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Муравьи   рода   Messor (5)

Messor:   1-Intro 2-RU  3-World  4-Reg  5-Lit




1758 - 2004

    Род Messor упоминается в 793 статьях (в том числе в заголовках 242 статей), использованной здесь базы Formis-2003. Среди них 7 диссертаций по этому роду.

    1. Арнольди К. В. (1968). Важные дополнения к мирмекофауне (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) СССР и описание новых форм // Зоол. журн. 1968. Т. 48, № 12. С. 1800 – 1822.
      В этой статье (в числе прочих новинок) был описан Messor lamellicornis K.Arnoldi, 1968. Описано 20 таксонов: 1 новый род, 2 новых подрода, 11 новых видов, 7 подвидов. Новые для фауны СССР подсемейство, триба и новый род.

    2. Арнольди К. В. (1970). "Новые виды и расы муравьев рода Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Зоол.журн. 49: 72-88.
      Описаны 8 новых видов и 2 подвида из Средней Азии и Казахстана и 1 вид из Талышских гор (закавказье): M. diabarensis, M. kasakorum, M. kisilkumensis, M. marikovskii, M. olegianus, M. perantennatus, M. striatellus, M. subgracilinoclis, & M. valentinae = n.sp. M. kasakorum nadezhdae & M. rufitarsis tadzhikorum, = n.ssp. M. barbarus aralocaspius Kuznetzov-Ugamskij 1927 как n.syn. вида M. subgracilinodis.

    3. Арнольди К. В. (1977). "Обзор муравьев-жнецов рода Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) фауны СССР." Зоол.журн. 56: 1637-1648.
      Описаны новые подвиды M. caducus caucasicola, M. caducus glabrescens, M. melancholicus schelkovnikovi, & M. clivorum turcmenochorassanicus.

    4. Длусский Г. М. (1981). "Муравьи пустынь". М., 1981. 230 с.

    5. Калюжная Н. С., Кобылина Ж. В. (Савранская Ж. В.). Фауна муравьев Калмыкии в условиях интенсивного опустынивания // Фауна и экология животных Черных земель. Элиста, 1993. С. 19 – 44.

    6. Кауль Р. М., Ерышов В. И. Особенности начального этапа организации потока фуражиров у муравьев-жнецов Messor denticulatus // «Муравьи и защита леса»: Матер. IX Всес. мирмекол. симп. М., 1991. С. 110 – 112.

    7. Кравченко М. А. Поведение дернового муравья (Tetramorium caespitum) при захвате гнезда муравьев Messor clivorum // «Муравьи и защита леса»: Матер Х Всерос. мирмекол. симп. М., 1998. С. 111 – 112.

    8. Кузнецов-Угамский Н. Н. Формы рода Messor в фауне Средней Азии // Тр. САГУ. Сер. 8А. Зоология. 1929. Вып. 6. С. 3 – 28.

    9. Мариковский П. И. Муравей-жнец Messor barbarus как индикатор грунтовых вод в зоне пустыни // Тр. ин-та зоол. и паразитол. АН КазССР. 1957. № 6. С. 197 – 199.

    10. Мариковский П. И. Муравей-жнец Messor aralocaspius и его содержание в неволе // Зоол. журн. 1970. Т. 49, № 8. С. 1158 – 1166.

    11. Мариковский П. И. "Маленькие труженики пустыни". Алма-Ата, 1974. 157 с.

    12. Мариковский П. И. "Муравьи пустынь Семиречья". Алма-Ата, 1979. 274 с.

    13. Сапарлыев К. Муравьи-жнецы (Messor) сельскохозяйственных угодий Южной Туркмении // Изв. АН ТССР, сер. биол. 1971. № 4. С. 76 – 79.

    14. Сапарлыев К. Строение гнезд, численность и биомасса семей муравьев-жнецов Messor aralocaspius и M. denticulatus // Изв. АН ТССР, сер. биол. 1972. № 1. С. 61 – 64.

    15. Сапарлыев К. Муравьи-жнецы рода Messor Южной Туркмении. Автореф. канд. дисс. Ашхабад, 1973. 21 с.

    16. Сапарлыев К. Хозяйственное значение муравьев рода Messor // «Муравьи и защита леса»: Матер. V Всес. мирмекол. симп. М., 1975. С. 114 – 116.

    17. Baroni Urbani, C. (1991). "Evolutionary aspects of foraging efficiency and niche shift in two sympatric seed-harvesting ants (Messor) (Hymenoptera Formicidae)." Ethol. Ecol. Evol. Spec. Issue 1: 75-79.
      Messor capitatus and M. structor often coexist in narrow sympatry in central Italy and show very similar food preferences. These two species differ markedly from each other in their recruitment mechanism. By measuring the foragers' efficiency in transporting seeds into the nest, it appears that both species show a remarkable tendency to 're-create' the seed distribution most suited to its own recruiting mechanism. Such strategies, of course, imply a much greater number of foragers and longer handling times. The resulting apparent waste of energy can be justified by the fact that the gain obtained from a single seed is much greater than the energy necessary to search for and carrying it under any conceivable circumstances (Nielsen & Baroni Urbani 1990). Nevertheless, this way of 'improving' the natural seed distribution may be difficult to explain by mutual competition alone. The sameselection pressure acting on both species may have successively shaped their behaviour as follows: secondary loss of trophallaxis -> inadequate food distribution within the nest -> need to involve a higher number of foragers for seed transport in order to ensure better intranidal distribution. Nearctic sed harvesting ants of the genus Pogonomyrmex also seem to lack trophallactic behaviour, but it is argued that both genera are likely to have acquired this character by convergence as a secondary adaptation to solid food ingestion, rather than by common descent.

    18. Baroni Urbani, C. (1992). "Factors affecting seed preference among old world harvester ants of the genus Messor." Ethol. Ecol. Evol. Spec. Issue 2: 73-80.
      Abundant literature references suggest that seeds, in order to increase their dispersal capacity, developed elaiosomes in order to attract the ants (myrmecochory). Ants have even been reported to consume the elaiosomes only and to carry the remaining seeds out of the nest. Under standard laboratory conditions, foragers of Messor semirufus - a seed-harvesting ant species - do not discriminate between seeds of a myrmecochorous plant (Luzula multiflora) with elaiosomes and seeds from which the elaiosomes have been artificially removed. If confronted with an equal mass of seeds or of elaiosomes only, the ants regularly prefer the seeds. Elaiosomes glued to very light (Ќ 5 mg) , artificial seeds (styrofoam spheres coated with flour), elicited no transport into the nest among the ants. The same artificial seeds without elaiosomes but loaded with a 50 mg lead weight elicited a strong transport reaction. To explain these results, the following evolutionary steps are suggested: (1) Plant production of seeds with appendages containing food reserves in order to attract the ants. (2) Ant species broadening their alimentary spectrum to whole seeds and specializing essentially on this diet. (3) Ant ability to colonize xeric areas where seeds represent the main source of food. (4) Plant advantage to have a proportion of their seeds stored at great depths in the soil of desert habitats and the redundancy of the nutrient appendages of the seeds.

    19. Baroni Urbani, C. and M. G. Nielsen (1990). "Energetics and foraging behaviour of the European seed harvesting ant Messor capitatus. II. Do ants optimize their harvesting?" Physiol. Entomol. 15: 449-461.
      The preference in seed selection by Messor capitatus (Latreille) was studied with artificial seeds (weighted styropore spheres) in the laboratory and with natural seeds in the field. The laboratory experiments showed no strong preference for size of the artificial seeds in the range 3-8 mm (diameter). A mass of about 400 mg was selected when artificial seeds of 5-5.5 mm were offered at different distances from the nest. In the field experiments, crushed seeds were placed 2 m from the nest and ants showed a clear preference for the size class 2.0-3.0 mm in diameter, which is much smaller and lighter than the preference for artificial seeds. The preference of seeds of different plants showed very big variability. There was no correlation between the preference and any of the following variables of the seeds: fresh mass, dry mass, water content, energy content, and nitrogen content. No evidence for energy optimizing in food selection in Messor capitatus was found. The energetic reward of bringing any seed back to the nest will, under all normal conditions, be much higher than the energetic expenditure. For example, the energetic content in a wheat seed is about 650 Joule, which is sufficient energy for a worker ant of Messor capitatus to carry the seed for a distance of 6.5 km at a temperature of 30°C.

    20. Bernard, F. (1974 ("1973")). "Evolution et biogйographie des Messor et Cratomyrmex, fourmis moissonneuses de l'ancien monde." C. R. Seances Soc. Biogeogr. 50: 19-32.
      = Evolution and biogeography of Messor and Cratomyrmex, harvester ants of the old world

    21. Bernard, F. (1980 ("1979")). "Messor carthaginensis n. sp., de Tunis, et rйvision des Messor du groupe barbara (Hym. Formicidae)." Bull. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 84: 265-269.
      = Messor carthaginensis n. sp. from Tunis, and revision of Messor of the barbara group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). *[M. carthaginensis is described from Tunis; other species from other locations used in comparisons.]

    22. Bernard, F. (1981). Revision of the genus Messor (harvesting ants) on a biometrical basis. Biosystematics of social insects. Systematics Association Special Volume No. 19. P. E. Howse and J. L. Clement. London. 346 p., Academic Press: 141-145.

    23. Bolton, B. (1982). "Afrotropical species of the myrmicine ant genera Cardiocondyla, Leptothorax, Melissotarsus, Messor and Cataulacus (Formicidae)." Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Entomol. 45: 307-370. Ревизия родов Cardiocondyla, Cataulacus, & Leptothorax для Афротропики (Эфиопского региона)

    24. Brand, J. M. and S. P. Mpuru (1993). "Dufour's gland and poison gland chemistry of the myrmicine ant, Messor capensis (Mayr)." J. Chem. Ecol. 19(7): 1315-1320. The Cape harvester ant, Messor capensis (Mayr), is widespread in the more arid regions of southern Africa, where it forms trails many meters long and harvests considerable quantities of seeds. The poison gland contains primarily the alkaloid, anabaseine, with minor amounts of the related alkaloid, anabasine, and an unidentified compound. The Dufour's gland contains predominanЩly alkanes and alkenes of carbon chain length 12-23. n-Pentadecane is the major component, with lesser amounts of n-pentadecene, n-tridecane, n-heptadecane, n-tetradecane, n-heneicosene, and n-tricosene. The dienes, n-heneicosadiene and n-tricosadiene are rather unusual components of the Dufour's gland of ants.

    25. Cagniant, H. and X. Espadaler (1998 ("1997")). "Le genre Messor au Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. (N.S.) 33: 419-434. = The ant genus Messor in Morocco (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).

    26. Cerdan, P. (1989). Etude de la biologie, de l'ecologie et du comportement des fourmis moissonneuses du genre Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) en Crau, These de l'Universite de Provence en ecologie des ecosystemes mediterranйens continentaux, 257 p.

    27. Co, J. E., T. H. Jones, Hefetz, A., Tinaut, A., Snelling, R.R. (2003). "The comparative exocrine chemistry of nine Old World species of Messor (Formicidae: Myrmicinae)." Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 31: 367-373. A comparative study of the exocrine chemistry of Messor bouvieri, M. barbarus, M. lusitanicus, M. marocanus, M. arenarius, M. ebeninus, M. rugosus, M. angularis, and M. cephalotes has been carried out. Anabasine and related nicotinoids were detected in all these species except for M. barbarus, M. lusitanicus, and M. rugosus. The alkenes from the Dufour's glands of these ants were shown to be 1-alkenes by derivitization with dimethyldisulfide. These results are compared with previous chemical investigations of Messor species.

    28. Delalande, C. (1986). Strategies de recolte chez les fourmis Messor. Interaction avec d'autres especes de fourmis, These de Doctorat de l'Universite de Rennes, 179 p.

    29. Detrain, C. and J. Pasteels (2000). "Seed preferences of the harvester ant Messor barbarus in a Mediterranean mosaic grassland." Sociobiology 35: 35-48.

    30. Finzi, B. (1929). "Le forme italiane del genere Messor." Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. 61: 75-94.

    31. Gordon, S. A. H. (1978). Food and foraging ecology of a desert harvester ant, Veromessor pergandei (Mayr), Ph.D. dissert., University of California at Berkeley, 195 p. *[opportunistic predation on swarming termites was observed] [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 40: 61] [Order # 7914618]

    32. Hahn, M. and U. Maschwitz (1985). "Foraging strategies and recruitment behaviour in the European harvester ant Messor rufitarsis (F.)." Oecologia 68: 45-51. Most of the approximately 40 species of the Old World harvester ant genus Messor live in warm and dry Mediterranean areas. One species, M. rufitarsis, is found in isolated Northern temperate habitats in Rheinhessen and the Rheingau area in Hessen, West Germany. These habitats are characterized by a great diversity of spermatophytes, so that permanently changing seed resources are available for the ants during the growing period. M. rufitarsis has maintained its granivorous specialization under these habitat conditions and collects most of the seed resources, which show a large fluctuation in quantity, quality and distribution pattern throughout the year. M. rufitarsis is very flexible in using different foraging strategies. For discovering newly ripened food resources and collecting wide-spread single seeds, an individual foraging strategy is used. However, dense seed resources are exploited through an effective recruitment system. Nestmates are guided to the feeding place by means of orientation-recruitment trails from Dufour's gland. Additional invitation behaviour enhances the success of recruitment. From analysis of slow-motion movies it is concluded that stridulation is the crucial signal of the invitation behaviour.

    33. Harkness, R. D. and V. Isham (1988). "Relations between nests of Messor wasmanni in Greece." Insect. Soc. 35: 1-18.

    34. Johnson, R. A. (1989). The evolution and ecology of learning in the seed-harvester ants Veromessor pergandei and Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Ph.D. dissert., Arizona State University, 151 P. [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 50: 2255] [Order # 8919615]

    35. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. (1927). "Vorlaufige Uebersicht uber die mittelasiatischen Formen der Gattung Messor (Hym., Form.)." Folia Myrmecol. Termit. 1: 89-94.

    36. Levieux, J. (1979). "La nutrition des fourmis granivores IV. Cycle d' activite et regime alimentaire de Messor galla et de Messor (= Cratomyrmex) regalis en saison des pluies Fluctuations annuelles. Discussion." Insect. Soc. 26: 279-294. [= The nutrition of granivorous ants. IV. Cycle of activity and diet of Messor galla and Messor (= Cratomyrmex) regalis in the rainy season. Seasonal variations. Discussion] This study deals with the seasonal variations of foraging activity of two species of granivorous ants: Messor galla and Messor regalis in the southern part of the Sudan Savannas of the north-eastern Ivory coast (vicinity of Ferkessedougou). Several examples of cycles of activity are given: in dry season (December) in an undistrbed area, i. e. rich in seeds, foraging is mainly nocturnal with a peak in the morning. If harder climatic conditions prevail, as at Niamey (Niger) in dry season, activity becomes strictly nocturnal. During the rain season the northern Ivory Coast and the dry season in devastated areas, when the quantity of available seeds is low, the foraging activity becomes mainly diurnal and the foraging columns less organized. The numbers of workers returning to the nest laden with seedss influence the duration of the phase of activity: lower values shorten the collecting phase. M. galla eats seeds of Compositae, Cyperacese and Concolvulaceae. Most often when seeds are scarce, M. regalis does not organise any foraging columns; individual workers try to collect them during the day all around the nest. Generally, the main features of foraging behaviour of African Messor do not seem to differ significantly from those of granivorous ants living in other continents.

    37. Levieux, J. and T. Diomande (1978). "La nutrition des fourmis granivores. I. Cycle d'activite et regime alimentaire de Messor galla et de Messor (=Cratomyrmex) regalis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 25: 127-130. = The nutrition of granivorus ants. I. Cycle of activity and diet of Messor galla and Messor (=Cratomyrmex) regalis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).

    38. Lomnicki, J. (1922). "Drobny przyczynek do znajomosci mrуwek zniwiarek (Messor Forel) Podola." Rozpr. Wiad. Muz. Dziedusz. Lwуw 5-6: 189-190.

    39. Lomnicki, J. (1922). "O mrуwce zniwiarce jarowej (Messor structor orientalis var. clivorum Ruzsky) z Podola." Rozpr. Wiad. Muz. Dziedusz. Lwуw 5-6: 183-188.

    40. Lorite, P., J. A. Carrillo, Tinaut, A., Palomeque, T. (2002). "Chromosome numbers in Spanish Formicidae. IV. New data of species from the genus Camponotus, Formica, Lasius, Messor and Monomorium." Sociobiology 40: 331-341. In this paper we report new karyological data from seven species belonging to subfamilies Formicinae and Myrmicinae. Among them we include two that are considered as endemic Iberian species, Formica frontalis and Formica subrufa. Also the chromosome number of Formica gerardi is reported. In Lasius brunneus, a variation on chromosome number probably due to the presence of B-chromosomes was detected. For two other species (Camponotus cruentatus and Messor barbarus) we found different chromosome numbers from those previously published. Also we confirm the chromosome number reported for Monomorium subopacum.

    41. Lorite, P., J. A. Carrillo, Tinaut, A., Palomeque, T. (2002). "Comparative study of satellite DNA in ants of the Messor genus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Gene 297: 113-122. The satellite DNA of ants Messor barbarus and Messor bouvieri is analysed. The results are compared with the satellite DNA data from Messor structor previously reported and with new data obtained from the genome of geographically distinct M. structor population, which have shown that this satellite DNA is highly conserved within the species. The satellite DNA is organized as tandemly repeated 79 bp monomers in all species. The sampled sequences of the three species show a high similarity and all belong to the same family of satellite DNA. Sequence comparisons suggested the occurrence of highly effective homogenization mechanism acting upon the ant genomes. In accordance with this hypothesis, putative gene conversion tracts are identified when the different monomers of the same species are compared. The highest sequence conservation in all species corresponds to a single region with inverted repeats. A CENP-B-like motif was found in this region. The possibility that it may be involved in the homogenization of satellite DNA is discussed.

    42. Ofer, J. (1982). The ecology of ant populations of the genus Messor and their influence on the soil and flora in pasture, Ph.D. Thesis, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Cited from: Ofer, J., R. Ikan, & O. Haber, 1982, Nitrogenous constituents in nest soils of harvester ants (Messor ebeninus) and their influence on plant growth, Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 13: 737-747.

    43. Ofer, J., R. Ikan, et Haber, O. (1982). "Nitrogenous constituents in nest soils of harvester ants (Messor ebeninus) and their influence on plant growth." Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 13: 737-747. *[The soil in ant mounds is more fertile than surrounding soil.]

    44. Onoyama, K. (1981). "Brood rearing by colony founding queens of the harvester ant Messor aciculatus." Kontyu 49: 624-640.

    45. Onoyama, K. (1981). "The ecology of the harvester ant Messor aciculatus, with some considerations on ecology of species. [In Japanese]." Nat. Insects (Konchu Shizen) 16: 23-29.

    46. Onoyama, K. (1981). "Spring aboveground activities of the harvester ant Messor aciculatus, with special reference to the flight activity." Kontyu 49: 445-460.

    47. Onoyama, K. (1982). "Foraging behavior of the harvester ant Messor aciculatus, with special reference to foraging sites and diel activity of individual ants." Jpn. J. Ecol. 32: 453-461.

    48. Onoyama, K. (1982). "Immature stages of the harvester ant Messor aciculatus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Kontyu 50: 324-329. *[found 3 larval instars.]

    49. Onoyama, K. (1982). "Which should we use - Messor aciculatus or M. aciculatum, and Formica transkaucasica or F. picea? [in Japanese]." Ari 10: 5-6.

    50. Onoyama, K. and T. Abe (1982). "Foraging behavior of the harvester ant Messor aciculatus in relation to the amount and distribution of food." Jpn. J. Ecol. 32: 383-393.

    51. Pearce, M. (1989). "Foraging of the harvester ant Messor galla Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in West Sudan with some indication of pest potential." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 125: 207-210.

    52. Provost, E. and P. Cerdan (1990). "Experimental polygyny and colony closure in the ant Messor barbarus (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Behaviour 115: 114-126.

    53. Provost, E., P. Cerdan, et al. (1992). Role of the queen in Messor barbarus colony signature. Biology and Evolution of Social Insects. J. Billen. Leuven, Leuven University Press: 195-202.

    54. Provost, E., G. Riviere, et al. (1994). "Cuticular hydrocarbons whereby Messor barbarus ant workers putatively discriminate between monogynous and polygynous colonies. Are workers labeled by queens." J. Chem. Ecol. 20: 2985-3003. The results of laboratory experiments carried out with both monogynous and artificially polygynous Messor barbarus ant colonies (which under natural conditions are always monogynous) have shown that the workers belonging to monogynous colonies were able to discriminate between intruders from other monogynous colonies and those from polygynous (di- and trigynous) ones. What mechanisms are involved in this discriminatory ability? Since differences in the relative proportions of the recognition they carry are known to convey complex messages that are used for purposes, it was proposed here to investigate whether there existed any differences in the proportions of the various hydrocarbons carried by the diverse categories of intruders tested in our experiments. It emerged that one set of hydrocarbons, which were usually present in rather small proportions and included all the families that constitute this species' chemical signature (n-alkanes, mono-, di-, and trimethylalkanes was characteristically associated with workers from monogynous colonies. Another set of hydrocarbons, which included some of the above components, mostly in larger relative proportions, can be said to have characterized the digynous and trigynous colonies.

    55. Reyes, J. L. (1985). "Descripcion de Messor celiae nov. sp. (Hym., Formicidae)." Bol. Asoc. Esp. Entomol. 9: 255-261.

    56. Reyes-Lуpez, J. L. and J. Fernandez-Haeger (2002). "Composition-dependent & density-dependent seed removal rates in the harvester ant Messor barbarus." Sociobiology 39: 475-484.

    57. Reyes-Lуpez, J. L. and J. Fernandez-Haeger (2002). "Food storage in the nest and seed selectivity in the harvester ant Messor barbarus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 39: 123-128.

    58. Rissing, S. W. (1982). "Foraging velocity of seed-harvester ants, Veromessor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Environ. Entomol. 11: 905-907. Velocity of a Veromessor pergandei (Mayr) worker either searching for seeds or returning to the nest with a seed is significantly dependent upon temperature. Velocity of an ant carrying a seed is further influenced by body size and burden ([ant mass + seed mass]/ ant mass). Although workers of this species are highly variable in size, body size significantly influences velocity of burdened ants only and does not influence unburdened ones. This may occur because workers do not run at maximum possible velocity while searching for seeds. Velocity of a worker is linear with increasing burden over the range of seed sizes harvested by these ants. Regression equation for velocity of burdened and unburdened ants in the field are presented. On the basis of the regressions, V. pergandei workers appear much larger than necessary to carry burdens normally encountered while foraging.

    59. Rissing, S. W. (1987). "Annual cycles in worker size of the seed-harvester ant Veromessor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 20: 117-124. The seed-harvester ant Veromessor pergandei Mayr is primitively polymorphic; workers are monophasically allometric. There is a distinct annual cycle in mean worker body size that replicates across colonies and habitats (Fig. 1); this cycle occurs through alteration of the worker size distribution (Fig.2). Thre is little, if any, morphospecific task specialization by workers suggesting worker size variance is a colony- level adaptation permitting maintenance of a large and constant worker force during periods of resource fluctuation. Smaller workers appear in the foraging force following the 'triple crunch' of reduced seed availability, reduced favorable times to forage, and alate production during winter months. Adult and starting V. pergandei colonies exhibit strong intraspecific territoriality, suggesting the selective advantage for maintenace of a large and constant worker force. Such selective pressures may have provided the initial variance in worker size distributions that led subsequently to specialized caste-specific task performance in more polymorphic and species.

    60. Rissing, S. W. (1988). Group foraging dynamics of the desert seed-harvester ant Veromessor pergandei (Mayr). Advances in myrmecology. J. C. Trager. Leiden, E. J. Brill: 347-353.

    61. Rissing, S. W. and G. B. Pollock (1984). "Worker size variability and foraging efficiency in Veromessor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 15: 121-126. As foragers of the harvester ant, Veromessor pergandei, travel further from their nest they spend significantly more time sampling seeds in experimental patches. Although accepted seeds are heavier than offered seeds, mass of accepted seed is not correlated with sampling time. Variably sized V. pergandei workers do not 'size-match'; little, if any, variance in size of seed selected can be attributed to body size of forager. The lack of size-matching in V. pergandei suggests individual performance may be an inadequate measure of colony foraging success.

    62. Rissing, S. W. and G. B. Pollock (1986). "Social interaction among pleometrotic queens of Veromessor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) during colony foundation." Anim. Behav. 34: 226-233. Queens of the pleometrotic seed-harvester ant Veromessor pergandei associate without respect to relatedness during colony foundation in laboratory choice tests. This species may be used as a test case for social competition where kin selection cannot occur. Co-founding queens contribute equally to the initial brood and exist without dominance prior to eclosion of their first workers. Before worker eclosion, claustral founding ants exhibit a closed-energy system. We argue that social competition cannot operate under such circumstances. Among pleometrotic, claustral founding ants, inter-queen aggression should not occur before worker emergence; this is verified for V. pergandei.

    63. Rissing, S. W. and G. B. Pollock (1987). "Queen aggression, pleometrotic advantage and brood raiding in the ant Veromessor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Anim. Behav. 35: 975-981. Co-founding Veromessor pergandei queens tended brood equally throughout colony foundation. With the appearance of foragers, however, queens began to fight, resulting in an increase of queen death rate. Worker aggression towards queens occurred only after queen fighting began and was directed only to queens damaged during fights. Starting V. pergandei colonies raided brood from nearby nests; workers exhibited nest fidelity during such raids. Colonies started by multiple queens opened 9 days earlier than those started by single queens and were more successful at brood raiding. Queens and workers of defeated, brood-raided colonies abandoned their nest and joined/invaded victor nests. Brood raiding in this and similar species may be a consequence of territoriality and the clumped distribution of starting nests. Colony foundation by multiple queens, pleometrosis, may be an evolutionary response to brood raiding.

    64. Rissing, S. W. and G. B. Pollock (1991). "An experimental analysis of pleometrotric advantage in the desert seed-harvester ant Messor pergandei (Hymenoptera; Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 38: 205-211.

    65. Rissing, S. W. and J. Wheeler (1976). "Foraging responses of Veromessor pergandei to changes in seed production (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 52: 63-72.

    66. Santschi, F. (1923). "Messor et autres fourmis palearctiques." Rev. Suisse Zool. 30: 317-336. = Messor and other palaearctic ants

    67. Santschi, F. (1927). "Revision des Messor du groupe instabilis Sm. (Hymenopt.)." Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 27: 225-250. = Revision of Messor of the instabilis group Sm. (Hymenoptera). *[Key of Messor related to instabilis]

    68. Schilliger, E. and C. Baroni Urbani (1985). "Morphologie de l'organe de stridulation et sonogrammes comparйs chez les ouvriиres de deux espиces de fourmis moissonneuses du genre Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci. Nat. 77: 377-384. The presence of a stridulatory organ is recorded for the first time in the ant genus Messor and described in detail for the workers of the two species capitatus (Latr.) and structor (Latr.). the general morphology does not differ significantly from the previously described ones but in the number of ridges which is the lowest known within the Pheidolini-Myrmicini tribe complex. The pars stridens of M. capitatus is made out of ca. 110 ridges and the one of structor of ca. 100. the closest figure known from the literature for a related (and convergent) genus is >180 in Nearctic Pogonomyrmex. Sound production in Messor appears to be particularly weak even compared with theone of other ants of similar size and reaches a maximum of 35 dB at .5 cm distance for capitatus. The maximum amplitude, indeed, varies between 4-8 kHz, a value very similar to what has been previously recorded for other ants. Oscillograms of individual clicks and click sequences show a high degree of individual variablity and it has been impossible to detect a characteristic pattern for one of the two species. It is assumed that stridulation should play the role of an unspecialized short-range alarm signal in ant social organization.

    69. Schonitzer, K., H. Dott, et Melzer, R.R. (1996). "The antenna cleaner gland in Messor rufitarsis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Tissue Cell 28: 107-113.

    70. Sheata, M. N. and A. H. Kaschef (1971). "Foraging activities of Messor aegyptiacus Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 18: 215-226.

    71. Shehata, M. N. (1974). "Effect of some insecticides on the Egyptian harvester ant, Messor aegyptiacus Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egypt, Econ. Ser. 8: 13-16.

    72. Shehata, M. N. (1977). "Effect of some insecticides on three common ants of Yemen: Messor semirufus, Cataglyphis bicolor nigra and Camponotus sericeus (Formicidae, Hymenoptera)." Ann. Zool. 13: 83-87.

    73. Shehata, M. N. (1981(1977)). "Notes on the foraging activities and behavior of the ants Messor semirufus and Cataglyphis bicolor nigra in Yemen." Bull. Soc. Entomol. Egypte 61: 1-14.

    74. Taki, A. (1976). "Colony founding of Messor aciculatum (Fr. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) by single and grouped queens." Physiol. Ecol. Jpn 17: 503-512.

    75. Tohme, G. (1972). Ecologie, biologie de la reproduction et ethologie de Messor ebininus Forel) (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea, Myrmicidae), Ph.D. These, Toulouse, 336 p. = Ecology, reproductive biology and ethology of Messor ebeninus Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea, Myrmicidae). Cited from: Choe, 1988, Worker reproduction and social evolution in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), In Trager (ed.), Advances in myrmecology, E.J. Brill, Leiden; Frumhoff & Ward, 1992, Individual-level selection, colony-level selection, and the association between polygyny and worker monomorphism in ants, Amer. Nat. 139: 559-590.

    76. Tohme, G. (1972). "Le nid et le comportement de construction de la fourmi Messor ebeninus, Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea)." Insect. Soc. 19: 95-103. = The nest and construction behavior of the ant Messor ebeninus, Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea)

    77. Tohme, G. (1975). "Ecologie, biologie de la reproduction et ethologie de Messor ebeninus Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea - Myrmicidae)." Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. 109: 171-251. = Ecology, reproductive biology and ethology of Messor ebeninus Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea, Myrmicidae).

    78. Tohme, G. and H. Tohme (1978). "Accroissement de la societe et longevite de la reine et des ouvrieres chez Messor semirufus (Andre) (Hym., Formicoidea)." C. R. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. Ser. D. Sci. Nat. 286: 961-963. = Growth of the society and longevity of the queen and workers in Messor semirufus (Andre) (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea).

    79. Tohme, G. and H. Tohme (1981). "Les fourmis du genre Messor en Syrie. Position systematique. Description de quelques ailes et de formes nouvelles. Repartition geographique." Ecol. Mediterr. 7: 139-153, fig. 1-22. = Ants of the genus Messor in Syria: taxonomic position; description of some winged and new forms; geographic distribution. *[Males & females of M. sultanus & M. syriacus are described. M. nahali is described as a n.sp.]

    80. Tohme, G. and H. Tohme (1982). "Le cycle biologique de Messor incorruptus (Ruzski) (Hym. Formicoidea). Correlation entre l'espace disponible pour cette societe de fourmis et la productivite de celle-ci." C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. III Sci. Vie 294: 115-118.

    81. Tohme, H. and G. Tohme (1980). "La fondation de la societe, le cycle biologique et ses variations chez Messor syriacus (Santschi) (Hym., Formicoidea)." C. R. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. Ser. D. Sci. Nat. 290: 1377-1379. = Foundation of the colony: the biological cycle and its variations in Messor syriacus (Santschi) (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea).

    82. Warburg, I. (1996). "Directional fidelity and patch fidelity during individual foraging in ants of the species Messor arenarius." Isr. J. Zool. 42: 251-260. Cited from: Warburg, I. & Steinberger, Y., 1997, On the spatial distribution of nests of the ants Messor arenarius and Messor ebeninus, J. Arid Environ. 36: 671-676.

    83. Warburg, I. (2000). "Preference of seeds and seed particles by Messor arenarius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) during food choice experiments." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 93: 1095-1099. This study deals with preference of different seed particles of a novel type of foods by ants of the species Messor arenarius (Fabricius). Given choices between different wheat seed particles at the same distances from the nest, the first time wheat was offered to M. arenarius they reacted as follows: They preferred halves of wheat seeds cut longitudinally most significantly over whole-wheat seeds. Three-quartered of wheat seeds were preferred significantly over one-quartered wheat seeds. There was no preference in the choice between whole-wheat seeds and halves of wheat seeds cut transversely. From the second day and up to the fourth day when these choices were offered, the ants showed no preference in choice between whole-wheat seeds and halves of wheat seeds cut longitudinally. The preferences in the other choices were about the same as the first time that wheat was offered to the ants. The average returning time of ants to the nest with a whole-wheat seed did not differ significantly from that with a half seed cut longitudinally. From these findings, it seems that the first time wheat is offered to the ants, both the odor and the relative length of the food item are preference criteria used by the ants in their food choice.

    84. Warburg, I. and Y. Steinberger (1997). "On the spatial distribution of nests of the ants Messor arenarius and Messor ebeninus." J. Arid Environ. 36: 671-676.

    85. Waser, N. M. (1998). "Task-matching and short-term size shifts in foragers of the harvester ant, Messor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 11(3): 451-462.

    86. Went, F. W., J. Wheeler, et Wheeler, G.C. (1972). "Feeding and digestion in some ants (Veromessor and Manica)." BioScience 22: 82-88.

    87. Wheeler, G. C. and J. Wheeler (1988 ("1987")). "Young larvae of Veromessor pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae)." Psyche 94: 303-307. The larva of each of five instars of Veromessor pergandei is described in detail and illustrated. In the fifth instar there are two types of body profiles. The instars of living larvae may be differentiated by a few easily observed characters.

    88. Wheeler, G. C. and J. Wheeler (1989). "On the trail of the ant, Veromessor lobognathus." Prairie Nat. 21: 119-124.

    89. Wheeler, J. and S. W. Rissing (1975). "Natural history of Veromessor pergandei. I. The nest (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 51: 205-216.

    90. Wheeler, J. and S. W. Rissing (1975). "Natural history of Veromessor pergandei. II. Behavior (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Pan-Pac. Entomol. 51: 303-314.

    91. Wheeler, W. M. and W. S. Creighton (1934). "A study of the ant genera Novomessor and Veromessor." Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 69: 341-387.

    92. Whitford, W. G., E. Depree, et al. (1980). "Foraging ecology of two Chihuahuan desert ant species: Novomessor cockerelli and Novomessor albisetosus." Insect. Soc. 27: 148-156.

    93. Willott, S. J., S. G. Compton, et al. (2000). "Foraging, food selection and worker size in the seed harvesting ant Messor bouvieri." Oecologia 125: 35-44.

    94. Yamaguchi, T. (1994). Intraspecific competition through food robbing in a harvester ant, Messor aciculatus and its consequences on colony survival. Les Insectes Sociaux. 12th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Paris, Sorbonne, 21-27 August 1994. A. Lenoir, G. Arnold and M. Lepage. Paris, Universitй Paris Nord: 353. meeting abstract

    95. Yamaguchi, T. (1995). "Interspecific competition through food robbing in the harvest ant, Messor aciculatus (Fr. Smith), and its consequences on colony survival." Insect. Soc. 42: 89-101. Cited from: Devigne, C. & Detrain, C, 2002, Collective exploration and area marking in the ant Lasius niger, Insect. Soc.49: 357-362.



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