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Новые виды рода Myrmecia Австралии

"Insectes sociaux", Муравьиные НОВОСТИ: Виды-2010 и 2014, Статьи-2008 и 2015

Добавлено 10-10-2015 

Описаны 4 новых вида Myrmecia pilosula species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmeciinae) из Австралии

Roben W. Taylor

Ants with Attitude: Australian Jack-jumpers of the Myrmecia pilosula species complex, with descriptions of four new species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmeciinae)

Volume 3911, Pages 493–520 (2015).

      Впервые описаны 4 новых вида муравьёв рода Myrmecia - муравьёв-бульдогов из Австралии (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmeciinae). Это новые виды M. banksi, M. haskinsorum, M. imaii и M. impaternata spp.n. и близкие к ним прыгающие муравьи Myrmecia pilosula Fr. Smith 1858, M. croslandi Taylor 1991.
      РЕФЕРАТ. The six known “Jack-jumper species Myrmecia pilosula Fr. Smith 1858, M. croslandi Taylor 1991, M. banksi, M. haskinsorum, M. imaii and M. impaternata spp.n. are reviewed, illustrated and keyed. Myrmecia imaii is known only from southwest Western Australia, the others variously from southeastern Australia and Tasmania. These taxa were previously confused under the name M. pilosula (for which a lectotype is designated). Previous cytogenetical findings, which contributed importantly to current taxonomic understanding, are summarized for each species. Eastern and Western geographical races of the widespread M. pilosula are recognized. Myrmecia croslandi is one of only two eukaryote animals known to possess a single pair of chromosomes (2n=2 3 or 4). Myrmecia impaternata is evidentially an allodiploid (n=5 or 14, 2n=19) sperm-dependent gynogenetic hybrid between M. banksi and an element of the eastern race of M. pilosula, or their immediate ancestry. The sting-injected venom of these ants can induce sometimes fatal anaphylaxis in sensitive humans.

      Key words: Ants, Formicidae, Myrmeciinae, Myrmecia, Jack-jumpers, Tasmania, Kangaroo Island, karyology, hybridization, thelytoky, allodiploidy.


      Комплекс видов Myrmecia pilosula complex был очерчен Ogata and Taylor (1991) как секция в составе видовой группе M. pilosula Fr. Smith 1858. Этот комплекс включает 6 видов, в том числе 4 здесь описываются как новые для науки. In addition, M. pilosula comprises two newly recognized geographical races. These sometimes common ants are known to Australians variously as “Jack-jumpers, “Jackie-Jumpers, “Jumping Jacks, “Jumper Ants", “Black Jumpers" or “Hopper Ants. Myrmecia imaii is apparently endemic to southwest Western Australia (WA) and the other species are collectively distributed in a zone extending from extreme SE Queensland (QLD), south along the Great Dividing Range and its flanks in eastern New South Wales (NSW), the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Victoria (VIC) and Tasmania (TAS), ranging from sea level to the high slopes of Mt Kosciuszko (2, 228m) and the Tasmanian mountains; thence from SE Victoria westwards to SE South Australia (SA) and Kangaroo Island. The nearest records of an eastern species to the distributional range of M. imaii are those for M. pilosula in SA east of Spencer Gulf, an overland distance of over 2, 000km.

      Из-за большого межвидового сходства многие музейные экземпляры ранее именовались просто как “Myrmecia pilosula”, то есть как единый биологический вид. Various authors (e.g. Wheeler, 1933; Clark, 1943, 1951; Haskins & Haskins, 1951; W. L. Brown, 1953; Taylor & D. R. Brown, 1985, Browning, 1987; Heterick, 2009) followed this portmanteau nomenclature, though sometimes aware that the action was not well supported (e.g. Browning, 1987). During this project specimens of all six species recognized here were found identified as M. pilosula in Australian public collections. Material in the Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC), Museum of Victoria (MVMA) and Queensland Museum (QMBA) labeled by Clark when compiling his revisions of Myrmecia and its erstwhile subgenus Promyrmecia (Clark, 1943, 1951), indicate that he identified as M. pilosula specimens assigned here to M. haskinsorum, M. imaii and both races of M. pilosula.


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Палеонтологическая история муравьев

"Муравей с Марса" и новое подсемейство

Фруктовая мимикрия муравьев, вызванная паразитом Муравьи Австралии (обзор фауны)

Состав семьи   Гнездостроение   Питание   Голова   Грудь   Брюшко   Усики  Щупики  Домовые  Социальные паразиты   Древесные гнезда   Холмики и купола   Мирмекофилы  

Значение муравьев   Защита леса   Тли   Почва   Семена   Питание   Ужаления  Болезни  Домовые  Инвазии   Мирмекофилы   Листовертки   Пилильщики   Пяденицы   Шелкопряды



Cписок литературы.

  1. Browning, G.P. (1987). Taxonomy of Myrmecia Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ph.D. thesis, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 431 pp.

  2. Bolton, B. 1990. The higher classification of the ant subfamily Leptanillinae. Systematic Entomology 15: 267-282.

  3. Clark, J. (1951). The Formicidae of Australia. Vol. I. Subfamily Myrmeciinae. CSIRO, Melbourne, 230 pp.

  4. Crosland, M.W.J. & Crozier, R.H.(1986). Myrmecia pilosula, an ant with only one pair of chromosomes. Science, 231, 1278.

  5. Ogata, K. & Taylor, R.W. (1991) Ants of the genus Myrmecia Fabricius: a preliminary review and key to the named species. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmeciinae). Journal of Natural History, 25, 1623–1673.

  6. Taylor, R.W. (1991). Myrmecia croslandi sp.n., A karyologically remarkable new Australian jack-jumper ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmeciinae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 30, 288.


©2015, Vladislav Krasilnikov (translation & supplement) 

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