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Муравьи   рода   Lasius (5)


Formicinae→  Lasius→  World  Литература  Определитель




1758 - 2004

    Здесь собраны из базы Formis-2003 основные работы по роду Lasius, который там упоминается в 1690 работе). Ниже приведены только часть из них (около 190):

    1. Астафьев В. М., Семенова В. С. (1970). Суточный и сезонный ритм активности муравьев Formica rufa L. и Lasius alienus F. в условиях Среднего Поволжья // Материалы по генетике, селекции, энтомологии: Уч. зап. Куйбышевского пед. ин-та. Куйбышев, 1970. Вып. 80. С. 58 – 67.

    2. Грамма В. Н., Филатов В. А. (1987). Почвообразующая деятельность муравьев рода Lasius в условиях луговой степи // Проблемы почв. зоол.: Тез. докл. IX Всес. сов. Тбилиси, 1987. С. 74 – 75.

    3. Демченко А. В. (1976). Сукцессия муравьев родов Myrmica, Lasius в еловых насаждениях Подмосковья // Тр. МЛТИ. Вопросы защиты леса. М., 1976. Т. 90. С. 80 – 87.

    4. [Длусский Г.М.] Dlussky, G. M. (1981). "Nester von Lasius flavus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Pedobiologia 21: 81-99.

    5. Иноземцев А. А., Островенко Е. Н. (1986). Формирование условного рефлекса на цвет у муравьев Lasius niger L. // Журн. высш. нерв. деят. 1986. Т. 36, № 5. С. 990 – 992.

    6. Караваев В. А. (1904). Antennophorus uhlmanni Hall. и его биологические отношения к Lasius fuliginosus и другим муравьям // Зап. Киев. о-ва естествоисп. 1904. Т. XIX. С. 193 – 241.

    7. Кипятков В. Е. (1979). Эффект группы и откладка кормовых яиц у самок-основательниц Lasius niger // «Муравьи и защита леса»: Матер. VI Всес. мирмекол. симп. Тарту, 1979. С. 107 – 111.

    8. Кипятков В. Е. (1985). Проявление эффекта группы у самок-основательниц муравья Lasius niger L. при отсутствии контакта между ними // ДАН СССР. 1985. Т. 281, № 1. С. 240 – 242.

    9. Кипятков В. Е., Лопатина Е. Б., Пинегин А. Ю. (1996). Влияние рабочих особей и царицы на наступление и прекращение диапаузы личинок у муравья Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) // Энтомол. обозрение. 1996. Т. 75, N 3. С. 507 – 515.

    10. Кравченко М. А. (1973). Терморегуляция в гнездах муравья Lasius fuliginosus // Зоол. журн. 1973. Т. 52, № 3. С. 454 – 457.

    11. Купянская А. Н. (1983). Муравьи подрода Dendrolasius Ruzsky, 1912 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, род Lasius Fabricius, 1804) Дальнего Востока СССР // Энтомол. обозр. 1989. Т. 68, № 4. С. 779 – 789.

    12. Малоземова Л. А., Неткачева С. Б. (1982). О взаимоотношениях муравьев Lasius niger L. и Myrmica ruginodis Nyl. в многовидовой ассоциации муравейников // Фауна Урала и прилежащих территорий. Свердловск, 1982. С. 114 – 124.

    13. Насонов Н. В. (1886). О постэмбриональном развитии муравья Lasius flavus. Предварительное сообщение // Протоколы засед. зоол. отд. о-ва любителей естествознания. 1886. Т. 1. С. 1 – 15. Насонов Н. В. (1889). Материалы по анатомии муравья (Lasius flavus Fabr.) // Изв. Имп. о-ва любителей естествознания. 1889. Т. 33, вып. 1. С. 1 – 42.

    14. Омельченко Л. В., Жигульская З. А. (1998). Распределение муравьев рода Lasius в лесной зоне Западной Сибири // «Муравьи и защита леса»: Матер Х Всерос. мирмекол. симп. М., 1998. С. 127 – 130.

    15. Орлова Т. А. (1986). Изучение поведения черного садового муравья Lasius niger в лабораторных условиях // Методы исследования в экологии и этологии. Пущино, 1986. С. 295 – 300.

    16. Орлова Т. А. (1994). Поведенческая структура Lasius niger на ранних этапах развития семьи // Поведение животных и принципы самоорганизации. Борок, 1994. С. 74.

    17. Островенко Е. Н. (1988). Поведение муравьев Lasius niger разного возраста в «открытом поле» // Проблемы совр. биол. Тр. 19 науч. конф. молодых ученых биол. ф-та МГУ. М., 1988. Ч. 3. С. 54 – 56.

    18. Радченко А. Г. (1986). Lasius meridionalis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) в фауне СССР // Вестн. зоологии. 1986. № 3. С. 72 – 74.

    19. [Радченко А. Г., ...] Radchenko, A. G., W. Czechowska, Czechowski, W., Siedlar, E. (1999). "Four species of the ant genus Lasius F. new to Poland, with additions to the records for previously reported species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Fragm. Faun. (Warsaw) 42: 115-121.

    20. [Радченко А. Г., ...] Radchenko, A. G., W. Czechowska, Czechowski, W., Siedlar, E. (1999). "Lasius niger (L.) and Lasius platythorax Seifert (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) - a revolution in Polish myrmecological faunistics and zoocoenology?" Fragm. Faun. (Warsaw) 42: 103-113.   Смотрите PDF-копию >>>

    21. Романова Ю. С. (1975). Экология пахучего муравья-древоточца Lasius fuliginosus // «Муравьи и защита леса»: Матер. V Всес. мирмекол. симп. М., 1975. С. 167 – 170.

    22. Рузский М. Д. (1912). Мирмекологические заметки. 1. О муравьях из рода Лазиус (Lasius Fbr.). 2. О гнездовании бурого лазиуса в яблоках // Уч. зап. Казанск. Ветеринар. ин-та. 1912. Т. XXIX. С. 4 – 12.

    23. Саблин-Яворский А. Д. (1997). Поведение муравьев Lasius niger на стадии формирования семьи // «Изменчивость поведения животных: описание, классификация, анализ»: Тез. Всеросс. конф. Борок, 1997. С. 34.

    24. Саблин-Яворский А. Д. (1998). Становление поселений Lasius niger в процессе роста и взаимодействия первичных микросемей // «Муравьи и защита леса»: Матер. X Всерос. мирмекол. симп. М., 1998. С. 20 – 22.

    25. Севастьянов В. Д. (1965). О количестве клещей, переносимых и истребляемых черным древесным муравьем (Lasius fuliginosus Latr.) на протяжении сезона // Зоол. журн. 1965. Т. 44, № 11. С. 1651 – 1660.

    26. Сорокина С. В. (1997). К экологии муравьев р. Lasius Кузнецкого нагорья // Матер. 35 Междунар. студенч. конф. «Студент и НТП. Биология». Новосибирск, 1997. С. 144.

    27. Agosti, D. (1991). "Revision of the oriental ant genus Cladomyrma, with an outline of the higher classification of the Formicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Syst. Entomol. 16: 293-310.
      Ревизия ориентального рода Cladomyrma. Cladomyrma hewitti и hobbyi впервые синонимизированы с видом andrei. Cladomyrma cryptata, maschwitzi, mossyna и petalae описаны как новые для науки виды. Предложена классификация и синопсис Formicinae на основе новых признаков.

    28. Agosti, D. and B. Bolton (1990). "New characters to differentiate the ant genera Lasius F. and Formica L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomol. Gaz. 41: 149-156.
      Предложены новые дифференциальные признаки родов Lasius F. и Formica L.

    29. Blum, M. S., F. Padovani, et al. (1968). "Chemical releasers of social behavior, XI: Terpenes in the mandibular glands of Lasius umbratus." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 61: 1354-1359.

    30. Boomsma, J. J., A. H. Brouwer, et Van Loon, A.J. (1990). "A new polygynous Lasius species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from central Europe. II. Allozymatic confirmation of species status and social structure." Insect. Soc. 37: 363-375.

    31. Boomsma, J. J. and J. A. Isaaks (1985). "Energy investment and respiration in queens and males of Lasius niger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 18: 19-27.
      Увеличение сухого веса самок и самцов Lasius niger после вылупления прослежено в полевых условиях в 8 колониях. Масса самок возрастала с 4 mg при выходе из кокона до 15.5 mg ко времени брачного полета, в то время, whereas males remained approximately constant at 0.9 mg (Fig.1). Queen mesosoma and gaster increased in weight sinultaneously up to a total of 13 mg. In queens in nuptial flight conditions (Z13 mg) the weights of mesosoma+head and gaster were negatively correlated (Fig.2). Energy investment in queens and males was estimated calorimetrically. The energy content of queens increased from ca. 18.8 J/mg at 4 mg to 27.5 J/mg at 15.5 mg, largely due to the accumulation of fat reserves of 31 J/mg (Fig.3). The energy content of males was so low (18.2 J/mg) that fat reserves were apparently negligible (Table 1). Oxygen consumption at 20єC was determined for larvae, pupae, and adults of queens and males (Table 2). Data on respiration and energy content were used to estimate the cumulative energy investment by workers per queen and male of Lasius niger from small larvae (<0.3 mg) to flying adults. It was estimated that at least 90 J and 689 J are needed to produce ome male and one queen, respectively. Assumptions and sources of error involved in the investment estimations, and the possible effect of a large size dimorphism in ant sexuals are discussed. Special reference is made to an earlier study on dry weight sexual investments in three Lasius niger populations (Table 3). Population means of sexual investments in queens are lower after apllying the energetic queen-male cost ratio of this study, but remain in good agreement with theoretical kin selection optima. For the Lasius niger population in the most optimal habitat a better fit to the 3:1 optimum was found than by using dry weight estimation.

    32. Boomsma, J. J. and T. M. Van der Have (1994). Intraspecific variation in queen-mating frequency and sperm bias in the ant Lasius niger. Les Insectes Sociaux. 12th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Paris, Sorbonne, 21-27 August 1994. A. Lenoir, G. Arnold and M. Lepage. Paris, Universite Paris Nord: 76.

    33. Boomsma, J. J. and T. M. van der Have (1998). "Queen mating and paternity variation in the ant Lasius niger." Mol. Ecol. 7: 1709-1718.

    34. Boomsma, J. J., T. M. Van der Have, et al. (1984). Production ecology, energetics and genetic structure of populations of Lasius niger : an integrated study. [Abstract], P. 502 in: XVII International Congress of Entomology. Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 20-26, 1984. Abstract Volume. Hamburg: 17th International Congress of Entomology, 960 p.

    35. Boomsma, J. J., G. A. van der Lee, et al. (1982). "On the production ecology of Lasius niger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in successive coastal dune valleys." J. Anim. Ecol. 51: 975-991.
      Исследована экология черного садового муравья в прибрежных дюнах. (1) The production ecology of the monogynous ant Lasius niger L. was investigated for three populations in dune valleys of different age; the populations differed with respect to colony density, interspecific competition, and resources available per ant worker. (2) Colony density, worker headwidth, and production of sexuals were maximal in immature dune grasslands, at levels just above the dune slack vegetation. (3) Worker headwidth and queen production were reduced by the presence of Lasius flavus F., but male production was unaffected. (4) Correlations between the production of sexuals and nearest neighbour distance or worker number per colony, also appeared to be dependent on the presence of L. flavus. (5) Population means of queen investment frequencies per colony were found to be 0.75 and 0.50 in the absence and presence of a dense L. flavus population, which equals investment ratios of 3:1 and 1:1 respectively. (6) Queen investment frequencies were further analysed as functions of colony production and worker headwidth. (7) The results are compared with literature data on the sexual production of L. flavus and Tetramorium caespitum L.; some methodological questions are also briefly discussed.

    36. Boomsma, J. J., A. J. van Loon, Brouwer, A.H., Andrasfalvy, A. (1990). Lasius neglectus, a new polygynous pest ant in Europe. Social insects and the environment. G. K. Veeresh, B. Mallik and C. A. Viraktamath. New Delhi, India. 765 p, Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd: 271-2.

    37. Boomsma, J. J., P. J. Wright, et al. (1993). "Social structure in the ant Lasius flavus: multi-queen nests or multi-nest mounds." Ecol. Entomol. 18: 47-53.

    38. Cammaerts, R. (1995). "Regurgitation behaviour of the Lasius flavus worker (Formicidae) towards the myrmecophilous beetle Claviger testaceus (Pselaphidae) and other recipients." Behav. Process. 34: 241-264.

    39. Cammaerts, R. (1999). "A quantitative comparison of the behavioral reactions of Lasius flavus ant workers (Formicidae) toward the guest beetle Claviger testaceus (Pselaphidae), ant larvae, intruder insects and cadavers." Sociobiology 33: 145-170.

    40. Cammaerts, R. (1999). "Transport location patterns of the guest beetle Claviger testaceus (Pselaphidae) and other objects moved by workers of the ant, Lasius flavus (Formicidae)." Sociobiology 34: 433-475.

    41. Collingwood, C. A. (1957). "The species of ants of the genus Lasius in Britain." J. Soc. Br. Entomol. 5: 204-214.

    42. Collingwood, C. A. (1963). "The Lasius (Chthonolasius) umbratus (Hym., Formicidae) species complex in north Europe." Entomologist 96: 145-158.

    43. Collingwood, C. A. (1982). "Himalayan ants of the genus Lasius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Syst. Entomol. 7: 283-296.
      Определитель 11 видов Lasius из Гималайского региона и описание 2-х новых видов: L. draco & L. mikir n.sp.; описаны самцы L. crinitus.

    44. Collingwood, C. A. (1991). "Especies raras de hormigas del genero Lasius en Espaсa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Bol. Asoc. Esp. Entomol. 15: 215-219.

    45. Collins, C. M. and S. R. Leather (2002). "Ant-mediated dispersal of the black willow aphid Pterocomma salicis L.; does the ant Lasius niger L. judge aphid-host quality?" Ecol. Entomol. 27(2): 238-241.

    46. Crawley, W. C. (1909). "Queens of Lasius umbratus, Nyl., accepted by colonies of Lasius niger, L." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 45: 94-99.

    47. Crawley, W. C. (1910). "Workers of Lasius flavus (? L. umbratus) among L. fuliginosus." Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 22: 67-69.

    48. Crawley, W. C. (1911). "Aphides of Lasius niger." Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 23: 23-24.

    49. Crawley, W. C. (1911). "Parthenogenesis in worker ants, with special reference to two colonies of Lasius niger, Linn." Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. London 59: 657-663.

    50. Crawley, W. C. (1911). "Some parasites of Lasius fuliginosus, L. niger, and L. flavus." Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 23: 22-23.

    51. Crawley, W. C. (1913). "Further experiments on the temporary social parasitism in ants of the genus Lasius, Fab.; with a note on Antennophorus uhlmanni." Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 25: 135-138.

    52. Crawley, W. C. (1921). "Mermis parasitic on ants of the genus Lasius." J. R. Microsc. Soc. London 41: 353-364.
      Companion paper to: Baylis, H.A., 1921, Mermis parasitic on ants of the genus Lasius. II. Description of Mermis myrmecophila Sp. Nov., J. R. Microsc. Soc. London 41: 365-372.

    53. Czechowski, W. (1979). "Competition between Lasius niger (L.) and Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 34: 437-451.

    54. Czechowski, W. (1979). "Mrуwki Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) wskaznikiem stopnia skazenia srodowiska miejskiego." Przegl. Zool. 24: 113-121.
      Иследован муравей Lasius niger как индикатор загрязнения городской среды

    55. Czechowski, W. (1984). "Tournaments and raids in Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 38: 81-91.

    56. Czechowski, W. (1985). "Competition between Myrmica laevinodis and Lasius niger (Hymenoptera: Formicoidea)." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39: 153-174.

    57. Czechowski, W. (1999). "Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) on a sandy dune: Its living conditions and interference during raids of Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 49: 117-123.

    58. Czechowski, W. and W. Rotkiewicz (1997). "Common activities of female sexuals of Lasius umbratus (Nyl.) and Formica sanguinea Latr. or Polyergus rufescens (Latr.) on nests of the dulotic species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Ann. Zool., Warszawa 47: 465-467.

    59. Donisthorpe, H. (1922). "The colony founding of Acanthomyops (Dendrolasius) fuliginosus Latr." Biol. Bull. Marine Biol. Lab.; Woods Hole 42: 173-184.

    60. Donisthorpe, H. (1938). "Observations on a colony of Acanthomyops (Dendrolasius) fuliginosus, Latr.; for 23 years." Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 50: 73-76.

    61. Donisthorpe, H. (1938). "A pterergate of Acanthomyops (Chtonolasius) flavus F. (Hym. Formicidae)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 74: 178-180.

    62. Dumpert, K. (1971). Alarmstoffrezeptoren auf der Antenne von Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultet der Ludwig - Maximilians - Universitat zu Munchen, 47 p.
      Описаны усиковые рецепторы , воспринимающие вещества тревоги Lasius fuliginosus. Available as Technical Translation, TT 80-59021, 1981.

    63. Dumpert, K. (1972). "Alarmstoffrezeptoren auf der Antenne von Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Z. Vgl. Physiol. 76: 403-425.
      Описаны усиковые рецепторы , воспринимающие вещества тревоги Lasius fuliginosus. Available as technical Translation TT 76-58105, Franklin Book Programs Inc. Cario, 1977.

    64. Dumpert, K. (1972). "Bau und Verteilung der Sensillen auf der Antennengeissel von Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Z. Morphol. Tiere 73: 95-116.
      Описана структура и распределение сенсилл усиках Lasius fuliginosus

    65. Dumpert, K. (1981). Alarm-substance receptors on the antenna of Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) = Alarmstoffrezeptoren auf der Antenne von Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Translated from: Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Ludwig - Maximilians - Universitat zu Munchen, p. 1-47, 1971. Technical Translation, TT 80-59021, Al Ahram Center for Scientific Translations.

    66. Espadaler, X. (1999). "Lasius neglectus Van Loon, Boomsma & Andrбsfalvy, 1990 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), a potential pest ant in Spain." Orsis 14: 43-46.
      Инвазивный вид Lasius neglectus впервые обнаружен в Иберийской фауне в 3 местах, в однм как вредный вид

    67. Espadaler, X., T. Akino, et Terayama, M. (2002 (2001)). "Taxonomic status of the ant Lasius nipponensis Forel, 1912 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Nouv. Revue Ent. (N.S.) 18: 335-341.

    68. Espadaler, X. and A. Prince (2001). "Lasius platythorax Seifert, 1991 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Spain." Orsis 16: 189-192.
      Lasius platythorax найден в 5 местах северной части Иберийского полуострова. Указаны отличия от сиблинга Lasius grandis.

    69. Espadaler, X. and S. Rey (2001). "Biological constraints and colony founding in the polygynous invasive ant Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insectes soc. 48: 159-164.
      Полигинный инвазивный вид Lasius neglectus был описан из Будапешта (Венгрия), как моноколониальный вид без четких межколониальных барьеров, с внутригнездовым спариванием без брачного полета. Here we analyze additional morphological characteristics of gynes, their physiological condition at emergence and at the time of mating and we describe the productivity of different types of colony founding in the laboratory. A low increase in dry weight and in fat content from emergence to mating indicates that gynes can only succeed in dependent colony founding. However, the queen-worker thorax volume ratio is typical of a species with independent colony founding and we were able to demonstrate independent colony founding in the laboratory (both haplo- and pleometrotic). Brood development in independent founding is rapid and the number of nanitics higher than in other Lasius species. Both colony buding and dependent colony founding could also be demostrated in the laboratory. Worker oviposition was absent. The carbohydrate content of newly mated queens is consistent with the observed loss of mating flight of this specis. However the relative wing area clearly indicated that queens should be able to fly. Therefore, both queen morphology and physiological state at maturity show that L. neglectus is intermediate between a monogynous, free-living, non pest ant and a multiqueened (polygynic) invasive tramp ant. The neglected ant thus offers interesting opportunities to study the origin of unicoloniality and the spread of this species in northeast Spain.

    70. Espadaler, X. and X. Roig (2001 (2000)). "Ants from the Montnegre-Corredor Natural Park (NE pain) with desription of the male Lasius cinereus Seifert (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Misc. Zool. 23: 45-53.
      Обзор 50 видов муравьев охраняемой зоны около Барселоны (сев.-вост. Испании). Впервые для Каталонии указаны Lasius lasioides (Emery) и Lasius cinereus Seifert. А самцы последнего вида описаны впервые для науки. Отличия этого вида: their smaller size separates them from the otherwise similar males of Lasius grandis Forel. The head and scape are proportionately longer in L. cinereus. Одна серия Lasius (Chthonolasius) была необычной и состояла из 2-х отчетливых фенотипов (различия в pubescence, biometry and degree of flattening of appendages). Одна форма предварительно указана как вид L. umbratus (Nylander); а другая форма ближе к Lasius rabaudi Bondroit. Присутствие инвазианого Аргентинского муравья Argentine ant (Linepithema humile Mayr) на границе исследованного парка призывает к его мониторингу и реабилитационным мероприятиям зоны, оккупированной этим заносным видом.

    71. Faber, W. (1967). "Beitrage zur Kenntnis sozialparasitischer Ameisen. I. Lasius (Austrolasius n. sg.) reginae n. sp., eine neue temporar sozialparasitische Erdameise aus oesterreich (Hym. Formicidae)." Pflanzenschutz Ber. 36: 73-107.

    72. Franks, N. R., K. J. Healey, et al. (1991). "Studies on the relationship between the ant ectoparasite Antennophorus grandis (Acarina: Antennophoridae) and its host Lasius flavus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Zool. (London) 225: 59-70.

    73. Emery, C. (1925). "Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Formicinae." Genera Insectorum 183: 1-302.

    74. Gaspar, C. (1965). "La monogynie chez Lasius niger Linnaeus: Resultat d'une selection des femelles par les jeunes ouvrieres (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Bull. Inst. Agron. Sta. Rech. Gembloux 33: 218-220.

    75. Gaspar, C. (1965). "Notes sur l'ecologie et l'ethologie des especes du genre Lasius (Hymenoptera Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 12: 219-230.

    76. Gaspar, C. (1967). "Sur les pistes et les moeurs de Lasius fuliginosus Latreille (Hymenoptera Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 14: 183-190.
      Следы и биология Lasius fuliginosus Latreille

    77. Gaspar, C. (1972). "Actions des fourmis du genre Lasius dans l'ecosystиme prairie." Ekol. Pol. 20: 145-152.

    78. Green, A. A. and J. Kane (1958). "Lasius brunneus (Latr.) (Hym., Formicidae) as a domestic pest." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 94: 181.

    79. Gosswald, K. (1929). "Mermithogynen von Lasius alienus gefunden in der Umgeburg von Wьrzburg." Zool. Anz. 84: 202-204.

    80. Gosswald, K. (1938). "Grundsatzliches ьber parasitische Ameisen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der abhangigen Koloniegrundung von Lasius umbratus mixtus Nyl." Z. Wiss. Zool. 151: 101-148.

    81. Grimaldi, D. and D. Agosti (2000). "A formicine in New Jersey Cretaceous amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and early evolution of the ants." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97: 13678-13683.

    82. Holldobler, K. (1929). "Uber die Entwicklung der Schwirrfliege Xanthogramma citrofasciatum im Neste von Lasius alienus und niger." Zool. Anz. 82: 171-176.

    83. Holldobler, K. (1953). "Beobachtungen uber die Koloniengrundung von Lasius umbratus umbratus Nyl." Z. Angew. Entomol. 34: 598-606.

    84. Holldobler, B. (1973). Amphotis marginata (Nitidulidae) Futterbetteln bei Lasius fuliginosus (Formicidae). Encyclopaedia Cinematographica. G. Wolf. Gottingen, Inst. Wissenschaftlichen Film: 3-5.

    85. Holldobler, B., M. Mцglich, et Maschwitz, U. (1982 (1981)). "Myrmecophilic relationship of Pella (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) to Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Psyche 88: 347-374.
      Atheta fungi, Atheta sodalis, Homoeusa acuminata, Oxypoda vittata, Pella cognata, Pella funesta, Pella humeralis, Pella laticollis, Pella lugens, Rugilus rufipes, Thiasophila inquilina, Sipalia circellaris

    86. Janda, M., D. Folkova, and J. Zrzavy. 2004. Phylogeny of Lasius ants based on mitochondrial DNA and morphology, and the evolution of social parasitism in the Lasiini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33(3):595-614.

    87. Janet, C. (1897). "Sur les rapports de l'Antennophorus uhlmanni Haller avec le Lasius mixtus Nyl." C. R. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. 124: 583-585.
      English summary: See: Weed, C.M., 1897, an ant-inhabiting mite, American Naturalist 1897: 726-728.

    88. Janet, C. (1897). "Sur les rapports du Discopoma comata Rerlese, avec le Lasius mixtus Nylander." C. R. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. 124: 102-105.

    89. Janet, C. (1897). Etudes sur les fourmis, les guepes et les abeilles. Note 13 sur le Lasius mixtus l'Antennophorus uhlmanni etc. Limoges, H. Ducourtieux. 67p.
      Обзор литературы по мирмекофилам. Мирмекофилы из гнезда L. mixtus. Atelura formicaria (= Lepismina polypoda)] Упомяныты: Acarina, Discopoma comata, Disparipes, Glyphopsis bostocki, Laelaps claviger, Neoberlesia, Antennophoridae, Antennophorus uhlmanni, Uropodidae, Uropoda, Uropoda ovalis, Uropoda philoctena, Prostigmata, Acaridae, Tyrophagus megnini, Crustacea, Isopoda, Squamiferidae, Platyarthrus hoffmanseggi, Diplopoda, millipede, Blaniulidae, Blanius guttulatus, Thysanura, Ateluridae, Atelura formicaria, Lepismina polypoda

    90. Janet, C. (1905). Anatomie de la tete du Lasius niger reine. Limoges, Ducourtieux et Gout. 40p.

    91. Janet, C. (1907). Anatomie du corselet et histolyse des muscles vibrateurs, aprиs le vol nuptial, chez la reine de la fourmi (Lasius niger). Limoges, Ducourtieux et Gout. 149p.

    92. Kannowski, P. B. (1959). "The use of radioactive phosphorus in the study of colony distribution of the ant Lasius minutus." Ecology 40: 162-165.

    93. Kern, F., R. W. Klein, et al. (1997). "Mellein, a trail pheromone component of the ant Lasius fuliginosus." J. Agric. Food Chem. 45(10): 779-792.
      Феромоны содержали 3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-methylisocoumarin (mellein) и 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one are among the volatile constituents identified from the hindgut of the formicine ant Lasius (Dendrolasius) fulignosus Mellein induces trail-following behavior in worker ants of this species and evokes electrophysiological responses from their antennae. The trail-following activity released by (R)-(-)-mellein is significantly higher than that elicited by its (S)-(+) antipode, or the racemic mixture. The above-mentioned pyranone is found also in the honeydew of aphids, the customary diet of this ant species. The pyranone also evokes some trail-following behavior, but its activity is far less pronounced than that of mellein. Apparently, extra pheromone components are present in the hindgut, since the activity of these two constituents, either individually or as a mixture, does not completely account for the total activity released by a hindgut extract containing similar amounts of these two compounds.

    94. Kim, B. J. and K. H. Lim (1992). Systematic study of Korean Lasius ants on the basis of electrophoretic data. [Abstract], P. 53 in: Proceedings XIX International Congress of Entomology. Abstracts. Beijing, China, June 28 - July 4, 1992. Beijing: XIX International Congress of Entomology, xi. + 730 pp.

    95. Kim, B. J. and K. H. Lim (1994). "Systematic study of Korean Lasius ants on the basis of electrophoretic data." Korean J. Entomol. 24: 117-129.

    96. King, T. J. and R. J. Woodell (1975). "The use of the mounds of Lasius flavus in teaching some principles of ecological investigation." J. Biol. Educ. 9: 109-113.

    97. Kistner, D. H. and M. S. Blum (1971). "Alarm pheromone of Lasius (Dendrolasius) spathepus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and its possible mimicry by two species of Pella (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)." Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 64: 589-594.
      Феромоны тревоги и возможная мимикрия у жуков-стафилинов. Beetles ate dead ants & booty. Alarm pheromone appeared to be the same in ant & beetle.

    98. Kutter, H. (1946). "Lasius (Chthonolasius) carniolicus Mayr, eine neue Schweizerameise." Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 19: 698-699.

    99. Lenoir, A. (1979). "Le comportement alimentaire et la division du travail chez la fourmi Lasius niger (L.)." Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. 113: 79-314.
      Питание и разделение труда у Lasius niger (L.) ants

    100. Lenoir, A. (1979b). Le comportement alimentaire et la division du travail chez la fourmi Lasius niger, Univ. Tours (resume these)., 214 p.

    101. Lenoir, A. (1981). "Brood retrieving in the ant, Lasius niger L." Sociobiology 6: 153-178.
      Спасение и переноска потомства у муравьев. When foraging ants find some brood during their searches they retrieve it immediately inside the nest where it is placed with the brood of the colony. This particular behavior was studied in the laboratory. Three retrieving tests are necessary to identify 80% of the foragers, which realize more than 98% of whole alimentation of the colony. A retrieving recruitment can be observed which is different from a food recruitment behavior. In a new young colony (during the first autumn) ants are not strictly specialized: 75% of the individuals are able to retrieve more or less brood. Correspondence analysis has confirmed that brood-retrieving behavior is associated with foraging behavior. It was observed that retrieving exists also at the beginning of hibernation when the colony is quite inactive. In a choice test foragers prefer large larvae and cocoons to small larvae, which are preferred to eggs. Homospecific brood of a different colony is also rapidly carried. In summer all the larvae are very active and soon adopted; but the workers learn to recognize larvae after several days. In autumn, when larvae are hibernating, alien brood is differentiated immediately. Lack of contact with larvae at the onset of imaginal life influences brood-retrieving behavior: the workers prefer eggs instead of larvae but normal behavior appears after a few days of contact with the larvae. There is no early experience needed for this apsect of social behavior in this species of ants.

    102. Lenoir, A. (1981). Feeding behavior and division of labor in the ant Lasius niger, Assemblee generale de la section francaise de l'union internationale pour l'etude des insectes sociaux., 1981., p. 138-142.

    103. Lenoir, A. and H. Ataya (1980). "Polyethisme et specialisation du comportement chez la fourmi Lasius niger (L.)." Biol.-Ecol. Med. 7: 197-198.
      Иследование полиэтизма у Lasius niger. Correspondence analysis for 24 behaviors revealed the existence of specialization in tasks associated with particular sectors of the foraging arena, and for other individuals a great behavioral plasticity in outside nest tasks, or in tending the brood inside the nest.

    104. Lenoir, A. and H. Ataya (1982). Stochastic aspects of polyethism in the ant Lasius niger. The Biology Of Social Insects :Proceedings, Ninth Congress, International Union For The Study Of Social Insects, Boulder, Colorado, August 1982. M. D. Breed, C. D. Michener and H. E. Evans. Boulder, Westview Press: 252.

    105. Lenoir, A. and H. Ataya (1983). "Polyethisme et repartition des niveaux d' activite chez la fourmi Lasius niger L." Z. Tierpsychol. J Comp Ethol 63: 213-232.
      Иследование полиэтизма и распределения уровней активности у Lasius niger в 5 молодых колониях, где были индивидуально помечены 225 муравьев. Прослежены 24 поведенческих параметра для каждого из них. Data have been treated by correspondence analysis (a form of principal component analysis). The first factor allowed distinction, as in many ant species, between nurses, foragers and a third large group called a 'reserve' subcaste. The second factor distinguishes between foragers, carriers and explorers. We have in these young societies, reared in artificial nests with only one cell for the queen and the brood, only one caste of nurses perhaps with a subcaste of cocoon nurses. For outside tasks we observe simultaneously a great specialization (carriers and explorers) and a great plasticity of other foragers available for many tasks. The distribution for the levels of activity was studied for each task; it is always exponential, with a smaller number of hyperactive workers. The slope of curves is variable from very specialized tasks (for ex.: egg nursing) to tasks involving the whole population (for ex.: grooming). Nevertheless the distribution of the total activity is log- normal. This contradiction seems to indicate that individual potentialities are distributed according to a stochastic process with factors enhancing the expression of some groups of tasks.

    106. Lloyd, H. A., T. H. Jones, Hefetz, A., Tengo, J. (1990). "Lasiol, a new acyclic monoterpenol in the mandibular gland secretion of Lasius meridionalis." Tetrahedron Lett. 31: 5559-5562.

    107. Lopez, G. F. (1988). "Description of a colony of Lasius umbratus Nylander 1864 found inside a cave and some considerations on the cavernicolous quality of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Mem. Speleol. 15: 107-116.

    108. Lorite, P., J. A. Carrillo, et al. (2002). "Chromosome numbers in Spanish Formicidae. IV. New data of species from the genus Camponotus, Formica, Lasius, Messor and Monomorium." Sociobiology 40: 331-341.
      Новые кариологические данные по 2-м подсемействам муравьев, включая исследование иберийских эндемиков Formica frontalis и Formica subrufa. Указано число хромосом у Formica gerardi. In Lasius brunneus, a variation on chromosome number probably due to the presence of B-chromosomes was detected. For two other species (Camponotus cruentatus and Messor barbarus) we found different chromosome numbers from those previously published. Also we confirm the chromosome number reported for Monomorium subopacum.

    109. MacKay, W. P. and E. E. MacKay (1994). "Lasius xerophilus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new ant species from White Sands National Monument, New Mexico." Psyche 101: 37-43.

    110. Maschwitz, U. and B. Holldobler (1970). "Der Kartonnestbau bei Lasius fuliginosus Latr. (Hym. Formicidae)." Z. Vgl. Physiol. 66: 176-189.
      Изучено картонное гнездо Lasius fuliginosus

    111. Mei, M. (1998). "Lasius (Cautolasius) myrmidon n. sp.: A new hypogaeic ant from Greece (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. 130: 177-182.

    112. Miles, P. M. (1982). "The ant Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and an anting rook (Corvus frugilegus L.) (Corvidae, Passeriformes)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 1420: 199-200.

    113. Nielsen, M. G. (1972). "An attempt to estimate energy flow through a population of workers of Lasius alienus (Fцrst) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Nat. Jutl. 16: 99-107.

    114. Nielsen, M. G. (1973). "Aboveground activity of the ant Lasius alienus (Forst) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Nat. Jutl. 16: 81-94.

    115. Nielsen, M. G. (1974). "The use of Lincoln Index for estimating the worker population of Lasius alienus (Forst) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Nat. Jutl. 17: 85-90.

    116. Nielsen, M. G. (1977). Nests of Lasius flavus F. on tidal meadows in Denmark. Proceedings of the International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects: 140-141.

    117. Nielsen, M. G. (1978). "Production of sexuals in nests of Lasius flavus (Forst.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Nat. Jutl. 20: 251-254.

    118. Nielsen, M. G. (1982). The distribution and density of Lasius flavus nests on tidal meadows in Denmark. Symposium on regulation of social insect population. Skierniewice: 2-3.

    119. Nielsen, M. G. and T. F. Jensen (1975). "Okologiske studier over Lasius alienus (Forst.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Entomol. Medd. 43: 5-16.

    120. Nielsen, M. G., N. Skyberg, et al. (1985). "Respiration in the sexuals of the ant Lasius flavus." Physiol. Entomol. 10: 199-204.
      Иссследована реапирация половых особей желтого лугового муравья. Gynes and males of Lasius flavus Fab. were taken from the nest as they eclosed, and at intervals thereafter until the mating flight, and their respiration was measured. After the mating flight respiration was measured in gynes at various stages of colony foundation. Respiration in gyne rose rapidly to apeak as they began to accumulate food reserves for colony foundation. Subsequently, the respiratory rate declined and remained at a low level until the mating flight and during the claustral phase of colony foundation. Once the colony was well established and the queen actively laying, the respiratory rate returned to that at the beginning of maturation. Males showed smaller changes in their respiratory rates, which were generally higher than those of the gynes. The variation in respiration in males seemed to be due to increasing restlessness as the time of the mating flight approached.

    121. Nielsen, M. G., N. Skyberg, et al. (1976). "Studies on Lasius flavus F. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): I. Population density, biomass, and distribution of nests." Entomol. Medd. 44: 65-75.

    122. Nonacs, P. (1990). "Size and kinship affect success of co-founding Lasius pallitarsis queens." Psyche 97: 217-228.

    123. Nonacs, P. (1991). "Exploratory behavior of Lasius pallitarsis ants encountering novel areas." Insect. Soc. 38: 345-349.

    124. Nonacs, P. (1992). "Queen condition and alate density affect pleometrosis in the ant Lasius pallitarsis." Insect. Soc. 39: 3-13.

    125. Nonacs, P. and L. M. Dill (1988). "Foraging response of the ant Lasius pallitarsis to food sources with associated mortality risk." Insect. Soc. 35: 293-303.

    126. Palomeque, T., E. Chica, et al. (1990). "Karyotype, C-banding, chromosomal location of active nucleolar organizing regions, and B-chromosomes in Lasius niger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Genome 33: 267-272.

    127. Parker, K. A. and W. S. Johnson (1969). "Synthesis of dendrolasin, the major product of the mandibular gland of the ant Lasius (Dendrolasius) fuliginosus Latr." Tetrahedron Lett. 17: 1329-1332.

    128. Peakin, G., M. G. Nielsen, et al. (1989). "Respiration during the metamorphosis of sexuals in Lasius flavus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Physiol. Entomol. 14: 203-210.

    129. Peakin, G., M. G. Nielsen, et al. (1985). "Respiration in the larvae of the ants Myrmica scabrinodis and Lasius flavus." Physiol. Entomol. 10: 205-214.
      Уровни дыхательной активности личинок лазиусов и мирмик при разной температуре. Respiratory rates of larvae of Myrmica scabrinodis Nyl. and Lasius flavus fab. were measured at 5, 15 and 25°C using the micro-Warburg technique. Larvae collected in the winter and spring were a mixture of all three castes. In the summer collection it was possible to separate the gyne-potential larvae from the others by virtue of their greater size. The respiration of the larvae of both species showed a decreasing response to temperature as they developed. The winter larvae of L. flavus could be categorized into two groups on the basis of the proportions of dry matter. They were also significantly different in their weight-specific respiratory rate, and their response to temperature changes. Gyne larvae were about 7 times as heavy as the others, but their weight-specific respiratory rate was the same as in the other larvae in M. scabrinodis and actually larger in L. flavus. The highest respiratory rates occurred when the dry matter content of the larvae was lowest, in the summer collection for M. scabrinodis and the spring collection for L. flavus.

    130. Peakin, G. J. (1985). "The growth and development of the overwintering larvae in the ant Lasius flavus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." J. Zool. (Lond.) 205: 179-189.

    131. Peakin, G. J. (1985). "The humidity responses of the reproductive castes of Lasius flavus Fab. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) before and after the mating flight." Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Entomol. 4: 299-301.

    132. Peakin, G. J. and M. G. Nielsen (1988). Energy consumption by sexuals of Lasius flavus during maturation. [Abstract], P. 233 in: XVIII International Congress of Entomology. Vancouver, B. C.; Canada, July 3-9, 1988. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Entomology, Abstract Volume.

    133. Pearson, B. (1982). "The taxonomic status of morphologically-anomalous ants in the Lasius niger/Lasius alienus taxon." Insect. Soc. 29: 95-101.
      Таксономический статус гибридных аномальных форм. Morphologically-indeterminant forms in the ant species group Lasius alienus and Lasius niger have been found to be distinct from these species electrophoretically, suggesting that they may be either a separate species or hybrids, rather than variants of L. niger and L. alienus. This work also elicited the discovery that L. alienus is polymorphic in chromosome number, a discovery, it transpires, already made by another worker but not published.

    134. Pearson, B. (1983). "The classification of morphologically intermediate ants in the Lasius alienus/Lasius niger taxon. Further observations." Insect. Soc. 30: 100-105.

    135. Pearson, B. (1984 ("1983")). "Hybridization between the ant species Lasius niger and Lasius alienus: the genetic evidence." Insect. Soc. 30: 402-411.
      Genetic evidence indicates that ants morphologically intermediate between Lasius alienus and Lasius niger are hybrids. These hybrid colonies apparently result from matings between L.alienus queens and L.niger males. The distribution of the allozyme pattern is consistent with the previously-established concept of habitual monogyny and monoandry in these species (with one L.alienus nest found to be an exception) and also provides tentative evidence for males being habitually produced by the queen in L.alienus colonies but by the workers in L.niger. An exceptional male (of heterozygous genotype) found in a hybrid nest was probably diploid. The greater size of hybrid workers may lead to increased male production by their L.alienus mothers, at least partially compemnsating them for the lack of fertile daughter queens.

    136. Pearson, B. (1987). "The sex ratio of heathland populations of the ants Lasius alienus, Lasius niger and their hybrids." Insect. Soc. 34: 194-203.

    137. Pinyarat, W. and K. Mori (1993). "Synthesis of 2,4-dimethyl-5-hexanolide, 2-4-dimethyl-5-heptanolide and 2,4-dimethyl-5-octanolide, the lactones identified in volatiles from the heads of the male black garden ant, Lasius niger." Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 57: 419-421.

    138. Pontin, A. J. (1958). "A preliminary note on the eating of aphids by ants of the genus Lasius (Hym., Formicidae)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 94: 9-11.
      Citation: ... Honeydew is well known to be a source of food for ants, but it is usually assumed that the aphids providing it are not eaten. My observations indicate that a high proportion of the solid food given to the larvae of Lasius niger and L. flavus is, however, aphids. (...) The conditions which lead to the eating of aphids on the aerial parts of plants can be more easily observed. L. fuliginosus carries in large numbers of Drepanosiphum platanoides, Periphyllus testudinatus, and Microlophium evansi along its trails and L. niger has been observed carrying in many Drepanosiphum platanoides. Most of these aphids are still capable of movement, although badly injured, and the ants carrying D. platanoides or M. evansi usually have blobs of wax from the aphids siphuncles on their antennae and legs showing that they definitely attacked live aphids ...

    139. Pontin, A. J. (1960). "Field experiments on colony foundation by Lasius niger (L.) and L. flavus (F.) (Hym., Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 7: 227-230.

    140. Pontin, A. J. (1960). "Observations on the keeping of aphid eggs by ants of the genus Lasius." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 96: 198-199.

    141. Pontin, A. J. (1961). "A note on the behaviour of Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) (Hym., Formicidae)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 97: 137.

    142. Pontin, A. J. (1961). "Population stabilization and competition between the ants Lasius flavus (F.) and L. niger (L.)." J. Anim. Ecol. 30: 47-54.

    143. Pontin, A. J. (1961). "The prey of Lasius niger (L.) and L. flavus (F.) (Hym., Formicidae)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 97: 135-137.
      Citation: Donisthorpe (1927) records a few species of animals taken by these ants for food, but there are surprisingly few records available. (..) In fact L. flavus eats a wide range of subterranean animals including the aphid species providing the honeydew.

    144. Pontin, A. J. (1963). "Further considerations of competition and the ecology of the ants Lasius flavus (F.) and L. niger (L.)." J. Anim. Ecol. 32: 565-574.

    145. Pontin, A. J. (1969). "Experimental transplantation of nest-mounds of the ant Lasius flavus (F.) in a habitat containing also L. niger (L.) and Myrmica scabrinodis Nyl." J. Anim. Ecol. 38(3): 74-77.
      Transplantation of L. flavus was successful. Alate queen production showed that L. niger was less affected by the introductions than existing L. flavus colonies. Increased alate queen production resulted from the removal of M. scabrinodis.

    146. Pontin, A. J. (1976). "The taxonomic status of Lasius rabaudi (Bondroit) (Hym., Formicidae)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 111: 99-100.

    147. Pontin, A. J. (1978). "The numbers and distribution of subterranean aphids and their exploitation by the ant Lasius flavus (Fabr.)." Ecol. Entomol. 3: 203-207.
      Abstract: 1. Subterranean aphids in old pasture were found to show extremely clumped distribution with about 3000 aphids (omitting first instars) per ant nest throughout the year. 2. They were generally distributed in and away from the nest mounds, but within the antґs foraging territories. 3. At summer temperatures, more than 3000 first instars are lost from the aphid population per ant nest per day and it is concluded that these are eaten by the ants in addition to some older aphids and the honey-dew produced. 4. The aphids may therefore provide enough food to maintain the ants with very little extra needed in the form of other prey.

    148. Prescott, H. W. (1969 (1968)). "Longevity of Lasius flavus F. (Hym., Formicidae)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 104: 284.

    149. Prescott, H. W. (1973). "Longevity of Lasius flavus (F.) (Hym., Formicidae): a sequel." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 109: 124.

    150. Prince, A. J. (1995). "Alates of Myrmecina graminicola (Latr.) (Hym., Formicidae) observed leaving a Lasius flavus (F.) nest in a Somerset garden." Entomol.' Mon. Mag. 131: 257.

    151. Prince, A. J. (1996). "Lasius platythorax Seifert 1991 (Hym., Formicidae) on the Somerset Levels, with notes on distinguishing the male from that of Lasius niger (L.)." Entomol. Mon. Mag. 132: 299-303.

    152. Quinet, Y. (1991). Eco-ethologie de la recolte de nourriture chez Lasius fuliginosus (Latreilles) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), These de l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 131 p.

    153. Quinet, Y., J. C. de Biseau, et al. (1997). "Food recruitment as a component of the trunk-trail foraging behaviour of Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Behav. Process. 40: 75-83.

    154. Quinet, Y. and J. M. Pasteels (1991). "Spatiotemporal evolution of the trail network in Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Belg. J. Zool. 121: 55-72.

    155. Quinet, Y. and J. M. Pasteels (1995). "Trail following and stowaway behaviour of the myrmecophilous staphylinid beetle, Homoeusa acuminata, during foraging trips of its host Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 42: 31-44.

    156. Quinet, Y. and J. M. Pasteels (1996). "Spatial specialization of the foragers and foraging strategy in Lasius fuliginosus (Latreille) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Insect. Soc. 43: 333-346.

    157. Rasse, P. and J. L. Deneubourg (2001). "Dynamics of nest excavation and nest size regulation of Lasius niger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." J. Insect Behav. 14: 433-449.

    158. Regnier, F. E. and E. O. Wilson (1969). "The alarm-defense system of the ant Lasius alienus." J. Insect Physiol. 15: 893-898.

    159. Schlick-Steiner, B. C., F. M. Steiner, et Seifert, B. (2002). "Lasius flavus--a host species of Lasius mixtus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Sociobiology 39: 141-143.

    160. Sciaky, R. and F. Rigato (1987). "Studies on the behaviour of the parasite queens of the genus Lasius (Hymenoptera Formicidae)." Pubbl. Ist. Entomol. Univ. Pavia 36: 39-41.

    161. Seifert, B. (1982). "Lasius (Chthonolasius) jensi n. sp. - eine neue temporar sozialparasitische Erdameise aus Mitteleuropa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Reichenbachia 20: 85-96.

    162. Seifert, B. (1983). "The taxonomical and ecological status of Lasius myops Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and first description of its males." Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Goerlitz 57(6): 1-16.
      Таксономический и экологический статус вида Lasius myops подтвержден. Это хороший вид, отличный от Lasius flavus (Fabricius). The study revealed constant morphological differences of the two species even under closely neighboured sympatric occurrence. The most easy separation is possible in the worker caste where L. myops has approximately half the ommatidia number of L. flavus for equal head widths. Absolute ommatidia numbers are unsuitable for determination purposes in many cases since the smallest L. flavus workers may have only 12 ommatidia per eye while for largest L. myops workers were counted up to 42. The best character to separate the queens of both species is the distribution of dark brown pigmentation on the head. The males of L. myops which are described in this paper for the first time are well characterized for the masticatory border of their mandibles which shows at least one small dent in addition to the larger apical and subapical teeth. In contrast the occurrence of such a small denticle is a rare exception in L. flavus (only 5% of all examined specimens). Comparative ecologica investigations on 45 test plots in very different habitats which were occupied by at least one of the two species demonstarte that both are segregated ecologically. L. myops is a very stenopotent type found exclusively in warm, dry and oligotrophic habitats. In contrast L. flavus is a clearly eurypotent type preferring sites of moderate temperature and humidity conditions and higher phytodensity, without avoiding habitats typical for L. myops.

    163. Seifert, B. (1988). "A revision of the European species of the ant subgenus Chthonolasius (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." Entomol. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierkd. Dres. 51: 143-180.
      Lasius affinis, Lasius balcanicus, Lasius bicornis, Lasius distinguendus, Lasius jensi jensi, Lasius jensi longiceps, Lasius meridionalis, Lasius mixtus, Lasius rabaudi, Lasius sabularum, Lasius umbratus

    164. Seifert, B. (1990). "Supplementation to the revision of European species of the ant subgenus Chthonolasius Ruzsky, 1913 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Doriana 6(271): 1-13.
      Lasius affinis, Lasius citrinus, Lasius distinguendus, Lasius mixtoumbratus, Lasius viehmeyeri

    165. Seifert, B. (1991). "Lasius platythorax n. sp., a widespread sibling species of Lasius niger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Entomol. Gen. 16: 69-81.
      Сенсационное описание очень схожего и близкого к L.niger вида-сиблинга Lasius platythorax n. sp.   Смотрите PDF-копию >>>

    166. Seifert, B. (1992). "A taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic members of the ant subgenus Lasius s. str. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Abhand. Be. Naturkundemus. Goerlitz 66(5): 1-66.
      Описаны 17 новых видов и 8 видам придан статус вида и 11 синонимизиованы. Всего в подроде признаны 33 вида. Исследованы более 5000 экземпляров.

    167. Seifert, B. (1997). "Lasius nitidigaster n. sp. - a new ant of the subgenus Chthonolasius Ruzksy (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Ann. Zool. (Warsaw) 46: 201-205.

    168. Sudd, J. H. (1970). "The response of isolated digging worker ants (Formica lemani Bondroit and Lasius niger (L.)) to tunnels." Insect. Soc. 17: 261-272.

    169. Traniello, J. F. A. (1983). "Social organization and foraging success in Lasius neoniger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): behavioral and ecological aspects of recruitment communication." Oecologia 59: 94-100.
      Фуражировка и социальная организация. Live, moribund, or dead arthropods are gathered by Lasius neoniger through individual and social retrieval. 85% of total biomass of prey (fresh weight) in the diet is cooperatively retrieved by groups of workers. Short- and long-range chemical recruitment signals coordinate cooperative foraging. Short-range recruitment of workers to assist in the retrieval of defense of prey is achieved by simultaneous discharge of hindgut material and poison gland secretion. In long-range recruitment, workers dicovering prey deposit a trail of hindgut material while returning to the nest. Hindgut pheromones both stimulate nestmates to leave the nest and orients them to the food source. Colony response is adjusted to prey weight. Group retrieval of prey follows after a sufficient number of followers have been recruited to move the prey. Rapid prey movement decreases the exposure of food sources to neighboring conspecific and interspecific competitors. The ability to move prey rapidly is limited to prey of the order of 130 mg in weight or less. The probability of interference during foraging and resource loss to competitors increases with increasing prey size, but the probability of loss is significantly less than the probability of interference for intermediate size prey (ђ 20 mg), which can be moved quickly. The foraging and recruitment behaviors of Lasius neoniger appear to have a prey size-dependent effectiveness which results in greater foraging success on prey of a relatively narrow size range above those prey that can be retrieved by solitary foragers.

    170. Traniello, J. F. A. (1989). "Chemical trail systems, orientation, and territorial interactions in the ant Lasius neoniger." J. Insect Behav. 2: 339-354.

    171. Traniello, J. F. A. and S. C. Levings (1986). "Intra- and intercolony patterns of nest dispersion in the ant Lasius neoniger: correlations with territoriality and foraging ecology." Oecologia 69: 413-419.

    172. Van der Have, T. M., J. J. Boomsma, et al. (1988). "Sex-investment ratios and relatedness in the monogynous ant Lasius niger (L.)." Evolution 42: 160-172.
      Вклад полов и степень родственности у моногинного вида Lasius niger. The genetic variation at two marker loci in three populations of the monogynous ant Lasius niger was used to analyze the importance of relatedness structure to sex-investment ratios in sexuals produced by colonies living in different resource conditions. From a resource-rich monoculture to a population in a resource-limited environment, dry weight investment in queens decresed from female-biased (0.76) to equally with male investment (Boomsma et al., 1982). The investment ratio in sexuals expected from the estimated relatedness ratios, resulting from kin- selection theory (Trivers and Hare, 1976), were in good agreement with the observed ratios in all populations. This indicated that the workers can capitalize on the asymmetry in relatedness, opposing the queen's interest, despite the contrast in environmental conditions in the different populations. This asymmetry, however, almost disappeared in the marginal population, due to a high frequency of double mating and worker production of males, resulting in a much reduced queen-worker conflict. We suggest that different levels of polyandry might be favored at different points of the resource gradient, with the sex ratio secondarily depending on these polyandry levels. As there was no population subdivision or spatial structure within the populations, group-selection and local-mate- competition models cannot account for the observed female-biased ratios, whereas they were rather accurately predicted by kin-selection theory.

    173. Van Loon, A.J., Boomsma, J.J., Andrasfalvy, A. (1990). "A new polygynous Lasius species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from central Europe. I. Description and general biology." Insect. Soc. 37: 348-362.
      Сенсационное обнаружение в центре Будапешта нового инвазивного (родина его не известна) вида Lasius neglectus

    174. Waloff, N. (1957). "The effect of the number of queens of the ant Lasius flavus (Fab.) (Hym., Formicidae) on their survival and on the rate of development of the first brood." Insect. Soc. 4: 391-408.

    175. Waloff, N. and R. E. Blackith (1962). "The growth and distribution of the mounds of Lasius flavus (Fabricius) (Hym: Formicidae) in Silwood Park, Berkshire." J. Anim. Ecol. 31: 421-437.

    176. Wang, D. (1993). Hydrological and pedological roles of the ant Lasius neoniger (Emery) in an agricultural landscape, Ph.D. dissert., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 163 p.
      В диссертации иследована гидрологическая и педологическая роль муравьев Lasius neoniger на сельскохозяйственных землях. The primary effect of the ant on soil development is mixing of the upper 0.7 m of soil. [Dissert. Abstr. Int. B 54: 4053] [Order # AAC 9322562]

    177. Wang, D., K. McSweeney, et al. (1995). "Nest structure of ant Lasius neoniger Emery and its implications to soil modification." Geoderma 66: 259-272.

    178. Wasmann, E. (1913). "Lasius emarginatus Ol., eine kartonnestbauende Ameise." Biol. Zentralbl. 23: 264-266, Tafel II.

    179. Wilson, E. O. (1955). "A monographic revision of the ant genus Lasius." Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 113: 1-201.

    180. Wing, M. W. (1967). A Taxonomic revision of the Nearctic genus Acanthomyops Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Ph.D. dissert., University of Minnesota, 402 p.
      15 видов и 5 гибридов [Dissert. Abstr. B 28: 3934]

    181. Wing, M. W. (1968). Taxonomic revision of the Nearctic genus Acanthomyops (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Mem. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. No. 405,173 p.
      Виды Lasius spp. служат временными хозяевами для основания семей у A. claviger, A. latipes и A. murphyi. A. parvula is a n.syn. of A. claviger. Описаны новые виды: A. bureni, A. colei, и A. creightoni n.sp. Вид A. clavigeroides n.syn. синонимизиован с A. subglaber. Вид A. pogonogynus учтен как гибрид.

    182. Yamauchi, K. (1979 ("1978")). "Taxonomical and ecological studies on the ant genus Lasius in Japan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). I. Taxonomy." Sci. Rep. Fac. Educ. Gifu Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 6: 147-181.

    183. Yamauchi, K. (1980). Sociobiological studies of the polygynic ant Lasius sakagamii, Proc. 16th Intern. Congr. Entomol., Abstr. p. 431.

    184. Yamauchi, K. (1980 ("1979")). "Taxonomical and ecological studies on the ant genus Lasius in Japan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). II. Geographical distribution, habitat and nest site preferences and nest structure." Sci. Rep. Fac. Educ. Gifu Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 6: 420-433.

    185. Yamauchi, K. (1981). "Taxonomy and ecology of the ant genus Lasius of Japan. [in Japanese]." Nat. Insects (Konchu Shizen) 16(3): 9-14.

    186. Yamauchi, K. and K. Hayashida (1968). "Taxonomic studies on the genus Lasius in Hokkaido, with ethological and ecological notes (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). I. The subgenus Dendrolasius or Jet Black Ants." J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VI. Zool. 16: 396-412.
      Виды L. ouchii Teranishi 1940 и L. umbratus Teranishi 1927 синонимы вида L. teranishii Wheeler 1928. Виды L. spathepus и L. teranishii строят картонные гнезда. L. teranishii временный социальный паразит вида L. flavus. L. buccatus известен только из Боснии; L. fuliginosus - транспалеаркт; L. crispus & L. spathepus известны только из Японии и Кореи; L. teranishii известен только из Японии.

    187. Yamauchi, K. and K. Hayashida (1970). "Taxonomic studies on the genus Lasius in Hokkaido, with ethological and ecological notes (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). II. The subgenus Lasius." J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VI. Zool. 17: 501-519.
      L. alienus was not shown definitely to be present on Hokkaido. L. productus only in key & final discussion. L. hayashi & L. sakagamii are less abundant than L. niger.

    188. Yamauchi, K., K. Ito, et al. (1986). "Observations on the nuptial flights of the ant genus Lasius." Sci. Rep. Fac. Educ. Gifu Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 10: 1-11.

    189. Yamauchi, K., K. Kinomura, et al. (1981). "Sociobiological studies of the polygynic ant Lasius sakagamii. I. General features of its polydomous system." Insect. Soc. 28: 279-296.
      Other ants were collected in the sample area (except for L. fuliginosus), body length given in Table 1 (H. excoecata, S. lewisi, V. emeryi). Colony size L. fuliginosus, 50,000; L. niger, 7,618 & 71,000; L. sakagamii, 23,256 (range 67-500,000), unpublished data Table 7. L. niger is monogynous.

    190. Yamauchi, K., K. Kinomura, et al. (1982). "Sociobiological studies of the polygynic ant Lasius sakagamii. II. Production of colony members." Insect. Soc. 29: 166-174.

    191. Yamauchi, K., M. Ohguri, et al. (1984). "Electrophoretic patterns of esterase isozymes in 12 species of the ant genus Lasius. [in Japanese]." Gifu Daigaku Kyoikugakubu Kenkyu Hokoku, Shizen Kagaku 8: 9-18.
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