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Авторы родов



Roy Snelling (1934-2008)

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Последнее обновление    10.06.2008 


Roy Snelling

      Американский мирмеколог, специалист по муравьям (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), пчелам и осам.



       Roy Snelling скончался 21 апреля 2008 года от сердечного приступа во время экспедиции в Кению (восточная Африка) в возрасте 73 лет. Американский мирмеколог, один из лучших муравьиных таксономистов в истории науки, более 30 лет работал куратором Естественноисторического музея г.Лос-Анжелес (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, http://www.nhm.org/). Я не был с ним знаком лично и общался только по интернету.
       Рой Снеллинг родился в семье фермера в Калифорнии (Turlock, Calif., 30 сентября 1934), любил её и исходил вдоль и поперек, изучая муравьев. Работал в California Department of Agriculture, а с 1963 года - в Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. В своем музее в Лос-Анжелесе Рой Снеллинг на основе своих сборов и коллекции патриарха американской мирмекологии William S. Creighton (с которым он долгое время вместе работал), создал одно из самых важнейших в мире коллекционных собраний муравьев и в течение многих лет был там его куратором (а последние 6 лет менеджером коллекций, Collections Manager Emeritus).
       Также он исследовал других жалящих насекомых, пчел и ос, открыл и описал около 100 новых для науки видов (sp.n.) перепончатокрылых. Им описаны такие новые виды муравьев как Neivamyrmex wilsoni, 14 новых медовых муравьев (Myrmecocystus tenuinodis, M. wheeleri ...), Stenamma dyscheres и новый род муравьев Petalomyrmex phylax (Snelling, 1979) и такая экзотика как "миничерепашка" Leptothorax cataulacoides (Snelling, 1992) и каучуковый Rogeria huachucana (Snelling, 1973). Один из 1-х своих новых видов он назвал в честь Кеннеди - Myrmecocystus kennedyi (Snelling, 1969).
       Автор более 140 научных работ (в 1953-2007 гг), в том числе ревизии медовых муравьев (1976. A revision of the honey ants, genus Myrmecocystus) и обзора фауны Чили (1976. The ants of Chile) и подробной монографии о биологии пустынных муравьев Калифорнии (1979. The taxonomy, distribution and ecology of California desert ants. 410 pp.)
       Снеллинг является соавтором монументальной ревизии мировой современной и ископаемой фауны "черепаховых" муравьев рода Cephalotes (De Andrade, M. L. and C. Baroni Urbani. 1999. Diversity and adaptation in the ant genus Cephalotes, past and present. Stuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde, B, 271: 1-889). Именно ему доверил в своей книге о пчелах мира раздел о роде Hylaeus крупнейший специалист по пчелам Ч.Миченер (Michener, C.D., 2000, The bees of the World). Кроме того, Рой соавтор нескольких работ по биохимии феромонов муравьев.

       В 2007 году он стал инициатором и (вместе с Brian L. Fisher, Philip S. Ward) редактором большого сборника мирмекологических статей "Advances in ant systematics", посвященного 50-летнему юбилею творческой деятельности Эдварда Уильсона (E. O. Wilson).

       Рой был активным сторонником прав коренных американцев, энергичным и хорошо осведомленным слушателем классической музыки, знатоком всего разнообразия этнических пищевых продуктов и откровенным атеистом. Вместе с сыном (Гордон Снеллинг работает в том же музее) и внуком исследовал муравьев. Алекс Минцер назвал Роя "Hardcore Myrmecology", а Корри Морю - “Off to the big anthill in the sky”.

       Я не был лично знаком с Роем, но ещё в свои школьные годы, когда я начал переводить статьи о муравьях, то одной из первых стала именно его работа (примерно в 1979 году, с описанием Petalomyrmex phylax), а пару лет назад он сразу ответил на несколько моих вопросов по электронной почте, был очень доброжелателен. Увы, больше он не ответит на мои вопросы и на вопросы мирмекологов всего мира. А он был знаком почти со всеми и всю свою жизнь целиком отдал мирмекологии. Большой альтруист муравьиной науки.


       p.s. В одном из своих последних эл.писем, Снеллинг сообщил мне, что ископаемый род и вид Palaeosminthurus juliae (и подсемейство Palaeosminthurinae) был им реэкзаминирован и является самцом рода Camponotus. А поскольку там уже есть вид с таким же названием (C. juliae), то он предложил Palaeosminthurus juliae как вторичный гомоним считать младшим синонимом. Кроме того, и подсемейство Palaeosminthurinae становится синонимом подсемейства Formicinae. Через пару дней он добавил, что и Palaeosminthurini является младшим синонимом Camponotini. Но на сегодняшний день эта его статья ещё не опубликована.



Список опубликованных работ R. R. Snelling:

В этом, составленном мною списке на 70 больше статей Снеллинга, чем в базе http://atbi.biosci.ohio-state.edu, где значится только 69 его работ (т.е. ровно в 2 раза; для них ниже указаны номера).

  1.        Snelling, R. R. 1953. Notes on the nesting and hibernation of the wasp, Mischocyttarus flavitarsis (De Saussure) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 26:143-145.
  2.        Snelling, R. R. 1954. The host of Myrmosula rutilans (Blake) (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). Pac-Pacific Entomologist 30:124.
  3.        Snelling, R. R. 1954. Records of Exomalopsis sidae in California and Baja California (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Pac-Pacific Entomologist 30:145.
  4.        5213 Snelling, R. R. 1954. Wasps of the genus Polistes in California and Arizona (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 27: 151-155.
  5.        5215 Snelling, R. R. 1955. Notes on some Polistes in the American Museum of Natural History, with descriptions of new North American subspecies (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). American Museum Novitates 1701: 1-9.
  6.        Snelling, R. R. 1956. Bees of the genus Centris in California (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Pac-Pacific Entomologist 32:1-8.
  7.        Snelling, R. R. 1962. Notes on the distribution of some Southwestern megachilids, with descriptions of three new forms (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Pac-Pacific Entomologist 38:225-234.
  8.        Snelling, R. R. 1963. The United States species of "Fire Ants" of the genus Solenopsis Westwood (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with synonymy of S. aurea Wheeler. Occasional Papers, California Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology 3:1-12.
  9.        Snelling, R. R. 1963. The evaniid wasps of California (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae). Pac-Pacific Entomologist 39:107-108.
  10.        Snelling, R. R. 1963. A host of Macrosaigon cruentum (Germar) in Georgia (Coleoptera: Rhipiphoridae). Pac-Pacific Entomologist 39:87-88.
  11.        2706 Snelling, R. R. 1963. The United States species of fire ants of the genus Solenopsis, subgenus Solenopsis Westwood, with synonymy of Solenopsis aurea Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Occasional Papers, Bureau of Entomology, California Department of Agriculture 3: 1-15.
  12.        2707 Snelling, R. R. 1965. Studies on California ants. 1. Leptothorax hirticornis Emery, a new host and descriptions of the female and ergatoid male (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 64: 16-21.
  13.        2708 Snelling, R. R. 1965. Studies on California ants. 2. Myrmecina californica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 64: 101-105.
  14.        2709 Snelling, R. R. 1966. The female of Eucryptocerus placidus (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 65: 37-40.
  15.        Snelling, R. R. 1966. A new species of Heteranthidium from California (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Contributions in Science, Los Angeles County Museum No. 97, 8 pp.
  16.        Snelling, R. R. 1966. Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus. 1. Distribution of the Western species of the subgenus Prosopis with descriptions of new forms (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Contributions in Sciences, Los Angeles County Museum No. 98, 13 pp.
  17.        8924 Snelling, R. R. 1966. Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus, 2. Description of a new subgenus and species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 79: 139-144.
  18.        Snelling, R. R. 1966. Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus. 3. The Nearctic subgenera (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 65:164-175.
  19.        Snelling, R. R. 1966. The taxonomy and nomenclature of some North American bees of the genus Centris with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Contributions in Science, Los Angeles County Museum No. 112, 33 pp.
  20.        Snelling, R. R. 1967. Description of a new subgenus of Osmia (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 66:103-108.
  21.        2710 Snelling, R. R. 1967. Studies on California ants. 3. The taxonomic status of Proceratium californicum Cook (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 124: 1-10.
  22.        6247 Creighton, W. S. and R. R. Snelling. 1967. The rediscovery of Camponotus (Myrmaphaenus) yogi Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche 73: 187-195.
  23.        2711 Snelling, R. R. 1968. Taxonomic notes on some Mexican cephalotine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 132: 1-10.
  24.        2713 Snelling, R. R. 1968. A new species of Eurhopalothrix from El Salvador (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 154: 1-4.
  25.        6576 Snelling, R. R. 1968. Studies on California ants. 4. Two species of Camponotus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 70: 350-359.
  26.        Snelling, R. R. 1968. Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus. 4. The subgenera Cephalylaeus, Metziella and Hylaeana (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 144, 6 pp.
  27.        Snelling, R. R. 1968. Honey-ants, the industrious socialites. (Popular Article) Museum Alliance Quarterly 7:14-18.
  28.        Snelling, R. R. 1969. The Philippine subgenus Hoploprosopis of Hylaeus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 171, 5 pp.
  29.        2714 Snelling, R. R. 1969. Taxonomic notes on the Myrmecocystus melliger complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 170: 1-9.
  30.        6643 Snelling, R. R. 1969. Notes on the systematics and dulosis of some western species of Formica, subgenus Raptiformica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 71: 194-197.
  31.        9547 Snelling, R. R. 1969. The repository of the T. W. Cook ant types (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 68: 57-58.
  32.        6664 Snelling, R. R. 1970. Studies on California ants, 5. Revisionary notes on some species of Camponotus, subgenus Tanaemyrmex (Hymenoptera; Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 72: 390-397.
  33.        Snelling, R. R. 1970. Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus 5. The subgenera Hylaeus, s. str. and Paraprosopis (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 180, 59 pp.
  34.        Snelling, R. R. 1970. Ant warfare - offensive and defensive maneuvers. (Popular Article) Museum Alliance Quarterly 8:10-15.
  35.        Snelling, R. R. 1970. The Hylaeus of the Bonin Islands, Western Pacific Ocean (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 69:1-19.
  36.        Snelling, R. R. 1970. The social wasps of Lower California, Mexico (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 197, 20 pp.
  37.        2717 Snelling, R. R. 1971. Studies on California ants. 6. three new species of Myrmecocystus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 214: 1-16.
  38.        2718 Snelling, R. R. 1971. A new species of Simopelta from Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 70: 16-17.
  39.        2719 Snelling, R. R. 1973. Two ant genera new to the United States (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 236: 1-8.
  40.        2720 Snelling, R. R. 1973. The ant genus Conomyrma in the United States (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 238: 1-6.
  41.        2721 Snelling, R. R. 1973. Studies on California ants. 7. The genus Stenamma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 245: 1-38.
  42.        Snelling, R. R. 1974. High rise in the ant world. (Popular Article) Terra 12:15-17.
  43.        2722 Snelling, R. R. 1974. Studies on California ants. 8. A new species of Cardiocondyla (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 82: 76-81.
  44.        Snelling, R. R. and W. S. Creighton. 1974. Notes on the behavior of three species of Cardiocondyla in the United States (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 82: 82-92.
  45.        6975 Snelling, R. R. 1974. Changes in the status of some North American polistes (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 76: 476-479.
  46.        9395 Snelling, R. R. 1974. Notes on the distribution and taxonomy of some North American Centris (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 259: 1-41.
  47.        2723 Snelling, R. R. 1975. Descriptions of new Chilean ant taxa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 274: 1-19.
  48.        6976 Snelling, R. R. 1975. A new North American genus of Eumenidae (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77: 56-58.
  49.        4815 Hunt, J. H. and R. R. Snelling. 1975. A checklist of the ants of Arizona. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science 10: 20-23.
  50.        Snelling, R. R. 1975. Range extension of two Heteranthidium, with description of H. cordaticeps male (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77:87-90.
  51.        Snelling, R. R. 1975. Taxonomic notes on some colletid bees of Western North America with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 267, 9 pp.
  52.        Snelling, R. R. and A. S. Menke. 1975. Vespula germanica (Fabricius), an adventive yellow jacket in the Northeastern United States (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Cooperative Economic Insect Report, U. S. Department of Agriculture 25:193-200.
  53.        2734 Snelling, R. R. and J. H. Hunt. 1976. The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Revista Chilena de Entomologia 9: 63-129.
  54.        2724 Snelling, R. R. 1976. A revision of the honey ants, genus Myrmecocystus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Science Bulletin 24: 1-163.
  55.        4967 Francoeur, A. and R. R. Snelling. 1979. Notes for a revision of the ant genus Formica. 2. Reidentifications for some speciemens from the T. W. Cook collection and new distribution data (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 309: 1-7.
  56.        2725 Snelling, R. R. 1979. Three new species of the palaeotropical arboreal ant genus Cataulacus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 315: 3-8.
  57.        2726 Snelling, R. R. 1979. Aphomomyrmex and a related new genus of arboreal African ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 316: 3-8.
  58.        Snelling, R. R. and C. D. George. 1979. The taxonomy, distribution and ecology of California desert ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Report to Desert Planning Program, Bureau of Land Management, U. S. Department of the Interior 410 pp.
  59.        Duffield, R. M., A. Fernandes, S. Mckay, J. W. Wheeler and R. R. Snelling. 1980. Chemistry of the exocrine secretions of Hylaeus modestus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 87b:159-162.
  60.        Snelling, R. R. 1980. The bee genus Bicornelia (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 327, 6 pp.
  61.        Snelling, R. R. 1980. New bees of genus Hylaeus from Sri Lanka and India (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 328, 18 pp.
  62.        11070 Snelling, R. R. 1981. Systematics of social Hymenoptera. Pages 369-453 in Hermann, H. R. Social insects. Vol. 2. Academic Press, New York.
  63.        2727 Snelling, R. R. 1982. The taxonomy and distribution of some North American Pogonomyrmex and descriptions of two new species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 80: 97-112.
  64.        2728 Snelling, R. R. 1982. A revision of the honey ants, genus Myrmecocystus, first supplement (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 81: 69-86.
  65.        8913 Snelling, R. R. 1982. The taxonomy of some neotropical Hylaeus and descriptions of new taxa. Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 81: 1-25.
  66.        Blum, M. S., T. H. Jones, R. R. Snelling, W. L. Overal, H. M. Fales and R. J. Highet. 1982. 1982. Systematic implications of the exocrine chemistry of some Hypoclinea species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 10:91-94.
  67.        Snelling, R. R. 1983. Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus. 6. An Adventive Palaearctic Species in Southern California (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 82:12-16.
  68.        Snelling, R. R. 1983. Prey-stalking behavior of a thomisid spider, Xysticus californicus Keyserling (Araneae: Thomisidae). Entomological News 94:201-203.
  69.        5220 Snelling, R. R. 1983. Taxonomic and nomenclaturial studies on American polistine wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 59: 267-280.
  70.        9390 Snelling, R. R. 1983. The North American species of the bee genus Lithurge (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 343: 1-11.
  71.        9388 Snelling, R. R. 1984. Studies on the taxonomy and distribution of American centridine bees (Hymenotpera: Anthophoridae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 347: 1-69.
  72.        9332 Snelling, R. R. and T. J. Zavortink. 1984. A revision of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Ericrocis (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Wasmann Journal of Biology 42(1-2): 1-26.
  73.        Snelling, R. R. 1984. Notes on distribution of evaniid wasps in Western North America (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae). Entomological News 95:27-28.
  74.        Snelling, R. R. 1985. The systematics of the Hylaeine bees (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) of the Ethiopian zoogeographical region: the genera and subgenera, with revisions of the smaller genera. Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 361, 33 pp.
  75.        M. S. Blum, T. H. Jones, H. A. Lloyd, H. M. Fales, R. R. Snelling, Y. Lubin, and J. Torres. 1985. Poison gland products of Solenopsis and Monomorium species. Journal of Entomological Science 20:254-257.
  76.        9387 Snelling, R. R. and R. W. Brooks. 1985. A review of the genera of cleptoparasitic bees of the tribe Ericrocini (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 369: 1-34.
  77.        2732 Snelling, R. R. and W. F. Buren. 1985. Description of a new species of slave-making ant in the Formica sanguinea group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Great Lakes Entomologist 18: 69-78.
  78.        8906 Snelling, R. R. 1985. The systematics of the hylaeine bees (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) of the Ethiopian zoologeographical region: The genera and subgenera with revisions of the smaller groups. Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 361: 1-33.
  79.        Stage, G. I. and R. R. Snelling. 1986. The subfamilies of Eurytomidae and systematics of the subfamily Heimbrinae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 375, 17 pp.
  80.        2729 Snelling, R. R. 1986. New synonymy in Caribbean ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 88: 154-156.
  81.        9281 Snelling, R. R. 1986. Contributions toward a revision of the new world nomadine bees. A partitioning of the genus Nomada (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 376: 1-32.
  82.        Snelling, R. R. 1986. The taxonomic status of two North American Lithurge (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 85:29-34.
  83.        Snelling, R. R. 1986. The taxonomy and nomenclature of some Australian paragiine wasps (Hymenoptera: Masaridae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County No. 378, 19 pp.
  84.        J. G. Rozen, Jr., and R. R. Snelling. 1986. Ethology of the bee Exomalopsis nitens and its cleptoparasite (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 94:480-488.
  85.        F. Ruttner, E. C. Wilson, R. Snelling, G. Vorwohl, D. Kauhausen. 1986. Die Evolution des Flugelgeaders der Honigbienen Apidologie 17:348-350.
  86.        J. O. Schmidt, P. J. Schmidt, and R. R. Snelling. 1986. Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, an addition to the ant fauna of Mexico, with notes on other species of harvester ants from Mexico (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The Southwestern Naturalist 31:395-396.
  87.        Snelling, R. R. 1987. A Revision of the bee genus Aztecanthidium (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Pac-Pacific Entomologist 63:165-171.
  88.        Snelling, R. R. 1987. Description of Hesperapis (Hesperapis) trochanterata, new species. In: Rozen, J. G., Jr., 1987: Nesting biology and immature stages of a new species in the bee genus Hesperapis (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae: Dasypodinae). American Museum Novitates 2887, 13 pp.
  89.        9394 Snelling, R. R. and J. G. Rozen, Jr. 1987. Contributions toward a revision of the New World nomadine bees. 2. The genus Melanomada (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 384: 1-12.
  90.        8289 Snelling, R. R. 1988. Taxonomic notes on Nearctic species of Camponotus, subgenus Myrmentoma. Pages 55-78 in Trager, J. C. Advances in myrmecology. E. J. Brill, New York. 551 pp.
  91.        D. W. Davidson, J. Longino, and R. R. Snelling. 1988. Pruning of host plant neighbors by ants: an experimental approach. Ecology 69:801-808.
  92.        Snelling, R. R. 1988. Geographical inexactitude. Pac-Pacific Entomologist 63:339-340.
  93.        Snelling, R. R. 1988. The generic placement of Prosopis? Allodape? Mustela Vachal, 1895 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Entomological News 99:10-12.
  94.        Snelling, R. R. 1988. A new species of Centris (Melanocentris) from Cerro de la Neblina, Venezuela (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Entomological News 99:13-16.
  95.        Snelling, R. R. 1988. M. S. Blum, R. R. Snelling, R. M. Duffield, H. R. Hermann, Jr., and H. A. Lloyd. Mandibular gland chemistry of Camponotus (Myrmothrix) abdominalis: chemistry and chemosystematic implications (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: Advances in Myrmecology (J. C. Trager, Ed.). E. J. Brill, Leiden and New York, pp. 481-490.
  96.        Duffield, R. M., J. W. Wheeler, and R. R. Snelling. 1988. Mellein in the mandibular glands of worker Camponotus ferrugineus (Fabr.): an anomaly in the subgenus Camponotus. In: Advances in Myrmecology (J. C. Trager, Ed.). E. J. Brill, Leiden and New York, pp. 475-480.
  97.        D. W. Davidson, R. R. Snelling, and J. T. Longino. 1989. Competition among ants for myrmecophytes and the significance of plant trichomes. Biotropica 21:64-73.
  98.        H. A. Lloyd, M. S. Blum, R. R. Snelling, and S. L. Evans. 1989. Chemistry of mandibular and Dufour's Gland secretions of ants in genus Myrmecocystus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 15:2589-2599.
  99.        9392 Snelling, R. R. 1990. A review of the native North American bees of the genus Chalicodoma (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 421: 1-39.
  100.        Snelling, R. R. 1992. A new species of the bee genus Anthidium from Western North America (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Entomological News 103:175-179.
  101.        D. W. Davidson, R. B. Foster, R. R. Snelling, and P. W. Lozada. 1991. Variable composition of some tropical ant-plant symbioses. In: "Plant-animal interactions: evolutionary ecology in tropical and temperate regions" (P. W. Prices, T. M. Lewinsohn, G. W. Fernandez, and W. W. Benson, Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N.y., pp. 145-162.
  102.        2733 Snelling, R. R. and S. P. Cover. 1992. Description of a new Proceratium from Mexico (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche 99: 49-53.
  103.        9393 Snelling, R. R. and B. N. Danforth. 1992. A review of Perdita, subgenus Macrotera (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 436: 1-12.
  104.        13137 Snelling, R. R. and J. T. Longino. 1992. Revisionary notes on the fungus-growing ants of the genus Cyphomyrmex, rimosus-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini). Pages 479-494 in Quintero, D. and A. Aiello. Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: selected studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 692 pp.
  105.        2730 Snelling, R. R. 1992. Two unusual new myrmicine ants from Cameroon (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche 99: 95-101.
  106.        2731 Snelling, R. R. 1992. A newly adventive ant of the genus Pheidole in southern California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 91: 121-125.
  107.        9333 Snelling, R. R. 1994. Diadasia, subgenus Disiapis, in North America (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 448: 1-8.
  108.        Blum, M. S., T. M. Musthak Ali, T. H. Jones, R. R. Snelling. 1994. Identification of a chemical releaser of alarm behavior for workers of Harpegnathos saltator Jerd. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica 48:17-22.
  109.        Perfecto, I., and R. R. Snelling. 1995. Biodiversity and the transformation of a tropical agroecosystem: ants in coffee plantations. Ecological Applications 5:1084-1097.
  110.        Snelling, R. R. 1995. A new spider wasp of the genus Psorthaspis from the Greater Antilles (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae; Pompilinae). Acta Cientifica 6 (1992):103-108.
  111.        20055 Snelling, R. R. and G. I. Stage. 1995. Systematics and biology of the bee genus Xeralictus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae, Rophitinae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 451: 1-17.
  112.        Snelling, R. R. and G. I. Stage. 1995. A Revision of the Nearctic Melittidae: the Subfamily Melittinae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, No. 451:19-31.
  113.        8468 Snelling, R. R. 1995. Systematics of Nearctic ants of the genus Dorymyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 454: 1-14.
  114.        Torres, J. A. and R. R. Snelling. 1995. Los Himenopteros De Isla De Mona. Acta Cientifica 6 (1992):87-102.
  115.        Dejean, A., I. Olmsted and R. R. Snelling. 1995. Tree-epiphyte-ant relationships in the low inundated forest of Sian Ka'an, Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Biotropica 27:57-70.
  116.        Jones, T. H., J. A. Torres, T. F. Spande, H. M. Garraffo, M.S. Blum, and R. R. Snelling. 1996. Chemistry of venom alkaloids in some Solenopsis (Diplorhoptrum) species from Puerto Rico. Journal of Chemical Ecology 22:1221-1236.
  117.        Snelling, R. R. 1996. Systematic notes on some Bethylidae from the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington 17:194-208.
  118.        Dejean, A., B. Corbara, R. R. Snelling & M. Belin. 1997. Les Jardins De Fourmis De Guyane Francaise, Relations Entre Arbres-supports, Epiphytes et Fourmis. Acta Botanica Gallica 144:333-345.
  119.        Snelling, R. R. 1997. Polistes tepidus malayanus Cameron erroneously reported from the Hawaiian Islands (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1997, No. 56:33-35.
  120.        Snelling, R. R. 1997. Cane, J. H., R. R. Snelling, and L. J. Kervin. A new monolectic coastal bee, Hesperapis oraria Snelling & Stage (Hymenoptera: Melittidae), with a review of desert disjunctives in the Southeastern U. S. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 69 (Suppl.):238-247.
  121.        Torres, J. A. and R. R. Snelling. 1997. Biogeography of Puerto Rican ants: a non-equilibrium case? Biodiversity and Conservation 6:1103-1121.
  122.        Frankie, G. W., S. B. Vinson, M. A. Rizzardi, T.l. Griswold, S. O'keefe, R. R. Snelling. 1998. Diversity and abundance of bees visiting a mass flowering tree species in disturbed seasonal dry forest, Costa Rica. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 70:281-296.
  123.        Snelling, R. R. 1998. Social Hymenoptera of the Lakekamu Basin, Papua New Guinea. In: A biological assessment of the Lakekamu Basin, Papua New Guinea (A. Mack, Ed.). Rap Working Papers, Conservation International, Washington, Dc, No. 9, pp. 10, 39-47, 81-90, 131-143.
  124.        8461 Snelling, R. R. and J. A. Torres. 1998. Camponotus ustus Forel and two similar new species from Puerto Rico (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 469: 1-10.
  125.        Jones, T. H., T. J. Wojciechowski, R. R. Snelling, J. A. Torres, P. Chacon, P. J. Devreis. 1999. Dialkylpyrrolidines from the ants Megalomyrmex cyendyra Brandao and M. latreillei Emery. Caribbean Journal of Science 35:310-311.
  126.        Jones, T. H., J. S. T. Gorman, R.r. Snelling, J. H. C. Delabie, M. S. Blum, H. M. Garraffo, P. Jain, J. W. Daly, and T. F. Spande. 1999. Further alkaloids common to ants and frogs: decahydroquinolines and a quinolizidine. Journal of Chemical Ecology 25:1179-1193.
  127.        Jones, T. H., R. C. Flournoy, J. A. Torres, R. R. Snelling T. F. Spande, and H. M. Garraffo. 1999. 3-methyl-4-phenylpyrrole from the ants Anochetus kempfi and Anochetus mayri. Journal of Natural Products 62:1343-1345.
  128.        8096 De Andrade, M. L. and C. Baroni Urbani. 1999. Diversity and adaptation in the ant genus Cephalotes, past and present. Stuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde (B)271: 1-889.
  129.        9595 Torres, J. A., R. R. Snelling and T. H. Jones. 2000. Distribution, ecology and behavior of Anochetus kempfi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and description of the sexual forms. Sociobiology 36(3): 505-516.
  130.        8671 Snelling, R. R. 2000. A review of the Camponotus montivagus complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36(3): 599-611. Snelling, R. R. 2000. Ants of the Wapoga River Area, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Rap Bulletin of Biological Assessment (Conservation International), #14, Chapter 5, pp. 43-46, 96-100. Snelling, R. R. 2000. Key to the subgenera of Hylaeus in the Western Hemisphere (pp. 189-190) and Key to the Sub-saharan subgenera of Hylaeus (pp. 193-194) In: Michener, C.d., 2000, the bees of the World, the Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 813 pp.
  131.        J. A. Torres, R. R. Snelling, and M. Canals. 2001. Seasonal and nocturnal periodicities in ant nuptial flights in the tropics. Sociobiology 37:601-626.
  132.        J. A. Torres, V. E. Zottig, J. E. Co, T. H. Jones, and R. R. Snelling. 2001. Caste specific venom chemistry of Solenopsis maboya and S. torresi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 37:579-583.
  133.        8670 Snelling, R. R. 2001. Two new species of thief ants (Solenopsis) from Puerto Rico (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 3B: 511-525.
  134.        20028 Longino, J. T. and R. R. Snelling. 2002. A taxonomic revision of the Procryptocerus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Central America. Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 495: 1-30.
  135.        21119 Snelling, R. R. 2006. Taxonomy of the Camponotus festinatus complex in the United States of America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecologische Nachrichten 8: 83-97.
  136.        21290 Snelling, G. C. and R. R. Snelling. 2007. New synonymy, new species, new keys to Neivamyrmex army ants of the United States. Pages 459-550 in Snelling, R. R., B. L. Fisher and P. S. Ward. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Homage to E.O. Wilson - 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 80.
  137.        21291 Snelling, R. R. 2007. A review of the arboreal Afrotropical ant genus Axinidris. Pages 551-579 in Snelling, R. R., B. L. Fisher and P. S. Ward. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Homage to E.O. Wilson - 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 80.
  138.        21297 Snelling, R. R. 2007. Preface. Pages 1-2 in Snelling, R. R., B. L. Fisher and P. S. Ward. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Homage to E.O. Wilson - 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 80.
  139.        21305 Snelling, R. R., B. L. Fisher and P. S. Ward. 2007. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Homage to E.O. Wilson - 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 80, .
  140.        21290 Snelling, Gordon. C. and R. R. Snelling. 2007. New synonymy, new species, new keys to Neivamyrmex army ants of the United States. Pages 459-550 in Snelling, R. R., B. L. Fisher and P. S. Ward. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Homage to E.O. Wilson - 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 80.



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