Bert Holldobler, Edward O. Wilson.
"The Ants".
Зарубежные книги о муравьях |
60 color halftones, 38 black & white halftones, 26 line illustrations,
304 pages,
Hardcover edition,
March 1990,
ISBN 0-674-04075-9,
$95.00 / £61.95 / E87.50
Bert Holldobler, Edward O. Wilson.
"The Ants".
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press. 1990. - pp.1-732.
В книге 1990 года The Ants (Муравьи) Эдвард Уилсон в соавторстве с Бертом Холлдоблером дали монументальный обзор всех знаний, накопленных человечеством о муравьях. К написанию региональных определителей (Африки, Австралии и т.д. на 50 страницах) были привлечены коллеги, крупнейшие знатоки систематики муравьёв своих материков.
За эту книгу авторы получили Пулицеровскую премию (The only professional science work to have won a Pulitzer Prize — for general nonfiction in 1991). Причем, Эдвард Уилсон получил эту премию во второй раз. Эту книгу многие биологи называют "Библией для мирмеколога" или "Муравьиной Библией" (myrmecological bible) за её всесторонний и достовернейший охват всех разделов науки о муравьях. Впервые в истории книга, по большей части сугубо научная, получила эту престижнейшую литературную премию (выше только Нобелевская по литературе), до этого присуждаемую только за публицистические произведения или романы. Книга весомая во всех отношениях (около 30 см и 3,5 кг).
Награды книги:
1991 Pulitzer Prize in General Non-Fiction
1990 R.R.Hawkins-Prize of the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers
Bert Holldobler работает в Университете Вюрцбурга, Германия (Chair of Behavioral Physiology and Sociology at the Theodor Boveri Institute, University of Wurzburg). Он является обладателем "U.S. Senior Scientist Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation" и "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German government". Кроме того, до 1990 года он также был профессором в Гарварде, США (Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology at Harvard University).
Edward O. Wilson - профессор Гарвардского университета в США (Pellegrino University Professor at Harvard University). Обладатель многих премий (Pulitzer Prizes, National Medal of Science and the Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences).
Смотрите его биографию здесь >>>
1. The Importance of Ants
2. Classification and Origins
3. The Colony Life Cycle
4. Altruism and the Origin of the Worker Caste
5. Colony Odor and Kin Recognition
6. Queen Numbers and Domination
7. Communication
8. Caste and Division of Labor
9. Social Homeostasis and Flexibility
10. Foraging Strategies, Territory, and Population Regulation
11. The Organization of Species Communities
12. Symbioses among Ant Species
13. Symbioses with Other Arthropods
14. Symbioses between Ants and Plants
15. The Specialized Predators
16. The Army Ants
17. The Fungus Growers
18. The Harvesting Ants
19. Weaver Ants
20. Collecting, Culturing, Observing
This magnificent and long-awaited volume is the definitive work on [ants]...Every imaginable area of interest to a biologist, a sociologist, even a curious citizen, is covered...At once remarkably exhaustive and parsimonious, the book does not stint on exhaustive detail wherever such detail is required.
William Brown, Scientific American
The beauty of this heavily illustrated tome is that it conveys this message to both the lay reader and the professional entomologist with equal aplomb. For the interested but ignorant, Holldobler and Wilson provide a gentle introduction into the complex and bizarre reality of life as an ant...This myrmecological bible--with its 50-page key to ant classification, 60 pages of detailed anatomical drawings and hundreds of other sketches and photos--is a scientific and artistic accomplishment of historic significance. Yet it succeeds in convincing even the most casual reader of --as the first chapter is titled--the Importance of Ants.
Rick Weiss, Washington Post
The Ants is not only another milestone in a remarkable career but also a high point in crossover publishing. For the specialist. Holldobler and Wilson bring elegance and order to a complex subject. For the curious layman, there is a glimpse into the workings of evolution.
R.Z. Sheppard, Time
A monumental achievement, the last word in myrmecology, the study of ants...It is likely the average adult...will be intrigued by passages about these ubiquitous and complicated creatures.
Paul Galloway, Chicago Tribune
While it is impossible to write a definitive tome and make it 100 percent transparent to the nonscientist, this volume achieves the utmost clarity...Science is rarely good literature. The Ants is an exalting exception.
Thomas E. Lovejoy, New York Times Book Review
Holldobler and Wilson's mighty tome will surely take its place among the greatest of all entomology books...it will inspire many new gereations of students with its blend of scholarship, enthusiasm, and unabashed delight.
The Ants is a stunningly attractive volume that belongs as much on the coffee table as it does on the lab bench... The 20 chapters are organized thematically, and they are written in a clear, accessible and engaging style... Only Holldobler and Wilson could have written such a comprehensive and integrated treatment of ant biology. It represents a herculean labour of love, and it sets a new standard for synthetic works on major taxa...The Ants will undoubtedly remain in active service for decades, guiding both tourists and seasoned travellers through a strange and wonderful world.
Donald H. Feener, Jr., et al., Nature
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