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Муравьи   рода   Polyergus (5)


Polyergus:   1-Intro  2-Биология 3-Список видов  5-Литература




1758 - 2004

    Здесь собраны из базы Formis-2003 основные работы по роду Polyergus, который там упоминается в 352 работах). Ниже приведены только часть из них:

    1. Дубатолов В. В. (1998). Черный муравей-амазонка Polyergus nigerrimus (Insecta, Hymenoptera: Formicidae) – новый вид для фауны Монголии // Муравьи и защита леса. Материалы 10-го Всероссийского Мирмекологического Симпозиума, Пешки, 24-28 августа 1988, с. 140.

    2. Жигульская З. А. Новые материалы по экологии муравья-амазонки (Polyergus nigerrimus Marik) // Новые и малоизвестные виды Сибири. Новосибирск, 1971. Вып. 5. С. 75 – 77.

    3. Корнев Г. И. Наблюдения над поведением муравья-амазонки Polyergus rufescens (Latr.) // Биол., фауна и сист. насекомых и паукообразных (Рукопись деп. в ВИНИТИ 18.09.80, № 4112-80 Деп.). Алма-Ата, 1980. С. 41 – 49.

    4. Купянская А. Н. Муравьи родов Camponotus Mayr., Polyergus Latr. и Paratrechina Motsch. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Дальнего Востока СССР // Перепончатокрылые Дальнего Востока. Владивосток, 1981. С. 117 – 124.

    5. Мариковский П. И. Новый вид муравья Polyergus nigerrimus Marik., sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) и некоторые черты его биологии // Энтомол. обозр. 1963. Т. 42, № 1. С. 110 – 114.

    6. Cool-Kwait, E. (1982). Raid site location, recruitment and age polyethism in the slave-making ant Polyergus lucidus Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Ph.D. dissert., City University of New York, 80p. [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 43: 1335] [Order # 8222937]

    7. Cool-Kwait, E. and H. Topoff (1984). "Raid organization and behavioral development in the slave-making ant Polyergus lucidus Mayr." Insect. Soc. 31: 361-374.
      Mixed-species colonies of Polyergus lucidus and Formica schaufussi were studied in New York. Slave raids were conducted in late afternoon, past the peak in diurnal temperature. Multiple raids on different Formica colonies were common, as were re-raids on the same colony. In laboratory nests, about 75% of the raided Formica brood was eaten. Of 27 days on which raids occurred in the laboratory, 25 were on Formica nests scouted on the day of the raid. Polyergus scouts are among the oldest individuals in the colony, and callows do not participate in scouting during the entire season of their eclosion. The group of Polyergus workers that circle on the surface near the nest prior to raiding has a dynamic composition. The most frequent behavioral transition was from circling on one day to scouting on the next The next most common change was from scouting to circling. The first scouting of the spring season occurred only one day after the appearance of Polyergus larvae. The first slave raid was conducted 4 days later. Formica brood was present in freeliving colonies from 1-4 weeks earlier than Polyergus brood in mixed nests. Although workers of Polyergus were usually fed by regurgitation from Formica, they occasionally drank and ate eggs independently. The Polyergus queen was surrounded only by Formica workers. Polyergus eggs hatched into larvae in approximately 12 days, with the larval stages lasting an additional 9-12 days. Eclosion of callows took place within 20-23 days after pupation. Newly mated Polyergus queens follow slave raids and attempt adoption into target nests when the Formica are scattered during a slave raid. The process of budding was never observed.

    8. D'Ettorre, P., A. Mori, et Le Moli, F. (1997). "Haplometrotic colony founding by the slave-making ant Polyergus rufescens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Ital. J. Zool. 64: 49-53.

    9. Dietrich, C. O. (1995). "Functional morphology observations on the mandibles of Polyergus rufescens (Latreille, 1798) and Strongylognathus Mayr, 1853 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) [in German]." Myrmecol. Nachr. 1: 33-37.

    10. Grasso, D. A., A. Ugolini, et al. (1997). "Orientation of Polyergus rufescens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) during slave-making raids." Anim. Behav. 54: 1425-1438.
      We investigated the factors involved in the orientation of raiders of the European Amazon ant, Polyergus rufescens, and how these factors are used by raiders during the different phases of slave-making expeditions. Ants at the head of the raiding column did not follow previously deposited chemical trails but oriented by celestial cues. Raiders in the middle of the column used celestial factors but were also strongly affected by the recruiting activity of the ants that preceded them. During the return trip, raiders used both chemical and celestial cues. The latter allowed the ants to assume the correct home direction while following the chemical trail. Perception of the ultraviolet band of the light spectrum was of crucial importance for the orientation of the raiders, during both the outbound and inbound journeys. This supports the hypothesis that P. rufescens workers, like other ants, perceive the pattern of polarized skylight in the ultraviolet range.

    11. Forbes, J. and R. W. Brassel (1962). "The male genitalia and terminal segments of some members of the genus Polyergus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 70: 79-87.

    12. Hasegawa, E. and T. Yamaguchi (1994). "Raiding behavior of the Japanese slave making ant Polyergus samurai." Insect. Soc. 41: 279-289.

    13. Hasegawa, E. and T. Yamaguchi (1995). "Intercolonial differences in raiding activities in the Japanese slave-making ant Polyergus samurai." Insect. Soc. 42: 187-199.

    14. Hasegawa, E. and T. Yamaguchi (1997). "Effect of slave raiding of Polyergus samurai on nest persistency of its host, Formica (Serviformica) japonica." Jpn. J. Entomol. 65: 291-294.

    15. Le Moli, F., D. A. Grasso, D'Ettorre, P., Mori, A. (1993). "Intraspecific slavery in Polyergus rufescens Latr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), field and laboratory observations." Insect. Soc. 40: 433-437.

    16. Le Moli, F., D. A. Grasso, Mori, A., Ugolini, A. (1994). "Eco-ethological factors affecting the scouting and raiding behaviour of the slave-making ant, Polyergus rufescens Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Ethology 96: 289-302.

    17. Le Moli, F., A. Mori, Grasso, D.A. (1994). "Behavioural ecology of the obligatory slave-making ant, Polyergus rufescens Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) A review." Mem. Zool. 48: 133-146.

    18. Smith, M. R. (1947). "A study of Polyergus in the United States, based on the workers (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Am. Midl. Nat. 38: 150-161.

    19. Topoff, H. (1990). "The evolution of slave-making behavior in the parasitic ant genus Polyergus." Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 2: 284-287.

    20. Topoff, H., D. Bodoni, et al. (1987). "The role of scouting in slave raids by Polyergus breviceps (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Psyche 94: 261-270.
      Slave raids by Polyergus breviceps are initiated by one or more scouts which locate target colonies of Formica gnava, and recruit nestmates to participate in group raids. Field studies in southeastern Arizona showed that scouting comprises two distinct phases. The first is a lienar movement away from the nest, during which no searching occurs. This is followed by sideways movements, a phase characterized by intensive searching under rocks and leaf litter throughout a limited sector. Sometimes, the scout takes a different route on the outbound run, return trip, and slave raid respectively. The distinctness among these three paths is consistent with the hypothesis that scouts rely primarily on visual orientation. The importanmce of scouts was determined by their systematic removal, resulting in the absence of raiding on 9 out of 11 days. When scouting was subsequently permitted, raids occurred on 9 out of 12 days.

    21. Topoff, H., S. Cover, et al. (1988). "Colony founding by queens of the obligatory slave-making ant, Polyergus breviceps: the role of the Dufour gland." Ethology 78: 209-218.
      We conducted laboratory studies of the process by which newly-mated queens of the slave-making ant Polyergus breviceps invade colonies of their host species Formica gnava, kill the resident Formica queen, and appropriate the brood. The aggressive behavior of resident Formica workers towards the invading Polyergus queen subside shortly after the Formica queen has been killed. To elucidate the chemical basis for the reduction in aggression, we prepared extracts of Dufour's, pygidial and poison glands from Polyergus queens. Workers of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex occidentalis were daubed with these extracts, and introduced into dishes containing Formica workers. Only the Dufour's secretion protected the intruding ants from incessant aggression by formica. Preliminary studies also show that the enlarged, bilobed Dufour's gland of the Polyergus queen decreses in size shortly after mating, when developing oocytes occupy a significant portion of the queen's gaster.

    22. Topoff, H., S. Cover, et al. (1989). "Behavioral adaptations for raiding in the slave-making ant, Polyergus breviceps." J. Insect Behav. 2: 545-556.

    23. Topoff, H. and L. Greenberg (1988). "Mating behavior of the socially-parasitic ant Polyergus breviceps: the role of the mandibular glands." Psyche 95: 81-87.

    24. Topoff, H., B. LaMon, et al. (1985). "Ecology of raiding behavior in the western slave-making ant Polyergus breviceps (Formicidae)." Southwest. Nat. 30: 259-267.
      Population characteristics of the western slave-making ant Polyergus breviceps were studied during the summer of 1981, in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona. Slave raids were conducted on colonies of Formica gnava in late afternoon, past the peak in diurnal temperature. During the mating season, few to several hundred winged queens might accompany the slava raid swarm. The median numbers of Polyergus workers participating in the slave raids were 1,189, 1,784, and 2,234 for the three study colonies, and up to 2,800 Formica pupae might be captured during a single day's raid. Thus colony size and booty capture for P. breviceps were 3-7 times larger than for the closely related eastern species P. lucidus. It is hypothesized that this discrepancy is due to the milder winters in southeastern Arizona, which may lead to increased survivorship and a longer season of brood production.

    25. Topoff, H. and R. Mendez (1990). "Slave raid by a diminutive colony of the socially parasitic ant, Polyergus breviceps (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 3: 819-821.

    26. Topoff, H., M. Pagani, et al. (1985). "Orientation behavior of the slave-making ant Polyergus breviceps in an oak-woodland habitat." J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 93: 1041-1046.
      The orientation behavior of Polyergus breviceps was studied in an oak- juniper woodland in southeastern Arizona. Target colonies of Formica gnava were scattered in all compass directions around the Polyergus nests. Tests conducted at the front of the slave-raid swarm showed that optical stimuli, especially polarized light, are the principal cues for worker orientation. There was no evidence that the ants were following a chemical trail previously deposited by a successful scout. After the slave raid, workers of Polyergus returned to their home nest by responding simultaneously to optical cues and to a chemical trail that they had deposited during the outbound raid. although it is possible that naive individuals, scouting for the first time, may indeed rely more heavily on a chemical trail, all evidence to date indicates that experienced scouts utilize optical orientation.

    27. Topoff, H. and E. Zimmerli (1993). "Colony takeover by a socially parasitic ant, Polyergus breviceps: the role of chemicals obtained during host-queen killing." Anim. Behav. 46: 479-486.
      The behavioural adaptations of parasitic ant queens are more complex than those of parasitic birds, in which the egg-laying female approaches the nest only when the host parents are absent, and leaves immediately after egg deposition. Queens of the socially parasitic ant Polyergus breviceps are incapable of rearing their own brood, and therefore require the assistance of host Formica workers soon after egg laying. Accordingly, a newly mated Polyergus queen must penetrate a nest of Formica, kill the host queen, and become permanently accepted by the slave species' workers. Laboratory tests show that a Polyergus queen will similarly attack and bite a dead (and therefore motionless) Formica queen. Immediately after attacking the dead host queen, the Polyergus queen will be accepted by workers from any colony of Formica belonging to the same species of the dead queen (but will be attacked by workers from other Formica species). Preliminary results also indicate that any adoption-facilitating chemicals obtained by the Polyergus queen are still effective 1 week after killing the host Formica queen. When Polyergus queens raised in colonies containing F. gnava were introduced into nests of F. occulta, most showed little interest in attacking the resident Formica queen. In four of 10 tests, however, the Polyergus queen killed the foreign queen and was accepted by the F. occulta workers. Such chemical transfer of foreign-queen odours may have played a key role in the evolution of social parasitism in Polyergus.

    28. Topoff, H. R. (1985). "Effect of overfeeding on raiding behavior in the western slave-making ant Polyergus breviceps." Natl. Geogr. Res. 1: 437-441.

    29. Wheeler, J. (1968). "Male genitalia and the taxonomy of Polyergus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 70: 156-164. [Erratum: Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 70: 254.]

    30. Zimmerli, E. J. (1993). Olfactory recognition processes in the interactions between the slavemaking ant Polyergus breviceps and its Formica hosts, Ph.D. dissert., City University of New York, 116 p. [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 54: 542] [Order # AAC 9315523]

    31. Zimmerli, E. and H. Topoff (1994). "Queens of the socially parasitic ant Polyergus do not kill queens of Formica that have not formed colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 7: 119-121.

    32. Zimmerli, E. J. and A. Mori (1993). "The role of an attractive brood pheromone in the obligatory, slavemaking ant, Polyergus breviceps (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 6: 761-770.



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