1758 - 2004
Здесь я подобрал основные работы по роду Odontomachus, который в базе Formis-2003 упоминается в 487 статьях, в том числе в заголовках 54 из них:
Brandao, C. R. F. (1983). "Sequential ethograms along colony development of Odontomachus affinis Guerin (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae)." Insect. Soc. 30: 193-203.
Brown, W. L., Jr. (1976). "Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. Part VI. Ponerinae, tribe Ponerini, subtribe Odontomachiti. Section A. Introduction, subtribal characters. Genus Odontomachus." Stud. Entomol. 19: 67-171.
Brown, W. L., Jr. (1978 ("1977")). "A supplement to the world revision of Odontomachus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Psyche 84: 281-285.
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Caetano, F. H. and A. L. Lage Filho (1983 ("1982")). "Anatomia e histologia do trato digestivo de formigas do genero Odontomachus (Hymenoptera, Ponerinae)." Naturalia 7: 125-134.
Colombel, M. P. (1971). "Etude de l'inhibition de la ponte des ouvrieres d'Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hym. form. poneridae)." C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. D Sci. Nat. 272: 970-972.
Исследование ингибиции яйцекладки у рабочих Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae)
Colombel, P. (1968). "Mise en evidence d'une pherormone d'alarme chez la fourmi Odontomachus haematodes (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Poneridae)." C. R. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. Ser. D. Sci. Nat. 266: 806-807.
Colombel, P. (1970). "Recherches sur la biologie et l'ethologie d'Odontomachus haematodes L.; Hym., Formicoidea Poneridae: Biologie des reines." Insect. Soc. 17: 199-204.
Colombel, P. (1970). "Recherches sur la biologie et l'ethologie d'Odontomachus haematodes L.; Hym., Formicoidea, Poneridae: Etude des populations dans leur milieu naturel." Insect. Soc. 17: 183-198.
Colombel, P. (1970). Recherches sur la biologie et l'hethologie d'Odontomachus haematodes L. Latreille (Hym. Formicoidea Poneridae), These Doctorat иs Sciences, Fac. Sc. Toulouse.
Cited from: Bruniquel, S., 1970, Recherches preliminaires sur la biologie d'Aphaenogaster subterranea Latr. (Formicoidea - Myrmicidae). Le nombre social chez cette fourmi, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 106: 7-16.
Colombel, P. (1971). "Effet de groupe et ponte des ouvrieres orphelines d'Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hym. form. poneridae)." C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. D Sci. Nat. 272: 2710-2712.
Эффект группы и яйцекладка у рабочих Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Poneridae)
Colombel, P. (1971). "Recherches sur l'ethologie et la biologie d'Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea, Poneridae)." Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 107: 442-459.
Colombel, P. (1971). "Etude biometrique du couvain et des adultes d'Odontomachus haematodes (Hym. Form. Poneridae)." Ann. Fac. Sci. Univ. Fed. Cameroun 6: 53-71.
Colombel, P. (1972). "Etude de l'evolution et de la fondation par greffe des colonies d'Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hym., Form.; Poneridae)." Biol. Gabon. 8: 369-381.
Colombel, P. (1972). "Recherches sur la biologie et l'ethologie d'Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hym. Formicoidea, Poneridae): biologie des ouvriиres." Insect. Soc. 19: 171-194.
Colombel, P. (1974). "L' elevage artificiel du couvain d' Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hym. Form. Ponerinae) et la differentciation trophogenique des ouvriиres et des reines." C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie D 279: 489-491.
Лабораторное разведение и трофогенная дифференциация рабочих маток Odontomachus haematodes L.
Colombel, P. (1978). "Biologie d'Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hym., Form.). Determinisme de la caste femelle." Insect. Soc. 25: 141-151.
Определение каст у личинок самок Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
Colombel, P. and P. Rochegude (1979). "Etude de l'activite cardiaque d'une larve d'Odontomachus haematodes L. Hym., Form. Poneridae par un nouveau procede optique." Insect. Soc. 26: 264-270.
= Study on the cardiac activity of Odontomachus haematodes L. (Hymenoptera, Formiidae, Poneridae) by a new optical procedure
Dejean, A. (1980). "Etude comparee du comportement de predation d'une fourmi primitive : Odontomachus troglodytes (Formicidae, Ponerinae) et de trois fourmis de la tribu des Dacetini : Strumygenys rufobrunea, Serrastruma serrula, Smithistruma emarginata (Formicidae, Myrmicinae) en prйsence de leur proie habituelle (Termite pour les Odontomachus, Collemboles pour les Dacetini." Bull. Inter. SFECA 2: 43-63.
Dejean, A. (1984). Le comportement d'ouvrieres chasseresses d'Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi (Formicidae, Ponerinae) devant une proie pourvue d'un systиme anti-predateur chimique, C. R. Coll. SFECA, Processus d'acquisition prйcoce : les communications, Barcelona. p. 427-435.
Dejean, A. (1988). "Memory effect on predatory behavior of Odontomachus troglodytes (Formicidae, Ponerinae)." Behaviour 107: 131-137.
Dejean, A. and E. P. Bashingwa (1985). "La predation chez Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi (Formicidae, Ponerinae)." Insect. Soc. 32: 23-42.
= Predatory behavior in Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi (Formicidae: Ponerinae).
Dejean, A. and B. Corbara (1990). The role of memory on the orientation of three ponerine ants: Odontomachus troglodytes, Pachycondyla soror and Brachyponera senaarensis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Social insects in the environment. G. K. Veeresh, B. Mallik and C. A. Viraktamath. New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd.: 204.
Proc. 11th Int. Congr. IUSSI
Dejean, A. and J. P. Lachaud (1991). "Polyethism in the Ponerine ant Odontomachus troglodyes. Interaction of age and interindividual variability." Sociobiology 18: 177-196.
Dejean, A., D. Masens, et al. (1984 (1983)). "Premiere approche des modalites du retour au nid chez les ouvrieres chasseresses d'Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi (Formicidae, Ponerinae)." Actes Coll. Insect. Soc. 1: 39-47.
Deyrup, M., J. Trager, et al. (1985). "The genus Odontomachus in the southeastern United States (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomol. News 96: 188-195.
Donisthorpe, H. (1940). "Some new forms of Odontomachus (Hym., Formicidae)." Entomologist 73: 106-109.
Emery, C. 1911. Hymenoptera Fam. Formicidae Subfam. Ponerinae. in Wytsman. P. (ed.), Genera Insectorum. Brussels Fasc. 118 125 pp.
Ehmer, B. and W. Gronenberg (1997). "Proprioceptors and fast antennal reflexes in the ant Odontomachus (Formicidae, Ponerinae)." Cell Tissue Res. 290: 153-165.
Fowler, H. G. (1980). "Populations, prey capture and sharing, and foraging of the Paraguayan ponerine Odontomachus chelifer Latreille." J. Nat. Hist. 14: 79-84.
Gronenberg, W. (1995). "The fast mandible strike in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus. I. Temporal properties and morphological characteristics." J. Comp. Physiol. A Sens. Neural Behav. Physiol. 176: 391-398.
Ants of the ponerine genus Odontomachus employ a trap-jaw mechanism that allows them to instantaneously close their long, sturdy mandibles to catch prey or to defend themselves. Photoelectric scanning has revealed that these trap-jaws can be closed in less than 0.5 ms and that they decelerate before they collide with each other. The mandible strike is released in a reflex-like action when particular trigger hairs are touched. This reflex takes 4 to 10 ms and is probably the fastest reflex yet described for any animal. This speed is based on a catch mechanism in the mandible joint that keeps the extended mandibles open during contraction of the powerful closer muscle and allows the potential energy it produces to be stored within cuticular elements, apodemes, and the closer muscle itself. During a strike a relatively small specialized trigger muscle unlocks the catch, instantaneously releasing the stored energy to accelerate the mandible.
Gronenberg, W. (1995). "The fast mandible strike in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus. II. Motor control." J. Comp. Physiol. A Sens. Neural Behav. Physiol. 176: 399-408.
Gronenberg, W. and J. Tautz (1994). "The sensory basis for the trap-jaw mechanism in the ant Odontomachus bauri." J. Comp. Physiol. A Sens. Neural Behav. Physiol. 174(1): 49-60.
Ants of the ponerine genus Odontomachus have evolved a mechanism that allows them to instantaneously close their long mandibles to catch prey or defend themselves. This trap-jaw action is triggered by contact of trigger hairs with a potential prey item. Two of these long mechanosensory hair sensilla reside proximally on each mandible and are supplied by giant sensory cells. Extracellular recordings demonstrate that the sensory cells respond to tactile stimulation. Their phasic responses encode amplitude and velocity of hair-deflection away from the midline, but not hair position. The discharge of action potentials follows stimulus frequencies of more than 300 Hz. During sinusoidal stimulation, the cells adapt very little, sustain discharge rates of more than 200 Hz for more than 20 s, and reach peak spike rates of about 450 Hz. The afferent axons of these sensory cells give rise to huge axon terminals within the suboesophageal ganglion. One of the afferents has a prominent contralateral branch, the other is confined to ipsilateral neuropil. Anatomical data indicate that the 4 afferents may be coupled and may serve as the substrate for a very fast reflex.
Gronenberg, W., J. Tautz, et Holldobler, B. (1993). "Fast trap jaws and giant neurons in the ant Odontomachus." Science 262: 561-563.
Ants of the ponerine genus Odontomachus use a trap jaw mechanism when hunting fast prey. When particular trigger hairs, located on the inner edge of the mandibles, are touched by prey, the jaws close extremely rapidly and trap the target. This trap jaw response lasts only 0.33 to 1 millisecond. Electrophysiological recordings demonstrated that the trigger hairs function as mechanoreceptors. Associated with each trigger hair are large sensory cells, the sensory axons of which measure 15 to 20 micrometers in diameter. These are among the largest sensory neurons, and their size implies that these axons conduct information very rapidly.
Horvitz, C. C. (1981). "Analysis of how ant behaviors affect germination in a tropical myrmecochore Calathea microcephala (P. & E) Koernicke (Marantaceae): microsite selection and aril removal by neotropical ants, Odontomachus, Pachycondyla, and Solenopsis (Formicidae)." Oecologia 51: 47-52.
Ito, F., N. R. Yusoff, et al. (1996). "Colony composition and queen behavior in polygynous colonies of the Oriental ponerine ant Odontomachus rixosus (Hymenoptera Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 77-86.
Jaffe, K. and M. Marcuse (1984 (1983)). "Nestmate recognition and territorial behaviour in the ant Odontomachus bauri Emery (Formicidae: Ponerinae)." Insect. Soc. 30: 466-481.
Odontomachus bauri workers recognize conspecifics from other colonies and ants of different species as aliens. Colony specific recognition is based on endogenous odours, present in the different body parts. The chemicals responsible for these odours are volatiles, insoluble in water and soluble in CH2Cl2. No influence of the environment on the recognition signals could be detected. Evidence of intercolony differences in the relative proportions of the different volatile substances of cephalic and abdominal pheromones are presented. Thus, it is postulated that nestmate recognition is based on relative proportions of volatiles produced by the ant in different parts of the body. On the other hand, evidence of territorial defence is presented. Territorial pheromones, in case they exist in this species, are not necessary for recognition of territories, as is the case in other ant species. The possible relationship between nestmate recognition systems and territorial behaviour is discussed and an evolutionary hypothesis of their development is presented.
Just, S. and W. Gronenberg (1999). "The control of mandible movements in the ant Odontomachus." J. Insect Physiol. 45: 231-240.
*[Origin of colonies not give, both species widely distributed in N. & S. America; work done in Germany.]
Kempf, W. W. (1974). "A remarkable new Neotropical species in the ant genus Odontomachus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Stud. Entomol. 17: 551-553.
Kugler, C. (1980). "Odontomachus cornutus rediscovered (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)." J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 53: 225-229.
Lachaud, J. P. and A. Dejean (1991). "Food sharing in Odontomachus troglodytes (Santschi): a behavioral intermediate stage in the evolution of social food exchange in ants." Univ. Murcia An. Biol. 17: 53-61.
Latreille, P.A. (1804). Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris Vol. 24. [p. 179].
Ledoux, A. (1952). "Recherches preliminaires sur quelques points de la biologie d'Odontomachus assiniensis Latr. (Hym. Formicoidea)." Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool 14: 231-248.
Longhurst, C., R. Baker, et al. (1978). "Alkylpyrazines in ponerine ants: their presence in three genera, and caste specific behavioural responses to them in Odontomachus troglodytes Anochetus sedilloti and Brachyponera sennaarensis." J. Insect Physiol. 24: 833-837.
Mavita, T. (1984). Evaluation de la surface du champ trophoporique chez trois especes de Fourmis (Myrmicaria opaciventris, Odontomachus troglodytes et Brachyponera senaarensis), Memoire de graduat., Kikwit, Zaire.
Cited from: Suzzoni, J.P., Kenne, M., & Dejean, A., 1994, The Ecology and Distribution of Myrmicaria opaciventris, p. 133-150, In D.F. Williams (ed.), Exotic ants: Biology, impact, and control of introduced species, Westview Press, Boulder, CO. 332 p.
Mayr, G.L. 1862. Myrmecologische Studien. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 12: Abhand. 649-776.
Mayr, G.L. 1867. Adnotationes in Monographiam formicidarum Indo-Neerlandicarum. Tijdschr. Entomol. 10: 33-117.
Morisita, M. (1987). "Problems on Odontomachus in Japan. [Abstract] [in Japanese]." Ari 15: 4-5.
Nomura, K. (1935). "On Odontomachus monticola formosae found from Tanegashima Is., Kyushu. [in Japanese]." Mushi 8: 58.
Oliveira, P. S. and B. Holldobler (1989). "Orientation and communication in the neotropical ant Odontomachus bauri Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae)." Ethology 83: 154-166.
*[Ants collected in Panama, experimental work done at Harvard, Mass.]
Powell, S. and W. Tschinkel (1999). "Ritualized conflict in Odontomachus brunneus and the generation of interaction-based task allocation: a new organizational mechanism in ants." Anim. Behav. 58: 965-972.
Rodriguez-Acosta, A. and M. Reyes-Lugo (2002). "Severe human urticaria produced by ant (Odontomachus bauri, Emery 1892) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) venom." Intern. J. Dermatol. 41: 801-803.
Rodriguez Garza, J. A. (1997). "Ergatandromorphism in Odontomachus clarus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomol. News 108: 236-238.
Smith, F. 1858. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part 6. Formicidae. London : British Museum 216 pp.
Smith, F. (1863). Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. 7 : 6–48
Smith, M. R. (1939). "A study of the subspecies of Odontomachus haematoda (L.) of the United States (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 47: 125-130.
Sorger, D. M. and H. Zettel. 2011. On the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Philippine Islands: V. The genus Odontomachus Latreille, 1804. Myrmecological News 14: 141-163.
Описаны три новых вида рода Odontomachus Latreille, 1804 с Филиппинских островов, на котрых теперь 11 видов этого рода, включающего в мировой фауне 67 видов (64+3 новых).
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van Walsum E., B. Gobin, et Ito F., Billen J. (1998). "Worker reproduction in the ponerine ant Odontomachus simillimus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 32: 427-440.
The occurrence of worker reproduction in queenright and orphaned conditions was studied in the monogynous south-east Asian ponerine ant O. simillimus. Age (physiological factor), body size and number of ovarioles (morphological factors) and antagonistic interactions among workers and egg cannibalism (social factors) were measured as possible correlates of reproductive activity. In presence of the queen, the majority of the dissected workers had weakly or undeveloped ovaries. Worker egg laying was only rarely observed and these eggs were offered to and eaten by the queen. After a 2 week orphanage period though, half of the workers had acquired moderately developed ovaries. Three weeks later, there was a drop in ovarian development of the majority of workers, but a small portion of the workers (+/- 20%) acquired strongly developed ovaries. Observations have shown that these were also the main egg layers, so male production in the absence of the queen was performed by only a limited portion of the workers. Ovarian development of workers was not correlated with body size or number of ovarioles, but there was a clear relationship with age, the young workers being the reproductive individuals. Vigorous antennations among the egg layers and attempts to steal each other's eggs were observed and their significance as social factors regulating reproduction is discussed. Egg cannibalism occurred mostly during the first two weeks after orphanage, but its role concerning the regulation of worker reproduction is not clear.
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Weyer, F. (1930). "Uber das 'Springen' von Odontomachus." Zool. Anz. 90: 49-55.
Wilson, E. O. (1959). Studies on the ant fauna of Melanesia V. The tribe Odontomachini. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 120 : 483–510