Добавлено 07-09-2012
The ants of Poland with reference to the myrmecofauna of Europe
Wojciech Czechowski, Alexander Radchenko1, Wieslawa Czechowska, Kari Vepsalainen.
1 - Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 64, Wilcza str., 00-679, Warsaw, Poland; e-mail: agradchenko@hotmail.com
The ants of Poland with reference to the myrmecofauna of Europe
Price: 90 € + postage
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"Fauna Poloniae", Warszawa, 2012,
Fauna Poloniae Vol. 4 New series
173 x 243 mm, hardcover, 496 pages, 201 maps, 55 plates with several hundred SEM photographs of morphological details, 33 figures with drawings, 13 tables.
ISBN 978-83-930773-4-2
Новый монографический обзор фауны муравьёв Польши (Formicidae), включающий описания 103 видов и 25 родов муравьёв. Даны определительные ключи всех подсемейств и родов Европы и всех видов Польши с включением видов соседних регионов Центральной Европы, 201 карта распространения видов, и 55 таблиц с несколькими сотнями иллюстранций, фотографий, включая SEM. Каталог видов включает зоогеографические и экологические характеристики видов. Также даётся обновлённый и дополненный обзор фауны муравьёв Европы, с каталогом, включающем 9 подсемейств, 57 родов и 613 валидных видов.
Wojciech Czechowski, Alexander Radchenko, Wieslawa Czechowska, Kari Vepsalainen.; The ants of Poland with reference to the myrmecofauna of Europe / Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Science. — Warszawa, 2012. — 496 p. — ISBN 978-83-930773-4-2. — (Fauna Poloniae Vol. 4 New series)
This book on ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is an updated, corrected and expanded version of the previous monograph of the Polish myrmecofauna (Czechowski et al. 2002). It contains 103 ant species of 25 genera reported in Poland until 2010, the occurrence of which in the country are unquestionable or at least considered by the authors probable. The book consists of four main chapters: (1) a systematic checklist of the ant taxa (subfamilies, genera, species) of Europe, (2) a faunistic catalogue of the ants of Poland, (3) characteristics of the myrmecofauna of Poland, and (4) keys for identification. The checklist is the newest updated list of the European ants, and it displays recent alterations in the ant taxonomy. It contains nine subfamilies, 57 genera and 613 valid species; the list is complemented by 10 recognised but not yet formally described species. The faunistic catalogue provides a taxonomic survey of the Polish ant species together with information about their general distribution in the Palaearctic and the distribution in Poland, with notes on the biology of each species. For some taxa (species, genera), notes on their taxonomic history are provided. The chapter compiles all faunistic data published until the end of the year 2010; published reports are supplemented by confirmed unpublished data available to the authors. For every species maps of their ranges in the Palaearctic and distributions in the geographical regions in Poland are enclosed. The catalogue is closed by a list of the species ever reported in Poland and later owing to a specified reason excluded from the Polish fauna. The next chapter includes zoogeographical and ecological characteristics of the Polish myrmecofauna, with reference to the European myrmecofauna as a whole. The last chapter includes keys for identification of the ant taxa (subfamilies, genera and species), individually for workers, queens and males (when distinguishable). The keys for subfamilies and genera involve all European taxa of these ranks. The keys for species include all ant species known in Poland, and those not reported from Poland but present in adjacent regions of Central Europe, and recognised as possible to be found in the country. The keys are illustrated with SEM photographs. The main chapters are preceded by the foreword presenting general trends in myrmecological research in the world throughout history, and the introduction, in which the past and the present of Polish myrmecology is outlined.
KEY WORDS: Ants, biology, checklist, ecology, Europe, faunistics, key, morphology, Poland, systematics, taxonomy, zoogeography.
Первый за последние годы фундаментальный фаунистический обзор фауны муравьёв Польши с общим рассмотрением и всей мирмекофауны Европы.
9 новых для науки видов (2008) рода Myrmica из группы Myrmica Pachei описаны из Китая и Кашмира: Myrmica sculptiventris n. sp., M. schulzi n. sp., M. phalacra n. sp., M. varisculpta n. sp., M. hlavaci n. sp., M. pleiorhytida n. sp., M. multiplex n. sp., M. yunnanensis n. sp., M. heterorhytida n. sp.
7 новых для науки видов (2008) рода Myrmica описаны из Китая: M. curiosa n. sp., M. mixta n. sp., M. pararitae n. sp., M. poldii n. sp., M. sinoschencki n. sp., M. weii n. sp., M. polyglypta n. sp.
- 2 новых вида (2007): Myrmica paradoxa n. sp. и Myrmica eocenica n. sp.
- 1 новый вид (2008): Myrmica xavieri Radchenko, Elmes & Savolainen, 2008 (Испания)
Муравьи Myrmica punctiventris и M. crassirugis Неарктики
- 4 новых вида (2007): M. semiparasitica n. sp., M. punctinops n. sp., M. crassirugis n. sp., M. wheelerorum n. sp.
Обзор ископаемых муравьев рода Myrmica из янтаря
- 2 новых вида (2007): Myrmica paradoxa n. sp. и Myrmica eocenica n. sp.
Ревизия Палеарктических видов муравьев группы Myrmica schencki-group
- 3 новых вида (2006): M. siciliana n. sp. (Сицилия), M. onoyamai n. sp. (Япония), M. inucta n. sp. (с.-з.Казахстан), Myrmica schoedli Radchenko, Elmes & Viet 2006 (Вьетнам)
Социальный паразит Myrmica из Голландии.
- 1 новый вид (2005): Myrmica schenckioides Boer & Noordijk, 2005
- 1 новый вид (2004): Myrmica tobiasi
Myrmica afghanica nov. sp. из Афганистана.
- 2 новых вида (2003): M. afghanica n. sp. (Афганистан), Myrmica pelops Seifert, 2003 (Греция)
- 4 новых вида (2002): Myrmica anatolica, Myrmica jennyae, Myrmica tamarae, Myrmica tulinae (Турция).
"Гиганты" M. titanica, M. yamanei из Вьетнама
- 8 новых видов (2001): Myrmica angulata, M. draco, M. hyungokae, M. koreana, M. sinensis, M. taibaiensis, M. titanica, M. yamanei (8 новых видов из Китая и окрестностей).
- 10 новых видов (1999): Myrmica brancuccii, M. nititda, M. ordinaria, M. petita, M. rhytida, M. villosa, M. vittata, M. wardi, M. williamsi, M.wittmeri (10 новых видов со склонов Гималайских гор).
- 6 новых видов (1998): M. boltoni, M. collingwoodi, M. martensi, M. rigatoi, M. urbanii (5 новых видов со склонов Гималайских гор), Myrmica mirabile (с Тайваня).
Arnoldi, K.V. (1976) Муравьи рода Myrmica Latr. Средней Азии и Южного Казахстана. Зоол.журн., 55(4), 547–558.
Описаны новые виды и подвиды: M. juglandeti, M. kryzhanovskii, M. lobicornis foreliella, M. lobicornis kirgisorum, M. minuta iskanderi, M. minuta tarbinskii, M. orthostyla, M. sancta tshuliensis, M. tianshanica, & M. tianshanica alajensis.
Collingwood, C.A. (1961) The 3rd Danish expedition to Central Asia. Zoological Results 27. Formicidae
(Insecta) from Afghanistan. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening, 123(1960), 52–79.
Описание мирмекофауны Афганистана
Elmes, G. W. (1973). "Miniature queens of the ant Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Entomologist 106: 133-136.
Elmes, G. W. (1973). "Observations on the density of queens in natural colonies of Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Anim. Ecol. 42: 761-771.
Elmes, G. W. (1974). "Colony populations of Myrmica sulcinodis Nyl. (Hymenoptera Formicidae)." Oecologia 15: 337-343.
Elmes, G. W. (1974). "The effect of colony population on caste size in three species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 21: 213-229.
Elmes, G. W. (1975). Population studies on the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), with special reference to southern England, Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 334 p.
Available from: BLL, Ref. No. D16007/76
Elmes, G. W. (1976). Comparative ecology of Myrmica species, Annual Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 1975 :38-39.
Elmes, G. W. (1976). Populations of Myrmica (Formicidae) living on different types of Calluma moorland - a semi natural habitat of southern England, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Soc. Insects Anthropogenic Environ., Warsaw, p. 21-30.
Elmes, G. W. (1976). "Some observations on the microgyne form of Myrmica rubra L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 23: 3-22.
Elmes, G. W. (1978). "A morphometric comparison of three closely related species of Myrmica (Formicidae), including a new species from England." Syst. Entomol. 3: 131-145.
Elmes, G. W. (1978). "Populations of Myrmica (Formicidae) living on different types of Calluma moorland - a semi-natural habitat of southern England." Mem. Zool. 29: 41-60.
Elmes, G. W. (1980). "Queen number in colonies of ants of the genus Myrmica." Insect. Soc. 27: 43-60.
The effects upon the structure of a population of Myrmica colonies is examined under the assumption that colonies adopt a strategy of persistent exclusive monogyny. Th effects of various queen mortality curves are examined. It is concluded that field data does not support a hypothesis based on this strategy and it is suggested that all Myrmica colonies recruit replacement queens. The effects of different queen recruitment efficiencies are examined for haplometrotic and pleometrotic species. It is concluded that if all species have a capacity to recruit queens then all are potentially secondarily polygynous. The evolutionary significance of the social status of Myrmica ants is discussed.
Elmes, G. W. (1981). "An aberrant form of Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander (Hym. Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 28: 27-31.
Elmes, G. W. (1982). Intra-colonial competition in ants, with special reference to the genus Myrmica. The biology of social insects. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the IUSSI, Boulder, Colorado, August 1982. M. D. Breed, C. D. Michener and H. E. Evans. Boulder, CO. 420 p., Westview Press: 212-216.
Elmes, G. W. (1982). "The phenology of five species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera Formicidae) from South Dorset, England." Insect. Soc. 29: 548-560.
1. The patterns of worker activity of five Myrmica spp. have been measured by pitfall trapping. There were no marked differences between the species except for a generally higher activity level of M. sabuleti Meinert during the Winter months. 2. M. ruginodis Nyl. was caught at the coldest site and M. sabuleti at the hottest sites. This is consistent with their performance under laboratory conditions. 3. Fertile queens of all species can be caught at any time during the active season. The importance of this observation to the social biology of Myrmica is discussed.
Elmes, G. W. and A. M. Abbott (1981). "Colony populations of Myrmica schencki Emery collected in Jutland, Denmark." Nat. Jutl. 19: 53-56.
The populations of 30 colonies of Myrmica schencki Emery were collected from the Mols laboratory in Denmark. The population data and biometry of individuals are given. It is concluded that M. schencki is normally, but not rigorously monogynous and a discrepancy with similar data for the American form Myrmica schencki ssp. emeryana is discussed. Color variation were observed in several colonies and one colony contained four fertilized Myrmica scabrinodis Nyl. queens. In this case they were acting as temporary facultative parasites.
Elmes, G. W. and R. T. Clarke (1981). A biometric investigation of variation of workers of Myrmica ruginodis Nylander (Formicidae). Biosystematics of social insects. Systematics Association Special Volume No. 19. P. E. Howse and J. L. Clйment. London. 346 p., Academic Press: 121-140.
Variation of 12 morphometrics were measured for 690 workers of M. ruginodis. A nested analysis of variance was used to break down the variation into that due to differences within colonies, between colonies within sites, between sites within countries and between countries. The effect of variation in the size of queen in the colonies was measured and eliminated from the analysis. Worker size was found to account for about 75% of the variation between workers, therefore the morhometrics were standardized for size and re-analysed. The results showed that variation in a colony's mean queen size had a considerable effect upon the variation between colonies. Also variations in shape (size-adjusted morphometrics)were mostly within colonies. The results are discussed and three explanations are put forward.
Elmes, G. W. and J. C. Wardlaw (1981). "The quantity and quality of overwintered larvae in five species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Zool. (Lond.) 193: 429-446.
The numbers of queens, workers and larvae were recorded for a sample of hibernating colonies from five different species of Myrmica. The larvae were divided into three size classes. The frequencies and distribution of larvae within these size classes have been compared between species and between queened and queenless colonies. A sample of each larval class was reared to the pupal stage and the resulting castes were recorded. The Discussion compares all the species with Myrmica rubra and attempts to explain the differences observed for the different species.
Elmes, G. W. and J. C. Wardlaw (1982). "Variations in populations of Myrmica sabuleti and M. scabrinodis (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) living in Southern England." Pedobiologia 23: 90-97.
The density and colony populations of Myrmica sabuleti Meinert and M. scabrinodis Nyl., living at two English sites are compared with other available data for these species. One of the sites was the last to support a British population of the large blue butterfly, Maculiea arion L. There was no evidence of inter colonial competition at these sites. The large blue site supported very small colonies of both ant species although the colonies were at the average density recorded for all sites.
Elmes, G. W. and J. C. Wardlaw (1982). "A population study of the ants Myrmica sabuleti and Myrmica scabrinodis, living at two sites in the South of England. I. A comparison of colony populations." J. Anim. Ecol. 51: 651-664.
(1) The size and structure of colonies of Myrmica sabuleti Meinert living at two well-grazed grassland sites have been investigated for several years by excavation of colonies. One site was on chalk grassland and the other on acid grassland. The latter supported a population of M. scabrinodis Nyl. which was also investigated. The acid site was the last known British site for Maculinea arion (large blue butterfly) which is parasitic upon M. sabuleti for part of its life cycle. (2) Means are given for six parameters of colony population. These are compared for site, annual and within-site differences. It is shown that colonies producing reproductives are significantly larger than those that do not. There are significant variations within sites between years but these are small compared to between-site and interspecific differences. (3) Regression analysis enables some deductions to be made concerning the regulation of sexual production. Sexuals are reared at the expense of new workers. Both male and new worker production is closely related to worker population whereas gyne production seems more related to workers size. (4) The differences between and within populations are discussed in terms of nest site insolation.
Elmes, G. W. and J. C. Wardlaw (1982). "A population study of the ants Myrmica sabuleti and Myrmica scabrinodis living at two sites in the south of England. II. Effect of above-nest vegetation." J. Anim. Ecol. 51: 665-680.
Elmes, G. W. (1983). "Some experimental observations on the parasitic Myrmica hirsuta Elmes." Insect. Soc. 30: 221-234.
Myrmica hirsuta Elmes is an uncommon social parasite of Myrmica sabuleti Meinert. Collection of several hundred M. sabuleti nests indicate that less than 2% are infested by M. hirsuta. M. sabuleti usually live in grassland so that the presence of the parasite can be detected only by nest excavation; practically, this means that it is not possible to obtain experimental material other than by chance. The experiments reported in this paper have been made on material collected in this way and consequently they are not as well balanced or replicated as would be desired were unlimited experimental stock available. Despite these reservations the experiments do show some interesting differences between the social physiology of M. hirsuta and its host. M. hirsuta has two types of queen, either small unfertilised individuals that have no real effect on a colony or larger fertilised forms that have a 'queen effect' on M. sabuleti larvae that is very similar to that of M. sabuleti queens. The larger queens are produced from medium sized larvae that have had a period of hibernation. The smaller type of queen most likely develop from small larvae that had not grown sufficiently before hibernation or perhaps from larvae partly suppressed by 'queen effect': These are in effect a type of worker caste. Generally M. hirsuta larvae seem unaffected by the suppression type 'queen effect'. M. hirsuta queens start egg-laying earlier than M. sabuleti queens and seem to be able to retard the onset of oviposition by the host queens when cultured together. Indirect evidence suggests that the availability of eggs as food may be important to the survival of the parasitic larvae: A conjectural life cycle is proposed for M. hirsuta, based upon the present meagre evidence.
Elmes, G. W. (1987). "Temporal variation in colony populations of the ant Myrmica sulcinodis. 1. Changes in queen number, worker number and spring production." J. Anim. Ecol. 56: 559-571.
(1)Colonies of the ant, Myrmica sulcinodis Nyl., were excavated in early summer 1979-85 at two heathland sites in southern England. (2) The number of workers was, on average, 120 per colony, but varied with time and between the sites; this is interpreted in terms of a regenerating heathland habitat. The number of new workers, reared in spring, varied annually; much of the variation is explained by the size of the colonies and most of the remainder by the effects of the weather during the larval growth period. Spring humidity is a good descriptor of new worker production, although humidity itself is merely a combined expression of several other climatic variables. The number of queens in the colony had no effect on the number of new workers that were reared. New queens are reared by les than 25% of the colonies. (3) The number of queens varied annually; once the effect due to variation in the size of colonies was removed, the number followed a cycle best described by a sine-wave. The wave has a periodicity of 4-5 years and an amplitude of about three queens (1-3.3 geometric averages) in a colony of average size. This may be the first demonstration of such a cycle. The mechanisms that may generate this are discussed briefly: the periodicity may represent the average longevity of queens.
Elmes, G. W. (1987). "Temporal variation in colony populations of the ant Myrmica sulcinodis. II. Sexual production and sex ratios." J. Anim. Ecol. 56: 573-583.
(1)The number and sex ratio of reproductive castes reared by two populations of Myrmica sulcinodis Nyl. over 7 years since 1979 are reported. On average, 40% of the colonies were small and reared no sexuals. In the remainder, sexual production was very variable, having a small significant correlation with worker number (+ve) and queen number (-ve). Sexual production differed significantly from year to year, but not between sites. The colonies form four groups, according to whether they rear gynes, males, both or neither. Total spring production was compared for these. The results are consistent with data for other Myrmica species. (2) The sex ratio varied between years and sites. Both populations had a male bias, which was greatest in highly polygynous colonies and least in large colonies, as is expected under kinship theory. The social regulation of sexual production at the colony level may be difficult to modify by natural selection, which operates instead on the colony structure required to maximize the species' breeding success in its chosen habitat. If secondary polygyny is an adaptation that ensures a colony's survival in a variable habitat, then many colonies exist for long periods in sub-optimal nest sites. Male bias is the global cost of the polygynous lifestyle for these species. In such populations only the largest and reproductively most successful colonies might approach the optimal sex ratio; these colonies of M. sulcinodis averaged a 1:1 sex ratio (3:1 females by dry weight).
Elmes, G. W. (1989). "The effect of multiple queens in small groups of Myrmica rubra." Actes Coll. Insect. Soc. 5: 137-144.
Elmes, G. W. and J. A. Thomas (1985). "Morphometrics as a tool in identification: a case study of Myrmica from France (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Actes Coll. Insect. Soc. 2: 97-108.
Proceedings of the IUSSI French Section, Annual Meeting, 19-22 Sept 1984, Diepenbeek, Belgium. *[Populations of 3 species of Myrmica were examined at a site in the Haute Savoie region of France; the site is notable for the presence of 2 species of the rare butterfly genus Maculinea. M. rubra and M. scabrinodis were easily identified but, initially, the third species could be separated only by differences in the gynes and males. The species was assumed to be M. vandeli bondroit. The workers of this species are difficult to separate from M. scabrinodis and the males can easily be mistaken for M. sabuleti. Only the queens are readily recognisable, being very similar to M. scabrinodis, but generally much larger and darker. This paper shows how an examination of morphometrics confirmed the identification of the species and enabled us to determine workers with a known reliability.]
Elmes, G. W. and J. A. Thomas (1987). Die Biologie und Цkologie der Ameisen Gattung Myrmica. Tagfalter und ihre Lebensraume: Arten, Gefahrdung, Schutz. W. Geiger. Basle, Schweizerischer Bund fьr Naturschutz: 404-409.
Elmes, G. W. and J. C. Wardlaw (1983). "A comparison of the effect of a queen upon the development of large hibernated larvae of six species of the genus Myrmica (Hym. Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 30: 134-148.
The results are given from experiments on the effect of a queen upon the growth and development of large hibernated larvae of six species of Myrmica. These show that: - In all the species queens suppress the development of gynes (young unfertilised queens) from large larvae and tend to decrease the time between onset of growth and pupation. - The mechanism by which workers recognize and suppress gyne potential larvae has been studied in detail previously for Myrmica rubra L. by M.V.Brian. This is now shown to be the same in the other common Myrmica species; larvae of any species can be suppressed by the queens and workers of any other species. - The larvae of the different species develop at different rates regardless of the species of the workers rearing them. The larvae rank:- Myrmica ruginodis Nyl. (both vars. macrogyna and microgyna), Myrmica sulcinodis Nyl., M. rubra, Myrmica scabrinodis Nyl. and Myrmica sabuleti Meinert - in order from the fastest to the slowest grower. - The species also rank in this order when they all rear the same larval species, regardless of the species of larvae, showing that this is a trait of the nurse workers as well as a trait of the larvae.
Elmes, G. W. and J. C. Wardlaw (1983). "A comparison of the effect of temperature on the development of large hibernated larvae of four species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera:Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 30: 106-118.
The effect of temperature upon the development of large hibernated larvae of 4 Myrmica species has been tested experimentally. Over the viable temperature range of 15-25° C, it was found that: 1. There are no differences between the species in the effect of temperature upon development times. All fit the model log Dev. time = a - b T° C with a common value for b. This gives an effective Q10 of about 3.1 which agrees with respirometrical estimates for worker ants. 2. The value for the intercept (a) differs significantly between most species confirming the intrinsic difference that has been demonstrated at a constant 22.5° C in previous work. The development times of larvae can be ordered from fastest to slowest being: M. ruginodis Nyl., M. rubra L., M. scabrinodis Nyl. and M. sabuleti Meinert. At any temperature it takes M. sabuleti about 1.5 times as long as M. ruginodis to grow from a large hibernated larva to a white pupa. 3. No large differences in larval survival or gyne production could be detected between the temperature treatments. There was an indication that most species survived best at about 22° C. 4. The results are discussed briefly in terms of the ecological distribution of the 4 species in the South of England. 5. The possible effects of a fluctuating temperature regime are discussed, it is suggested that the amplitude of fluctuations may not have any great effect whereas the periodicity could be more important.
Elmes, G. W. and N. R. Webb (1985). "Swarm of Myrmica ruginodis Nylander (Hym., Formicidae) in a light trap." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 121: 108.
Elmes, G. W. (1991). "Mating strategy and isolation between the two forms, macrogyna and microgyna, of Myrmica ruginodis (Hym. Formicidae)." Ecol. Entomol. 16: 411-423.
Elmes, G. W. (1991). "The social biology of Myrmica ants." Actes Coll. Insect. Soc. 7: 17-34.
Elmes, G. W. (1994). "A population of the social parasite Myrmica hirsuta Elmes (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) recorded from Jutland, denmark, with a first description of the worker caste." Insect. Soc. 41: 437-442.
Elmes, G. W. and M. V. Brian (1991). "The importance of the egg-mass to the activity of normal queens and microgynes of Myrmica rubra L. (Hym. Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 38: 51-62.
Elmes, G. W. and L. Keller (1993). Distribution and ecology of queen number in ants of the genus Myrmica. Queen number and sociality in insects. L. Keller. Oxford. 439 p., Oxford University Press: 294-307.
Elmes, G. W. and J. Petal (1990). "Queen number as an adaptable trait: evidence from wild populations of two red ant species (genus Myrmica)." J. Anim. Ecol. 59: 675-690.
Elmes, G. W., J. A. Thomas, et al. (1991). "Larvae of Maculinea rebeli, a large-blue butterfly, and their Myrmica host ants: wild adoption and behaviour in ant-nests." J. Zool. (London) 223: 447-460.
Elmes, G. W., J. C. Wardlaw, et al. (1991). "Larvae of Maculinea rebeli, a large-blue butterfly and their Myrmica host ants: patterns of caterpillar growth and survival." J. Zool. (London) 224: 79-92.
Elmes, G. W. and M. V. Brian (1991). "The importance of the egg-mass to the activity of normal queens and microgynes of Myrmica rubra L. (Hym. Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 38: 51-62.
Elmes, G. W. and A. G. Radchenko (1998). "Ants of the genus Myrmica from Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Chin. J. Entomol. 18: 217-224.
Myrmica arisana, Myrmica formosae, Myrmica mirabile, Myrmica serica
Elmes, G. W., A. G. Radchenko, et Kim, B.J. (2001). "Two new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Korea." Korean J. Biol. Sci. 5: 107-112.
Myrmica hyungokae, Myrmica korea
Elmes, G. W. and D. J. Stradling (1991). "In memoriam: Michael Vaughan Brian M.A. Sc.D. OBE (1919-1990)." Insect. Soc. 38: 331-332.
Elmes, G. W., T. Akino, et al. (2002). "Interspecific differences in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of Myrmica ants are sufficiently consistent to explain host specificity by Maculinea (large blue) butterflies." Oecologia 130: 525-535.
Elmes, G. W., A. G. Radchenko, et al. (2001). "Two new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Korea." Korean J. Biol. Sci. 5: 107-112.
Elmes, G. W., J. A. Thomas, et al. (1998). "The ecology of Myrmica ants in relation to the conservation of Maculinea butterflies." J. Insect Conserv. 2: 67-78.
Elmes, G. W., J. C. Wardlaw, et al. (1999). "Site latitude influences on respiration rate, fat content and the ability of worker ants to rear larvae: A comparison of Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) populations over their European range." Eur. J. Entomol. 96: 117-124.
Myrmica rubra is a northern, temperate Palaearctic ant species with a geographical range that extends from the Atlantic coast of Europe to central Asia. In Europe, its range covers > 25° of latitude where it lives under a variety of climates that vary from extreme oceanic in the west, to continental in the east. Colonies nest in the soil and their life cycles are known to be highly dependent on ambient temperature and soil moisture. We hypothesised that the brood-rearing behaviour of populations might be locally adapted to climate and that we might detect differences when the ants were reared under "common-garden" conditions. Brood-rearing behaviour was compared for 38 colonies of M. rubra drawn from 13 populations representing a range of 6 latitudes: all 6 were represented in eastern Europe and 2 in western Europe. A sample of ants from each colony was used to estimate respiration rate, body mass and fat content at the start of the experiment in spring (immediately post hibernation) and at the end of the experiment (mid summer). Respiration had a linear relationship with latitude, with northern populations having greater respiration rate in spring compared to southern populations. It is suggested that this is an adaptation to different seasonality over the species' range that results in the "more active" northern workers rearing fewer brood to maturity more quickly than southern workers. Fat content, a measure of worker "quality", had a parabolic relationship with latitude with mid latitude colonies having the fattest workers. Fatter workers appeared to rear heavier brood. This probably represented a functional response to environment with populations living at "edge of range" sites being physiologically more stressed and performing brood-rearing tasks less well than centre of range populations. We believe that this is the first demonstration of a consistent, intra-specific trend for variation in the social physiology of an ant species over its geographic range.
Emery, C. (1908) Beitrage zur Monographie der Formiciden des palearktischen Faunengebietes. III.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1908, 165–205.
Emery, C. (1921) Hymenoptera, Fam. Formicidae, subfam. Myrmicinae. In: Wystman, P. (Ed) Genera
Insectorum., Fasc. 174 A, pp. 1–94.
Mayr, G. (1889) Insecta in itinere Cl. Przewalski in Asia Centrali novissime lecta. XVII. Formiciden
aus Tibet. Труды Русского Энтомологического Общества, 24, 278–280.
Описание мирмекофауны Тибета по материалам экспедиции Пржевальского
Radchenko, A.G. (1994a) Таксономическая структура рода Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera,
Formicidae) Евразии. Сообщение 1. Зоол.журн., 73(6), 39–51 [English translation:
Taxonomic structure of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Eurasia. Communication
1. Entomological Review (Washington), 1995, 74(3), 91–106].
Radchenko, A.G. (1994b) Определительная таблица муравьев рода Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera,
Formicidae) центральной и восточной Палеарктики. Зоол.журн., 73(7–8), 130–145
[English translation: A Key to species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the
Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Entomological Review (Washington), 1995, 74(3), 154–169].
Radchenko, A.G. (1994c) Обзор групп rubra, rugosa, arnoldii, luteola и schencki рода Myrmica
Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) центральной и восточной Палеарктики. Зоол.журн.,
73(11), 122-132 [English translation: A survey of species of Myrmica of groups of rubra,
rugosa, arnoldii, luteola and schencki (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Central and Eastern
Palaearctic. Entomological Review (Washington), 1995c, 74(8), 122–132].
Radchenko, A.G. & Elmes, G.W. (1998) Taxonomic revision of the ritae species-group of the
genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik zoologii,
32(4), 3–27.
Описаны новые виды: M. boltoni, M. collingwoodi, M. martensi, M. rigatoi, M. urbanii = n.sp.
Другие близкие виды: Myrmica formosae, Myrmica gigantea, Myrmica indica, Myrmica margaritae, Myrmica ritae, Myrmica serica.
Radchenko, A.G. & Elmes, G.W. (1999) Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
from the Himalaya. Вестник зоол., 33(3), 27–46.
Описаны новые виды со склонов Гималайских гор: Myrmica brancuccii Radchenko, Elmes & Collingwood, M. nititda Radchenko & Elmes, M. ordinaria Radchenko & Elmes, M. petita, M. rhytida, M. villosa, M. vittata, M. wardi, M. williamsi, M.wittmeri.
Radchenko, A.G. & Elmes, G.W. (2001) A taxonomic revision of the ant genus Myrmica
Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Entomologica Basiliensia, 23, 237–276.
Myrmica angulata Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes, M. draco Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes, M. hyungokae Elmes, Radchenko & Kim, M. koreana Elmes, Radchenko & Kim, M. sinensis Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes, M. taibaiensis Wei, Zhou & Liu,
M. titanica Radchenko & Elmes, M. yamanei Radchenko & Elmes
Radchenko, A., Elmes, G. W. & Savolainen, R. 2008: Myrmica xavieri sp. n., a new ant species (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) from Spain. - Entomol. Fennica 19: 49-54.
Here we describe a new ant species from Spain, Myrmica xavieri. We place it in the Myrmica lobicornis species group of which three species are previously known in the Iberian Peninsula: M. lobicornis Nylander, M. wesmaeli Bondroit, and M. lobulicornis Nylander. Of these, M. xavieri most closely resembles M. wesmaeli. M. xavieri is likely an Iberian endemic, a relict of the fauna isolated in the Iberian Peninsula during the Pleistocene.
Ruzsky, M.D. (1905). Муравьи России (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Казань, 1–799.
Ruzsky, M.D. (1915) О муравьях Тибета и южной Гоби. Ежег. Зоол. Муз. Импер. Акад. наук., 20, 418–444.
Seifert, B. (1984). "Firm evidence for synonymy of Myrmica rugulosoides Forel, 1915 and Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander, 1846." Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz 58(6): 1-8.
Seifert, B. (1987). "Myrmica georgica n. sp., a new ant from Transcaucasia and North Kazakhstan (U.S.S.R.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae)." Reichenbachia 24: 183-187.
Seifert, B. (1988). "A taxonomic revision of the Myrmica species of Europe, Asia Minor, and Caucasia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz 62(3): 1-75.
Seifert, B. (1993). "Taxonomic description of Myrmica microrubra n sp. - a social parasitic ant so far known as the microgyne of Myrmica rubra (L.)." Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz 67(5): 9-12.
Seifert, B. (2000). Myrmica lonae Finzi. 1926 - a species separate from Myrmica sabuleti MEINERT. 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). - Abhandhmgen und Berichte des Narurkiindemiiseums Gorlitz 72: 195-205.
Seifert, B. (2005). Rank elevation in two European ant species: Myrmica lobulicornis Nylander, 1857, stat.n. and Myrmica spinosior Santschi, 1931, stat.n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)// "Myrmecologische Nachrichten", ("Myrmecological News") 2005, Volume 7, Pages 1-7, (Wien, September 2005).
Tarbinsky, Y.S. (1976) Муравьи Киргизии. Фрунзе, 217 pp.
Weber, N.A. (1947) A revision of the North American Ants of the Genus Myrmica Latreille with a
synopsis of the Palaearctic Species. 1. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 40,
©2010, Vladislav Krasilnikov (translation & supplement)
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