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Главная Школа В Муравейник №1CD Поэзия Афоризмы Анекдоты Новости


История мирмекологии
Новые виды (Sp.nov.): 1996 гг


(Страница обновлена 12.07.2007)

Новые виды 1804, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

Здесь я собрал названия всех новых видов муравьёв, открытых и описанных в 1996 году и попытался проследить все основные мирмекологические новинки и события того года.  

       Всего в списке 111 новых видов муравьёв.  Ниже приводится список литературы 1996 года, главным образом по систематике.

       В 1996 году был издан фундаментальный библиографический труд, имеющий огромное значение не только для систематики и всей мирмекологии, но и для создания информационных баз данных (например, FORMIS) и для интернет-мирмекологии: "Библиография по систематике муравьев", которую составили 4 крупнейших специалиста в этой области -
       Ward, P. S., B. Bolton, Shattuck, S.O., Brown, W.L., Jr. (1996).
"A bibliography of ant systematics." Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. 116: 1-417.
В этой книге собрано около 8,000 библиографических описаний статей, монографий, сборников и книг, имеющих отношение к систематике муравьев, описанию новых таксонов и фаунистике за последние два века с момента рождения систематики в 1758 году Карлом Линнеем. Собраны старинные редчайшие работы всех классиков мирмекологии всех стран и народов. Почти все ссылки сопровождаются точными датами их выхода из печати

       Вышла крупная работа по фауне муравьев Саудовской Аравии и всего Аравийского полуострова - Collingwood, C. A. and D. Agosti (1996). "Formicidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of Saudi Arabia (Part 2)." Fauna Saudi Arabia 15: 300-385.
В этой работе о пустынях и оазисах Аравии описано множество новых видов муравьев. Среди них 32 новых вида рода Monomorium, 6 - Cataglyphis, 4 - Messor, 2 - Cardiocondyla, 2 - Solenopsis, 2 - Tetramorium и др. Фауна муравьёв Аравийского полуострова (Саудовския Аравия, Йемен, Кувейт, ОАЭ, Оман) включает 260 видов из 33 родов и 8 подсемейств (в том числе 162 вида из Саудовской Аравии, 126 - из Йемена, 100 - из Омана). Ниже в списке литературы указана PDF-копия статьи. См.обзор муравьев Аравии >>>

       В 1996 году опубликовано несколько крупных книг и монографий:

  1. Crozier, R. H. and P. Pamilo (1996).
    "Evolution of social insect colonies". Oxford. 1-306 pp., Oxford University Press.

  2. Jolivet, P. (1996).
    "Ants and plants. An example of coevolution". (Enlarged edition). Leiden, Backhuys Publishers. Translation of: Les fourmis et des plantes : une exemple de coevolution, 1986. 1-303 pp.

  3. Seifert, B. (1996).
    "Ameisen beobachten, bestimmen". Augsburg, Naturbuch Verlag. // 1996. 1-351 pp.
    Крупнейший за последние годы обзор муравьев Европы с иллюстрированными определительными таблицами. = Ants, observation and determination.

       Вышел 1-й том научного сборника "Insect Social Life", 10-й том периодического сборника "Actes des Colloques Insectes Sociaux" и 10-й выпуск немецкого "муравьеохранного" мирмекологического журнала "Ameisenschutz Aktuell" (Verbandszeitschrift der Deutschen Ameisenschutzwarte e. V. und ihrer Landesverbande).


       В 1996 году были описаны новые ископаемые виды муравьев - Burmomyrma rossi Dlussky, Haidomyrmex cerberus Dlussky.
       Это крайне интересные муравьи обнаружены в бирманском янтаре (поздний альб: самый конец раннего мела, 95 млн. лет). В нем найдены специализированный Haidomyrmex cerberus (Sphecomyrminae) и самка муравья Burmomyrma rossi с одночлениковым стебельком и хорошо развитым жалом, возможно относящаяся к подсемейству Aneuretinae (Длусский, 1996).

       Среди новинок 1996 года 33 новых вида рода Monomorium (большинство с Аравийского полуострова), 11 - Acanthostichus, 6 - Camponotus (включая необычный древесный вид Camponotus macarangae Dumpert), 6 - Cataglyphis и 5 - Strumigenys. Обнаружен европейский вид-сиблинг Formica paralugubris Seifert и социальный паразит Pseudomyrmex inquilinus Ward среди крупноглазых акациевых муравьев.
       Выполнено несколько ревизий и обзоров по фауне муравьев Палеарктики: Camponotus, Leptothorax, Monomorium, Myrmica и Plagiolepis (Radchenko A. G., 1996)
       В Китае и Японии проведены ревизии нескольких родов и описаны новые виды муравьев: Terayama (1996), Terayama, Lin & Wu (1996), Xu (1996a, 1996b), Xu, Zhang (1996). Их PDF-копии смотрите ниже в списке литературы
       МакАртур и Адамс (McArthur and M. Adams, 1996. pp.1-46) провели полную морфологическую и молекулярную ревизию одной из групп видов крупнейшего рода древесных муравьев - Camponotus nigriceps group.

       В 1996 году в Санкт-Петербурге с 18 по 24 августа прошел 4-й коллоквиум Российской секции Международного союза исследователей общественных насекомых (IUSSI) и Секции общественных насекомых Русского энтомологического общества (РЭО).
Он стал крупным международным форумом с участием 16 иностранных специалистов из Австралии, Австрии, Великобритании, Дании, Германии, Польши, Сенегала и Югославии. Приняло участие более 40 ученых, сделано 33 доклада, из которых 26 опубликованы в сборнике трудов коллоквиума. Среди них работы профессора A.Buschinger (Germany), G.Elmes (UK) и J.Heinze (Germany) и большая часть работ была опубликована на английском языке. См.обзор коллоквиумов >>>
       В Новом Орлеане (США) прошла очередная Ежегодная конференция по импортированным огненным муравьям (Annual 1996 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference. New Orleans, LA). Опубликованы труды 20-го Международного энтомологического конгресса, прошедшего в Италии (20th International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy) с большим количеством мирмекологических статей (тезисов).

       Защитили свои ДИССЕРТАЦИИ:

  1. Кипятков В. Е. Годичные циклы развития муравьев. Автореф. докт. дисс. Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербургский государственний университет. 1996. 50 с.

  2. Cook, J. L. (1996). A study of the relationship between Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) and the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Ph.D. dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station.
    Тезисы диссертации о взаимоотношенях веерокрылых насекомых и огненных муравьев. Cited from: Cook, J.L., J.S. Johnston, R.E. Gold, & S.B. Vinson, 1997, Distribution of Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) and the habitats most likely to contain its stylopized host, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Environ. Entomol. 26: 1258-1262

  3. Hahn, D. A. (1996). Settlement and distribution of newly mated queens of the arboreal ant Crematogaster ashmeadi, Honors' Thesis, Florida State University, 37 p.
    Cited from: Baldacci, J., & W.R.Tschinkel, 1999, An experimental study of colony-founding in pine saplings by queens of the arboreal ant, Crematogaster ashmeadi, Insect. Soc. 46: 41-44.

  4. Hernandez, J. V. (1996). Ecologia quimica del comportamiento agonistica de Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Attini), PhD Thesis, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, 197 p.
    Cited from: Hernandez, J.V., 1998, Observations of an orphaned colony of Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Attini), Bol. Entomol. Venez. 13: 73-75.

  5. Martin, J. B. (1996). Surface activity of the red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren, in polygyne infested areas of Brazos Co., Texas, M.S. thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station.
    Cited from: Li, J. & Heinz, K.M., 1998, Genetic variation in desiccation resistance and adaptability of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to arid regions, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 91: 726-729.

  6. Singer, T. L. (1996). Nest and nestmate recognition of a paper wasp, Polistes Metricus, and a fungus-growing ant, Apterostigma collare, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Georgia, 100 p.
    [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 57: 4171] [Order # 9636491]

  7. Vail, K. M. (1996). Foraging, spatial distribution, and control of the pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis (L.), Ph.D. disset., University of Florida. 107 p.
    Диссертация по фуражировочному поведению, пространственному распределению и контролю домового фараонова муравья. *[S. invicta necessitated amdro treatments to eliminate fire ant foraging in test buildings. S. invicta caused M. pharaonis to form small ephemeral nests on the face of the panelling walls. On other occasions, S. invicta drove M. pharaonis from an entire wall. M. pharaonis were prevented from nesting under the slabs by S. invicta. Fighting was observed, with M. pharaonis killing S. invicta workers.] [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 57: 5456] [Order # AAD9703628]


  1. Acanthostichus arizonensis Mackay
  2. Acanthostichus bentoni Mackay
  3. Acanthostichus brevinodis Mackay
  4. Acanthostichus concavinodis Mackay
  5. Acanthostichus emmae Mackay
  6. Acanthostichus flexuosus Mackay
  7. Acanthostichus laevigatus Mackay
  8. Acanthostichus lattkei Mackay
  9. Acanthostichus punctiscapus Mackay
  10. Acanthostichus quirozi Mackay
  11. Acanthostichus truncatus Mackay
  12. Acropyga (Rhizomyrma) kinomurai Terayama & Hashimoto
  13. Acropyga (Rhizomyrma) yaeyamensis Terayama & Hashimoto
  14. Anochetus shohki Terayama
  15. Anoplolepis longitarsis Collingwood & Agosti
  16. Burmomyrma rossi Dlussky
  17. Camponotus dryandrae McArthur & Adams
  18. Camponotus eastwoodi McArthur & Adams
  19. Camponotus gallagheri Collingwood & Agosti
  20. Camponotus longideclivis McArthur & Adams
  21. Camponotus loweryi McArthur & Adams
  22. Camponotus macarangae Dumpert
  23. Cardiocondyla gallagheri Collingwood & Agosti
  24. Cardiocondyla yemeni Collingwood & Agosti
  25. Cataglyphis acutinodis Collingwood & Agosti
  26. Cataglyphis flavobrunneus Collingwood & Agosti
  27. Cataglyphis harteni Collingwood & Agosti
  28. Cataglyphis holgerseni Collingwood & Agosti
  29. Cataglyphis opacior Collingwood & Agosti
  30. Cataglyphis shuaibensis Collingwood & Agosti
  31. Cerapachys daikoku Terayama
  32. Cerapachys hashimotoi Terayama
  33. Cryptopone arabica Collingwood & Agosti
  34. Formica hayashi Terayama & Hashimoto
  35. Formica paralugubris Seifert
  36. Gnamptogenys bannana Xu & Zhang
  37. Haidomyrmex cerberus Dlussky
  38. Hypoponera nubatama Terayama & Hashimoto
  39. Lepisiota dammama Collingwood & Agosti
  40. Lepisiota dhofara Collingwood & Agosti
  41. Lepisiota harteni Collingwood & Agosti
  42. Lepisiota riyadha Collingwood & Agosti
  43. Leptothorax caesari Espadaler
  44. Leptothorax mirabilis Espadaler & Cagniant
  45. Leptothorax saudiae Collingwood & Agosti
  46. Messor hismai Collingwood & Agosti
  47. Messor muraywahus Collingwood & Agosti
  48. Messor muscatus Collingwood & Agosti
  49. Messor sanganus Collingwood & Agosti
  50. Monomorium acutinode Collingwood & Agosti
  51. Monomorium aeyade Collingwood & Agosti
  52. Monomorium asiriense Collingwood & Agosti
  53. Monomorium baushare Collingwood & Agosti
  54. Monomorium brunneolucidulum Collingwood & Agosti
  55. Monomorium buettikeri Collingwood & Agosti
  56. Monomorium dammame Collingwood & Agosti
  57. Monomorium desertorum Collingwood & Agosti
  58. Monomorium dirie Collingwood & Agosti
  59. Monomorium fayfaense Collingwood & Agosti
  60. Monomorium fezzanense Collingwood & Agosti
  61. Monomorium gallagheri Collingwood & Agosti
  62. Monomorium hanaqe Collingwood & Agosti
  63. Monomorium harithe Collingwood & Agosti
  64. Monomorium hemame Collingwood & Agosti
  65. Monomorium hiten Terayama
  66. Monomorium jizane Collingwood & Agosti
  67. Monomorium knappi Collingwood & Agosti
  68. Monomorium mahyoubi Collingwood & Agosti
  69. Monomorium majarishe Collingwood & Agosti
  70. Monomorium marmule Collingwood & Agosti
  71. Monomorium matame Collingwood & Agosti
  72. Monomorium mintiribe Collingwood & Agosti
  73. Monomorium montanum Collingwood & Agosti
  74. Monomorium najrane Collingwood & Agosti
  75. Monomorium qarahe Collingwood & Agosti
  76. Monomorium rimae Collingwood & Agosti
  77. Monomorium riyadhe Collingwood & Agosti
  78. Monomorium subdenticorne Collingwood &
  79. Monomorium suleyile Collingwood & Agosti
  80. Monomorium tumaire Collingwood & Agosti
  81. Monomorium wahibense Collingwood & Agosti
  82. Monomorium yemene Collingwood & Agosti
  83. Myrmecina amamiana Terayama
  84. Myrmecina ryukyuensis Terayama
  85. Myrmica cagnianti Espadaler
  86. Oligomyrmex borealis Terayama
  87. Oligomyrmex hannya Terayama
  88. Oligomyrmex oni Terayama
  89. Oligomyrmex yamatonis Terayama
  90. Pachycondyla lobocarena Xu
  91. Pachycondyla zhengi Xu
  92. Polyrhachis schellerichae Dorow
  93. Ponera bishamon Terayama
  94. Ponera kohmoku Terayama
  95. Ponera takaminei Terayama
  96. Ponera tamon Terayama
  97. Pseudomyrmex inquilinus Ward
  98. Rhopalomastix omotoensis Terayama
  99. Smithistruma benten Terayama, Lin & Wu
  100. Smithistruma formosimonticola Terayama, Lin & Wu
  101. Smithistruma kichijo Terayama, Lin & Wu
  102. Smithistruma mazu Terayama, Lin & Wu
  103. Solenopsis omana Collingwood & Agosti
  104. Solenopsis zingibara Collingwood & Agosti
  105. Strumigenys hispida Lin & Wu
  106. Strumigenys lacunosa Lin & Wu
  107. Strumigenys lichiaensis Lin & Wu
  108. Strumigenys nanzanensis Lin & Wu
  109. Strumigenys trada Lin & Wu
  110. Tetramorium latinode Collingwood & Agosti
  111. Tetramorium yemene Collingwood & Agosti




Всего в 1996 году опубликовано более 677 статей о муравьях (по данным базы Formis-2003, которая может пополниться). 48 статей отмечено в русскоязычном "Справочнике мирмеколога" (Зрянин, 2004). Ниже приведен список некоторых статей, главным образом по фауне, экологии, систематике и с описанием вышеперечисленных видов.
ПОДРОБНЫЙ СПИСОК РУССКОЯЗЫЧНОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ смотрите ЗДЕСЬ RU-1996. Ниже указаны несколько PDF копий статей.

  1. Agosti, D. (1996). "The Dominance of Social Insects." Species 26-27: 26-27.

  2. Agosti, D. (1996). "On combining protein sequences and nucleic acid sequences in phylogenetic analysis: The homeobox protein case." Cladistics 12: 65-82.
    Использование молекулярно-генетического секвенирования для филогенетических построений   PDF-копия статьи

  3. Aiello, A. and P. Jolivet (1996). "Myrmecophilly in Keroplatidae (Diptera: Sciaroidea)." J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 104: 226-230.

  4. Akino, T., R. Mochizuki, Morimoto, M., Yamaoka, R. (1996). "Chemical camouflage of myrmecophilous cricket Myrmecophilus sp. to be integrated with several ant species." Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 40: 39-46.
    Мирмекофилия сверчков Orthoptera, cricket, Myrmecophilidae, Myrmecophilus

  5. Allan, R. A., M. A. Elgar, et al. (1996). "Exploitation of an ant chemical alarm signal by the zodariid spider Habronestes bradleyi Walckenaer." Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B Biol. Sci. 263: 69-73.
    Пауки могут использовать муравьиный сигнал тревоги. In the field, spiders were often observed feeding on injured Iridomyrmex purpureus. In the lab spiders fed on 95% of the injured Iridomyrmex purpureus, 15% of the Camponotus leae, 5% of the Rhytidoponera victoriae, & 0 of the Camponotus suffusus & Myrmecia simillima. The spider is attracted to the I. purpureus alarm pheromone. - Australia, Araneae, Zodariidae, spider, Habronestes bradleyi

  6. Alves, S. B., R. M. Pereira, et al. (1996). "Delayed germination of Beauveria bassiana conidia after prolonged storage at low, above-freezing temperatures." Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 6: 575-581.
    У огненного муравья исследован, обнаруженный ранее в Бразилии у его сородичей, энтомопатогенный грибок Beauveria bassiana. Powder formulations were prepared with conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (strain 447) originally isolated in Brazil from the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. The carrier materials used in formulations included talc (hydrous magnesium silicate), silica gel, powdered rice and cornstarch. The formulations were stored in plastic containers under three conditions: (a) ambient temperature (15-38 degrees C); (b) refrigerator (6 +/- 2 degrees C); and (c) freezer (-10 - -7 degrees C). Formulations stored under ambient temperature conditions completely lost viability after 1-8 months. Unformulated conidia stored under ambient conditions were totally unviable after just 2 months. All formulations stored under refrigerator and freezer conditions maintained 100% viability for 7 years. The virulences of the conidial preparations against adult workers of the fire ant, S. saevissima, and the sugarcane borer, Diatraea sacchasalis, were higher for fresh conidia or conidia stored in the freezer than for conidia stored in the refrigerator. After 30 months of storage, the unformulated conidia and the formulations stored in the refrigerator showed slow germination and had low virulence. There was a strong correlation between the rate of germination and the virulence toward D. saccharalis, but not toward S. saevissima.

  7. Ayala, F., J. Wetterer, Longino, J., Hartl, D. (1996). "Molecular phylogeny of Azteca ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the colonization of Cecropia trees." Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 5: 423-428.
    Молекулярная филогения муравьев и колонизация ими деревьев. Вид Froggattella kirbii из Australia исподльзован как outgroup. Вид Azteca merida из Venezuela; остальные виды Azteca spp. из Costa Rica. According to the molecular phylogeny, the Cecropia-inhabiting Azteca do not form a monophyletic clade, indicating multiple independent colonization or abandonment of Cecropia trees by the Azteca.

  8. Baader, A. P. (1996). "The significance of visual landmarks for navigation of the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata (Formicidae, Ponerinae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 435-450.

  9. Balas, M. T. and E. S. Adams (1996). "The dissolution of cooperative groups: mechanisms of queen mortality in incipient fire ant colonies." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 38: 391-399.

  10. Balas, M. T. and E. S. Adams (1996). "Nestmate discrimination and competition in incipient colonies of fire ants." Anim. Behav. 51: 49-59.
    Исследованы внутригнездовые отношения и распознание сородичей у огненного муравья. Workers from incipient colonies of the fire ant, S. invicta, are less aggressive towards conspecific non-nestmates than are workers from reproductively mature colonies. This often leads to brood raiding between incipient colonies, where workers take brood from other incipient colonies without opposition. The development of aggressive reactions by incipient colony workers and queens towards non-nestmate workers and queens was examined. Both workers and queens show nestmate discrimination from the earliest stages of colony activity. Workers from the colony's first cohort vigorously attacked workers from mature colonies. These same workers rarely attacked non-nestmate workers from incipient colonies, although they were more aggressive towards them than towards nestmates. Workers and queens often vigorously attacked non-nestmate queens, and were more aggressive towards unfamiliar than familiar queens. Queens bitten by workers were likely to be expelled or killed within 3 days of introduction. The highly aggressive response of incipient colony workers towards unfamiliar queens suggests that brood-raiding colonies do not consolidate for mutual benefit. Rather, they struggle for possession of brood while attempting to prevent the entry of additional reproductive females into the colony. In addition, heritable cues were neither necessary nor sufficient for worker acceptance of queens. Finally, although incipient colony workers from colonies with four foundresses were slightly less aggressive towards non-nestmates than workers in colonies with single foundresses, they still discriminated against non-nestmate queens. This result suggests that cooperative nest founding alone cannot explain the development of non-territorial, polygyne S. invicta colonies.

  11. Bass, M. and J. M. Cherrett (1996). "Fungus garden structure in the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens (Formicidae, Attini)." Symbiosis 21: 9-24.

  12. Bass, M. and J. M. Cherrett (1996). "Leaf-cutting ants (Formicidae, Attini) prune their fungus to increase and direct its productivity." Funct. Ecol. 10: 55-61.

  13. Baur, A., M. Sanetra, Chalwatzis, N., Buschinger, A., Zimmermann, F.K. (1996). "Sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal genes support close relationships between parasitic ants and their respective host species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 53-67.
    Исследованы рибосомальные гены паразитов и их хозяев: Anergates atratulus, Camponotus ligniperda, Chalepoxenus muellerianus, Doronomyrmex goesswaldi, Doronomyrmex kutteri, Doronomyrmex pacis, Harpagoxenus sublaevis, Leptothorax, Leptothorax (Myrafant), Leptothorax acervorum, Strongylognathus alpinus, Teleutomyrmex schneideri

  14. Behr, D., S. Lippke, et al. (1996). "On the study of the ants in Cologne (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). [in German]." Decheniana Beih. 35: 215-232.
    Epitritus, Europe, Germany

  15. Bennett, A. T. D., M. H. Lloyd, et al.(1996). "Ant-derived formic acid can be toxic for birds." Chemoecology 7: 189-190.

  16. Bernasconi, G. and L. Keller (1996). "Reproductive conflicts in cooperative associations of fire ant queens (Solenopsis invicta)." Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B Biol. Sci. 263: 509-513.
    Обнаружен репродуктивный крнфликт в объединенных ассоциациях самок огненных муравьев. [Недавно спаренные самки собраны во Флориде и Джорджии; research done in Switzerland.]

  17. Bezde_ka, P. (1996). "Mravenci Slovenska (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomofauna Carpath. 8: 108-114.

  18. Billen, J. and B. Gobin (1996). "Trail following in army ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Neth. J. Zool. 46: 272-280.
    Движение с помощью следовых феромонов (железистые источники и места их выделения) исследовано у 3-х видов кочевых муравьев. Eciton burchelli (Ecitoninae) produces very long lasting trails from a specialized glandular epithelium associated with the 7th abdominal sternite, while in Dorylus molestus (Dorylini) short-lasting trails are elaborated from the venom gland In Aenictus sp, near laeviceps (Aenictini), the secretion of the well developed postpygidial glands forms the long-lasting trail pheromone, which in this species could be chemically identified as a two-component system with methyl nicotinate (1% of gland secretion) initiating the ants to follow a trail, and methyl anthranilate (99%) causing the real trail following.

  19. Breed, M. D., R. M. Bowden, et al. (1996). "Giving-up time variation in response of differences in nectar volume and concentration in the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 9: 659-672.

  20. Breed, M. D., C. Stierstorfer, et al. (1996). "Individual constancy of local search strategies in the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 9: 673-682.

  21. Britton, N. F., L. W. Partridge, et Franks, N.R. (1996). "A mathematical model for the population dynamics of army ants." Bull. Math. Biol. 58(3): 471-492.
    Математическая модель (stochastic cellular automata model) популяционной динамики кочевых муравьев Eciton burchelli на острове Barro Colorado Island в Панаме. It is simulated on the computer and shown to give good agreement with biological data. It is analysed using two approximations akin to the mean field approximation in statistical mechanics, and good agreement with the simulations is obtained. Finally, the role of distance between successive statary phase bivouacs is discussed with regard to the rate of colony growth. There are two aspects of the biological system studied here that make it of general importance. First, the population is structured, since the size of each colony of army ants is crucial. Second, the spatial behaviour of the population, as in many others, is not diffusion-like, although it is random. This has implications for the kind of model that is chosen.

  22. Burd, M. (1996). "Foraging performance by Atta colombica, a leaf-cutting ant." Am. Nat. 148: 597-612.

  23. Burd, M. (1996). "Server system and queuing models of leaf harvesting by leaf-cutting ants." Am. Nat. 148: 613-629.

  24. Burghardt, F. and K. Fiedler (1996). "The influence of diet on growth and secretion behavior of myrmecophilous Polyommatus icarus caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)." Ecol. Entomol. 21(1): 1-8.
    Влияние диеты на рост и секрецию у гусениц мирмекофильных бабочек-голубянок. 1. Caterpillars of the facultatively myrmecophilous butterfly Polyommatus icarus were reared on inflorescences, or foliage, of four natural hostplant species and on an artificial diet to study dietary effects on larval growth and secretory capacity. 2. Caterpillars achieved highest weights and relative growth rates when fed flowers of Medicago sativa, Lotus corniculatus or Melilotus officinalis. Larvae reared on Coronilla varia (flowers and leaves), foliage of M. sativa and on the artificial diet pupated at lower weights and achieved lower growth rates. 3. In standardized experiments with the ant species Lasius flavus, secretion rates from the dorsal nectar organ (DNO) were 2 times higher among flower-fed caterpillars than among foliage-fed siblings or caterpillars on the artificial diet. Larvae reared on C. varia flowers were superior to all other food treatments with respect to secretion rates. 4. High water content of larval diet, as in flowers, appears to be important for lycaenid caterpillars to achieve high secretion rates, whereas the correlation between myrmecophily and nutrient availability, as evidenced by growth rates, was less pronounced. 5. Using experimental data on larval growth and secretion rates, the lifetime volume of secretions from the DNO is estimated to range from 2 to 5 microliter in most food treatments. Only on C. varia flowers (5.5-8.7 microliter) and on M. sativa leaves (0.9-1.1 microliter) did the caterpillars deviate in their absolute investment in myrmecophily. 6. The estimated lifetime investment accounted for 1.6-5.5% of prepupal fresh weight in all food treatments except on C. varia flowers (7.8-12.3%).

  25. Cagniant, H. (1996). "Les Aphaenogaster du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): cle et catalogue des especes." Ann. Soc. Entomol. France (N.S.) 32: 67-85.

  26. Cagniant, H. (1996). "Les Camponotus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): cle et catalogue des especes." Ann. Soc. Entomol. France (N.S.) 32: 87-100.

  27. Callcott, A. M. A. and H. L. Collins (1996). "Invasion and range expansion of red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in North America from 1918-1995." Florida Entomol. 79: 240-251.
    По состоянию на 1995 год огненные муравьи расширили свой ареал до 114,098,722 ha (281,934,080 acres) во всех частях 670 counties/parishes in 11 states & Puerto Rico.

  28. Calvert, W. H. (1996). "Fire ant predation on monarch larvae (Nymphalidae: Danainae) in a central Texas prairie." J. Lepid. Soc. 50: 149-151.
    В Техасе наблюдали поедание гусениц бабочек-монархов огненными муравьями. butterfly eggs that had been seen on host plants disappeared. One first instar caterpillar was observed being eaten by RIFA, no second or third instar caterpillars were observed. RIFA also given as reason that abundance of lepidopterans has fallen to 50% of pre-invasion levels. 4% of the plant stems searched had patrolling RIFA.

  29. Casevitz Weulersse, J. (1996). "Biogeographical aspects of the ant fauna of Corsica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 72: 193-201.

  30. Chavarria, G. (1996). "Notes on a combined nest of Bombus pullatus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Acromyrmex octospinosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 69(4,suppl.): 403-405.
    Обнаружено комбинированное гнездо шмелей и муравьев-листорезов. Proceedings of the Eickwort Memorial Symposium held April 21-23, 1995, Ithaca, New York.

  31. Chenuil, A. and D. B. McKey (1996). "Molecular phylogenetic study of a myrmecophyte symbiosis: did Leonardoxa/ant associations diversify via cospeciation?" Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 6: 270-286.

  32. Cohen, J. E. and D. Tilman (1996). "Biosphere 2 and biodiversity: the lessons so far." Science 274: 1150-1151.
    *[Implies that P. longicornis was the only ant present. For some data see: Wetterer et al., 1999, Ecological dominance by Paratrechina longicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), an invasive tramp ant, in Biosphere 2, Florida Entomol. 82: 381-388.

  33. Collingwood, C. A. and D. Agosti (1996). "Formicidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of Saudi Arabia (Part 2)." Fauna Saudi Arabia 15: 300-385.
    В этой работе о пустынях и оазисах Аравии описано множество новых видов муравьев. Среди них 32 новых вида рода Monomorium, 6 - Cataglyphis, 4 - Messor, 2 - Cardiocondyla, 2 - Solenopsis, 2 - Tetramorium и др. Фауна муравьёв Аравийского полуострова (Саудовския Аравия, Йемен, Кувейт, ОАЭ, Оман) включает 260 видов из 33 родов и 8 подсемейств (в том числе 162 вида из Саудовской Аравии, 126 - из Йемена, 100 - из Омана). Ниже в списке литературы указана PDF-копия статьи. См.обзор муравьев Аравии >>>
    PDF-копия статьи

  34. Cook, J. L. (1996). A study of the relationship between Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) and the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Ph.D. dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station.
    Тезисы диссертации о взаимоотношенях веерокрылых насекомых и огненных муравьев. Cited from: Cook, J.L., J.S. Johnston, R.E. Gold, & S.B. Vinson, 1997, Distribution of Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) and the habitats most likely to contain its stylopized host, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Environ. Entomol. 26: 1258-1262

  35. Corbara, B. and A. Dejean (1996). "Arboreal nest building and ant-garden initiation by a ponerine ant." Naturwissenschaften 83: 227-230.

  36. Cornelius, M. L. and J. K. Grace (1996). "Effect of two ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on the foraging and survival of the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)." Environ. Entomol. 25: 85-89.
    Исследовно влияние 2-х видов муравьев (Pheidole megacephala, Ochetellus glaber) на фуражировку и выживаемость Тайваньских термитов (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki). We also examined how differences in the proportion of termite soldiers affected the susceptibility of C. formosanus to predation by P. megacephala. In sand-filled containers, C. formosanus was more vulnerable to predation by P. megacephala than by O. glaber. However, the presence of ants of either species caused substantial mortality of termite soldiers. P. megacephala was much more invasive of termite galleries than O. glaber. Termites exposed to P. megacephala suffered greater mortality compared with controls, regardless of worker to soldier ratio. However, there was no difference in termite mortality among replicates with different worker to soldier ratios. In the absence of sand, both ant species caused 100% mortality of termites after 1 wk of exposure. *The termite was more vunerable to predation by Pheidole megacephala than by Ochetellus glaber in sand-filled container. In the absence of sand, both ants caused 100% mortality in one week.

  37. Crozier, R. H. and P. Pamilo (1996). Evolution of social insect colonies. Oxford. 306 p., Oxford University Press.

  38. Czechowski, W. and P. Douwes (1996). "Morphometric characteristics of Formica polyctena Foerst. and Formica rufa L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Gorce Mts; interspecific and intraspecific variations." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 46: 125-141.

  39. Czechowski, W. and H. Kobus (1996). "Colonies of hybrids and mixed colonies, interspecific nest takeover in wood ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Mem. Zool. 50: 1-116.

  40. D'Ettorre, P., F. Le Moli, et al. (1996). "Epicuticular hydrocarbon profiles in the slave-making ant Polyergus rufescens Latr. and its host species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): Preliminary results." Insect Social Life 1: 145-150.
    Эпикутикулярные углеводороды у муравьев-рабовладельцев Амазонок. *Cited from: Mori, A., Grasso, D.A., Visicchio, R., & Le Moli, F., 2000, Colony founding in Polyergus rufescens: the role of the Dufour's gland, Insect. Soc. 47: 7-10.

  41. Dahbi, A., A. Lenoir, Tinaut, A., Taghizadeh, T., Francke, W., Hefetz, A. (1996). "Chemistry of the postpharyngeal gland secretion and its implication for the phylogeny of Iberian Cataglyphis species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Chemoecology 7: 163-171.

  42. De Haro, A. and C. A. Collingwood (1996). "Estudio comparado de la genitalia de dos poblaciones espaсolas de Cataglyphis (Hym., Formicidae), grupo albicans de color negro." Orsis (Org. Sist.) 11: 53-58.

  43. Dejean, A. (1996). "Trail sharing in African arboreal ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 27(1): 1-10.

  44. Dejean, A. and G. Beugnon (1996). "Host-ant trail following by myrmecophilous larvae of liphyrinae (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)." Oecologia 106: 57-62.

  45. Dejean, A. and C. Djieto Lordon (1996). "Ecological studies on the relationships between ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and the Myrmecophyte Scaphopetalum thonneri (Sterculiaceae)." Sociobiology 28(1): 91-102.

  46. Dejean, A., J. L. Durand, et al. (1996). "Ants inhabiting Cubitermes termitaries in Afican rain forests." Biotropica 28: 701-713.

  47. Dejean, A. and R. Feneron (1996). "Polymorphism and oligogyny in the ponerine ant Centromyrmex bequaerti (Formicidae: Ponerinae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 87-99.

  48. Dejean, A. and D. Matile Ferrero (1996). "How a ground-dwelling forest ant species favors the proliferation of an endemic scale insect (Hymenoptera: Formicidae; Homoptera: Stictococcidae)." Sociobiology 28: 183-195.

  49. Dejean, A., P. R. Ngnegueu, et al. (1996). "Trophobiosis between ants and Peregrinus maidis (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae)." Sociobiology 28(1): 111-120.

  50. Dejean, A., J. Orivel, et al. (1996). "Ant gardens induced by a ponerine ant in French Guiana. [abstract]." Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 77 (3 Suppl. Part 2): 107.
    Муравьиные сады понериновых муравьев во Французской Гвиане. 1996 Annual Combined Meeting of the Ecological Society of America on Ecologists/Biologists as Problem Solvers, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 10-14, 1996

  51. Del Claro, K., V. Berto, et al. (1996). "Effect of herbivore deterrence by ants on the fruit set of an extrafloral nectary plant, Qualea multiflora (Vochysiaceae)." J. Trop. Ecol. 12(pt.6): 887-892.

  52. Del Claro, K. and P. Oliveira (1996). "Honeydew flicking by treehoppers provides cues to potential tending ants." Anim. Behav. 51: 1071-1075.

  53. Deslippe, R. J., L. Jelinski, et Eisner, T. (1996). "Defense by use of a proteinaceous glue: woodlice vs. ants." Zool. Anal. Complex Syst. 99: 205-210.
    Ракообразные мокрицы The woodlouse Oniscus asellus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscoidea) нашли свой способ защититься от муравьев. Когда их потревожат, мокрицы выделяют капельки жидкости из пары выростов на конце тела (uropods). Жидкость свертывается на воздухе и эффективно действует на нападающих муравьев. Аналих секрета показал, что он proteinaceous и обычно богат глицином и пролином. Its coagulation may be due to a polymerization process. (Crematogaster longispinosus, Formica exsectoides)

  54. Diehl-Fleig, E. and A. M. d. Araijo (1996). "Haplometrosis and pleometrosis in the ants Acromyrmex striatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 47-51.

  55. Disney, R. H. L. (1996). "A key to Neodohrniphora (Diptera: Phoridae), parasites of leaf-cutter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Nat. Hist. 30: 1377-1389.

  56. Disney, R. H. L. (1996). "A new genus of scuttle fly (Diptera; Phoridae) whose legless, wingless, females mimic ant larvae (Hymenoptera; Formicidae)." Sociobiology 27(2): 95-118.

  57. Dlussky, G. M. (1996). "Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Burmese amber." Paleontol. J. 30: 449-454.
    В бирманском янтаре (поздний альб: самый конец раннего мела, 95 млн. лет) найдены специализированный Haidomyrmex cerberus (Sphecomyrminae) и самка муравья Burmomyrma rossi с одночлениковым стебельком и хорошо развитым жалом, возможно относящаяся к подсемейству Aneuretinae (Длусский, 1996).

  58. Donovan, G. R., M. D. Street, et al. (1996). "Expression of jumper ant (Myrmecia pilosula) venom allergens: post-translational processing of allergen gene products." Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 39(5): 877-885.
    Исследованы полипептиды из яда прыгающего австралийского муравья Myrmecia pilosula. N-terminal analyses of electrophoretically-separated allergenic polypeptides of the venom of the jumper ant M. pilosula showed that five out of the six allergenic polypeptides identified are homologous with the cloned major allergen Myr p I and may be derived from a single precursor polypeptide. The sixth polypeptide is homologous with a second cloned major allergen, Myr p II which is expressed as a single precursor polypeptide but exists in its native form as a disulphide bond-linked complex.

  59. Dorow, W. H. O. (1996). "Polyrhachis (Mymhopla) schellerichae n. sp., a new ant of the nectar-group from the Malay Peninsula (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae)." Senckenb. Biol. 121: 121-127.

  60. Dorow, W. H. O. (1996). "Review and bibliography of the ants of the Seychelles (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Afr. Zool. 110: 73-96.
    Обзор фауны Сейшельских островов, номенклатурные изменения (Euponera, Hypoponera, Mesoponera, Pachycondyla, Ponera)

  61. Durnev, F., A. Timokhov, Thompson, L., Semevski, F. (1996). Field assessment of the fundamental net reproductive rate of Solenopsis invicta, Proceedings, 1996 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference. New Orleans, LA.: 17.

  62. Dussmann, O., C. Peeters, et Holldobler, B. (1996). "Morphology and reproductive behaviour of intercastes in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla obscuricornis." Insect. Soc. 43: 421-425.

  63. Eisner, T., M. Eisner, et Deyrup, M. (1996). "Millipede defence: use of detachable bristles to entangle ants." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93(20): 10848-10851.
    Многоножки Polyxenus fasciculatus (Diplopoda; Polyxenida) защищаются от муравьев с помощью пары щетинок на конце тела. Атакованные муравьями, многоножки отделяют от пучков мелкие щетинки и трутся ими о муравьях, а муравьи загрязненные ими более не нападают на них. Щетинки имеют крючки, которые цепляются за сеты муравьев. In attempting to rid themselves of bristles, ants may succeed only in further entangling themselves by causing the bristles to become enmeshed. Ants heavily contaminated may remain entangled and die. Most millipedes have chemical defenses; polyxenids, instead, have a mechanical weapon. Механическое оружие от которого некоторые муравьи даже погибают в попытке очиститься от щетинок.

  64. Elmes, G. W., R. T. Clarke, Thomas, J.A., Hochberg, M.E. (1996). "Empirical tests of specific predictions made from a spatial model of the population dynamics of Maculina rebeli, a parasitic butterfly of red ant colonies." Acta Oecol. 16: 61-80.
    Myrmica и мирмекофильные гусеницы голубянок Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Maculinea rebeli

  65. Espadaler, X. (1996). "Myrmica cagnianti, a new ant from North Africa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Misc. Zool. (Barc.) 19: 67-74.

  66. Espadaler, X. and H. Cagniant (1996). "Leptothorax mirabilis n. sp. une espece enigmatique du Maroc (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 121: 331-337.

  67. Evans, J. (1996). "Competition and relatedness between queens of the facultatively polygynous ant Myrmica tahoensis." Anim. Behav. 51: 831-840.

  68. Evans, J. D. (1996). "Queen longevity, queen adoption, and posthumous indirect fitness in the facultatively polygynous ant Myrmica tahoensis." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 39: 275-284.

  69. Evans, J. D. (1996). "Temporal and spatial variation in reproduction in the facultatively polygynous ant Myrmica tahoensis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 309-317.

  70. Feener, D. H., Jr., L. F. Jacobs, et al. (1996). "Specialized parasitoid attracted to a pheromone of ants." Anim. Behav. 51: 61-66.
    Мухи-фориды Apocephalus paraponerae (Diptera: Phoridae) паразитируют на рабочих особях гигантского тропического муравья Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), в Центральной Америке. When female parasitoids locate fighting or injured workers of this species, they deposit one or more eggs in them and feed from wounds. Male parasitoids are also attracted to hosts for feeding and to locate females for mating. In a series of experiments it was demonstrated that males and females of this parasitoid were attracted to two products of the mandibular glands of P. clavata, 4-methyl-3-heptanone and 4-methyl-3-heptanol. These compounds are produced in the mandibular glands of numerous ant species and serve as alarm pheromones in some species. Phorid parasitoids of ants may routinely use host-produced pheromones to locate hosts, and behavioural interactions between ants and their parasitoids may have shaped the use of these pheromone systems by both interactants.

  71. Fernandez, F., M. Baena, et Palacio, E.E. (1996). "Hormigas de Colombia V: el genero Stenamma Westwood (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae)." Tacaya 5: 9-10.

  72. Fernandez, F., E. E. Palacio, MacKay, W.P., MacKay, E.S. (1996). Introduccion al estudio de las hormigas (hymenoptera: formicidae) de Colombia. Insectos de Colombia, Estudios Escogidos. M. Andrade, G. Garcia and F. Fernandez. Bogota, Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas Fнsicas y Naturales, 541 p.: 349-412.

  73. Fewell, J. H., J. F. Harrison, et al. (1996). "Foraging energetics of the ant, Paraponera clavata." Oecologia 105: 419-427.
    Фуражировочная энергетика одного из крупнейших американских тропических видов муравьев. The energy currencies used by foraging animals are expected to relate to the energy costs and benefits of resource collection. However, actual costs of foraging are rarely measured. We measured the ratio of energetic benefit relative to cost (B/C) during foraging for the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata. The B/C ratio was 3.9 for nectar-foragers and 67 for insect prey foragers. In contrast, the B/C ratio during foraging for seed harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis) is over 1000, demonstrating that the B/C ratio can vary widely among ants. The B/C ratio was 300 times lower for nectar-foraging Paraponera than for the seed-harvesting Pogonomyrmex because of: (1) a 5-fold lower energetic benefit per trip, (2) a 10-fold greater cost due to longer foraging distances, and (3) a 6-fold greater energy cost per meter due to larger body size. For Paraponera daily colonial energy intake rates are similar to expenditures and may limit colony growth and reproduction. In contrast, for Pogonomyrmex energy intake rates are an order of magnitude higher than estimated costs, suggesting that Pogonomyrmex colonies are unlikely to be limited by short-term energy intake. We suggest that variation in individual B/C ratios may explain why the foraging behavior of Paraponera but not Pogonomyrmex appears sensitive to foraging costs.

  74. Fiala, B., U. Maschwitz, et Linsenmair, K.E. (1996). "Macaranga caladiifolia, a new type of ant-plant among Southeast Asian Myrmecophytic Macaranga species." Biotropica 28(3): 408-412.

  75. Fiedler, K., B. Holldobler, et Seufert, P. (1996). "Butterflies and ants: the communicative domain." Experientia 52: 14-24.
           Взаимоотношения бабочек с муравьями. Из муравьев названы: Acanthomyrmex, Camponotus, Cladomyrma petalae, Crematogaster, Formica, Iridomyrmex, Lasius, Myrmica, Myrmicaria, Oecophylla smaragdina, Rhoptromyrmex, Tapinoma, Technomyrmex, (регионы - Africa, South Africa, Asia, Borneo, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Europe, North America, USA, South America).
           Из бабочек, связанных с муравьями названы: Lycaenidae, Acrodipsas, Allotinus, Aloeides, Anthene emolus, Aphnaenus, Arica agestis, Cigaritis, Drupadia theda, Eooxylides tharis, Euliphyra, Glaucopsyche lygdamus, Jalmenus evagoras, Jamides pura, Jamides talinga, Jamides virgulatus, Lepidochrysops, Liphyra, Maculinea, Oxychaeta, Polyommatus coridon, Polyommatus icarus, Polyommatus thersites, Rapala dieneces, Spindasis, Thestor, Riodininae, Thisbe irenea

  76. Fisher, B. L. (1996). "Ant diversity patterns along an elevational gradient in the Reserve Naturelle Integrale d'Andringitra, Madagascar." Fieldiana Zool. (n.s.) 85: 93-108.
    Разнообразие муравьев в Заповедниках Мадагаскара. Alternative citation: Pp. 93-108 in: Goodman, S. M. (ed.) A floral and faunal inventory of the eastern slopes of the Reserve Naturelle Integrale d'Andringitra, Madagascar: with reference to elevational variation. Fieldiana Zool. (n.s.)85:i-viii, 1-319.

  77. Fisher, B. L. (1996). Origins and affinities of the ant fauna of Madagascar. Biogeographie de Madagascar. W. R. Lourenco. Paris x + 588 p., ORSTOM Editions: 457-465.

  78. Fowler, H. G., J. H. C. Delabie, et al. (1996). "The endemic brazilian leaf-cutting ants, Atta silvai and Atta robusta (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): population status." Rev. Brasil. Entomol. 40: 111-112.

  79. Fowler, H. G., M. A. Medeiros, et al. (1996). "Carton nest allometry and spatial patterning of the arboreal ant Azteca chartifex spiriti (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Rev. Brasil. Entomol. 40: 337-339.

  80. Fowler, H. G. and F. M. Schlittler (1996). Comprehensive Leaf-Cutting Ant Bibliography. FORMIS: A master bibliography of ant literature. S. D. Porter. Gainesville, Florida, USDA-ARS, CMAVE, P.O. Box 14565, Gainesville, FL 32604, USA.
    Библиография включает 3024 ссылок по муравьям-листорезам. Её можно выделить из базы FORMIS поиском слов 'Leaf-Cutting Ant Bibliography' in the notes field. This bibliography added more than 1600 citations to FORMIS. It was supported by the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq) and the International Foundation for Science. Last updated 1996

  81. Fowler, H. G. and E. M. Venticinque (1996). "Interference competition and scavenging by Crematogaster ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) associated with the webs of the social spider Anelosimus eximius (Araneae: Theridiidae) in the Central Amazon." J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 69: 267-269.

  82. Fowler, H. G. and E. M. Venticinque (1996). "Spiders and understory myrmecophytes of the central Amazon, Brazil." Rev. Brasil. Entomol. 40: 71-73.

  83. Franks, N. (1996). Ecology and population regulation in the army ant Eciton burchelli. The ecology of a tropical forest: Seasonal rhythms and long-term changes. E. G. Leigh, Jr., A. S. Rand and D. M. Windsor. Washington, DC, & London, England, Smithsonian Institution Press: 389-395.

  84. Frears, S. L., P. I. Webb, et al. (1996). "The allometry of metabolism in southern African millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda)." Physiol. Entomol. 21(3): 212-216.
    We determined standard metabolic rate at 25 degrees C in forty-eight species of millipede from southern Africa and compared these data with confident measures of standard metabolic rate previously published for other arthropod groups. Metabolic rate in millipedes was not significantly different from that in beetles, ants or spiders once body mass effects had been accounted for, but was significantly higher than that in ticks. The exponent for the mass scaling of metabolic rate did not vary significantly between the five arthropod orders. Our best estimate for the relationship between standard metabolic rate (microliters O2 h-1) and body mass (mg) in non-tick arthropods was 0.86 mass073.

  85. Giovannotti, M. (1996). "The stridulatory organ of five Ponerinae species. A SEM study." Fragm. Entomol. 28: 157-165.

  86. Giuliano, W. M., C. R. Allen, et al. (1996). "Effects of red imported fire ants on northern bobwhite chicks." J. Wildl. Manage. 60: 309-313.
    Compared to unexposed birds, survival of chicks was reduced with exposure to as few as 50 RIFA for 60 sec, or 200 RIFA for 15 sec, and body mass was lower in chicks exposed to 200 RIFA for 60 sec. Results support the hypothesis that quail populations can be adversely affected by direct exposure to RIFA.

  87. Gotwald, W. H., Jr. (1996). "Mites that live with army ants: a natural history of some myrmecophilous hitch-hikers, browsers, and parasites." J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 69(4 suppl.): 232-237.

  88. Groark, K. P. (1996). "Ritual and therapeutic use of "hallucinogenic" harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex) in native South-central California." J. Ethnobiol. 16: 1-29.
    Муравьи-жнецы Pogonomyrmex spp. используются Американскими аборигенами для ритуальных и медицинских целей, by ingesting large numbers of live ants.

  89. Gronenberg, W. (1996). "Neuroethology of Ants." Naturwissenschaften 83: 15-27.

  90. Gronenberg, W. (1996). "The trap-jaw mechanism in the dacetine ants Daceton armigerum and Strumigenys sp." J. Exp. Biol. 199: 2021-2033.

  91. Gronenberg, W. and B. Ehmer (1996). "The mandible mechanism of the ant genus Anochetus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and the possible evolution of trap-jaws." Zoology 99: 153-162.

  92. Gronenberg, W., S. Heeren, et al. (1996). "Age-dependent and task-related morphological changes in the brain and the mushroom bodies of the ant Camponotus floridanus." J. Exper. Biol. 199: 2011-2019.

  93. Haak, U., B. Holldobler, et al. (1996). "Species-specificity in trail pheromones and Dufour's gland contents of Camponotus atriceps and C. floridanus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Chemoecology 7: 85-93.

  94. Hahn, D. A. (1996). Settlement and distribution of newly mated queens of the arboreal ant Crematogaster ashmeadi, Honors' Thesis, Florida State University, 37 p.
    Cited from: Baldacci, J., & W.R.Tschinkel, 1999, An experimental study of colony-founding in pine saplings by queens of the arboreal ant, Crematogaster ashmeadi, Insect. Soc. 46: 41-44.

  95. Heinze, J. (1996). "Reproductive hierarchies among workers of the slave-making ant, Chalepoxenus muellerianus." Ethology 102: 117-127.

  96. Heinze, J. (1996). "The reproductive potential of workers in slave-making ants." Insect. Soc. 43: 319-328.
    Колонии муравьев-рабовладельцев неоднократно использовались для тестирования теории sex allocation theory. Было показано, что рабочие муравьев-рабовладельцев are more strongly selected to reproduce than workers of related, non-parasitic species, because they are incapable of manipulating sex allocation and the sexualization of larvae in their colonies. I show here that in slave-making Formicoxenini, worker ovaries on average consist of significantly more ovarioles than in non-parasitic Leptothorax species. Similarly, whereas in most Leptothorax species, workers form reproductive hierarchies and lay eggs only in orphaned colonies, slave-maker workers show antagonistic interactions already in the presence of the queen and at least in some species have been observed ovipositing in queenright colonies.

  97. Heinze, J. (1996). Reproductive skew and relatedness in Leptothorax colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, abstract p. 392.

  98. Heinze, J., S. Foitzik, Hippert, A., Holldobler, B (1996). "Apparent dear-enemy phenomenon and environment-based recognition cues in the ant Leptothorax nylanderi." Ethology 102(6): 510-522.

  99. Heinze, J., M. Stahl, et Holldobler, B. (1996). "Ecophysiology hibernation in Boreal Leptothorax ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ecoscience 3: 429-435.

  100. Heinze, J., B. Trunzer, Oliveira, P.S., Holldobler, B. (1996). "Regulation of reproduction in the neotropical ponerine ant, Pachycondyla villosa." J. Insect Behav. 9: 441-450.

  101. Hernandez, J. V. (1996). Ecologia quimica del comportamiento agonistica de Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Attini), PhD Thesis, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, 197 p.
    Диссертация по муравьям-листорезам и химической экологии в борьбе с этим видом. Cited from: Hernandez, J.V., 1998, Observations of an orphaned colony of Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Attini), Bol. Entomol. Venez. 13: 73-75.

  102. Hirai, H., M. T. Yamamoto, Taylor, R.W., Imai, H.T. (1996). "Genomic dispersion of 28S rDNA during karyotypic evolution in the ant genus Myrmecia (Formicidae). [Erratum: 1997, v. 105 (6), p. 380-381.]." Chromosoma 105: 190-196.
    Исследован кариотип 16 видов австралийских примитивных муравьев Myrmecia. The chromosomal localization of 28S rDNA was investigated in 16 species of the Australian ant genus Myrmecia, with 2n numbers ranging from 4 to 76, using the fluorescence in situ hybridization method and karyographic analysis. A unique phenomenon was observed: the number of chromosomes carrying 28S rDNA increases from 2 in species with low chromosome numbers to 19 in species with high chromosome numbers. This is termed rDNA dispersion. Centric fission and a reciprocal translocation that occurs in C-bands were detected as the major mechanisms involved in rDNA dispersion.

  103. Holldobler, B., E. Janssen, Bestmann, H.J., Leal, I.R., Oliveira, P.S., Kern, F., Konig, W.A. (1996). "Communication in the migratory termite-hunting ant Pachycondyla (= Termitopone) marginata (Formicidae, Ponerinae)." J. Comp. Physiol. A Sens. Neural Behav. Physiol. 178: 47-53.
    Система коммуникаций у Неотропического термитоядного муравья Pachycondyla marginata, который совершает хорошо организованные набеги на гнезда Neocapritermes opacus и часто эмигрирует на ново егнездовое место. В обоих случаях муравьи используют химические следовые метки, выделяемые из pygidial gland. Among the substances identified in the pygidial gland secretions only citronellal was effective as a trail pheromone. Isopulegol elicited an increase in locomotory activity in the ants and may function as a synergist recruitment signal. The chemical signal is enhanced by a shaking display performed by the recruiting ant.

  104. Holldobler, B., M. Obermayer, et Peeters, C. (1996). "Comparative study of the metatibial gland in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Zoomorphology (Berl.) 116: 157-167.

  105. Johnson, R. A., J. D. Parker, et al. (1996). "Rediscovery of the workerless inquiline ant Pogonomyrmex colei and additional notes on natural history (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 69-76.

  106. Jolivet, P. (1996). Ants and plants. An example of coevolution. (Enlarged edition). Leiden, Backhuys Publishers.
    Перевод книги: Les fourmis et des plantes : une exemple de coevolution, 1986. 1-303pp

  107. Jones, R. A. (1996). "Lasius brunneus (Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) new to Kent?" Brit. J. Entomol. Nat. Hist. 9: 135-136.

  108. Jones, T. H., J. A. Torres, Spande, T.F., Garraffo, H.M., Blum, M.S., Snelling, R.R. (1996). "Chemistry of venom alkaloids in some Solenopsis (Diplorhoptrum) species from Puerto Rico." J. Chem. Ecol. 22: 1221-1236.
    Химия алкалоидов ядовитого аппарата. A number of 15-carbon alkaloids have been identified in venom extracts of four Puerto Rican species of ants in the genus Solenopsis (Diplorhoptrum). Workers of a species from El Verde produced the cis and trans isomers of 2-methyl-6-nonylpiperidine with the latter isomer predominating. The same compounds were identified in queens of a species from Rio Grande, but in this species no alkaloids were detected in worker extracts. Workers of a Diplorhoptrum species collected on Mona Island produced primarily a trans-2-methyl-6-(Z-4-nonenyl)piperidine, 3, with smaller amounts of the cis isomer, whereas the major compound found in the queens of the same species on Mona Island was (5Z,9Z)-3-hexyl-5-methylindolizidine, identical with the alkaloid produced by queens of a species collected on Cabo Rojo. Surprisingly, workers of the Cabo Rojo species produced (5Z,9Z)-and (5E,9E)-3-butyl-5-propylindolizidine (4 and 5, respectively) reported earlier as the 223AB indolizidines from skins of dendrobatid frogs. The possible significance of the qualitative and quantitative differences in the venom alkaloids synthesized by queens and workers is discussed as is the possibility that ants containing such alkaloids may serve as a dietary source for the skin alkaloids used by certain frogs in chemical defense.

  109. Jouvenaz, D. P., J. C. Lord, et al. (1996). "Restricted ingestion of bacteria by fire ants." J. Invertebr. Pathol. 68(3): 275-277.
    Fire ant queens and workers from colonies fed to repletion on Serratia marcescens, Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bacillus sphaericus were aseptically dissected, and homogenates of their thoracic and gastric guts were plated on appropriate media to determine whether bacteria were ingested. All three species of bacteria were effectively excluded from the gut of both queens and workers. A small, slow-growing, Gram-negative bacterium, noted in some of the test queens, was subsequently isolated from the gut of 8 (13.8%) of 58 queens from field colonies. This bacterium was partially characterized, but was not identified. Implications for microbial formicide research are discussed.

  110. Kaspari, M. (1996). "Litter ant patchiness at the 1-m2 scale: disturbance dynamics in three Neotropical forests." Oecologia 107: 265-273.

  111. Kaspari, M. (1996). "Testing resource-based models of patchiness in four Neotropical litter ant assemblages." Oikos 76: 443-454.

  112. Kaspari, M. (1996). "Worker size and seed size selection by harvester ants in a Neotropical forest." Oecologia 105: 397-404.

  113. Keller, L., G. L'Hoste, et al. (1996). "Queen number influences the primary sex ratio in the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (=Iridomyrmex humilis)." Anim. Behav. 51: 445-449.
    Соотношение полов у Аргентинского муравья и число маток. Hymenoptera are characterized by a haplodiploid sex determination system where females are diploid and males haploid. Because females can decide whether they fertilize their eggs they have control over the sex of their offspring. Females are thus expected to lay haploid and diploid eggs in a ratio that maximizes their fitness. A surprising finding of recent studies on the primary sex ratio of ants has been that queens lay male eggs outside the time of production of sexuals, a period during which all haploid eggs are usually destroyed by workers. It has been suggested that the production of a high proportion of haploid eggs by queens might be a mechanism to achieve higher reproductive success when the colony loses all its queens and rears new sexuals from the brood present within the colony. Here it is shown that, as predicted by this hypothesis, the proportion of haploid eggs laid by Linepithema humile queens is higher in colonies containing several queens than in single-queen colonies. Because L. humile sexuals mate in the nest, the females that produce a higher proportion of haploid eggs should have higher fitness when the colony sex ratio of the brood is female-biased and sons of several queens compete to fertilize the new queens produced.

  114. Kistner, D. H., J. S. Ashe, et al. (1996). "New species of the Myrmecophilous genera Microdonia and Ecitoxenidia from Mexico (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) with a review of previously described species." Sociobiology 27: 47-78.

  115. Kistner, D. H. and R. W. Klein (1996). "A new species of Orphnebius (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) associated with Tetraponera sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Malaysia." Sociobiology 27: 79-91.

  116. Kleineidam, C. and J. Tautz (1996). "Perception of carbon dioxide and other "air-condition" parameters in the leaf cutting ant Atta cephalotes." Naturwissenschaften 83: 566-568.

  117. Klotz, J. H., D. H. Oi, et al. (1996). "Laboratory evaluation of a boric acid liquid bait on colonies of Tapinoma melanocephalum argentine ants and pharaoh ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Econ. Entomol. 89: 673-677.
    Экспериментальная проверка инсектицидов против самых вредных видов муравьев: домового фараонова. Аргентинского. *[1% boric acid baits in 10% sucrose baits were effective with continous exposure for all three species. Hydramethylnon bait was effective against argentine and pharaoh ants, but not against T. melanocephalum.] A 1% boric acid-sucrose water bait and 0.9% hydramethylnon granular bait were evaluated for efficacy against small laboratory colonies of Tapinoma melanocephalum (F.); Argentine ants, Linepithema humile (Mayr); and Pharaoh ants, Monomorium pharaonis (L.). T melanocephalum workers were reduced by 97% in the 1st wk and brood reduced by 96% in the 3rd wk when colonies were exposed to boric acid bait for as few as 3 d. The hydramethylnon bait did not significantly affect colony growth. L. humile colonies exposed to boric acid bait for 3 d resulted in reductions of 75 and 88% for workers and brood, respectively by the 3rd wk. L. humile colonies exposed continuously caused a 90% reduction of workers and brood by the 3rd wk. Workers and brood in colonies exposed to hydramethylnon bait were reduced 86 and 77%, respectively, after 3 wk. After exposure to boric acid bait for 3 d, M. pharaonis workers and brood were reduced 73 and 50%, respectively, by 8 wk. A continuous exposure of boric acid or hydramethylnon baits caused reductions of 90 and 60% for workers and brood, respectively, by 3 wk.

  118. Leclercq, S., J. C. Braekman, Daloze, D., Pasteels, J.M., Vander Meer, R. (1996). "Biosynthesis of the solenopsins, venom alkaloids of the fire ants." Naturwissenschaften 83: 222-225.

  119. Lin, C. C. and W. J. Wu (1996). "Revision of the ant genus Strumigenys Fr. Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Taiwan." Chin. J. Entomol. 16: 137-152.
    Ревизованы муравьи рода Strumigenys на Тайване, включая 5 новых видов: S. formosensis, S. godeffroyi, S. hispida Lin & Wu, S. lacunosa Lin & Wu, S. lichiaensis, S. liukueiensis Lin & Wu, S. minutula, S. nanzanensis Lin & Wu, S. solifontis, S. trada Lin & Wu.

  120. Lindstrom, K., S. Е. Berglind, et Pamilo, P. (1996). "Variation of colony types in the ant Formica cinerea." Insect. Soc. 43: 329-332.

  121. Longino, J. T. (1996). "Taxonomic characterization of some live-stem inhabiting Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica, with special reference to the ants of Cordia (Boraginaceae) and Triplaris (Polygonaceae)." J. Hym. Res. 5: 131-156.

  122. Lorite, P., E. Chica, et Palomeque, T. (1996). "Cytogenetic studies of ant Linepithema humile Shattuck [sic] (=Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr) in European populations." Caryologia 49: 199-205.

  123. Lorite, P., E. Chica, et Palomeque, T. (1996). "G-banding and chromosome condensation in the ant, Tapinoma nigerrimum." Chromosom. Res. 4(1): 77-79.

  124. MacKay, W. P. (1996). "A revision of the ant genus Acanthostichus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 27: 129-179.
    Ревизия редкиз неотропических муравьев рода Acanthostichus с описанием 11 новых видов: A. arizonensis,A. bentoni, A. brevinodis, A. concavinodis, A. emmae, A. flexuosus, A. laevigatus, A. lattkei, A. punctiscapus, A. quirozi, A. truncatus.

  125. Macom, T. E. and S. D. Porter (1996). "Comparison of polygyne and monogyne red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) population densities." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 89: 535-543.
    Проведено сравнение поли- и моногинных семей огненного муравья. Polygyne or multiple-queen colonies of the red imported fire ant, S. invicta Buren, are reported to be a substantially greater environmental and economic problem than monogyne or single-queen fire ants because of much higher population densities associated with polygyny. This study compared population densities of polygyne and monogyne fire ants using measures of mound density, worker number, ant biomass, metabolic consumption and standing caloric energy of ant biomass. We began the experiment by counting and measuring mounds at 14 polygyne and 14 monogyne sites located within a 35-km radius of Gainesville, Florida. Average mound densities were 3.03 times larger at polygyne sites than at monogyne sites (470 verses 155 mounds/ha). To adjust for differences in mound size, 22 monogyne and 21 polygyne mounds of various sizes were excavated from 16 of the experimental sites. Colony size and biomass were regressed on mound volume. These regressions were then used to estimate colony size and colony biomass from the mound volumes measured at the 28 field sites. The estimated colony sizes and colony biomasses at each site were summed and used to estimate field population densities. Polygyne populations contained 1.94 times more workers per unit area (35 million versus 18 million workers/ha ) and 1.86 times more biomass (27.7 versus 14.9 kg wet weight/ha) than monogyne populations. Energy usage and standing energy of the ants per hectare were respectively 2.30 times and 1.90 times higher in polygyne populations. Overall, This study indicates that polygyne population densities are about two times larger on average than monogyne population densities.

  126. Majer, J. D. (1996). "Ant recolonization of rehabilitated bauxite mines at Trombetas, Para, Brazil." J. Trop. Ecol. 12: 257-273.

  127. Martin, J. B. (1996). Surface activity of the red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren, in polygyne infested areas of Brazos Co., Texas, M.S. thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station.
    Cited from: Li, J. & Heinz, K.M., 1998, Genetic variation in desiccation resistance and adaptability of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to arid regions, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 91: 726-729.

  128. Martinez, M. J. (1996). "The first North American record for the ant Pheidole fervens Fr. Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 72(3): 171-172.
    Первое обнаружение вида Pheidole fervens в Северной Америке. *[P. fervens is apparently polydomous. Competition with L. humile & S. xyloni will most likely hinder the spread of P. fervens.]

  129. Maschwitz, U., B. Fiala, Davies, S.J., Linsenmair, K.E. (1996). "A South-East Asian myrmecophyte with two alternative inhabitants: Camponotus or Crematogaster as partners of Macaranga lamellata." Ecotropica 2: 29-40.
    Camponotus macarangae, Crematogaster (Decacrema), Asia, Malaysia

  130. Masuko, K. (1996). "Temporal division of labor among workers in the ponerine, ant, Amblyopone silvestrii (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 28(1): 131-151.

  131. McArthur, A. J. and M. Adams (1996). "A morphological and molecular revision of the Camponotus nigriceps group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Australia." Invertebr. Taxon. 10: 1-46.
    Ревизия группы Camponotus nigriceps group и описание нового вида Camponotus attributed McArthur (New species, p. 27-34)

  132. Mckey, D. and L. Meunier (1996). "Evolution des mutualismes plantes-fourmis - quelques elements de reflexion." Actes Coll. Insect. Soc. 10: 1-9.
    = The evolution of ant-plant mutualism: some elements.

  133. Mercier, J. L. and A. Dejean (1996). "Ritualized behaviour during competition for food between two Formicinae." Insect. Soc. 43: 17-29.

  134. Moran, J. A. (1996). "Pitcher dimorphism, prey composition and the mechanisms of prey attraction in the pitcher plant Nepenthes rafflesiana in Borneo." J. Ecol. 84: 515-525.
    Исследованы кувшинчики растения-хищника Непентеса. 1. The pitcher plant Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack produces dimorphic pitcher types. Upper pitchers catch more flying prey than lower pitchers. The most important single prey group in both pitcher forms was Formicidae. 2. Both pitcher forms possess ultraviolet (UV) patterns which were associated with the site of the major nectaries, causing it to stand out in contrast to the adjacent area. Manipulation of these patterns in upper pitchers confirmed their role in the attraction of prey. 3. Upper pitchers produce a fragrance which is attractive to flying prey. The combination of visual and olfactory cues accounted for the greater prey attraction of upper over lower pitchers. This is confirmed by the pitchers of N. rafflesiana var. elongata, which possess neither UV patterns nor fragrance, and catch significantly less prey than the typical form. 4. Lower pitchers resting at ground level, where densities of potential invertebrate prey are highest, are less than optimally attractive. This may reduce the amount of prey caught, thus preventing overloading and consequent putrefaction of the contents, and death of the pitchers.

  135. Mori, A., P. D'Ettorre, et Le Moli, F. (1996). "Selective acceptance of the brood of two formicine slave-making ants by host and non-host related species." Insect. Soc. 43: 391-400.

  136. Morrison, L. W. (1996). "The ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Polynesia revisited: species numbers and the importance of sampling intensity." Ecography 19: 73-84.
    Ревизована ранее исследованная мирмекофауна Полинезийских островов (Oceania, French Polynesia, Society Islands, Bora Bora, Huahine, Moorea). The ant fauna of the 3 sampled islands were censused by hand collecting techniques, which were deemed equal or better than the other techniques. Known species richness was greatly increased, not because of immigration, but because of inadequate earlier censuses. Only 3 very aggressive species were shown to exclude other ants. S. geminata observed in residence on a ferry boat.
           Список видов муравьев: Anochetus graeffei, Anoplolepis longipes, Cardiocondyla emeryi, Cardiocondyla nuda, Cardiocondyla wroughtoni, Hypoponera opaciceps, Hypoponera punctatissima, Monomorium floricola, Monomorium monomorium, Monomorium pharaonis, Monomorium talpa, Pachycondyla nr. testacea, Paratrechina bourbonica, Paratrechina longicornis, Paratrechina vaga, Pheidole fervens, Pheidole oceanica, Pheidole sexspinosa, Pheidole umbonata, Plagiolepis alluaudi, Ponera bableti, Ponera, Quadristruma emmae, Rogeria stigmatica, Solenopsis geminata, Solenopsis papuana, Strumigenys godeffroyi, Strumigenys rogeri, Tapinoma melanocephalum, Tapinoma minutum, Technomyrmex albipes, Tetramorium bicarinatum, Tetramorium caldarium, Tetramorium pacificum, Tetramorium simillimum, Tetramorium tonganum, Trichoscapa membranifera

  137. Morrison, L. W. (1996). "Community organization in a recently assembled fauna: the case of Polynesian ants." Oecologia 107: 243-256.

  138. Mueller, U. G., S. E. Lipari, et al. (1996). "Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting of symbiotic fungi cultured by the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyrmex minutus." Mol. Ecol. 5: 119-122.

  139. Nakata, K. (1996). "The difference in behavioral flexibility among task behaviors in a ponerine ant, Diacamma sp." Sociobiology 27(2): 119-128.

  140. Nakata, K. and K. Tsuji (1996). "The effect of colony size on conflict over male-production between gamerate and dominant workers in the ponerine ant Diacamma sp." Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 8: 147-156.

  141. Ortius, D. and J. Heinze (1996). Social structure of Leptothorax sp. A: Influence of genetic composition, aggression, and fertility of individual queens, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, abstract p. 395.

  142. Passera, L. and S. Aron (1996). "Early sex discrimination and male brood elimination by workers of the Argentine ant." Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B Biol. Sci. 263: 1041-1046.

  143. Pavan, G., P. De Carli, Priano, M., Lachaud, J.P., Beugnon, G., Fanfani, A., Giovannotti, M. (1996). "Stridulation in 5 species of Neotropical Ponerinae ants (Hymenoptera, Formiidae)." Insect Social Life 1: 2125-2134.

  144. Petrov, I. Z. (1996). "Ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) collected in the Prokletije Range and the surroundings of Pe_, Metohija, Serbia." Acta Entomol. Serbica 1: 81-85.

  145. Pfeiffer, M. and K. E. Linsenmair (1996). Territory, foraging ecology, life history, transport system and long distance recruitment of the giant ant, Camponotus gigas in the rainforest of Sabah, Borneo, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, abstract p. 411.

  146. Pontin, A. J. (1996). "Longevity of ant queens in laboratory nests." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 132: 184.

  147. Popp, M. P., R. Grisshammer, et al. (1996). "Ant opsins: sequences from the Saharan silver ant and the carpenter ant." Invertebr. Neurosci. 1: 323-329.

  148. Prince, A. J. (1996). "Lasius platythorax Seifert 1991 (Hym., Formicidae) on the Somerset Levels, with notes on distinguishing the male from that of Lasius niger (L.)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 132: 299-303.

  149. Punttila, P. (1996). "Succession, forest fragmentation, and the distribution of wood ants." Oikos 75: 291-298.
    I tested the hypothesis that the distribution of territorial wood-ant species (Formica rufa group) of different colony structure and dispersal strategy relate differently to the dynamics and landscape structure of boreal forests. Monogynous species (colonies have only one queen and inhabit one nest) that disperse through nuptial flight and subsequent temporary nest parasitism, should primarily be found in young forests and in smaller old-forest fragments. These long-distance dispersers can reach these areas where the nests of F. fusca group ants (which the wood-ant queens invade and parasitize) are more common, and these wood-ant colonies can monopolize the small fragments. Polygynous species (colonies have many queens) that disperse mainly through nest budding and may form large colonies of cooperative nests, should primarily be found in old forests and larger old-forest fragments. In such patches these short-distance dispersers have enough space for developing into strong colonies capable of ruling out all other territorial species. I mapped the nests of eight territorial ant species, three of which belonged to the wood-ant group, in fragmented forests of different age in southern Finland. In general, the mapping data supported my hypotheses. The monogynous F. lugubris was more common in young forests and in small old-forest fragments than expected by chance. The polygynous F. aquilonia was more common in old forests and in larger old-forest fragments.

  150. Punttila, P. and Y. Haila (1996). "Colonisation of a burned forest by ants in the southern Finnish boreal forest." Silva Fenn. 30: 421-435.
    Иследована колонизация муравьями пожарищ в таежных лесах в южной Финляндии. The colonisation of a burned clearcut by ants in southern Finland was monitored using pitfall traps, artificial nest sites, and direct nest sampling from the ground and stumps. Clearcutting and fire seemed to have destroyed wood-ant colonies (Formica rufa group), and also other mature-forest species suffered from fire. Myrmica ruginodis was able to survive only in less severely burned moist sites, whereas it benefitted from the enhanced light conditions in a non-burned clearcut. The fire resulted in an essentially ant-free terrain into which pioneering species immigrated. The mortality of nest-founding queens appeared to be high. The results supported the hypothesis that the pioneering species tend to be those that are capable of independent colony founding, followed by species founding nests through temporary nest parasitism. The succession of the burned clearcut differed from that of the non-burned one, suggesting that habitat selection in immigration and priority effects, i.e. competition, introduce deterministic components in the successional pathways of boreal ant communities.

  151. Punttila, P., Y. Haila, et al. (1996). "Ant communities in taiga clearcuts: habitat effects and species interactions." Ecography 19: 16-28.
    Исследована структура муравьиных сообществ в молодых таежных лесах южной Финляндии с помощью ловушек (pitfall trapping). The sampling sites were clearcut and planted with conifers 14-20 yr before the sampling. The results indicated that the structure of the ant communities was largely determined by the top competitors, the territorial species of the wood-ant group (Formica aquilonia and F. lugubris) in the older, and the aggressive slavemaking ant (F. sanguinea) in the younger clearcuts. Species interactions resulted in distinct spatial distributions of individual species depending on the competitive status of the species concerned. Competition and slavemaking were the most important factors on larger spatial scales. The spatial scale of competitive structuring was determined by the territory and colony sizes of the top competitors. On a finer scale, variability in moisture and tree-canopy shading seemed to have enhanced coexistence of some competing submissive species by alleviating the effects of nest-site competition and slavemaking. Competition between the wood ants and the slavemaking ant affected indirectly the distribution and abundance of the species subject to slavemaking, F. fusca and F. lemani. Similarly, the top competitors presumably affected the distributions of other interacting subordinate species indirectly through differential competitive effects on them. Overall, species interactions seemed to have induced considerable determinism in ant-community succession in young forests.

  152. Quinet, Y. and J. M. Pasteels (1996). "Spatial specialization of the foragers and foraging strategy in Lasius fuliginosus (Latreille) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 333-346.

  153. Reichardt, A. K. and D. E. Wheeler (1996). "Multiple mating in the ant Acromyrmex versicolor: a case of female control." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 38: 219-225.

  154. Roces, F. and B. Holldobler (1996). "Use of stridulation in foraging leaf-cutting ants: mechanical support during cutting of short-range recruitment signal." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 39: 293-299.

  155. Rojas Fernandez, P. (1996). Formicidae (Hymenoptera). Biodiversidad taxonomia y biogeografia de artropodos de Mexico: hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. E. Gonzalez Soriano. Mexico. xvi + 660 p., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico: 483-500.

  156. Ross, K. G., E. L. Vargo, et Keller, L. (1996). "Social evolution in a new environment: the case of introduced fire ants." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93: 3021-3025.
    Интродукция огненного муравья в США из Южной Америки обеспечивает возможность изучить недавнее социальное развитие, сравнивая социальную организацию в родных и новых поселениях. Авторы сообщают, что несколько важных элементов социальной организации в гнездах с многими королевами отличаются последовательно и драматично у муравьев в Аргентине и Соединенных Штатах. Колонии в Аргентине содержат относительно немного королев, и они - близкие родственники, принимая во внимание, что колонии в Соединенных Штатах содержат множество неродственных королев. A corollary of these differences is that workers in the native populations are significantly related to the new queens that they rear in contrast to the zero relatedness between workers and new queens in the introduced populations. The observed differences in queen number and relatedness signal a shift in the breeding biology of the introduced ants that is predicted on the basis of the high population densities in the new range. An additional difference in social organization that we observed, greater proportions of permanently unmated queens in introduced than in native populations, is predicted from the loss of alleles at the sex-determining locus and consequent skewing of operational sex ratios in the colonizing ants. Thus, significant recent social evolution in fire ants is consistent with theoretical expectations based on the altered ecology and population genetics of the introduced populations.

  157. Rust, M. K., K. Haagsma, et al. (1996). "Barrier sprays to control Argentine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Econ. Entomol. 89(1): 134-137.
    Для борьбы с инвазивным Аргентинским муравьем используют все возможные средства. Insecticide was applied to the perimeter of homes and adjacent areas likely to be visited by Argentine ants, Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr). Treatment configuration consisted of a 1.8- to 2.4-m-wide band of spray around the exterior of the structure. Margins of sidewalks and pathways and around stepping stones, bases of trees, potted plants, and garbage cans were sprayed with 1.2- to 1.8-m-wide bands. Based on monitoring with traps, significant and relevant control was achieved when the number of ants trapped posttreatment declined at least 80%. Barrier sprays of 237 mg (AI)/m2 chlorpyrifos, 14.5 mg (AI)/m2 cyfluthrin and 67.2 mg (AI)/m2 cypermethrin provided > 80% reductions in the number of ants trapped at 7 d. Chlorpyrifos provided > 82% reductions for at least 30 d. The combination of cyfluthrin spray + granules provided > 85% reductions in ant trap counts at day 7. Only the combination treatment provided > 80% reductions at 60 d. Cypermethrin and permethrin sprays failed to provide > 80% reductions for 30 d. Factors that likely contribute to decreased performance of barrier sprays against ants include heavy irrigation, dense ground cover, exposure to direct sunlight, alkaline nature of the stucco and concrete surfaces, and extremely high temperature.

  158. Salinas, P. J. (1996). Biodiversity of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Trinidad and Tobago. Catalogue and distribution, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, abstract p. 75.
    Для Тринидада и Тобаго указано 7 подсемейств муравьев, 66 родов и 248 видов

  159. Savolainen, R. and R. J. Deslippe (1996). "Facultative and obligate slavery in formicine ants: frequency of slavery, and proportion and size of slaves." Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 57: 47-58.
    Сравнивали 3 вида рабовладельцев: факультативный F. subnuda, облигатный P. breviceps, и F. subintegra, который ранее считался факультативным, но вероятнее всего является облигатным. If F. subintegra is an obligate slavemaker, slave-making of F. subintegra should differ from that of F. subnuda but closely resemble slave-making of P. breviceps in the following aspects: (1) Obligate slavemakers are rarer than facultative slavemakers. (2) Slaveless colonies of facultative slavemakers are found, but obligate slavemakers have always slaves. (3) Because obligate slavemakers depend on their slaves, they should have a higher proportion of slaves than facultative slavemakers. (4) Owing to special adaptations obligate slavemakers are able to raid bigger colonies, and hence, have bigger slaves than facultative slavamakers. (5) Dufour's gland of F. subintegra should be larger than that of F. subnuda. Per 100 free F. podzolica colonies, the number of P. breviceps and F. subintegra colonies with F. podzolica slaves were 1.3% and 3.9%, respectively, and the number of F. subnuda colonies with F. podzolica 3.7%, and without F. podzolica 7.5%. The proportion of slaves,when present, varied between 1-30% in the colonies of F. subnuda, and between 70-90% in the colonies of the other species. The slaves of F. subnuda were significantly smaller than those of F. subintegra and P. breviceps. The length of F. subnuda's Dufour's gland was one third of the length of F. subintegra's gland. The results show that slave-making of F. subintegra parallels that of P. breviceps, and contrary to the earlier notion, F. subintegra is an obligate slave-making ant. We suggest that F. subnuda and F. subintegra represent extreme modes of slave-making behavior in the Formica sanguinea group. (Abstract provided by author.) *[F. podzolica, F. subintegra, F. subnuda, & P. breviceps were studied in Canada; all colonies of F. subintegra, & P. breviceps contained slaves; whereas only 1/3 of F. subnuda colonies had slaves. F. fusca & F. sanquinea were studied in Finland; only colonies with slaves were sampled. F. montana & F. pergandei studied in North Dakota, of 142 F. montana colonies 4% contained F. pergandei slavemakers in a 4-km/2 area.]

  160. Savolainen, R. and R. J. Deslippe (1996). "Slave addition increases sexual production of the facultative slave-making ant Formica subnuda." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 38: 145-148.
    Муравей Formica subnuda является факультативным рабовладельцем, поэтому часто обнаруживаются его колонии без рабов. Авторы исследовали эффект наличия рабов на продукцию половых особей F. subnuda эксперментально повышая пропорцию рабов. We added ca 4000 worker pupae of the ant F. podzolica to 15 F. subnuda colonies and kept 15 colonies as controls. The following year we excavated all colonies, counted the proportion of slaves, the total number of workers (colony size) and the number of sexual offspring. The proportion of slaves was significantly higher in the slave-added colonies than in the control colonies. The total production of sexual offspring increased 57% in the treatment colonies in comparison to the controls. When colony size was adjusted to the number of sexual offspring, the treatment colonies produced significantly more sexual offspring than the controls. Slave addition did not alter sex ratios. We suggest that owing to increased proportion of slave foragers the treatment colonies obtained more food than the control colonies in the spring when sexual offspring were developing.

  161. Savolainen, R. and P. Seppa (1996). "Genetic relatedness among worker nestmates of three formicine slave-making ants." Insect. Soc. 43: 31-36.

  162. Savolainen, R., K. Vepsalainen, et al. (1996). "Reproductive strategy of the slave ant Formica podzolica relative to raiding efficiency of enslaver species." Insect. Soc. 43: 201-210.
    Муравей Formica podzolica служит видом-хозяином для рабовладельцев Северной Америки. We propose that F. podzolica may respond to slavery by two alternative colony-growth and reproductive strategies depending on the raiding ability of the slavemaker: (1) Rapid colony growth at the expense of producing sexuals to a stage where raiding by unspecialized, facultative slavemakers, capable of exploiting only small colonies, becomes unlikely owing to a strong workforce. (2) Early production of sexual offspring at the cost of colony growth to secure some sexual production in an environment with specialized, obligate enslavers, capable of raiding large colonies. We tested the strategies by excavating 30 small to moderately large mounds of F. podzolica, and measured reproductive parameters of colonies in relation to mound size, worker number and their size. Area of mound predicted worker number satisfactorily. Worker number correlated significantly with worker head width, and with number of worker and sexual offspring. With growing workforce, proportion of sexual offspring increased in the total offspring. Two thirds of colonies producing sexuals emitted single sex, sex being independent of colony size. Part of the large colonies produced both sexes with strong bias toward either sex. The unweighted population-level sex ratio did not differ from even, being 0.52 (numerical) or 0.54 (biomass). Very large mounds (not excavated) had small workers and highly male-biased sex ratios, probably owing to energy constraints set by central-place foraging. Population-level colony ontogeny data did not fit either one of the suggested strategies, but imply a mixture of the two. (Abstract provided by author.) *[F. dakotensis, F. subintegra, F. subnuda, F. ulkei, & P. breviceps present in vicinity, but absent in study area. F. subintegra, F. subnuda, & P. breviceps are enslavers of F. podzolica.]

  163. Schatz, B., J. P. Lachaud, et al. (1996). "Polyethism within hunters of the ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 111-118.

  164. Schoeters, E. and J. Billen (1996). "The control apparatus of the venom gland in formicine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Neth. J. Zool. 46: 281-289.
    Исследован механизм функционирования ядовитого аппарата муравьев формицин. A closing apparatus of the venom gland and its innervation is described for formicine ants. Several pairs of muscles occur, of which two main pairs are directly involved in opening or closing the venom duct. One pair directly attaches to the ventral part of the extremely wide venom duct, which shows a considerable cuticular thickening of its ventral cuticular lining at the point of insertion of the muscles. Semi-thin sections clearly demonstrate that these muscles attach very closely to those belonging to the closing apparatus of the adjacent Dufour gland. Innervation of the venom gland control apparatus of some worker formicine ants has been investigated in specimens vitally stained with methylene blue and dissected under a stereomicroscope, showing a rather simple innervation pattern. Both the Dufour gland and the venom gland musculature are innervated by branches of the same nerve, a characteristic that might indicate simultaneous operation of their muscles and simultaneous release of the two respective secretions produced.

  165. Schoeters, E. and J. Billen (1996). "The post-pharyngeal gland in Dinoponera ants (Hymenoptera:Formicidae): unusual morphology and changes during the secretory process." Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol. 25: 443-447.

  166. Schonitzer, K., H. Dott, et al. (1996). "The antenna cleaner gland in Messor rufitarsis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Tissue Cell 28: 107-113.

  167. Schroder, D., H. Deppisch, Obermayer, M., Krohne, G., Stackebrandt, E., Holldobler, B., Goebel, W., Gross, R. (1996). "Intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria of Camponotus species (carpenter ants): systematics, evolution and ultrastructural characterization." Mol. Microbiol. 21: 479-489.
    Исследованы внутриклеточные бактериальные эндосимбионты древесных муравьев рода Camponotus. The bacteria were localized in bacteriocytes, which are specialized cells of both workers and queen ants; these cells are intercalated between epithelial cells of the midgut. The bacteriocytes show a different morphology from the normal epithelial cells and carry a large number of the rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria free in the cytoplasm. The bacteria were never observed in the neighbouring epithelial cells, but they were found intracellularly in oocytes, strongly indicating a maternal transmission of the bacteria. The 16S DNA encoding rrs loci of the endosymbionts of four species of the genus Camponotus derived either from Germany (C. herculeanus and C. ligniperdus), North America (C. floridanus) or South America (C. rufipes) were cloned after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using oligonucleotides complementary to all so far known eubacterial rrs sequences. The DNA sequences of the rrs loci of the four endosymbionts were determined, and, using various genus- and species-specific oligonucleotides derived from variable regions in the rrs sequences, the identity of the bacteria present in the bacteriocytes and the ovarian cells was confirmed by PCR and in situ hybridization techniques. Comparison of the 16S DNA sequences with the available database showed the endosymbiotic bacteria to be members of the gamma-subclass of Proteobacteria. They formed a distinct taxonomic group, a sister taxon of the taxons defined by the tsetse fly and aphid endosymbionts. Within the gamma-subclass, the cluster of the ant, tsetse fly and aphid endosymbionts are placed adjacent to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. The. evolutionary tree of the ant endosymbionts reflects the systematic classification and geographical distribution of their host insects, indicating an early co-evolution of the symbiotic partners and a vertical transmission of the bacteria.

  168. Schulz, A. (1996). "Tetramorium rhenanum nov. spec. vom "Mittleren Rheintal" in Deutschland (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Linzer Biol. Beitr. 28: 391-412.

  169. Seifert, B. (1996). Ameisen beobachten, bestimmen. Augsburg, Naturbuch Verlag. // 1-351pp.
    Крупнейший за последние годы обзор муравьев Европы с иллюстрированными определительными таблицами. = Ants, observation and determination.

  170. Seifert, B. (1996). "Formica paralugubris nov. spec. - a sympatric sibling species of Formica lugubris from the western Alps (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicoidea: Formicidae)." Reichenbachia 31: 193-201.
    Описан новый вид близкий сиблинг к обычному европейскому виду муравьев Formica lugubris   PDF-копия статьи

  171. Seppa, P. (1996). "Genetic relatedness and colony structure in polygynous Myrmica ants." Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 8: 279-290.

  172. Seppa, P. and P. Gertsch (1996). "Genetic relatedness in the ant Camponotus herculeanus. A comparison of estimates from allozyme and DNA microsatellite markers." Insect. Soc. 43: 235-246.

  173. Seppa, P., L. Sundstrom, et al. (1996 ("1995")). "Facultative polygyny and habitat succession in boreal ants." Biol. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. 56: 533-551.
    Исследована полигиния в условиях бореальных лесов и тайги. High dispersal risks of ant queens make staying in the natal patch more attractive than long range dispersal. These alternative strategies and the mode of colony founding determine the average number of queens in the population. Increasing competition and queen predation make independent colony founding increasingly difficult and the only option for new queens to reproduce in the habitat patch may be to enter an existing colony. The effect of nest-site availability to the number of queens was studied in successional spruce-dominated taiga forests in facultatively polygynous ants Myrmica ruginodis, M. sulcinodis, Leptothorax acervorum, Formica sanguinea and F. truncorum. Decreasing relatedness among worker nestmates supports an association between increasing habitat age and polygyny to some extent. M. sulcinodis and L. acervorum persist in this type of taiga only for a relatively short period. Relatedness varied only slightly among populations, but lower relatedness estimated in other studies suggested higher levels of polygyny in older populations. In M. ruginodis there was more variation in relatedness and it was possibly connected to the relative proportions of the two social forms of the species. In F. sanguinea and F. truncorum the decrease in relatedness with increasing age of the habitat was clearest. Other factors favouring limited dispersal and acceptance of new queens in the colonies are, however, hard to separate.

  174. Seppa, P. and L. Walin (1996). "Sociogenetic organization of the red ant Myrmica rubra." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 38: 207-217.

  175. Shattuck, S. O. (1996). "The Australian ant genus Froggattella (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) revisited." Aust. J. Entomol. 35: 43-47.
    Ревизия австралийских видов муравьев рода Froggattella: F. kirbii, F. kirbii bispinosa, F. kirbii ianthiana, F. kirbii laticeps, F. kirbii lutescens, F. kirbii nigripes, F. latispina

  176. Shattuck, S. O. (1996). "Revision of the Iridomyrmex discors species-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Aust. J. Entomol. 35: 37-42.

  177. Singer, T. L. (1996). Nest and nestmate recognition of a paper wasp, Polistes Metricus, and a fungus-growing ant, Apterostigma collare, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Georgia, 100 p.
    Диссертация о системе распознания сородичей у ос Полистов и муравьев-грибководов. [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 57: 4171] [Order # 9636491]

  178. Soroker, V., S. Lahav, et al. (1996). The formation of a "gestalt" odor in Cataglyphis niger. Do queens matter?, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, abstract p. 401.

  179. Sundstrom, L., M. Chapuisat, et Keller, L. (1996). "Conditional manipulation of sex ratios by ant workers: a test of kin selection theory." Science 274: 993-995.
    Манипуляция соотношением полов с помощью рабочих муравьев. Variable queen mating frequencies provide a unique opportunity to study the resolution of worker-queen conflict over sex ratio in social Hymenoptera, because the conflict is maximal in colonies headed by a singly mated queen and is weak or nonexistent in colonies headed by a multiply mated queen. In the wood ant Formica exsecta, workers in colonies with a singly mated queen, but not those in colonies with a multiply mated queen, altered the sex ratio of queen-laid eggs by eliminating males to preferentially raise queens. By this conditional response to queen mating frequency, workers enhance their inclusive fitness.

  180. Tak, N. and N. S. Rathore (1996). Ant (Formicidae) fauna of the Thar Desert. Faunal diversity in the Thar Desert: gaps in research. A. K. Ghosh, Q. H. Baqri and I. Prakash. Jodhpur. xi + 410 p., Scientific Publishers: 271-276.
    28 species in five subfamilies. No Tetraponera.

  181. Terayama, M. (1996). "Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, part 2. Seven genera of Ponerinae, Cerapachyinae and Myrmicinae." Nat. Hum. Act. 1: 9-32.
    Описание японских видов 7 родов 3 подсемейств   PDF-копия статьи

  182. Terayama, M. and Y. Hashimoto (1996). "Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, part 1. Introduction to this series and descriptions of four new species of the genera Hypoponera, Formica and Acropyga." Nat. Hum. Act. 1: 1-8.
    Описание японских видов 7 родов 3 подсемейств   PDF-копия статьи

  183. Terayama, M., C. C. Lin, et Wu, W.W. (1996). "Taiwanese species of the ant genus Smithistruma (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Jpn. J. Entomol. 64: 327-339.
    Тайваньские виды рода Smithistruma =Pyramica: Smithistruma benten, S. elegantula, S. formosimonticola, S. japonica, S. kichijo, S. leptothrix, S. mazuPDF-копия статьи

  184. Tschinkel, W. R. (1996). "A newly-discovered mode of colony founding among fire ants." Insect. Soc. 43: 267-276.
    Описан необычный способ основания новых колоний у огненного муравья. Overwintering sexuals, with low nutritional reserves, fly & mate in early spring, then enter orphaned colonies. This constitutes a form of temporary social parasitism. Tsuji, K. (1996). "Queen-male conflict over sperm use in social insects." Trends Ecol. Evol. 11: 490-491.

  185. Tsuji, K., K. Nakata, et al. (1996). "Lifespan and reproduction in a queenless ant." Naturwissenschaften 83: 577-578.

  186. Tsuji, K. and N. Tsuji (1996). "Evolution of life history strategies in ants: variation in queen number and mode of colony founding." Oikos 76: 83-92.

  187. Tsuji, K. and K. Yamauchi (1996). "Intracolonial sex ratio variation with and without local mate competition in an ant." Am. Nat. 148: 588-596.

  188. Vail, K. M. (1996). Foraging, spatial distribution, and control of the pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis (L.), Ph.D. disset., University of Florida. 107 p.
    Диссертация по фуражировочному поведению, пространственному распределению и контролю домового фараонова муравья. *[S. invicta necessitated amdro treatments to eliminate fire ant foraging in test buildings. S. invicta caused M. pharaonis to form small ephemeral nests on the face of the panelling walls. On other occasions, S. invicta drove M. pharaonis from an entire wall. M. pharaonis were prevented from nesting under the slabs by S. invicta. Fighting was observed, with M. pharaonis killing S. invicta workers.] [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 57: 5456] [Order # AAD9703628]

  189. Vail, K. M., D. F. Williams, et Oi, D.H. (1996). Ant bait attractive to multiple species of ants, U.S. Patent No. 5,939,061, Aug. 17, 1999.

  190. Vander Meer, R. K., W. A. Banks, et Lofgren, C.S. (1996). Repellents for ants, United States Patent 5,587,401, Dec. 24, 1996. 14 p.

  191. Vargo, E. L. (1996). "Sex investment ratios in monogyne and polygyne populations of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta." J. Evol. Biol. 9: 783-802.

  192. Vinson, S. B. and S. Ellison (1996). "An unusual case of polygyny in Solenopsis invicta Buren." Southwest. Entomol. 21(4): 387-393.
    Обнаружен необычный случай полигинии у огненного муравья. *[Физогастрическая матка была найдена в полигинной колонии.]

  193. Vogt, J. T. (1996). "Founding queen of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) observed in carnivorous plant." Entomol. News 107: 141-142.

  194. Ward, P. S. (1996). "A new workerless social parasite in the ant genus Pseudomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a discussion of the origin of social parasitism in ants." Syst. Entomol. 21: 253-263.
    *[Описан новый вид P. inquilinus sp. nov. из Аргентины.]

  195. Ward, P. S., B. Bolton, Shattuck, S.O., Brown, W.L., Jr. (1996). "A bibliography of ant systematics." Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. 116: 1-417.
    [Около 8,000 библиографических ссылок по систематике муравьев впервые собраны по единому образцу в одной книге. Publication dates are given for almost all citations.]

  196. Wardlaw, J. C. and G. W. Elmes (1996). "Exceptional colony size in Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomologist 115: 191-196.

  197. Whitehouse, M. E. A. and K. Jaffe (1996). "Ant wars: combat strategies, territory and nest defence in the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata." Anim. Behav. 51: 1207-1217.
    По каким законам идут муравьиные войны, например, у муравьев-листорезов? Two laws have been highlighted when discussing combat strategies in ants: the linear law (in a series of one-to-one conflicts, a few good fighters are better than many poor fighters) and the square law (if all individuals are vulnerable to attack, numerous fighters are more advantageous than a few good fighters). The leaf-cutting ant, Atta laevigata, responded to a simulated vertebrate threat by recruiting many soldiers (large workers), but responded to conspecific and interspecific ant threats by recruiting mainly small ants. In staged intraspecific interactions in the field between adjacent nests, ants were reluctant to fight on unmarked land and often retreated onto established marked trails, retreated to the nest entrance which they then capped or guarded, or immediately began marking the battle site with Dufour's gland secretion. These results indicate that the territorial behaviour of A. laevigata is part of a complex system to defend resources, where the defence of one resource (food) can develop into the defence of another (the nest). During the build-up of a war, once individuals from two nests met, recruitment changed from medium and large ants to mainly small ants. It is suggested that A. laevigata uses the soldier caste to defend the nest against large organisms and recruits numerous small ants in response to conspecific and interspecific ant threats following the square law.

  198. Windsor, D. M. and P. Jolivet (1996). "Aspects of the morphology and ecology of two Panamanian ant-plants, Hoffmannia vesciculifera (Rubiaceae) and Besleria formicaria (Gesneriaceae)." J. Trop. Ecol. 12: 835-842.

  199. Windsor, D. M., D. W. Trapnell, et al. (1996). "The egg capitulum of a neotropical walkingstick, Calynda bicuspis, induces aboveground egg dispersal by the ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum." J. Insect Behav. 9(3): 353-367.

  200. Xu, Z. (1996). "A taxonomic study of the ant genus Pachycondyla from China ((Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)." Zool. Res. 17: 211-216.
    О таксономии муравьев Китая. Bothroponera, Ectomomyrmex, Euponera, Pachycondyla, Trachymesopus. "Новые" виды были ранее предварительно оеписаны Xu (1995). PDF-копия статьи

  201. Xu, Z. (1996). " A taxonomic study on the ant genus Leptogenys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in China. [In Chinese]." J. Yunnan Agric.Univ. 11: 222-227.
    О таксономии муравьев Китая. Leptogenys. PDF-копия статьи

  202. Xu, Z. and W. Zhang (1996). "A new species of the genus Gnamptogenys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) from southwestern China." Entomotaxonomia 18: 55-58.
    Описан новый вид Gnamptogenys bannana из Китая, сравнение с Gnamptogenys bicolor. PDF-копия статьи

  203. Yamane, S. (1996). "New synonymy in the genus Aphaenogaster Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Species Divers. 1: 111-115.

  204. Yamauchi, K., Y. Kimura, Corbara, B., Kinomura, K., Tsuji, K. (1996). "Dimorphic ergatoid males and their reproductive behavior in the ponerine ant Hypoponera bondroiti." Insect. Soc. 43: 119-130.

  205. Yu, D. W. (1996). "Ants acting as plant physiologists: A castration parasitism in the ant-plant Cordia nodosa." Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 77 (3 Suppl. Part 2): 498.
    Муравьи как физиологисты растений. Сообщение на ежегодном собрании Экологического общества Америки. 1996 Annual Combined Meeting of the Ecological Society of America on Ecologists/Biologists as Problem Solvers, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 10-14, 1996.

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