment of the gestalt in this species.

  236. Lewis, D. K., J. Q. Campbell, et al. (2001). "Characterization of vitellogenin in the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Apocrita: Formicidae)." J. Insect Physiol. 47: 543-551.
    Vitellin (VN) and vitellogenin (VG) profiles were analyzed in monogyne and polygyne colonies of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Non-denaturing and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analyses indicated that the native VN was likely 350 kDa and comprised of two subunits in the molecular size range of 170-185 kDa. SDS-PAGE of hemolymph showed that the relative mobilities and subunit patterns of VG and VN were similar. VG was present in the hemolymph of reproductive queens; alate, virgin queens; and workers, but not in males. Anti-VN, prepared from polygyne egg homogenates, reacted with egg homogenates and with hemolymph VG from reproductive, monogyne and polygyne queens and alate, virgin polygyne queens. Analysis of circulating VG and ovarian development in alate, virgin queens showed that low levels of VG appeared by five days following adult eclosion, but egg development was not observed until seven weeks. VG was evident in newly inseminated queens, and increased steadily for the first three weeks following dealation. VG levels declined slightly near eclosion of the first workers (= nanitics) and dropped sharply after nanitic emergence at five weeks following dealation. Oocyte maturation peaked at days 15-25 following dealation, but otherwise remained low but steady. These studies provide the basis for future investigations into endocrine regulations of vitellogenesis in S. invicta queens.

  237. Liautard, C. and L. Keller (2001). "Restricted effective queen dispersal at a microgeographic scale in polygynous populations of the ant Formica exsecta." Evolution 55: 2484-2492.

  238. Liefke, C., B. Holldobler, et Maschwitz, U. (2001). "Recruitment behavior in the ant genus Polyrhachis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 14: 637-657.

  239. Lindsey, P. A. and J. D. Skinner (2001). "Ant composition and activity patterns as determined by pitfall trapping and other methods in three habitats in the semi-arid Karoo." J. Arid Environ. 48: 551-568.

  240. Linsenmair, K. E., M. Heil, Kaiser, W.M., Fiala, B., Koch, T., Boland, W. (2001). "Adaptations to biotic and abiotic stress: Macaranga-ant plants optimize investment in biotic defence." J. Exp. Bot. 52: 2057-2065.
    In the special issue: Physiology and ecology of plants under stress / edited by M. Riederer. Paper presented at a symposium held October 10-13, 2000, Retzbach, Germany. Obligate ant plants (myrmecophytes) in the genus Macaranga produce energy- and nutrient-rich food bodies (FBs) to nourish mutualistic ants which live inside the plants. These defend their host against biotic stress caused by herbivores and pathogens. Facultative, 'myrmecophilic' interactions are based on the provision of FBs and/or extrafloral nectar (EFN) to defending insects that are attracted from the vicinity. FB production by the myrmecophyte, M. triloba, was limited by soil nutrient content under field conditions and was regulated according to the presence or absence of an ant colony. However, increased FB production promoted growth of the ant colonies living in the plants. Ant colony size is an important defensive trait and is negatively correlated to a plant's leaf damage. Similar regulatory patterns occurred in the EFN production of the myrmecophilic M. tanarius. Nectar accumulation resulting from the absence of consumers strongly decreased nectar flow, which increased again when consumers had access to the plant. EFN flow could be induced via the octadecanoid pathway. Leaf damage increased levels of endogenous jasmonic acid (JA), and both leaf damage and exogenous JA application increased EFN flow. Higher numbers of nectary visiting insects and lower numbers of herbivores were present on JA-treated plants. In the long run, this decreased leaf damage significantly. Ant food production is controlled by different regulatory mechanisms which ensure that costs are only incurred when counterbalanced by defensive effects of mutualistic insects.

  241. Lioni, A., C. Sauwens, Theraulaz, G., Deneubourg, J.L. (2001). "Chain formation in Ocophylla longinoda." J. Insect Behav 14: 679-696.

  242. Liu, Z. and H. Bonfil (2001). "Differential performance of a Contarinia gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on ant-defended Acacia cornigera (Fabaceae)." Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 103: 376-385.

  243. Lomascolo, S. and A. G. Farji Brener (2001). "Adaptive short-term changes in pit design by antlion larvae (Myrmeleon sp.) in response to different prey conditions." Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 13: 393-397.

  244. Long, C. (2001). "Foiling fire ants." Organ. Gard. 48: 14.

  245. Macaranas, J. M., D. J. Colgan, et al. (2001). "Species discrimination and population differentiation in ants using microsatellites." Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 29: 125-136.

  246. Machado, G. and A. V. L. Freitas (2001). "Larval defence against ant predation in the butterfly Smyrna blomfildia." Ecol. Entomol. 26: 436-439.

  247. MacKay, W. P., A. F. Van Pelt, et al. (2001). "Malfunction of electrical equipment caused by Solenopsis aurea wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 77: 126.

  248. Maia, V. B., A. C. Busoli, et Delabie, J.H.C. (2001). "Seletividade fisiolуgica de endossulfam e deltametrina аs operбrias de Azteca chartifex spiriti For. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em agrossistema cacaueiro do sudeste da Bahia." Neotropical Entomol. 30: 449-454.

  249. Majer, J. D., R. L. Kitching, Heterick, B.E., Hurley, K., Brennan, K.E.C. (2001). "North-South patterns within arboreal ant assemblages from rain forests in Eastern Australia." Biotropica 33: 643-661.

  250. Manga-Gonzalez, M. Y., C. Gonzalez-Lanza, et al. (2001). "Contributions to and review of dicrocoeliosis, with special reference to the intermediate hosts of Dicrocoelium dendriticum." Parasitology 123 Suppl.: S91-114.
    Иследован дикроцелиоз у муравьев. Из 21 исследованных видов, только у 4 видов Formica найдены D. dendriticum: F. cunicularia (1158 examined specimens, 0.69% infection prevalence, 2-56 metacercariae per ant); F. sanguinea (234, 1.28%, 2-63); F. nigricans (1770, 4.97%, 1-186); F. rufibarbis (288, 6.59%, 2-107). В зоне около города Leon, 95.39% из 2085 экземпляров F. rufibarbis собранных на tetania содержали метацеркарии (1-240) в брюшке. Только один brainworm в муравья был найден.

  251. Marques, R. M. and F. H. Caetano (2001). "Ultramorphology and histology of dorsal vessel--gastral portion-of Camponotus rufipes." Sociobiology 38: 551-556.

  252. Maschwitz, U., C. Liefke, et Buschinger, A. (2001). "How host and parasite communicate: signal analysis of tandem recruitment between ants of two subfamilies, Diacamma sp. (Ponerinae) and its inquiline Polyrhachis lama (Formicinae)." Sociobiology 37: 65-77.

  253. Mattson, D. J. (2001). "Myrmecophagy by Yellowstone grizzly bears." Can. J. Zool. 79: 779-793.

  254. McCoy, C. W., R. J. Stuart, et al. (2001). "Soil surface applications of chemicals for the control of neonate Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and their effect on ant predators." Fla. Entomol. 84: 327-335.

  255. McSherdon, J. A. (2001). "Fire ant eradication apparatus, US Patent-6220525." Off. Gaz. U.S. Pat. Trademark Off. Pat. 1245: No pagination Apr. 24, 2001.

  256. Meissner, H. E. and J. Silverman (2001). "Effects of aromatic cedar mulch on the Argentine ant and the odorous house ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 1526-1531.
    В лабораторных исследованиях Аргентинский муравей Linepithema humile (Mayr), домовой ароматный муравей ant, Tapinoma sessile (Say), avoided aromatic cedar mulch as a nesting substrate. Both ant species were killed when confined with fresh aromatic cedar mulch in sealed containers. However, when confined with cedar mulch that had been aged outdoors for up to 140 d, mortality of L. humile was complete regardless of mulch age, whereas T. sessile mortality declined significantly over the mulch-aging period. Argentine ant susceptibility to aromatic cedar mulch was also greater than that of the odorous house ant when colonies were restricted to mulch in open trays. Commercial aromatic cedar oil was lethal to both ant species. These results suggest that aromatic cedar mulch may serve as an effective component of a comprehensive urban ant management program.

  257. Michels, K., N. Cromme, et al. (2001). "Biological control of leaf-cutting ants using forage grasses: nest characteristics and fungus growth." J. Agron. Crop Sci. 187: 259-267.

  258. Monnin, T. & Ratnieks, F.L.W.( 2001). Policing in queenless ponerine ants. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 50: 97–108.

  259. Moran, J. A., M. A. Merbach, et al. (2001). "Termite prey specialization in the pitcher plant Nepenthes albomarginata: Evidence from stable isotope anaylsis." Ann. Bot. 88: 307-311.
    Crematogaster вносят 68.1 + - 2.4 % полного лиственного азота в кувшинчиках растения-хищника Nepenthes rafflesiana

  260. Moya-Raygoza, G. and K. J. Larsen (2001). "Temporal resource switching by ants between honeydew produced by the fivespotted gama grass leafhopper (Dalbulus quinquenotatus) and nectar produced by plants with extrafloral nectaries." Am. Midl. Nat. 146: 311-320.

  261. Mueller U.G., T.R. Schultz, C.R. Currie, R.M. Adams, D. Malloch. (2001). "The origin of the attine ant-fungus mutualism." Quarterly Review of Biology 76: 169-197.
    PDF-копия статьи

  262. Nattrass, R. and C. Vanderwoude (2001). "A preliminary investigation of the ecological effects of Red Imported Fire Ants (Solenopsis invicta) in Brisbane." Ecol. Manage. Restor. 2: 521-523.
    Показано, что области, в которых обитают огненные муравьи, имеют меньшее количество аборигенных видов муравьев, снижается общее количество всех видов и биоразнообразие и отсутствуют сцинковые ящерицы.

  263. Navarrete Heredia, J. L. (2001). "Beetles associated with Atta and Acromyrmex ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini)." Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 127: 381-429.

  264. Navarrete-Heredia, J. L. and A. F. Newton (2001). Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Biodiversidad, taxonomia y biogeografia de artropodos de Mexico: hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. J. E. Llorente, A. N. Garcia and E. Gonzalez. Mexico D.F., Instituto de Biologia, UNAM: 369-380.

  265. Nelson, D. R., M. Tissot, et al. (2001). "Novel wax esters and hydrocarbons in the cuticular surface lipids of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus." Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol. 128: 575-595.
    В составе липидов кутикулярной поверхности у красного муравья-жнеца Pogonomyrmex barbatus, были обнаружены малые количества novel wax esters, не считая крупных компонентов, углеводородов. The wax esters ranged in carbon number from C19 to C31 and consisted of esters of both odd- and even-numbered alcohols and acids. Each wax ester with a given carbon number eluted at several different retention times indicating possible methyl branching in either the fatty acid or alcohol moiety, or in both moieties. Each eluting peak of wax esters consisted of a mixture of wax esters of the same carbon number in which the fatty acid moiety ranged from C8 to C18, and the alcohol moiety ranged from C8 to C17. Some wax esters were largely found on the head indicating they may be of a glandular origin. The hydrocarbons consisted of: n-alkanes, C23 to C33; odd-numbered n-alkenes, C27 to C35; and the major components, methyl-branched alkanes, C26 to over C49. Notable components of the methyl-branched alkanes were 2-methyltriacontane, and the novel trimethylalkanes with a single methylene between the first and second branch points, 13,15,19-trimethylhentriacontane and 13,14,21-trimethyltritriacontane

  266. Niculita, H., J. F. Julien, et al. (2001). "A molecular study of Abdominal-A in the ant Myrmica rubra reveals lineage dependant evolutionary rates for a developmental gene." Insect Mol. Biol. 10: 513-521.
    Охарактеризован abdominal-A locus у муравья Myrmica rubra. The sequence of the homeotic domain of the Abdominal-A family of orthologous genes is known for a fairly large number of insects but the complete sequence of the Abdominal-A protein, is known only for a few. The two proteins of Drosophila melanogaster and Tribolium castaneum differ markedly outside the homeodomain. A comparison of the ant Abdominal-A protein sequences with those of these two insects shows that the ant and beetle sequences are very similar all along the length of the protein. The fruit fly has diverged considerably and equally from the other two insects. This divergence reflects different rates of evolution of the protein in different lineages.

  267. Nielsen, M. G. (2001). "Energetic cost of foraging in the ant Rhytidoponera aurata in tropical Australia." Physiol. Entomol. 26: 248-253.
    Проведена энергетическая оценка фуражировки у муравья Rhytidoponera aurata (Roger) в лабораторных и полевых исследованиях. The cost of running was estimated for workers under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Ants were placed in a ring-shaped respiration chamber, connected to a through-flow respirometer, in which they could run freely while their speed and respiratory rates were monitored simultaneously. The energetic costs were measured for workers while running at different speeds, and the same individuals were then used to measure the additional costs of carrying loads. Loads consisted of pieces of platinum one to two times the body mass of the ant, glued to the ants' thoraxes. These were relatively small loads compared to their natural food items. The mean cost of locomotion was 166 mJ/mg/km, and the mean cost of load carriage was 179 mJ/mg/km. A field experiment was carried out in three biotypes in open forest in Northern Territory, Australia, where worker R. aurata forage only during daylight hours at air temperatures ranging from 31 to 36 degrees C. Food items were placed randomly within the territory of a nest, and the duration and distance of its transportation to the nest by a forager was recorded. There were no significant differences in the frequencies with which ants selected different sized food items in the range 15-165 mg, whereas items weighing 5 mg were selected less often. The relationship between the speed of running and size of a food item transported was linear but this differed in each of three types of ground vegetation recognized. The energy cost of load carriage was extremely small compared with the energetic benefit, e.g. the energy content in a 165 mg food item is equivalent to the cost of carrying it over a distance of 78 km taking 129 days under laboratory conditions. Thus, the main limiting factor in energetic terms for this species is not the retrieval of food items, but the foraging time required to find a food source.

  268. Oi, D. H., J. J. Becnel, et al. (2001). "Evidence of intracolony transmission of Thelohania solenopsae (Microsporidia: Thelohaniidae) in red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the first report of spores from pupae." J. Invertebr. Pathol. 78: 128-134.
    Колонии красного огненного муравья Solenopsis invicta были инфицированы горизонтальным введением живого расплода (личинок и куколок), зараженного микроспоридиями Thelohania solenopsae в их гнезда. Live, infected brood introduced into uninfected colonies were adopted and raised to adulthood instead of being executed by the recipient colony. Introductions of infected larvae with uninfected pupae, which eclose into adult worker caste fire ants, resulted in an 80% infection rate of the inoculated colonies. Infections from introductions of infected pupae with uninfected larvae resulted in a 37.5% infection of inoculated colonies. Infections were also detected in 11.6 and 3.7% of the adult worker caste ants that eclosed from uninfected large larvae and pupae, respectively, that were held with infected adult workers. Microscopic examination of infected brood revealed sporoblasts and large numbers of spores of T. solenopsae in S. invicta pupae.

  269. Orivel, J. and A. Dejean (2001). "Comparative effect of the venoms of ants of the genus Pachycondyla (Hymenoptera: Ponerinae)." Toxicon 39: 195-201.

  270. Orivel, J., M. C. Malherbe, et Dejean, A. (2001). "Relationships between pretarsus morphology and arboreal life in ponerine ants of the genus Pachycondyla (Formicidae: Ponerinae)." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94: 449-456.
    Морфологические черты pretarsa, особенно тарзальных коготков и аролий, иследованные у 15 древесных и наземных видов рода Pachycondyla, демонстрируют существование двух их основынх типов. All of the arboreal and three of the ground-dwelling species have a well-developed arolium in the form of an adhesive pad, whereas the others do not. Moreover, the tarsal claws are spread and horn-shaped in the species of the first group, whereas they are straight and relatively close together in the species without the adhesive pad. The ability to walk upside down is strictly correlated to the presence of the pad. If a large adhesive pad cannot be considered as a morphological adaptation to arboreal life, it, at least, constitutes an indispensable characteristic for the advent of arboreal behavior.

  271. Orivel, J., V. Redeker, Le Caer, J.P., Krier, F., Revol-Junelles, A.M., Longeon, A., Chaffotte, A., Dejean, A., Rossier, J. (2001). "Ponericins, new antibacterial and insecticidal peptides from the venom of the ant Pachycondyla goeldii." J. Biol. Chem. 276: 17823-17829.

  272. Orr, M. R., S. H. Seike, et al. (2001). "Host specificity of Pseudacteon (Diptera: Phoridae) parasitoids that attack Linepithema (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in South America." Environ. Entomol. 30: 742-747.
    Аргентинский муравей Linepithema humile (Mayr), нативный для Южной Америки и ивазивный во многих частях мира. Различные морфологические формы L. humile существуют в Южной Америке, и возможно, что они могут оказаться отдельными видами. В Бразилии L. humile подвергается атакам паразитоидам из рода мух Pseudacteon (Diptera: Phoridae). If Pseudacteon parasitoids attack the invasive form of L. humile, they may be candidates for biological control of this ant. We compared body size, scape length, and pronotal pilosity among populations of L. humile that were attacked by parasitoids and those that lacked parasitoids. Ants that hosted parasitoids at foraging trails in Brazil tended to have more pronotal hairs and shorter scapes than ants that did not host parasitoids in Brazil, Argentina, and North America. We used paired experimental trials to determine whether phorid parasitoids exhibit narrow host specificity or whether they will attack the invasive form of L. humile if given the opportunity. Parasitoids located their natural host form but did not locate either North American L. humile or morphologically similar ants from Brazil. Together these results suggest that various forms previously treated as L. humile are in fact separate species, that L. humile is not a natural host of the parasitoids studied here, and that these parasitoids are not candidates for biological control of Argentine ants in North America.

  273. Ortiz, A. and S. Orduz (2001). "In vitro evaluation of Trichoderma and Gliocladium antagonism against the symbiotic fungus of the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes." Mycopathologia 150: 53-60.

  274. Pagnocca, F. C., M. Bacci, Jr., et al. (2001). "RAPD analysis of the sexual state and sterile mycelium of the fungus cultivated by the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex hispidus fallax." Mycol. Res. 105: 173-176.

  275. Parr, C. L. and S. L. Chown (2001). "Inventory and bioindicator sampling: Testing pitfall and Winkler methods with ants in a South African savanna." J. Insect Conserv. 5: 27-36.

  276. Passera, L., S. Aron, Vargo, E.L., Keller, L. (2001). "Queen control of sex ratio in fire ants." Science 293: 1308-1310.
    Система гаплодиплоидии в определении пола у муравьев и роль рабочих. We exchanged queens between male- and female-specialist colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. These exchanges quickly reversed the sex-ratio biases of adopting colonies. The sex ratio of queen-laid eggs differed strongly between male- and female-specialist colonies. These findings suggest that queens can force workers to raise male sexuals by limiting the number of female brood and help to explain why sex investment ratios lie between the queen and worker equilibria in this and many other ant species.

  277. Paul, J. (2001). "Mandible movements in ants." Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Molec. Integr. Physiol. 131.

  278. Pavon, L. F., Mathias, M.I.C. (2001). "A morpho-histological and ultrastructural study of the mandibular glands of Atta sexdens worker ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 449-464.

  279. Peeters, C. and F. Ito (2001). "Colony dispersal and the evolution of queen morphology in social Hymenoptera." Annu. Rev. Entomol. 46: 601-630.

  280. Peloquin, J. J., S. G. Miller, et al. (2001). "Bacterial endosymbionts from the genus Camponotus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 38: 695-708.

  281. Pinto Dias, J. C. and E. N. Zerba (2001). "The use of insecticide fumigant canister to protect an insectarium and its residual effect against triatomine bugs, in laboratory conditions. [in Portuguese]." Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. 34: 507-510.
    Муравьи, вторгающиеся в инсектарии (rearing chamber for triatomes) контролировались фумигацией синтетическими пиретроидами и dichlorvos.

  282. Pitts, J. P. and T. L. Pitts-Singer (2001). "A new host record for Pseudacteon crawfordi (Diptera: Phoridae)." Fla. Entomol. 84: 310.

  283. Pohl, H. and R. Kinzelbach (2001). "First record of a female stylopid (Strepsiptera: ?Myrmecolacidae) parasite of a prionomyrmecine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Baltic amber." Insect Syst. Evol. 32: 143-146.
    Впервые на муравьях Prionomyrmex sp. в Балтийском янтаре (Эоцен, 39-50 млн.лет) найдены стилопоиды (Strepsiptera: ?Myrmecolacidae). This new fossil is tentatively considered as a plesiomorphic member of the Myrmecolacidae. Это 1-ая находка стилопоидов в качестве паразитов муравьев, хотя и вымерших.

  284. Porter, S. D. and M. A. Pesquero (2001). "Illustrated key to Pseudacteon decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae) that attack Solenopsis saevissima complex fire ants in South America." Fla. Entomol. 84: 691-699.
    Иллюстрированный определитель и таксономия 18 видов мух-форид Pseudacteon из Южной Америки, паразитирующих на огненных муравьях (на англ. и порт. языках) Solenopsis из комплекса saevissima complex и поэтому являющиеся потенциальным агентом биоконтроля.

  285. Poulsen, M., A. N. M. Bot, Currie, C.R., Nielsen, M.G., Boomsma, J.J. (2001). "Within-colony transmission and the cost of a mutualistic bacterium in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex octospinosus." Funct. Ecol. 17: 260-269.

  286. Prentice, T. R., J. C. Burger, et al. (2001). "Spiders from Riversidian coastal sage scrub with comparisons to diegan scrub fauna (Arachnida: Araneae)." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 77: 90-122.

  287. Queiroz, J. M. and P. S. Oliveira (2001). "Tending ants protect honeydew-producing whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)." Environ. Entomol. 30: 295-297.
    Исследованы отношения между продуцирующей падь белокрылкой Aleurothrixus aepim (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) и муравьями, посещяющими shrubs of Croton floribundus (Euphorbiaceae) в semideciduous лесах юговосточной Бразилии. Whitefly eggs underside leaves were tagged during early March 1998 and randomly divided into two experimental groups: control (ants present, n = 75) and treatment (ants excluded, n = 52). During the 75-d experiment, honeydew-collecting ants visited 79% of the control groups of A. aepim. Adults emerged in significantly greater numbers from control than from treatment groups, the latter being heavily attacked by fungi due to accumulation of honeydew. Complete contamination by fungi was three times more frequent at ant-excluded (39%) than at ant-tended (13%) groups. Control groups with low levels of ant-tending produced significantly fewer adults than those more frequently tended by ants. Encarsia parasitoid wasps were more frequently seen on ant-excluded than on control A. aepim groups. Predatory arthropods, however, were equally frequent in either experimental group. This is the first experimental study to demonstrate ant-derived protection in honeydew-producing whiteflies. Given that aleyrodid honeydew can cause considerable damage to the host plant, our results suggest that the honeydew-gathering activity by tending ants is an important factor mediating such multitrophic interaction.

  288. Quiran, E. M., B. C. Molas, et al. (2001). "Determinacion prelimar de subcastas en obreras de Acromyrmex lobicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Gayana 65: 19-25.

  289. Radchenko, A. G. and G. W. Elmes (2001). "First record of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Northern Vietnam, with a description of two new species." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 51: 221-225.
    M. titanica и M. yamanei описаны как новые для науки виды из Вьетнама. Вид M. serica впервые найден во Вьетнаме.
    PDF-копия статьи

  290. Radchenko, A. G., S. Zhou, et al. (2001). "New and rare Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Southern China." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 51: 211-219.
    M. angulata, M. draco, и M. sinensis описаны как новые виды (Китай). Все виды из группы Myrmica ritae.
    PDF-копия статьи

  291. Ravary F., Jahyny B., Jaisson P.(2001). "The role of brood instars in the phasic reproductive cycle of Cerapachys biroi Forel (Formicidae: Cerapachyinae)", Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin meeting of the European sections of IUSSI, sept. 25-29, 2001.

  292. Ravary F., Jaisson P.(2001). "La division du role reproducteur chez la fourmi Cerapachys biroi Forel", Colloque SFECA, Poitiers du 29 mai au 1er juin 2001, 2001

  293. Rasse, P. and J. L. Deneubourg (2001). "Dynamics of nest excavation and nest size regulation of Lasius niger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 14: 433-449.

  294. Reddell, J. R. and J. C. Cokendolpher (2001). "Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the caves of Belize, Mexico, and California and Texas (U.S.A.)." Tex. Mem. Mus., Speleol. Monog. 5: 129-154.
    Полный список муравьев, когда-либо найденных в пещерах в Белизе, Мексике, Калифорнии и Техасе. Solenopsis invicta найден в пещерах в Техасе. Только 3 вида в Мексике можно в какой-то степени считать троглофильными (troglophiles): Brachymyrmex cavernicola, Oligomyrmex urichi и Paratrechina pearsei.

  295. Rey, P. J., J. L. Garrido, et al. (2001). "Spatial variation in ant and rodent post-dispersal predation of vertebrate-dispersed seeds." Funct. Ecol. 16: 773-781.

  296. Rhoades, R. (2001). "Stinging ants." Curr. Opin. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1: 343-348.

  297. Richard, F. J., A. Fabre, et Dejean, A. (2001). "Predatory behavior in dominant arboreal ant species: the case of Crematogaster sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 14: 271-282.

  298. Rohe, W. and R. Rupprecht (2001). "Klopfen und kratzen als alarmsignale bei westmalayischen drusenameisen (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae)." Entomol. Gen. 25: 81-96.
    Постукивание и чистка как сигналы тревоги у Dolichoderinae в Малайзии.

  299. Ruppell, O., J. Heinze, et Holldobler, B. (2001). "Complex determination of queen body size in the queen size dimorphic ant Leptothorax regatulus (Formicidae: Hymenoptera)." Heredity 87: 33-40.
    In order to understand the evolution of natural variability, and polymorphisms in particular, it is essential to study proximate causes. Our study is the first work on ants to determine formally the heritability of quantitative traits in a quantitative genetic framework. We investigated the causes of queen size dimorphism of the ant Leptothorax rugatulus and derive from the results a possible scenario for its evolutionary maintenance. Mother size was highly predictive of daughter size in field colonies. This finding could be repeated under constant laboratory conditions. Data suggested that maternal effects via egg size are not the cause for the transmission of body size. In colonies with coexisting large and small mother queens, daughter size did not correlate with mother size, and in an additional experiment we found a negative effect of queen number on daughter size. The integration of these various results suggests a high transmissibility of body size from generation to generation. However, social (queen) influences also affect daughter size, especially in the case of mixed colonies. This complex determination fits well with an adaptive adjustment of queen size to alternative reproductive strategies.

  300. Russell, S. A., H. G. Thorvilson, et Phillips, S.A., Jr. (2001). "Red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) populations in Texas highway rights-of-way and adjacent pastures." Environ. Entomol. 30: 267-273.
    Do disturbed habitats along highway rights-of-way encourage the establishment and spread of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in Texas? The objective of this study was to determine if highway rights-of-way harbored S. invicta populations that were significantly different from those in adjacent pastures. Data on S. invicta populations were collected from three transects along highways within S. invicta-infested areas of Texas. One north-south transect, a southern east-west transect, and a northern east-west transect were established in Texas and extended 1,678 km. Twenty-eight sites, approximately equal to 80 km apart along transects, were visited between 14 May and 1 June 1996. Numbers of S. invicta mounds, mound vitality ratings, ants collected in bait cups, and vegetative characteristics were measured in rights-of-way and in adjacent pastures at each site. No significant differences in pooled (n = 28) mean numbers or vitality of S. invicta mounds were detected in rights-of-way as compared with those of adjacent properties. However, significantly more S. invicta colonies than expected were found on roadbeds (less than or equal to 1.0 m from paved surfaces) as compared with the remainders of rights-of-way and to adjacent pastures. Roadbed colonies were also smaller, which suggested that colonies were more recently founded than in the remainders of rights-of-way. Mound population densities and numbers of ants in bait cups were not well correlated with vegetative characteristics measured in this study. In Texas where S. invicta is well established, S. invicta is in a population equilibrium between highway rights-of-way and adjacent pastures. However, highway roadbeds may offer an early successional habitat for S. invicta colonies and may require special survey and pest management attention, especially along the frontiers of infestation in Texas.

  301. Russell, S. A., H. G. Thorvilson, et Phillips, S.A., Jr. (2001). "Red imported fire ant populations in Texas highway roadsides and rest areas." Southwest. Entomol. 26: 63-71.

  302. Samish, M. and E. Alekseev (2001). "Arthropods as predators of ticks (Ixodoidea)." J. Med. Entomol. 38: 1-11.
    The existing information on arthropods as predators of ticks is based mainly on sporadic observations and their role in reducing tick populations and in most cases is still not clear. Some reports suggest that in certain ecological habitats arthropods play an important role in the control of the tick population. This publication reports on some 100 relevant publications that appeared between 1906 and 1999. Ants, beetles, and spiders seem to be the major arthropods preying on ticks. In general, engorged ticks are more often preyed upon by arthropods than are unfed or feeding ticks.

  303. Sanders, N. J., K. E. Barton, et Gordon, D.M. (2001). "Long-term dynamics of the distribution of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and native ant taxa in northern California." Oecologia 127: 123-130.

  304. Sanetra, M. and R. H. Crozier (2001). "Polyandry and colony genetic structure in the primitive ant Nothomyrmecia macrops." J. Evol. Biol. 14: 368-378.
    The Australian endemic ant Nothomyrmecia macrops is considered one of the most `primitive' among living ants. We investigated the genetic structure of colonies to determine queen mating frequencies and nestmate relatedness. An average of 18.8 individuals from each of 32 colonies, and sperm extracted from 34 foraging queens, were genotyped using five highly variable microsatellite markers. Queens were typically singly (65%) or doubly mated (30%), but triple mating (5%) also occurred. The mean effective number of male mates for queens was 1.37. No relationship between colony size and queen mate number was found. Nestmate workers were related by b = 0.61 +/- 0.03, significantly above the threshold under Hamilton's rule over which, all else being equal, altruistic behaviour persists, but queens and their mates were unrelated. In 25% of the colonies we detected a few workers that could not have been produced by the resident queen, although there was no evidence for worker reproduction. Polyandry is for the first time recorded in a species with very small mature colonies, which is inconsistent with the sperm- limitation hypothesis for the mediation of polyandry levels. Facultative polyandry is therefore not concerned to the highly advanced ant genera, but may have arisen at an early stage in ant social evolution.

  305. Sanetra, M. and R. Gьsten (2001). "The socially parasitic ant genus Strongylognathus Mayr in North Africa (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Zootaxa 20: 1-20.
    *[S. foreli is a n.syn. of S. afer. Its host is T. semileve.]

  306. Sanjuan, T., L. Guillermo Henao, et al. (2001). "Spatial distribution of Cordyceps spp. (Ascomycotina: Clavicipitaceae) and its impact on the ants in forests of Amazonian Colombian foothill. [in Spanish]." Rev. Biol. Trop. 49: 945-955.

  307. Sarr, M., C. Agbogba, et al. (2001). "Effects of soil faunal activity and woody shrubs on water infiltration rates in a semi-arid fallow of Senegal." Agric., Ecosyst. Environ., Appl. Soil Ecol. 16: 283-290.

  308. Savarit F., Poteaux C., Blatrix R., Jaisson P.(2001). "Colony structure and reproductive strategies in Gnamptogenys striatula", Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin meeting of the European sections of IUSSI, sept. 25-29, 2001.

  309. Savolainen, R. and D. RJ. (2001). "Facultative and obligate slave making in Formica ants." Naturwissenschaften 88: 347-350.

  310. Schatz, B., J. P. Suzzoni, Corbara, B., Dejean, A. (2001). "Selection and prey capture of prey in the African ponerine ant Plectroctena minor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Acta Oecol. - Int. J. Ecol. 22: 55-60.

  311. Schulze, W., E. D. Schulze, et al. (2001). "Quantification of insect nitrogen utilization by the venus fly trap Dionaea muscipula catching prey with highly variable isotope signatures." J. Exp. Bot. 52: 1041-1049.
    Dionaea is a highly specialized carnivorous plant species with a unique mechanism for insect capture. The leaf is converted into an osmotically driven trap that closes when an insect triggers sensory trichomes. This study investigates the significance of insect capture for growth of Dionaea at different successional stages after a fire, under conditions where the prey is highly variable in its isotope signature. The contribution of insect-derived nitrogen (N) was estimated using the natural abundance of 15N. In contrast to previous 15N studies on carnivorous plants, the problem emerges that delta15N values of prey insects ranged between -4.47 per thousand (grasshoppers) and +7.21 per thousand (ants), a range that exceeds the delta15N values of non carnivorous reference plants (-4.2 per thousand) and soils (+3 per thousand). Thus, the isotope-mixing model used by Shearer and Kohl to estimate the amount of insect-derived N is not applicable. In a novel approach, the relationships of delta15N values of different organs with delta15N of trapping leaves were used to estimate N partitioning within the plant. It is estimated that soon after fire approximately 75% of the nitrogen is obtained from insects, regardless of plant size or developmental stage. The estimates are verified by calculating the average isotope signatures of insects from an isotope mass balance and comparing this with the average measured delta15N values of insects. It appears that for Dionaea to survive and reach the flowering stage, seedlings must first reach the 6th-leaf rosette stage, in which trap surface area nearly doubles and facilitates the capture of large insects. Large amounts of nitrogen thus made available Abstract to plants may facilitate an enhanced growth rate and the progressive production of additional large traps. Dionaea reaches a maximum abundance after fire when growth of the competing vegetation is suppressed. About 10 years after fire, when grasses and shrubs recover, Dionaea becomes overtopped by other species. This would not only reduce carbon assimilation but also the probability of catching larger prey. The amount of insect-derived nitrogen decreases to 46%, and Dionaea becomes increasingly dependent on N-supply from the soil. Competition for both light and N may cause the near disappearance of Dionaea in older stages of the fire succession.

  312. Schuman, S. H. (2001). "Pesticides for human health: three examples." J. Agromed. 7 (3): 1-6. Sekamatte, B., M. Latigo, et al. (2001). "The potential of protein- and sugar-based baits to enhance predatory ant activity and reduce termite damage to maize in Uganda." Crop Prot. 20: 653-662.
    Traditional farmers' practices of using dead animals, meat bones and sugar cane husks to "poison" Macrotermes mounds were adapted to develop baits for ant species predatory on termites. The impact of sugar and protein-based baits on activity of ants in maize fields was evaluated in trials both on-station and in farmers' fields over three cropping seasons. Powdered fish, broadcast or buried with maize stalks, was compared with molasses painted onto the stems of maize plants and bagasse spread as mulch. Ants were rapidly attracted into plots of maize and fed upon the baits. The protein-based baits attracted significantly larger number of ants compared to molasses and bagasse and resulted in greater ant nesting near maize plants. In both on-station and on-farm experiments, termite damage was significantly reduced and yield of maize increased in plots with protein-based baits. These results suggest that ants could be used in an integrated management strategy for termites in smallholder maize cropping systems.

  313. Sileshi, G., M. Kenis, et al. (2001). "Predators of Mesoplathys ochroptera in sesbania planted-fallows in eastern Zambia." Biocontrol 46: 289-310.

  314. Silverman, J. and T. H. Roulston (2001). "Acceptance and intake of gel and liquid sucrose compositions by the Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 511-515.
    Liquids and gels are common delivery forms used in commercial ant baits, but the relative effectiveness of each is unknown. We compared the feeding responses of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), to liquid and gel compositions of sucrose. In choice assays, more workers were counted on gel than liquid; however, substantially more liquid was consumed. Because workers could stand on the gel, more workers could feed simultaneously on the gel. The feeding bouts of individual workers, however, were much less efficient at extracting sucrose in gel form. Workers fed eightfold longer on the gel, yet removed fivefold less sucrose than workers feeding on liquid. This potential bias should be considered during attraction and palatability studies that use physically different bait compositions. When the toxicant fipronil was added to the compositions, a greater proportion of the colony died after workers had fed on liquid than gel baits. This finding suggests that liquid formulations may provide more effective control of Argentine ants due to the greater speed and abundance in which it is ingested.

  315. Simon, U. and K. E. Linsenmair (2001). "Arthropods in tropical oaks: differences in their spatial distributions within tree crowns." Plant Ecol. 153: 179-191.
    The arthropod activity in the upper and the lower zone of nine emergent oak trees (genus Quercus) of a submontane forest in Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia, was investigated by using flight interception traps, yellow colour traps, and arboreal pitfall traps. Number of arthropods did not differ significantly between the upper and the lower region of the tree crowns. Nevertheless, the results reveal significant differences in the abundances of several arthropod groups between the two zones. In the lower part of the oak crowns Homoptera and ants (mostly alates) were sampled in higher numbers, whereas the upper zone was dominated by Diptera and Hymenoptera (ants excluded). Beetles and most other groups showed no significant differences in abundance between the lower and upper zone of the oak trees. Thus, the arthropods of the investigated community are not evenly distributed. The arthropod community in tree crowns, which often has been treated as a homogenous unit, is in fact divided into subunits formed by differently composed arthropod assemblages. *Note In the special issue: Tropical forest canopies: Ecology and management / edited by K.E. Linsenmair, A.J. Davis, B. Fiala, and M.R. Speight. Paper presented at a conference held December 12-16, 1998, Oxford University.

  316. Snyder, S. R. and C. F. Friese (2001). "A survey of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal root inoculum associated with harvester ant nests (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis) across the western United States." Mycorrhiza 11: 163-165.

  317. Soares, P. A. O. and J. E. Serrao (2001). "Morphological study of the brain of Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus during the Postembryonic development." Sociobiology 38: 421-429.

  318. Soares, S. M., J. H. Schoereder, et al. (2001). "Processes involved in species saturation of ground-dwelling ant communities (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Austral Ecol. 26: 187-192.

  319. Sokolova, Y. and J. Fuxa (2001). "Development to Thelohania solenopsae in red imported fire ants Solenopsis invicta from polygynous colonies results in formation of three spore types." J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. suppl.: 85S.

  320. Stiles, J. H. and R. H. Jones (2001). "Top-down control by the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta)." Am. Midl. Nat. 146: 171-185.

  321. Suarez, A. V., D. A. Holway, et al. (2001). "Patterns of spread in biological invasions dominated by long-distance jump dispersal: insights from Argentine ants." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98: 1095-1100.

  322. Sumpter, D. J., G. B. Blanchard, et al. (2001). "Ants and agents: a process algebra approach to modelling ant colony behaviour." Bull. Math. Biol. 63: 951-980.

  323. Tay, W. T. and R. H. Crozier (2001). "Mating behaviour of Rhytidoponera sp. 12 ants inferred from microsatellite analysis." Mol. Ecol. 10: 167-173.
    In the queenless ponerine ant Rhytidoponera sp. 12, all workers have a spermatheca and functional ovaries and are potentially able to mate and reproduce. Within a colony gamergates may either be full sisters to each other (Type 1 colony), or they may not be full sisters but still be significantly related to each other (Type 2 colony) due to daughter gamergates reproducing in their natal colonies after mating. Despite many studies the mating behaviour of R. sp. 12 has been poorly understood. In this study, we used microsatellite markers to investigate intracolony relatednesses of male mates to the gamergates (b(mq)) and between male mates (b(mm)), and mating frequencies and mating patterns, using gamergate DNA and sperm DNA isolated from the spermathecae of gamergates from five colonies. Average b(mm) and b(mq) estimates for all five colonies studied were not significantly different from zero, suggesting that on average, within colonies, mating males were unrelated both to each other and to the gamergates. A low frequency (3%) of multiple mating by gamergates was detected. Multiple mating by individual males with sister gamergates within Type 1 colonies was also detected at 3% and could give rise to half-sister nestmate workers. Polygamy in R. sp. 12 might indicate local female-biased operational sex ratios despite the expectation of overall male biases. Our results concur with previous reports that gamergates mate within the colony or nearby, but indicate more diversity in mating patterns than previously indicated for this polygynous ponerine ant species.

  324. Tentschert, J., K. Kolmer, Holldobler, B., Bestmann, H.J., Delabie, J.H.C., Heinze, J. (2001). "Cuticular hydrocarbons, division of labor and social status in Pachycondyla queens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Naturwissenschaften 88: 175-178.

  325. Terborgh, J., L. Lopez, et al. (2001). "Ecological meltdown in predator-free forest fragments." Science 294: 1923-1926.

  326. Theraulaz, G., E. Bonabeau, Sauwens, C., Deneubourg, J.L., Lioni, A., Libert, F., Passera, L., Sole, R. (2001). "Model of droplet dynamics in the Argentine ant Linepithema Humile (Mayr)." Bull. Math. Biol. 63: 1079-1093.

  327. Thomas, J. A. and G. W. Elmes (2001). "Food-plant niche selection rather than the presence of ant nests explains oviposition patterns in the myrmecophilous butterfly genus Maculinea." Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B Biol. Sci. 268: 471-477.

  328. Thorvilson, H. and B. Rudd (2001). "Are landscaping mulches repellent to red imported fire ants?" Southwest. Entomol. 26: 195-203.

  329. Tissot, M., D. R. Nelson, et Gordon, D.M. (2001). "Qualitative and quantitative differences in cuticular hydrocarbons between laboratory and field colonies of Pogonomyrmex barbatus." Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol. 130: 349-358.

  330. Torres, J. A., R. R. Snelling, et al. (2001). "Mandibular gland chemistry of four Caribbean species of Camponotus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 29: 673-680.
    The volatile components of whole-body extracts of males, females and workers were analyzed in four species of Neotropical ants in the formicine genus, Camponotus. The species, C. kaura, C. sexguttatus, C. ramulorum and C. planatus, represent three different subgenera. Volatile mandibular gland components were found only in male extracts in three of the species. In C. ramulorum, volatile components were found in male and female reproductives and workers. 3,4-Dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methylpyran-4-one and octanic acid were found in different sets of three of the species. Methyl 6-methyl salicylate was found in two species and the isocoumarin, mellein, was found in a third species. The significance of the mandibular gland secretion for formicid systematics is discussed.

  331. Torres, J. A., R. R. Snelling, Blum, M.S., Flournoy, R.C., Jones, T.H., Duffield, R.M. (2001). "Seasonal and nocturnal periodities in ant nuptial flight in the Tropics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 37: 601-626.
    Colonies or colony fragments, often move into new objects placed in their territories and are subsequently transported to new areas.

  332. Tsutsui, N. D. and T. J. Case (2001). "Population genetics and colony structure of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) in its native and introduced ranges." Evolution 55: 976-985.

  333. Tsutsui, N. D., A. V. Suarez, et al. (2001). "Relationships among native and introduced populations of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) and the source of introduced populations." Mol. Ecol. 10: 2151-2161.

  334. Vander Meer, R. K. and S. D. Porter (2001). "Fate of newly mated queens introduced into monogyne and polygyne Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) colonies." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94: 289-297.
    Nestmate recognition is of prime importance in maintaining ant colony integration and organization. Monogyne red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, colonies are highly territorial and aggressive toward non-nestmate conspecific workers. In contrast, workers from polygyne nests in the United States show no aggression toward workers from other conspecific colonies (polygyne or monogyne). Nests within a polygyne population form a 'supercolony,' with free exchange of workers and food between nests. The difference in conspecific nestmate recognition is a major distinguishing feature of the two S. invicta forms in the United States. We report here the discovery of an exception to this dichotomy. High levels of worker aggression are released by the introduction of newly mated queens into both polygyne and monogyne colonies. This suggests that nestmate recognition involving female sexuals does not follow the same mechanism used to explain nestmate recognition behavior between workers.

  335. Varjas, L. and D. Bajomi (2001). "Effective and safe elimination of Pharaoh's ant colonies: Successful of bait stations containing methoprene IGR as active ingredient." Int. Pest Cont. 43(3): 115-117.

  336. Varlamoff, S., W. J. Florkowski, et al. (2001). "Georgia homeowner survey of landscape management practices." HortTechnology 11: 326-331.
    A survey of Georgia homeowners provided insights about their use of fertilizers and pesticides. Knowledge of current homeowner practices is needed to develop a best management practices manual to be used by Master Gardeners to train the general public through the existing outreach programs. The objective of the training program is to reduce nutrient runoff and garden chemicals and improve the quality of surface water in urban watersheds. Results showed three of four homeowners did their own landscaping and, therefore, fully controlled the amount of applied chemicals and the area of application. Fertilizers were primarily applied to lawns, but a high percentage of homeowners also applied them to trees, shrubs, and flowers. Insecticides were applied by a larger percentage of homeowners than herbicides. Control of fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) was likely the reason behind the frequent use of insecticides. The desire for a weed free lawn was the plausible motivation behind the use of herbicides, which were used mostly on lawns. Fungicide use was infrequently reported by Georgia homeowners. The pattern of fertilizer and pesticide use suggests that the developed manual should emphasize techniques and cultural practices, which could lower the dependence on chemicals, while ultimately assuring the desired appearance of turf and ornamental plants.

  337. Vasconcelos, H. L., K. S. Carvalho, et al. (2001). Landscape modifications and ant communities. Lessons from Amazonia: the Ecology and Conservation of a Fragmented Forest. R. O. Bierregaard, Jr., C. Gascon, T. E. Lovejoy and R. Mesquita. New Haven, Connecticut, USA, Yale University Press: 199-207.

  338. Vega, S. J. and M. K. Rust (2001). "The Argentine ant - a significant invasive species in agricultural, urban and natural environments." Sociobiology 37: 3-25.

  339. Vega, S. Y. and M. K. Rust (2001). "Developing marking techniques to study movement and foraging of Argentine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 37: 27-39.

  340. Viana A.M.M., Frezard A., Malosse C., Della Lucia T.M.C., Errard C., Lenoir A.(2001). "Colonial recognition of fungus in the fungus-growing ant Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)", Chemoecology, 2001.

  341. Victor, S. R., F. R. Crisostomo, et al. (2001). "Toxicity of synthetic piperonyl compounds to leaf-cutting ants and their symbiotic fungus." Pest Manag. Sci. 57: 603-608.
    The development of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, the fungus cultured by the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens was inhibited in vitro by synthetic compounds containing the piperonyl group. In addition, worker ants that were fed daily on an artificial diet to which these compounds were added had a higher mortality rate than the controls. The inhibition of the fungal growth increased with the size of the carbon side chain ranging from C1 through C8 and decreasing thereafter. 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxybenzyloxy)octane (compound 5) was the most active compound and inhibited the fungal development by 80% at a concentration of 15 microgram ml-1. With worker ants the toxic effects started with compound 5 and increased with the number of carbons in the side chain. Thus, for the same concentration (100 microgram ml-1) the mortality rates observed after 8 days of diet ingestion were 82%, 66% and 42%, for 1-(3,4-methylenedioxybenzyloxy)decane, 1-(3,4-methylenedioxybenzyloxy)dodecane and compound 5, respectively, whereas with commercial piperonyl butoxide the mortality was 68%. The latter compound, which is known as a synergist insecticide, was as inhibitory to the symbiotic fungus as the synthetic compound 5. The possibility of controlling these insects in the future using compounds that can target simultaneously both organisms is discussed.

  342. Vogt, J. T., R. A. Grantham, et al. (2001). "Prey of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Oklahoma peanuts." Environ. Entomol. 30: 123-128.
    The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, is an important predator in some cropping systems in the United States, particularly sugarcane and cotton, where it preys on key pests such as the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.), and beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner). A study was undertaken to characterize the prey items collected by foraging S. invicta in an Oklahoma peanut field. From June to September 1999, 19 h of collecting yielded 1,276 foraged items. The largest percentage of foraged items (>20%) (other than unidentifiable fragments [39%]) were lepidopteran larvae, of which 87% were Stegasta bosqueella Chambers, the rednecked peanutworm. Overall, S. invicta collected approximately seven times more pest arthropods than beneficial arthropods. Forager success rates were approximately equal to 3.8 times higher for solids than liquids. Refuse piles in the field contained a large percentage of Coleoptera (approximately equal to 26%) and did not mirror foraged material collections. Percent damaged pods on plants growing within S. invicta mounds was significantly (approximately three times) lower than on plants not within mounds. Additional data are presented on forager success rates and foraging/temperature relations.

  343. Vogt, J. T., W. A. Smith, et al. (2001). "Feasibility of dragging pastures for control of Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant, in Oklahoma." Southwest. Entomol. 26: 339-344.

  344. Wada, A., Y. Isobe, et al. (2001). "Taste-enhancing effects of glycine on the sweetness of glucose: a gustatory aspect of symbiosis between the ant, Camponotus japonicus, and the larvae of the lycaenid butterfly, Niphanda fusca." Chem. Sens. 26: 983-992.

  345. Wagner, D., M. Tissot, et al. (2001). "Task-related environment alters the cuticular hydrocarbon composition of harvester ants." J. Chem. Ecol. 27: 1805-1819.

  346. Wagner, T. (2001). "Seasonal changes in the canopy arthropod fauna in Rinorea beniensis in Budongo Forest, Uganda." Plant Ecol. 153: 169-178.
    Arthropods were collected by insecticidal tree fogging on the understorey tree species Rinorea beniensis Engler (Violaceae) in Budongo Forest, a seasonal rain forest in Uganda. Eight trees were fogged in adjacent plots of primary, selectively logged and swamp forest during the wet season and again in the dry season. In all forest types, Psocoptera, parasitoid Hymenoptera, and especially Formicidae and Auchenorrhyncha were more abundant during the dry season, while Ensifera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera were more abundant during the wet season. Seasonal change in arthropod composition was very low in the swamp forest located near a stream, where permanent water supply is crucial for the development of the distinct swamp vegetation, with comparatively constant microclimatic conditions all over the year. Seasonal change increased in the primary forest, and shows most significant changes of arthropod abundance between dry and wet season in the selectively logged forest which also had the highest heterogeneity in forest structures. Especially small and soft bodied arthropods probably accumulate along a humidity gradient in the dense canopies of Rinorea during the dry season, when the forest floor outside the swamp forest is dry. This effect, which is also strongest in the selectively logged forest, leads to a much higher density of canopy dwelling arthropods during the dry season. Note In the special issue: Tropical forest canopies: Ecology and management / edited by K.E. Linsenmair, A.J. Davis, B. Fiala, and M.R. Speight. Paper presented at a conference held December 12-16, 1998, Oxford University,

  347. Wang, C., J. Strazanac, et al. (2001). "A comparison of pitfall traps with bait traps for studying leaf litter ant communities." J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 761-765.
    A comparison of pitfall traps with bait traps for sampling leaf litter ants was studied in oak-dominated mixed forests during 1995-1997. A total of 31,732 ants were collected from pitfall traps and 54,694 ants were collected from bait traps. They belonged to four subfamilies, 17 genera, and 32 species. Bait traps caught 29 species, whereas pitfall traps caught 31 species. Bait traps attracted one species not found in pitfall traps, but missed three of the species collected with pitfall traps. Collections from the two sampling methods showed differences in species richness, relative abundance, diversity, and species accumulation curves. Pitfall traps caught significantly more ant species per plot than did bait traps. The ant species diversity obtained from pitfall traps was higher than that from bait traps. Bait traps took a much longer time to complete an estimate of species richness than did pitfall traps. Little information was added to pitfall trapping results by the bait trapping method. The results suggested that the pitfall trapping method is superior to the bait trapping method for leaf litter ant studies. Species accumulation curves showed that sampling of 2,192 +/- 532 ants from six plots by pitfall traps provided a good estimation of ant species richness under the conditions of this study.

  348. Wang, C., J. S. Strazanac, et al. (2001). "Association between ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and habitat characteristics in oak-dominated mixed forests." Environ. Entomol. 30: 842-848.
    The relationship between ants and their habitats was examined in oak-dominated mixed forests in the central Appalachian mountains. Ants were sampled using pitfall traps over the summers of 1995, 1996, and 1997. Principal component and correlation analysis indicated that ant diversity (Shannon's H'), species richness, and abundance were closely correlated with habitat principal components. Fewer ants, lower number of species, and lower ant diversity were found at sites with higher elevation and soil moisture. Diversity (H') of ants and species richness decreased by 0.1 (R2 = 0.75) and 2.2 (R2 = 0.57) when the elevation increased 100 m, respectively. As the elevation increased, there were relatively less Formica neogagates Emery and more Aphaenogaster rudis (Emery). More ant species and individuals were found on ridges than in valleys.

  349. Wang, Y., R. L. Crocker, et al. (2001). "Effect of nematode and fungal treatments on nontarget turfgrass-inhabiting arthropod and nematode populations." Environ. Entomol. 30: 196-203.

  350. Ward, P. S. (2001). "Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of the ant genus Tetraponera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Oriental and Australian regions." Invertebr. Taxon. 15: 589-665.
    Описаны 18 новых видов рода Tetraponera, список которых см.здесь >>>
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  351. Wetterer, J. K., A. L. Wetterer, et al. (2001). "Impact of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile on the native ants of Santa Cruz Island, California." Sociobiology 38: 709-721.

  352. White, J. F. J., R. F. Sullivan, et al. (2001). "A fungal endosymbiont of the grass Bromus setifolius: distribution in some Andean populations, identification, and examination of beneficial properties." Symbiosis 31: 241-257.

  353. Wiernasz, D. C., A. K. Sater, et al. (2001). "Males size, sperm transfer and colony fitness in the western harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis." Evolution 55: 324-329.

  354. Williams, D. F., H. L. Collins, et al. (2001). "The red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): an historical perspective of treatment programs and the development of chemical baits for control." Am. Entomol. 46: 146-159.

  355. Wimp, G. M. and T. G. Whitham (2001). "Biodiversity consequences of predation and host plant hybridization on an aphid-ant mutualism." Ecology 82: 440-452.

  356. Wirth, R. and I. R. Leal (2001). "Does rainfall affect temporal variability of ant protection in Passiflora coccinea?" Ecoscience 8: 450-453.

  357. Wohlgemuth, S., B. Ronacher, et Wehner, R. (2001). "Ant odometry in the third dimension." Nature 411: 795-798.
    Desert ants (Cataglyphis) are renowned for their ability to perform large-scale foraging excursions and then return to the nest by path integration. They do so by integrating courses steered and the distances traveled into a continually updated home vector. Whereas the angular orientation is based on skylight cues, how the ants gauge the distances traveled has remained largely unclear. Furthermore, almost all studies on path integration in Cataglyphis, as well as in spiders, rodents, and humans, have aimed at understanding how the animals compute homebound courses in the horizontal plane. Here, we investigate for the first time how an animal's odometer operates when a path integration task has to be accomplished that includes a vertical component. We trained Cataglyphis ants within arrays of uphill and downhill channels, and later tested them of flat terrain, or vice-versa. In all these cases, the ants indicated homing distances that corresponded not to the distances actually traveled but to the ground distances; that is, to the sum of the horizontal projections of the uphill and downhill segments of the ants' paths.

  358. Wojcik, D. P., C. R. Allen, et al. (2001). "Red imported fire ants: impact on biodiversity." Am. Entomol. 47: 16-23.

  359. Yao, I. and S. Skimoto (2001). "Ant attendance changes the sugar composition of the honeydew of the drepanosiphid aphid Tuberculatus quercicola." Oecologia 128: 36-43.

  360. Yu, D. W. (2001). "Parasites of mutualisms." Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 72: 529-546.

  361. Yu, D. W., H. B. Wilson, et al. (2001). "An empirical model of species coexistence in a spatially structured environment." Ecology 82: 1761-1771.

  362. Yukawa, J., K. Ogata, Yata, O., Tadauchi, O., Kamitani, S., Helwint, S., Partomihardjo, T., Oka, N.P., Yamaguchi, D. (2001). "An interim report of the 2000 survey of entomofauna on Lombok Island, Bali Island, the Krakatau islands, and in Ujung Kulon, Indonesia." Esakia 41: 1-10.

  363. Zenger, J. T. and T. J. Gibb (2001). "Identification and impact of egg predators of Cyclocephala lurida and Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in turfgrass." Environ. Entomol. 30: 425-430.
    Field experiments were conducted to identify predators of southern masked chafer, Cyclocephala lurida Bland, and Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, eggs in turfgrass soil and to measure the predation that occurs. Identification of egg predators was determined by direct observation through buried Plexiglas plates of artificially placed eggs. Predation rates of Japanese beetle eggs was further measured using buried bait stations filled with eggs. Up to 73% of eggs in the soil were taken within a 72?h period. Ants were found to be the predominant predator accounting for up to 83% of the eggs taken. One species of ant, Solenopsis molesta (Say), proved to be the primary ant predator of eggs in turfgrass.

  364. Zenger, J. T. and T. J. Gibb (2001). "Impact of four insecticides on Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) egg predators and white grubs in turfgrass." J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 145-149.
    Field experiments were conducted to measure the effects of four commonly used turfgrass insecticides (isofenphos, diazinon, imidacloprid, halofenozide) on white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and ant predators of white grub eggs. Ant populations were measured over time with canned tuna, whereas predation by the ants was measured with artificially placed Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, eggs. The effectiveness of each insecticide at controlling Japanese beetle grubs, when applied at different times during the growing season, also was measured. Isofenphos and diazinon significantly reduced both ant numbers and white grub egg predation, whereas imidacloprid and one halofenozide treatment did not significantly impact either measurement. A second halofenozide treatment significantly reduced white grub egg predation. Isofenphos and diazinon were ineffective at controlling Japanese beetle grubs when applied in June but were highly efficacious when applied in August. Evidence of enhanced biodegradation was found in plots that received both June and August applications of diazinon. Both June and August applications of imidacloprid and halofenozide provided good control of white grubs.

  365. Zettler, J. A., T. P. Spira, et al. (2001). "Ant-seed mutualisms: Can red imported fire ants sour the relationship?" Biol. Conser. 101: 249-253.

  366. Zhou, S. (2001). "A new species of the ant genus Liometopum Mayr from Guangxi, China (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Acta Zootaxon. Sin. 26: 557-559.
    Из Гуанцзи (Китай) описан новый вид Liometopum minimum Zhou
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