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Новый вид Tyrannomyrmex из Индии

"Insectes sociaux", Муравьиные НОВОСТИ: Виды-2007 и 2006, Статьи-2007 и 2006

Добавлено 04-01-2008 

Новый вид ужасного муравья рода Tyrannomyrmex из Индии

E-mail: petiolus@gmail.com

Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, Zoological Institute, University of Wroclaw, Przybyszewskiego 63/77, 51-148, Wroclaw, Poland.

A new species of Tyrannomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from India

"Zootaxa", 2007, Vol.1642: pp.65–68.
(November 2007)

      По единственному экземпляру рабочей особи из Индии описан 2-й вид из рода Tyrannomyrmex Fernandez, 2003: T. dux sp. n.
      Новый для науки вид обнаружен в подстилочном слое в штате Kerala, южная Индия. Модифицировано родовое описание с учетом новой находки.
      В 2003 году профессор Fernandez описал новый для науки род и вид, дав ему совершенно уникальное название - Tyrannomyrmex rex, напоминающее нам самого страшного динозавра-хищника Мезозойской эры - Тираннозавра рекса. Tyrannomyrmex rex был обнаружен на Малайзиском полуострове. Его описание также было основано только на единственном экземпляре рабочей особи. Главными отличиями нового рода являются мандибулы с 2-мя зубцами, внутренние модифицированные сеты на вентральном крае мандибул и мезосома, практически лишенная каких-либо швов и бороздок. Новый род был помещен в подсемейство Myrmicinae, рядом с родом Adelomyrmex, но не был размещен ни в одной из существующих триб. С тех пор была сделана единственная находка самца, обнаруженного на Филиппинах (Gary D. Alpert, pers. comm.).
      Среди подсемейства Myrmicinae 2-зубчатые мандибулы известны только в двух родах: у современных африканских муравьев Afroxyidris (Belshaw & Bolton, 1994) и вымерших Oxyidris из Доминиканского янтаря (Wilson, 1985). Но это скорее конвергентное сходство. Род Afroxyidris ближе к Carebara и трибе Pheidologetonini, а род Oxyidris, по мнению Уилсона, близок к трибе Solenopsidini.
      На нашем сайте Вы также можете обнаружить, что сходную с Тиранномирмексом формулу щупиков имеют ещё несколько родов.
2:2 - Aenictus, Carebara, Cerapachys, Dorylus, Indomyrma, Pheidologeton, Tyrannomyrmex, Vollenhovia, часть Eurhopalothrix и Rhopalothrix, Bothriomyrmex в Австралии,
3:2 или 2:2 - Pheidole,
1:2 или 2:2 - Amblyopone, Hypoponera, Monomorium.

      Key words: Ants, Kerala, Tyrannomyrmex, new species, taxonomy

       Tyrannomyrmex dux sp. n.

       ПРОМЕРЫ РАБОЧЕГО: HW 0.52, HL 0.71, EL 0.05, SL 0.56, PrW 0.49, WL 1.03, PL 0.39, PPL 0.21, PW 0.22, PPW 0.31, GL 0.77, TL 3.11, CI 73, SI 107.

       ДИАГНОЗ ВИДА. Head longer than wide, sides and posterior outline slightly convex. Posterior head corners rounded. Mandibles triangular, masticatory margin edentate except two blunt apical teeth. Palp formula undeterminable. Clypeus convex in anterior part, posteriorly narrowly inserted between frontal lobes. Clypeus lacking carinae. Frontal lobes present and short but prominent, rounded and obscuring antennal sockets. Antennae 11-segmented with feebly defined three segmented club, apical segment being largest and equal in length to rest of funiculus, excluding pedicel. Scape slightly longer than head width, shallowly curved at base. Eyes small, composed of a few feebly defined ommatidia and situated slightly anterior to midlength of head (at 45% of HL).

       МЕЗОСОМА. Mesosoma devoid of any kind of grooves or sutures, in side view forming a single broad and continuous convexity. In dorsal view it is widest in promesonotal area, slightly decreasing in width posteriorly. Anteroventral corner of pronotum rounded. Propodeal spiracle round and situated at distance about 3,5 diameters from propodeal margin. Propodeum armed with two very small, triangular, and acute teeth. Metapleural lobes broad, more or less rounded. Metapleural gland orifice not seen at 110X. Petiole without clearly differentiated node or peduncle, node lower than long, in dorsal view longer than wide. Postpetiole wider than long; postpetiolar sternite with transverse keel anteriorly, forming acute tooth in lateral view.

       СКУЛЬПТУРА. Head and mesosoma heavily foveate. Foveae dense, irregular, usually less than 1/3 their diameter apart. Interspaces between foveae smooth and shining on head, sides of promesonotum and dorsal surface of mesosoma; those on katepisternum and sides of propodeum very feebly shagreened, appearing matt. Sculpture of petiole consisting of microreticulum in most of anterior part and irregular foveae on postero-dorsal surface. Sculpture of postpetiole microreticulate. Gaster covered with microreticulum fading before half length of first gastral tergite, remainder of gaster smooth.

       ОПУШЕНИЕ И ЦВЕТ. Body pilosity dense and abundant, composed of many erect hairs present on the head, meso- and metasoma; hairs on head and mesosoma arising from centers of foveae. Abundant hairs also present on body appendages, being present on antennal scape as well as funiculus; hairs present on all leg segments and on both dorsal and ventral surfaces of mandibles; those on ventral surface not differing visibly in structure from rest of pilosity. Body color reddish, appendages yellowish.

       КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ. Holotype deposited in the Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, Zoological Institute, University of Wroclaw, Przybyszewskiego 63/77, 51-148 Wroclaw, Poland.

       ГОЛОТИП. Holotype worker bears the following labels: white printed label ‘S-INDIA, Kerala state, Ponmudi hill resort, 30 km NE of Trivandrum, 77°06'E 8°46'N, ca 1300-1500m, 28-30.vi.1999, Z. Kejval & M. Tryzna leg.’ and red, printed, edged in black, label ‘HOLOTYPUS Tyrannomyrmex dux des. M. L. Borowiec 2007’.


       T. dux is most easily distinguished from T. rex by the differences in pilosity, sculpture and the shape of the petiole. T. rex is almost lacking pilosity on the mesosoma, while its whole surface is covered with erect hairs in T. dux. Also the sculpturation is stronger in T. dux, especially on the mesosoma. While in T. rex foveae on the mesosoma are small with most interspaces equal or wider than their diameter, T. dux has them deeper, larger, irregular and almost touching each other. Also, the petiole in T. rex is stout with a big node and short peduncle, while in T. dux the node is more slender, much lower than long.


       Fernandez (2003) listed the following character combination as unique to Tyrannomyrmex:
1) Mandibles with two teeth in the masticatory border, apical and smaller subapical.
2) Inner ventral margin of masticatory border of mandibles with modified thick, cylindrical and transparent setae.
3) Clypeus not modified as central plate and devoid of carinae.
4) Anterior clypeal margin with single median seta.
5) Palpal formula apparently 2,2.
6) Antennae 11-segmented with ill-defined 3-segmented club.
7) Compound eyes small, reduced to a few ommatidia.
8) Frontal carinae and antennal scrobes absent.
9) Mesosoma without grooves.
10) Propodeal spiracle round.
11) Propodeal lobes large.
12) Sting large and robust.

       Tyrannomyrmex dux agrees well with this diagnosis, but the setae on the venter of the mandibles (2) appear simple, not modified, and similar in structure to other setae of body. Though the sting is also extruded in T. dux, it is not as long as in T. rex (12). Palp formula (5) could not be determined reliably. Thus at least characters 2) and 12) are not universal throughout Tyrannomyrmex. Formal placement of the genus in any tribe should be postponed until examination of other castes and more worker material is available allowing dissections.


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